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• Contaminated runway: TOGA and configuration giving the
lowest speeds.

• Wind-shear conditions: TOGA and lowest flaps setting.

• High altitude or badly paved runway: Flexible thrust, and

preferably CONF2/CONF3.

• Other conditions,for all Airbus types, except A340-200/300:

Maximize flexible temperature, but consider a higher flaps
setting if it decreases the takeoff speeds, at the expense of
a few degrees of flexible temperature (For A340-500/600,
CONF3 is the best as well for flex as for tail clearance).

• The highest flaps setting when flexible temperature is well

! above Tref (~ 15°C above).

• Only one step of flap higher when flexible temperature is close

! to Tref.


Standard! (.78/ 300 kt.) .
Obstacle! (G dot speed).
Fixed! ! (ETOPS)! !

First steps:
Set...! ! MCT
Disconnect...! A/THR!
Select...! SPEED (for Strategy)
Select...! HDG (keep airway clear)
Select...! Open Descent (check ALT. in PROG page) - (Rate of Desc. controlled by Elevator).
(Jeppesen Emergency section)

“First, try to recover communication with ATC, try another FREQ., or an A/C to relay”. If no possible



(I) Maintain VMC conditions.

(II) Land at the nearest suitable airport.
(III) Contact ATC by any possible mean ASAP.

In IMC: (under Radar Control).

(I) Maintain last assigned speed and level, or minimum flight altitude if higher, for 7 min. (20 min. if No
Radar Control).
(II) Adjust level and speed in accordance with Flight Plan.
(III) If in Radar Vectors or Offset (RNAV route) without specified limit, rejoin original route.
(IV) Follow Flight Plan until designated NAV Aid. or FIX at destination aerodrome, HOLD there until
commencement of descent.
(V) Descent at, or as close as possible to ETA (If no expected approach time received).
(VI) Initiate Instrument approach from NAV Aid. or FIX. Land within 30 min. of ETA (if possible). Or last
acknowledged expected approach time, whichever is later.



! WX 1h before - 1h after ETA > Landing minima.


! WX 1h before - 1h after ETA > Planning minima. CAT II III (CAT I minimums), for CAT I ! (non-
precision app minimums), for Non-precision (non-precision minima + 200, Vis + ! 1.000 Mts.), for Circling
(Circling minimums).


! WX 1h before - 1h after ETA > Operating minima.

• NO Alternate required if:

1. Flight Time ≤ 6 hours. AND

2. TWO separate RWYs are available at destination airport. AND,

WX 1h before - 1h after ETA, Ceiling > 2.000 ft. or Circling Height + 500 ft. whichever is higher.
Visibility > 5 Km.

3. Or, destination is isolated (ie: an island), in this case Alternate fuel is replaced to fly for 2 hours over
destination airport.

• TWO (2) suitable destination alternate airport must be selected, WHEN:

At destination

1. WX 1h before - 1h after ETA < Planning minima. Or,

2. No WX info. available.
• BSCU fault during taxi! :
! !
With NWS problem, after! !
reset return to gate anyway.
taxi 10 kts!

• MEL after taxi out at airport:

! !
MEL not relevant but ! !
operational has priority (Brake inop, spoiler inop.).

• Instrument Tolerances:

On ground (Reference Point):

• PFD 1 & PFD 2 = + - 25 kts.

• ISIS & ADRs = + - 100 ft.
• STBY ALT. & ADRs = + - 300 ft.

• ADR 1 & ADR 2 = +- 20 Kts.

RVSM check:

• Airp. Alt. & ADRs = + - 75 ft.!


2 ADRs + 1 Transponder + 2 DMCs + 1 Auto Pilot + 2 PFDs + 1 FCU channel + 1 FWC.

• Tail strike pitch:

! ! ! ! !
11.7 compressed / 13.5 !extended. (Call out “Pitch” at 10º)
9.7 compressed / 11.2 extended. (Call out “Pitch” at 7,5º)

• Bounced landing:
! !
Light bounce:
Maintain pitch
Thrust idle

Strong bounce:
Maintain pitch
TOGA thrust
• Difference between TAT and SAT
(SAT = TAT minus Ram rise)

SAT is Static air temperature and is the true temperature of the air around an aircraft. TAT is Total Air
Temperature and this is what is measured by the aircraft sensor. When air hits a temperature sensor it
effectively stops and the kinetic energy in the air is turned into heat therefore at rest TAT and SAT are the
same but at speed TAT is always greater than SAT.
This relationship is a function of Mach number and the characteristics of the probe being used, therefore you
can calculate SAT if you know the speed of the aircraft and the probe factor (sometimes known as the
recovery factor).

• Low Vis. Operations:

Take off:
VIS ≤ 400 mts.


CAT 1: DH 200 ft. / RVR 550m

CAT 2: DH 100 ft. / RVR 300m (TDZ required).
CAT 3a (FMA CAT 3 single): DH 50 ft. / RVR 200m / 75*m / 75 m. (*125 if manual rollout). (TDZ + MID
mandatory, MID replace by RO if inop).
CAT 3b (FMA CAT 3 dual): NO DH / RVR 75m. (only 1 RVR required).

To continue below DH (CAT2 & CAT3a): 3 lights.

• Holding speeds:

ALT < 14.000 = 230 kt

ALT. 14.000 - 20.000 = 240 kt
ALT.> 20.000 = 265 kt

• WX lateral avoidance (VAC):

20 000 ft ! 10 NM
25 000 ft ! 15 NM
30 000 ft! 20 NM

• Number of First Aid Kit !

! ! ! !
A320 = 2
A321 = 3
7. Explain “Ground Speed Mini Function”? FCOM Bulletins (FCOM 3 tome 2).
Is active only with landing CONF. With APP FACE activated and Managed Speed is selected.

The purpose of the Ground Speed Mini function is to take advantage of the aircraft inertia,when the wind
conditions vary during the approach and the energy of the aircraft is maintained above a minimum level
ensuring standard aerodynamic margins over stall.

