Vita e Pensiero - Pubblicazioni Dell'università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore Aegyptus

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A fragment of Xenophon's Symposium viii, 6-9

Author(s): H. J. M. Milne
Source: Aegyptus, Anno 4, No. 1/2 (Maggio 1923), pp. 41-42
Published by: Vita e Pensiero – Pubblicazioni dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
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Accessed: 02-04-2020 21:15 UTC

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A fragment of Xenophon s Symposium viii, 6-9

1891 the British Museum has possessed unreco-

gnized a fragment of the Symposium of Xenophon
which presents several points of interest. In the first
place it belongs to the same roll as P. Giessen I. 1,
and secondly it maintains the reputation of that ms. by providing
the solution of a longstanding difficulty (v. col. ii 11. 10, 11) while
effecting other improvements in the text. Not but what mistake too
occur, cf. col. i 1. 1. The fragment bears the inventory number 184
and measures 15 XI 1.5 cm. The upper portion of two columns
is preserved along with a wide upper margin of 7.5 cm. The
lower margin in the Oiessen papyrus measures 8.5-9 cm. These
generous dimensions, combined with the narrowness of the columns
(4.5 cm.) and the beauty of the angular uncial hand, give the ef-
fect of an édition-de-luxe. Between this fragment and the Giessen
papyrus three complete columns have disappeared. A transcript
of the present papyrus has already been published in Archiv H,
p. 368 no. 125, but the identification of the author has made im-
proved readings possible. The text of the Oxford edition (Marchant)
has been used. The date of the papvrus in 2-3 century.

Col. i.

/.at <p]spto ф'Ашо; •

ÒíWi] vip Ы'Г' ТО V


5 е::£ь]&У] xai sttív

où ф]чх^ ^V Z'J-
[лорфЦа; tyj; s-
[XTj; otti y s f/.]r,v

<jxj ¿> KaXkíy. spx]i;

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42 H. J. M. MILNE

Col. ii.

VOU átXkoi 7TÃ<7[tV


vou а(ла pwfAYjv

те xat >tapTep[t]av
5 àv&pet'av xaí
(7û>[<p]po<juvy)v • то Se
toioutwv è-

7Tt(b[Aetv те-
x^ptóv è(TTt
10 xat T?jç tou epw-
toç (púdew;* et [p..èv
ouv [¡льа èdTtv 'A

Col. i 1. 1 Kai oteo after *at <pép<*> codd. ; 1. 4 Space demands

aTcoxJpÚTTTco^ev : xpu^Tcopiev codd. ;
Col. ii 1. 3 aaa: omitt. codd.; 11. 9, 10 farri ла1: so A. Ha; 11. 10, 11
ïpwToç : codd. èpcof/ivou, a scribal error caused by the proximity
of [/iv ouv' Edd. èpwvToç, but the sequel proceeds to describe
the nature of Love, not the Lover.

H. J. M. Milne.

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