!"$%& '%()*' +%,-*& . )(/-#0 &!**0 1232

Common LR


$%& '%()*' = Max [ VAPP, VAPP + WIND DIFF ]

)& 1232 9:397;< =>? @773 5762375 <: ;87A73< <=7 %BC 7378DE 68:1 58:;;23D @7F:G >
12321H1 F7A7F 5H823D 623>F >;;8:>9=I $< 2? 3:< 52?;F>E75 <: <=7 987GI

+%!! J 4$#0 0$""

$%& '%()*'

NPA managed approach accuracy check

During NPA managed appr. accuracy low continue appr. (check accuracy lower then 1 Nm)
And check raw data

CAT2/3 F/O incapacitation

go around diversion versus continue and land

Break temperature limitation

150C Fan/300C no fan (300C is below Hydraulic flaming point)

Alpha Floor definition

From lift off to 100 ft landing (Flaps selected) speed goes to TOGA when angel of attack dropes below
Vprot in normal law

GS mini function (explain)

TAS-Tower wind= GS mini
Keeping min GS high energy during wind shear (Max Appr target Vfe-5)

Difference between FAC and FMGC Speed calculation

FMGC is fed by pilot, computer calculates speeds (FM) and (GW), the FACʼs take the dataʼs for the
characteristic speed on PFDʼs, after T/O FACʼS are calculating PFD speeds by aerodynamic method (speed
below 250Kts, 15000ft) and comparing FM values (check GW when great difference)

Minimum cabin crew required

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
A320/4 /
A321/5,!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! procedure
when one F/A sick at
outstation! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
call Vice
president! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Flight ops reduce PAX by
50! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Number of First Aid Kit ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Min/Max Acceleration Height! ! !
One eng out acceleration altidude clearing Obstacle covering Net climb Grad +0.8%
Min 400 ft (by authority) Vietnam Airlines 1000 ft or according RTOW charts
Max accel. height, Eng limitation TOGA 10 Min

F/O receives ATC Clearance without Cpt. in Cockpit


Speed margin on Speed restriction by ATC

10 Kts

Correct ATC phraseology during initial contact departure/approach

Call sign, leaving 1500 for 3000 ft and name of SID

Explain Dry check

Charts are compensated for max RTOW wet vs. Dry max RTOW (screen height 15 ft, reversers active, can
be higher then dry)
Not allowed by authority when wet is higher

Correction on RTOW charts, which correction first

Wet = wet correction, QNH correction, plus check Vmc min speeds and Vmu V2
Dry= only QNH correction

Definition of adequate and suitable airport


Approach climb gradient ! ! !

for CAT1 ! (2,1%)
CAT2/3 !(2,5%)

The 4 climb segments ! ! ! !

First: lift off, L/G up ,V2, 35ft SH
Second: 35ft to 400 ft! 2.4%
acceleration segment (net Grad
0.8%)! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
final climb segment 1.2% 1500ft!! ! ! ,
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Planning without alternate requirements
(FLT less than 6 hours, 2000 ft ceiling or circling + 500ft, 5km vis, 2 rwy with instrument approach)

Difference actual and landing distance required

(RLD equals 1,67 x ALD/wet RLF dry x by 1,15)

RNP requirements
VAC certified for RNP 10 and BRNAV RNP 5

The flight control laws (alternate law, direct law)

Table above

After change over from VHF frequency to HF frequency unable to contact control center. What do you do?

Explain Mach number !


Calculate 3 degrees slope

G/S x 5 = fpm (for 3º slope).

Definition of Tropo pause

(boundary between Troposphere and Stratosphere – 56.5 C)

Crew calls
Turbulence, Emerg Decent, Incap., prepared Emerg., etc

Tempo def. in TAF report

60 min

Evacuation standard
90 sec.

Crew incapacitation FOM 4.3/P 1! !

no reaction of crew member after two attempts, consider locking out side stick by pressing TAKE OVER

Wake turbulence time and distance

T/O H following M or L 2Min # Intersection
Appr H following M 5 Nm / L 6 Nm

Low visibility T/O

VIS < 400 m RVR
Airport LV operations in force.

Tail pipe fire procedures

QRH 2.2.3

Explain approach ban

Outer marker or 1000 ft magic line / before RVR min according charts / after continue appr even when RVR
is below min

Retard call outs manual and auto land

(20ft / 10ft)

Know all memory items !! !


Explain alert height ! ! ! !

fail operational A/C
continues below 100ft until ldg.
except auto land warning

What is MABH ! ! ! ! !
Minimum Approach Break off height 17ft A320/1
lowest height during missed Appr without touching of landing
gear! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Explain Data Lock?

700 ft FM accepts no entry (wind input, ILS)

400 FCU frozen

! ! ! ! ! !
HVN MSN 0590-0650

1. What is the difference between Max climb gradient and Max rate of climb?

By regulation the net flight path, which begins at 35 ft above the takeoff surface,
must clear all obstacles by 35 ft.

2. Define icing condition ? FOM 8.2.4/P 4

May be expected when the OAT ( on the ground and for take-off) or when TAT (in flight) is at or below 10ºC
and there is visible moisture in the air (such as clouds, fog with low visibility of one mile or less, rain, snow,
sleet, ice crystals) or standing water, slush, ice or snow is present on the taxiways or runways. (AFM
Wind info for ATIS, always in magnetic

METAR, TAF always in true

3. How do winglets work?

Wingtip devices are usually intended to improve the efficiency of fixed-wing aircraft.[1] There are several
types of wingtip devices, and though they function in different manners, the intended effect is always to
reduce the aircraft's drag by altering the airflow near the wingtips.
The winglet converts some of the otherwise-wasted energy in the wingtip vortex to an apparent thrust.
Winglets and wing fences also increase efficiency by reducing vortex interference with laminar airflow near
the tips of the wing,[3] by 'moving' the confluence of low-pressure (over wing) and high-pressure
(under wing) air away from the surface of the wing.

4. What is standard weight for Flight Crew/Cabin Crew used for balance sheet calculation?

Flight Crew (including baggage) = 90 kg.

Cabin Crew (including baggage) = 75 kg.

5. What are the minimum required climb gradient during the second segment and final segment (twin
engine A/C) ?

2nd segment Climb Gradient 2.4%

Final segment 1.2%

6. What is Flexible Takeoff ?

8. What does ATC clearance “…Behind the B747 on short final line up behind…” mean?

9. What is the difference between Decelerated approach and Stabilized approach in Non Precision

10.Explain “Dry check” on RTOW chart?

11. What is the difference between Transition Level and Transition Altitude?

12. What is VMCG?

VMCA = minimum control speed in flight at which the aircraft can be controlled with a maximum bank of 5º, if
one engine fails, the other engine remaining at take-off power(take-off flap setting, gear retracted).

VMCG = Minimum speed, on the ground during take-off, at which the aircraft can be controlled by only using
the primary flight controls, after a sudden failure of the critical engine (left eng.), the other engine remaining
at take-off power.

13. How to calculate the Required Landing Distance (For dry RWY and wet RWY)?

14. Introduce the Noise Abatement Procedure 1 ? In which cases or conditions NAP is not applied?

* NADP 1: alleviating close to the aerodrome:

- Take-off thrust (V2+10 to 20 kt.)

- Reduce power at or above 800 ft.
- Climb at V2+10 to 20 kt., maintain reduced power, maintain take-off config.
- Accelerate to climb speed, retract flaps on schedule.

* NADP 2: alleviating fare from the aerodrome:

- Take-off thrust (V2+10 to 20 kt.)

- Not below 800 ft. Accelerate to Green Dot speed.
- Climb at V2+10 to 20 kt., maintain reduced power, maintain take-off config.
- Accelerate to climb speed, retract flaps on schedule.

15. What is the minimum required approach climb gradient (twin engine A/C) ? …………
What is the minimum required approach climb gradient for CAT II/III approach?

Minimum Climb Gradient 2.1%

Minimum Climb Gradient CAT II/III 2.5%

16. Explain Dutch Roll ?

17. What are minimum number of First Aid Kit required for A320/321?
18. You were switched to Manila Radio (HF) from Taipei Control 3 minutes ago. You fail to contact
either Manila Radio or Taipei Control , what should you do next?

19. Define DA and MDA? FOM 01/P15

Decision altitude/height (DA/H) : A specified altitude or height (A/H) in the precision approach at which a
missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been
Note 1 : "Decision altitude (DA)" is referenced to mean sea level (MSL) and "decision height (DH)" is
referenced to the threshold elevation.
Note 2 : The "required visual reference" means that section of the visual aids or of the approach area which
should have been in view for sufficient time for the pilot to have made an assessment of the aircraft position
and rate of change of position, in relation to the desired flight path.

20.Give 6 actions to save fuel according to Fuel saving Program?

Lower flap for take-off (CONF 1+F).

Fly at Optimum fly level.
Reduce extra fuel, if not really need it.
Single Eng. taxi.
Avoid Reverse use, if not required.
Good descent planning, ideally idle thrust until 1000 ft.


In the recovery from a detected incapacitation of the handling pilot shall follow the sequence below.
(a)! The fit pilot must assume control and return the aircraft to a safe flight path.
(b)! The fit pilot must take whatever steps are possible to ensure that the incapacitated pilot cannot
interfere with the handling of the aircraft. These steps may include involving cabin crew and passengers to
restrain the incapacitated pilot.
(c)! The fit pilot must land the aircraft as soon as practicable to ensure safety of the occupants.
The ʻTwo Communicationʼ rule of thumb should be invoked to assist in detecting incapacitation. This states
that a flight crew member should suspect the onset of incapacitation any time when a pilot does not respond
appropriately to a second verbal communication associated with a significant deviation from a standard
operating procedure or flight profile.
For further information refer 8.3.14/P2
Succession of Command in Case of Incapacitation of the Commander
Succession of command shall be in accordance with the following: (a)!Flight Crew Composed of Two Pilots
The second pilot takes the authority over all persons on board the aircraft. (b)! Flight Crew Composed of
More Than Two Pilots
The second pilot takes the authority over all persons on board the aircraft until a more senior pilot (if any)
takes the authority after having been informed by the second pilot and having acknowledged the overall
If the commander cannot continue his command of the flight, the flight will not depart from the airport where it
has landed or, if occurring in flight, from the next airport where it lands, unless another suitable qualified
commander is included in the crew.
Approach ban
Policy regarding an approach ban may differ from country to country. Usually the final approach segment
may not be continued beyond the OM or equivalent DME distance if the reported RVR is below the published
minima for TDZ and MID transmissometers. After OM or equivalent, if RVR becomes lower than the minima,
the approach may be continued. Visual Approach Requirements

In VMC and within the circling area of an airport a visual approach may be conducted either as a straight-in
or circling approach provided this type of approach is cleared by ATC. To conduct a visual approach the
weather conditions must be better than a cloud base of 2,000 FT and a flight visibility of 10 Km. If at any time
during such an approach visual reference is lost, the visual approach must be terminated and a go-around
carried out and the appropriate instrument approach conducted. Stabilized Approach Requirements

Any significant deviation from the planned flight path, airspeed, or descent rate must be announced. The
decision to execute a go-around is no indication of poor performance. Note: A landing must not be attempted
from an unstable approach.
The final segment of a non-precision approach should be flown at a constant descent profile. All approaches
must be stabilised by 1,000 FT above airport elevation in IMC and 500 FT above airport elevation in VMC.

Mandatory Missed Approach FOM

On all instrument approaches an immediate missed approach must be carried out if any of the following
(a)! A navigation radio aid or flight instrument failure occurs that affects the ability to safely complete the
approach in !instrument conditions;
(b)! When on ILS final approach in IMC and either the localiser and/or the glideslope indicator indicates full
(c) ! When the navigation instruments show significant disagreement and visual contact with the runway
has not been ! established;
(d)! On a radar approach radio communication is lost;
(e)! On reaching the published operating minima the required visual contact is not established; or
(f)! If the required visual reference is lost after the minimum.

Use of Headset/boom microphone and Flight Deck Speakers

Pilots are required to use headsets and boom microphone for communication with ATC during critical phases
of flight, from engine start to top of climb and top of descent to engine shutdown. Flight deck speaker(s) may
be used during cruise.

Flight crew and cabin crew must share knowledge relating to flight operations, review individual
responsibilities, share personal concerns, and have a clear understanding of expectations.
Upon flight origination or whenever a crew change occurs, the commander will conduct a verbal briefing,
preferably with all the flight attendants. Regardless of time constraints, company policy is that the
commander must brief the purser. The briefing should cover the following items:
- Logbook discrepancies that may affect flight attendant responsibilities or passenger comfort (e.g., coffee
maker inop, broken seat backs, manual pressurization, etc.)
- Weather affecting the flight (e.g., turbulence !– including appropriate code levels, thunderstorms, weather
near minimums, etc.). Provide the time when the weather may be encountered rather than a distance or
location (e.g. !“ Turbulence can be expected approximately one hour after takeoff !”)
- Delays, unusual operations, non-routine operations (e.g., maintenance delays, ATC delays, re-routes, etc.)
-Shorter than normal taxi time or flight time which may affect preflight announcements or cabin service.
- Any other items that may affect the flight operation or in-flight service such as catering, fuel stops, armed
guards, etc.
- A review of the sterile flight deck policy, responsibility for PA announcements when the Fasten Seat Belt
sign is turned on during cruise, emergency evacuation commands, or any other items appropriate to the
- During the briefing, the commander should solicit feedback for operational concerns (e.g., does each
person understand the operation of the emergency exits and equipment). The commander should also solicit
feedback for information which may affect expected team roles. Empower each crewmember to take a
leadership role in ensuring all crewmembers are made aware of any potential item that might affect the flight
- During flight, the Purser will discreetly notify the flight crew in the event of suspicious activity security
breaches in the cabin by the quickest means
- The purser will inform the commander of any inoperative equipment and the number of flight attendants on
- The commander will inform the lead flight attendant when there are significant changes to the operation of
the flight after the briefing has been conducted.
Net flight path : FOM
It is a flight path determined for engine(s) failure case. It is established in such a manner that it represents
the actual climb performance diminished by a gradient of climb of:

+Take-off (one engine failure):! ! 0.8 % for two-engine aircraft

! ! ! ! ! 0.9 % for three-engine aircraft
! ! ! ! ! 1.0 % for four-engine aircraft

+En-route (one engine failure):! 1.1 % for two-engine aircraft

! ! ! ! ! 1.3 % for three-engine aircraft
! ! ! ! ! 1.4 % for four-engine aircraft

+En-route (two engine failure):! 0.3 % for three-engine aircraft

! ! ! ! ! 0.5 % for four-engine aircraft

Initial Approach Segment :

That segment of an instrument approach procedure between the initial approach fix and the intermediate
approach fix or, where applicable, the final approach fix or point.

Cross-checkrequired cockpit actions

It is Company policy that any actuation of a cockpit control(s) that is irreversible must be cross-checked and
verbal confirmation by two flight crew member (dual response) before actuation any critical aircraft system
control, including:
(a)! Engine thrust levers;
(b)! Fuel master or control switches;
(c)! Fire handle o.r switches
(d)! Engine fire extinguisher switches;
(e)! IDG/CSD disconnect switch.
It is Company policy that any critical crew actions must be cross-checked and confirmed, including:
(a)! Configuration changes (landing gear, wing flaps, speedbreakes) (b)! Heading, altitude, altimeter and
airspeed (bug) settings (c)! Transfer of controls of the aircraft
(d)! Changes to AFS/FMS and radio navigation aids during the departure or approach phases of flight
(e)Performance calculations or input, including AFS/FMS entries

RNP-5 (or RNP-4) based on radio navaid infrastructure

It is normally the responsibility of the airspace administration to support the required navigation performance
by providing the adequate navaid infrastructure. NOTAMs are expected to be published when a navaid
failure may affect the navigation performance on a given route.
(a) (b)
Aircraft Certification status The AFM will reflect the certification status of the particular aircraft type. Flight
Crew Information
The company shall collect in the national AIPs the routes and airspace vertical and lateral limits where RNP
capability and procedures are implemented.
Refer also to ICAO Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary procedures and to the information published by the
authority that administrated the specific airspace where flights are intended. Particular contingency
procedures in case of loss of RNP-X capability may also be published in above documents.FLIGHT
operating procedures
flight procedures
Navigation procedure
8.3.2 /P 27
Rev 21 01 Mar 07
In most cases, crew action will be to inform ATC, which may require the aircraft to leave the RNP airspace or
to use routes that are based on conventional radio navigation.
The company may have to complement its route manual or operations manual with the above information.
In order to inform the ATS in advance that the aircraft has the appropriate RNP capability, the letter “R” shall
be added in the box 10 of the ICAO ATC Flight Plan.
(c)! MEL repercussions
Specific MEL requirements for this kind of RNP airspace are normally already covered by the basic MMEL
and general operational requirements like VAR OPS 1.
(d)! Flight Crew Training and Operations Manual complement Additional information to complement
FCOM/OM data, is provided below. Loss of RNP-X capability
Normal FMS position monitoring with navaid raw data as described in FCOM/OM must be observed. Any
discrepancy, between navaid raw data and FMS position, with a magnitude of the order of the RNP-X value
shall be considered as a loss of RNP capability.
If RNP-X capability is lost the crew must advise the ATC, which may require the aircraft to leave the RNP
Conditions to enter the RNP airspace
RNP airspace can be entered only if the required equipment is operative.
Only one RNAV system is required to enter RNP airspace within radio navaid coverage, which means
basically for that the following equipment is operative:
1 FMS 1 IRS 1 (M)CDU 1 VOR 1 DME 2 ND with flight plan (or 2 EHSI) Navaid raw data on ND or DDRMI.
The expected RNP-X capability must be available. This is done in verifying that the conditions of RNP
capability loss (see above) are not present.
(e) Operational criteria for use of GPS stand-alone equipment in B-RNAV airspace
(i)! General Criteria
operating procedures
flight procedures
Navigation procedure
8.3.2 /P 28
Rev 21 01 Mar 07
Approved GPS stand-alone equipment may be used for the purposes of conducting Basic RNAV operations.
Such equipment should be operated in accordance with procedures acceptable to the Authority. The flight
crew should receive appropriate training for use of the GPS stand-alone equipment for the normal and
abnormal operating procedures detailed below :
(ii)! Normal Procedures
The procedures for the use of navigational equipment on Basic RNAV routes should include the following:
- During the pre-flight planning phase, the availability of GPS integrity (RAIM) should be confirmed for the
intended flight (route and time). Dispatch should not be made in the event of predicted continuous loss of
RAIM of more than 5 minutes for any part of the intended flight.
- Where a navigation data base is installed, the data base validity (current AIRAC cycle) should be checked
before the flight;
- Traditional navigation equipment (e.g. VOR, DME and ADF) should be selected to available aids so as to
allow immediate cross-checking or reversion in the event of loss of GPS navigation capability.
(iii) Abnormal Procedures in the event of loss of GPS navigation capability
- In the event of loss of the RAIM detection function, the GPS stand- alone equipment may continue to be
used for navigation. The flight crew should attempt to cross-check the aircraft position, where possible with
VOR, DME and NDB information, to confirm an acceptable level of navigation performance. Otherwise, the
flight crew should revert to an alternative means of navigation.
- In the event of exceedance of the alarm limit (erroneous position), the flight crew should revert to an
alternative means of navigation.
Operational Approval
The Airline national Authorities may by regulation leave to the Airlines the responsibility to comply with RNP
airspace requirements or may require a documented application for a formal operational approval.

RNP-10 in oceanic or remote areas

Aircraft Certification Status
The RNP-10 capability of aircraft without a GPS Primary Navigation System is limited in time since IRS/INS
ground alignment or since last radio update when leaving the radio navaid coverage.
This time limitation is based on an assumed 1.6 NM/h drift rate (cross track or along track equivalent drift
rate) with 95 % probability of IRSs or INSs installed on aircraft.FLIGHT OPERATIONS MANUAL
operating procedures
flight procedures
Navigation procedure
8.3.2 /P 29
Rev 21 01 Mar 07
Therefore, a 6.2-hour limitation is normally accepted for RNP-10, starting from IRS/INS ground alignment.
For aircraft equipped with FMS it is more advantageous to define a time limitation since last FMS position
radio update, but in this case the effect of the radio update accuracy on the time limit must be assessed.
Considering that VOR/DME updating will occur first, and taking into account the time limit reduction of FAA
order 8400.12A §12,e, the time limit to maintain RNP-10 capability since last FMS radio update will be 5.7
hours (6.2h-0.5h=5.7h).
(b)! Flight Crew Information
The Airlines shall collect in the national AIPs the routes and airspace vertical and lateral limits where RNP
capability and procedures are implemented.
Refer also to ICAO Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary procedures and to the information published by the
authority that administrated the specific airspace where flights are intended. Particular contingency
procedures in case of loss of RNP-X capability may also be published in above documents.
In order to inform the ATS in advance that the aircraft has the appropriate RNP capability, the letter “R” shall
be added in the box 10 of the ICAO ATC Flight Plan.
(c)! Determination of time limitation for aircraft without GPS PRIMARY
If the navigation system has time limitation since last radio update the operator must define which routes are
in compliance with this limitation. For that purpose the wind en route shall be taken into consideration.
A calculation can be performed for each flight but the operator may elect to make only one calculation, taking
into account the statistical wind on the route with 75 % probability.
(d)! MEL repercussions
The MEL requirements for operations within oceanic and remote areas impose two navigation systems,
which means basically 2 FMS, 2 (M)CDU, 2 IRS and 2 ND.! The Airlines should review their MEL to
include the specific requirement of a particular RNP-10 airspace.
(e)! Flight Crew Training and Operations Manual complement
The use of the RNAV system is integrated in the Airbus, Boeing, Fokker Type Rating Flight Crew training
Additional information, which can be used by the airlines to complement to FCOM/OM data, is given here
below .
%! Loss of RNP-X capability
Normal FMS position monitoring with navaid raw data as described in FCOM or Operations Manual must be
observed as long as the aircraft is still within radio navaid coverage. Any discrepancy, between navaid raw
data and FMS
operating procedures
flight procedures
Navigation procedure
8.3.2 /P 30
Rev 21 01 Mar 07
position, with a magnitude of the order of the RNP-X value shall be considered as a loss of RNP capability.
The RNP-10 capability is maintained as long as flight time in IRS ONLY has not exceeded 5.7 hours (5.2
hours with INS) or a duration acceptable to the authorities.
If RNP-X capability is lost the crew must advise the ATC, which may require the aircraft to leave the RNP
Conditions to enter the RNP airspace
RNP airspace can be entered only if the required equipment is operative.
In most cases two navigation systems must be operative before entering the RNP-10 airspace which means:
2 FMS 2 (M)CDU 2 IRS 2 ND (or 2 INS and 2 EHSI)
The expected RNP-X capability must be available. This is done in verifying that the conditions of RNP
capability loss (see above) are not present.
For aircraft without GPS, before leaving radio navaid coverage, the FMS navigation accuracy must be
Operating procedures
Flight planning
During flight planning, the flight crew should pay particular attentions to conditions which may affect
operations in RNP-10 airspace (or on RNP-10 routes). These include, but may not be limited to:
- Verifying that the aircraft is approved for RNP-10 operations;
- That the RNP-10 time limit has been accounted for ;
- Verify that the letter “R” is annotated in Block 10 (Equipment) of the ICAO Flight Plan;
operating procedures
flight procedures
Navigation procedure
8.3.2 /P 31
Rev 21 01 Mar 07
Preflight procedures at the aircraft for each flight : The following actions should be completed during
En route -
Review maintenance logs and forms to ascertain the conditions of equipment required for flight in RNP-10
airspace or on an RNP-10 route. Ensure the maintenance action has been taken to correct defects to
required equipment.
During the external inspection of aircraft, particular attention should be paid to the condition of navigation
antenna and the condition of the fuselage skin in the vicinity of each of these antenna (this check may be
accomplished by a qualified and authorized person other than the pilot, e.g., a flight engineer or maintenance
Emergency procedures for operations in RNP-10 airspace or on RNP-10 routes are no different than normal
oceanic emergency procedures with one exception, crews must be able to recognize and ATC advised when
the aircraft is no longer able to navigate to its RNP-10 approval capability.
At least, two Long Range Navigation systems capable of navigating to the RNP should be operational at the
oceanic entry point. If this is not the case, then the pilot should consider an alternate routing which does not
require that equipment or diverting for repairs.
Before entering oceanic airspace, the aircraftʼs position should be checked as accurately as possible by
using external navigation aids (navaids). This may require distance measuring equipment DME/DME and/or
DME/VHF omnidirectional (VOR) checks to determine navigation system errors through displayed and actual
positions. If the system is updated , the proper procedures should be followed with the aid of a prepared
Mandatory cross checking procedures should be performed to identify navigation errors in sufficient time to
prevent aircraft from inadvertent deviation from ATC cleared routes.
Crews shall advise ATC of any deterioration or failure of the navigation equipment below the navigation
performance requirements or of any deviations required for a contingency procedure.
(f)! Operational approval
The Airline national Authorities may by regulation leave to the Airlines the responsibility to comply with RNP
airspace requirements or may require a documented application for a formal operational approval.

Avoiding thunderstorms
(a)! General rule
Never regard a thunderstorm lightly. Avoiding thunderstorms is the best policy:
Don't land or takeoff in the face of an approaching thunderstorm. Turbulence wind reversal or windshear could cause loss of
Don't attempt to fly under a thunderstorm even if you can see through to the other side. Turbulence and wind shear under the
storm could be disastrous.
Don't fly without airborne radar into a cloud mass containing scattered embedded thunderstorms. Scattered thunderstorms not
embedded usually can be visually circumnavigated.
Don't trust the visual appearance to be a reliable indicator of the turbulence inside a thunderstorm.
Do avoid by at least 20 NM any thunderstorm identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo. This is especially true under
the anvil of large cumulonimbus.
Do circumnavigate the entire area if the area has 6/10 thunderstorm coverage.
Do remember that vivid and frequent lightning indicates the probability of a severe thunderstorm.
Do regard as extremely hazardous any thunderstorm with tops 35,000 feet or higher whether the top is visually sighted or
determined by radar.FLIGHT OPERATIONS MANUAL

(b)! Departure and arrival

When significant thunderstorm activity is approaching within 15 NM of the airport, the commander should consider conducting the
departure or arrival from different direction or delaying the take-off or landing. Use all available information for this judgment,
including pireps, ground radar, aircraft radar, tower reported winds, and visual observations. In the terminal area thunderstorms
should be avoided by no less than 3 NM. Many ATC radars are specifically designed to reduce or exclude returns from "weather"
and in these cases little or no assistance can be given by ATC.
It is recommended that any guidance given by ATC should be used in conjunction with the aircraft own weather radar, in order to
guard against possible inaccuracies in the ground radars interpretation of the relative severity of different parts of a storm area.
Any discrepancies should be reported to ATC.
Gust fronts in advance of a thunderstorm frequently contain high winds and strong vertical and horizontal wind shears, capable of
causing an upset near the ground. A gust front can affect an approach corridor or runway without affecting other areas of the
airport; Under such conditions, tower-reported winds and the altimeter setting could be misleading.
Microbursts may also accompany thunderstorms. 2 NM or less in diameter, microbursts are violent short-lived descending
columns of air capable of producing horizontal winds sometimes exceeding 60 kt within 150 ft of the ground. Microbursts
commonly last one to five minutes and may emanate from high-based cumulus clouds accompanied by little or no precipitation, or
may be associated with large cumulonimbus buildups and be accompanied by heavy rainfall. Because of their relatively small
diameter, airport anemometers and low level windshear alert systems may not sense this phenomenon in time to provide an
adequate warning of nearby microburst activity. (Refer to FCOM/OM for windshear procedures).

(c) ! En-route
Refer to FCOM/OM "Weather avoidance - Optimum use of weather radar" Overflight
Avoid overflying thunderstorms unless a minimum of 5000 ft clearance above the storm top is ensured. When possible, detour
between the storm cells of a squall line rather than directly above them. Keep the radar antenna tilted down during overflight to
properly assess the most severe cells, which may be masked by clouds formations.

Lateral avoidance
At altitudes above the freezing level, supercooled rain and hail may indicated as only weak radar echoes, which can mask
extreme thunderstorm intensity. Avoid weak radar echoes associated with thunderstorms by the following minimum distances:

20 000 ft ! 10 NM
25 000 ft ! 15 NM
30 000 ft! 20 NM

Flight near thunderstorms

If flight closer than the minimum recommended distances is unavoidable, observe the following precaution:
When it is necessary to fly parallel to a line of cells, the safest path is on the upwind side (the side away from the direction of
storm travel). Although severe turbulence and hail can be encountered in any direction outside a thunderstorm, strong drafts and
hail are more often encountered outside the body of the cell on the downwind side.
Avoid flight under the anvil. The greatest possibility of encountering hail is downwind of the cell, where hail falls from the anvil or
is tossed out from the side of the storm. Hail has been encountered as much as 20 NM downwind from large thunderstorms.
Avoid cirrus and cirrostratus layers downwind from the storm tops. Such layer may be formed by cumulonimbus tops and may
contain hail, even though the radar scope shows little or no return echoes.
If ATC requirements make flight into unsafe conditions imminent, the commander should request a change of routing and if
necessary use his emergency authority to avoid the severe weather conditions.
Any flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms carries the risk of a sudden onset of moderate or severe turbulence.

Thunderstorm penetration
If thunderstorm penetration is unavoidable, the following guidelines will reduce the possibility of entering the worst areas of
turbulence and hail:
. Use the radar to determine the areas of least precipitation. Select a course affording a relatively straight path through the storm.
Echoes appearing hooked, finger-like, or scalloped indicate areas of extreme turbulence, hail and possibly tornadoes, and must
be avoided.

Penetrate perpendicular to the thunderstorm line, if not possible maintain the original heading. Once inside the cell, continue
ahead, a straight course through the storm most likely get the aircraft out of the hazards most quickly. The likelihood of an upset
is greatly increased when a turn is attempted in severe turbulence and turning manoeuvres increase the stress on the aircraft.
Pressure changes may be encountered in strong drafts and may conduct to an altitude error of 1000 ft.
. Gyro-stabilized instruments supply the only accurate flight instrument indications.
. Avoid level near the 0°C isotherm. The greatest probability of severe turbulence and lightning strikes exist near the freezing
. Generally the altitudes between 10 000 ft and 20 000 ft encompass the more severe turbulence, hail, and icing conditions,
although violent weather may be encountered at all level inside and outside an active thunderstorm.
. Due to very high concentration of water, massive water ingestion can occur which could result in engine flameout and/or
structural failure of one or more engines. Changes in thrust should be minimized.

Operational procedures
If is not possible to avoid flying through or near to a thunderstorm, the following procedures and techniques are recommended :
· Approaching the thunderstorm area ensure that crew members' safety belts are firmly fastened and secure any loose articles.
· Switch on the SEAT BELT signs and make sure that all passengers are securely strapped in and that loose equipment (eg cabin
trolleys and galley containers) are firmly secured. Pilots (particularly of long bodied aircraft) should remember that the effect of
turbulence is normally worse in the rear of the aircraft that on the flight deck.
· One pilot should fly the aircraft and control aircraft attitude regardless of all else and the other monitor the flight instruments
· Height for penetration must be selected bearing in mind the importance of insuring adequate terrain clearance. Due to
turbulence, wind shear, local pressure variations the maintenance of a safe flight path can be difficult.
· The recommended FCOM/OM speed for flight in turbulence must be observed and the position of the adjusted trim must be
. The auto-pilot should be engaged. The auto-pilot is likely to produce lower structural loads and smaller oscillations that would
result from manual flight. The auto-thrust should be disconnected to avoid unnecessary and frequent thrust variations.

· Checktheoperationofallanti-icingequipmentandoperateallthesesystemsin accordance with FCOM/OM instructions As icing can

be very rapid at any altitude.
· Flight crew must apply or be prepared to apply the FCOM/OM procedures: "Operations in or near to heavy rain, hail or sleet",
and "Operation in windshear/downburst conditions".
· Turnthecockpitlightingfullyontominimisetheblindingeffectoflightning.
· Continue monitoring the weather radar in order to identify the safest path. Tilt the antenna up and down occasionally to detect
thunderstorm activity at altitudes other than that being flown.

Every aircraft in flight generates wake turbulence caused primarily by a pair of counter rotating vortices trailing from the wing tips.
Wake turbulence generated from heavy aircraft, even from those fitted with wing tip fences, can create potentially serious hazards
to following aircraft. For instance, vortices generated in the wake of large aircraft can impose rolling movements exceeding the
counter-roll capability of small aircraft.
Turbulence encountered during approach or take off may be due to wake turbulence. Aircraft are categorised for wake turbulence
in accordance with the following: Aircraft turbulence categorisation:
- (H) Heavy:MTOW! 136000 kg - (M) Medium: 7000 kg < MTOW < 136000 kg - (L) Light:!MTOW! 7000 kg
Wake turbulence separation minima given below define a minimum separation time between two aircraft during take off and
landing to cope with wake turbulence:

Arriving aircraft:
- Medium behind Heavy aircraft : 2 minutes - Light behind Medium or Heavy aircraft : 3 minutes

Departing aircraft:
The minimum separation time is 2 minutes (or 3 minutes if take off is from an intermediate part of the runway) for a Light or
Medium aircraft behind a Heavy aircraft or for a Light aircraft behind a Medium aircraft. Two parallel runways have no influence
each others if they are separated by more than 760 m (2500 ft) and if the flight path of the second aircraft does not cross the flight
path of the preceding aircraft by less than 300 m (1000 ft).

Departing and landing in opposite direction:

The minimum separation time is 2 minutes

To avoid distractions to the flight deck crew during high workload periods the following restrictions apply to cabin to flight deck
(a)! Interphone contact with the flight deck is prohibited from after the PA announcement from the flight deck “Cabin crew,
seated for takeoff” until the SEAT BELT sign is switched OFF and from five (5) minutes after the PA announcement from the
flight deck “Cabin crew prepare for landing” and the SEAT BELT sign is switched ON, until after landing.
(b)! If an emergency situation develops during takeoff or landing the cabin crew member shall advise the commander by
interphone immediately then advise purser.
The sterile flight deck phase is cancelled following a rejected takeoff or a landing that does not appear normal once the aircraft
has come to a complete stop.


Incapacitation of a crewmember is defined as any condition which affects the health of a crew member during the performance
of duties which renders him/her incapable of performing the assigned duties.
Incapacitation is a real air safety hazard. Incapacitation can occur in many forms varying from obvious sudden death to subtle,
partial loss of function. It occurs in all age groups and during all phases of flight.
If cabin crew incapacitation occurs, they will be removed from duty and deal with it as the same situation like passenger
incapacitation in Recognition
Flight crew members should have a high degree of awareness for subtle incapacitation which may be recognised by the
If a flight crew member does not respond appropriately to two verbal communications, particularly standard calls during critical
phases of flight.
If a flight crew member does not respond to a verbal communication associated with a significant deviation from a standard
flight profile.
If during routine monitoring and cross-checking of flight instruments, particularly during critical phases of flight, such as take off,
climb out, descent, approach, landing and go-around there is a significant deviation from the standard flight profile.
If you don't feel well, say so and let the other pilot fly. Action
In the event of a suspected pilot incapacitation the pilot in control should make a PA announcement as follows:
“Cockpit speaking, Purser required in the cockpit”
The Purser, assisted if necessary by another cabin crew member, will proceed as follows:
(a)! Pull the incapacitated pilot upright against the seat back to move him away from the controls, with one arm against his
(b)! Check that the seat belt is secure and lock the shoulder harness; (c)Lower the seat and move rearward and sideways;
(d) (e)
Fully recline the seat; Place the incapacitated pilotʼs wrists under the shoulder harness to prevent sudden grabbing for the
controls when consciousness returns. If oxygen is required, loosen collar and necktie, place the mask over the
pilotʼs face and administer oxygen. The pilot in control may require a cabin crew member to read out the cockpit check list from
the appropriate QRH.

The pilot in control will indicate the section of the check list to be read and will brief on the use of the following hand signals:
Thumbs up! Commence reading
Raised open hand! Stop: Re-commence reading at the point of interruption when the “thumbs up” signal is given again.
The cabin crew member will read the first item on the check list and wait for the pilot in control hand signal to continue to the
next item.

Flight crew must coordinate with maintenance personnel to reset a circuit breaker on the ground and their reset actions must
comply with the FCOM/OM procedures. A tripped circuit breaker should not be reset in flight unless doing so is consistent with
explicit procedures specified in the FCOM/OM/QRH or in the judgment of the commander, resetting the circuit breaker is
necessary for the safe completion of the flight.
A tripped circuit breaker should not be reset in flight unless doing so is consistent with explicit procedures specified in the
FCOM/OM/QRH or in the judgment of the commander, resetting the circuit breaker is necessary for the safe completion of the
If Multiple Failures of Redundant Systems occur, the
flight controls revert to Alternate Law.
The ECAM displays the message: ALTN LAW: PROT LOST
The ground mode is identical to Normal Law.
• In pitch alternate law the flight mode is a
load factor demand law similar to the Normal
Law flight mode, with reduced protections.
• Pitch alternate law degrades to pitch direct
law when the landing gear is extended to
provide feel for flare and landing, since there
is no flare mode when pitch normal law is
• Automatic pitch trim and yaw damping (with
limited authority) is available.
• Turn coordination is lost.
• When pitch law degrades from normal law,
roll degrades to Direct Law - roll rate
depends on airspeed.
• All protections except for load factor
maneuvering protection are lost.
• The load factor limitation is similar to to that
under Normal Law.
• Amber XX's replace the green = attitude
limits on the PFD.
• A low speed stability function replaces the
normal angle-of-attack protection

o System introduces a progressive

nose down command which
attempts to prevent the speed
from decaying further.
o This command CAN be overridden
by sidestick input.
o The airplane CAN be stalled in
Alternate Law.
o An audio stall warning consisting of
"crickets" and a "STALL" aural
message is activated.
ons o The Alpha Floor function is

• The PFD airspeed scale is modified:

o VLS remains displayed

o They are replaced by a red and
black barber pole, the top
indicating the stall warning speed
• A nose up command is introduced any time
the airplane exceeds VMO/MMO to keep the
speed from increasing further, which CAN be
overridden by the sidestick.
• Bank angle protection is lost.
• Certain failures cause the system to revert
to Alternate Law without speed stability.
• Yaw damping is lost if the fault is a triple
ADR failure.


Abnormal Alternate Law is activated if the airplane enters
an unusual attitude, allowing recovery from the unusual
• Pitch law becomes Alternate (without autotrim or
protection other than Load Factor protection).
• Roll law becomes Direct law with mechanical yaw
• After recovery from the unusual attitude, the following
laws are active for the remainder of the flight:

o Pitch: Alternate law without protections and

with autotrim.
o Roll: Direct law
o Yaw: Alternate law
• There is no reversion to Direct law when the landing
gear is extended.
Direct law is the lowest level of computer flight control
and occurs with certain multiple failures.

• Pilot control inputs are transmitted unmodified to the

control surfaces, providing a direct relationship
between sidestick and control surface.
• Control sensitivity depends on airspeed and NO
autotrimming is available.
• An amber message USE MAN PITCH TRIM appears on
the PFD.
• If the flight controls degrade to Alternate Law, Direct
Law automatically becomes active when the landing
gear is extended if no autopilots are engaged. If an
autopilot is engaged, the airplane will remain in
Alternate Law until the autopilot is disconnected.
• There are no protections provided in Direct Law,
however overspeed and stall aural warnings are
• The PFD airspeed scale remains the same as in
Alternate Law.
In case of a complete loss of electrical flight control
signals, the aircraft can be temporarily controlled by
mechanical mode.

• Pitch control is achieved through the horizontal

stabilizer by using the manual trim wheel.
• Lateral control is accomplished using the rudder pedals.
• Both controls require hydraulic power.
• A red MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY warning appears on
the PFD.


High AOA Load Factor Pitch Attitude

Protection Limitation Protection


High Speed Bank Angle
Protection Protection
n (Yaw)
Normal operating configuration of the system. Failure of any single computer does
not affect normal law.
Covers 3-axis control, flight envelope protection, and load alleviation. Has 3 modes
according to phase of flight.
• Active when aircraft is on the ground.
• Direct proportional relationship between the sidestick deflection and
Ground deflection of the flight controls.
Mode • Is active until shortly after liftoff.
• After touchdown, ground mode is reactivated and resets the stabilizer
trim to zero.
• Becomes active shortly after takeoff and remains active until shortly
before touchdown.
• Sidestick deflection and load factor imposed on the aircraft are directly
proportional, regardless of airspeed.
• With sidestick neutral and wings level, system maintains a 1 g load in
• No requirement to change pitch trim for changes in airspeed,
configuration, or bank up to 33 degrees.
Flight • At full aft/fwd sidestick deflection system maintains maximum load factor
Mode for flap position.
• Sidestick roll input commands a roll rate request.
• Roll rate is independent of airspeed.
• A given sidestick deflection always results in the same roll rate response.
• Turn coordination and yaw damping are computed by the ELACs and
transmitted to the FACs.
• No rudder pedal feedback for the yaw damping and turn coordination
• Transition to flare mode occurs at 50' RA during landing.
• System memorizes pitch attitude at 50' and begins to progressively
reduce pitch, forcing pilot to flare the aircraft
• In the event of a go-around, transition to flight mode occurs again at 50'
Load factor Limitation

• Prevents pilot from overstressing the aircraft even if full sidestick

deflections are applied.

Attitude Protection
• Pitch limited to 30 deg up, 15 deg down, and 67 deg of bank.
• These limits are indicated by green = signs on the PFD.
• Bank angles in excess of 33 deg require constant sidestick input.
• If input is released the aircraft returns to and maintains 33 deg of bank.

High Angle of Attack Protection (alpha):

• When alpha exceeds alpha prot, elevator control switches to alpha
Protections protection mode in which angle of attack is proportional to sidestick
• Alpha max will not be exceeded even if the pilot applies full aft deflection

High Speed Protection:

• Prevents exceeding VMO or MMO by introducing a pitch up load factor
• The pilot can NOT override the pitch up command.

Low Energy Warning:

• Available in CONF 2,3, or FULL between 100' and 2,000' RA when TOGA
not selected.
• Produces aural "SPEED SPEED SPEED" when change in flight path alone
is insufficient to regain a positive flight path (Thrust must be increased).

Low Speed Load Factor

Stability Limitation

High Speed

Load Factor


Speed Stability



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