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Notes on ATG v13.2 Last Update: 14.09.

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Notes from Oleksiy:

MWF are main days, the other three are optional for people who have time and want better results.
Back Squat percentages are from the Clean and Jerk, that's why there is 100% Back Squat for a triple a
Squats: down slowly, up fast.
Snatch push press + overhead squat: shaking is ok, overhead squat is slow with a 2 second pause at th
Press in Clean: jerk grip press from the clean bottom position. If flexibility is not good enough, do seated
“for technique” means use less weight, do slowly, and technique is the main goal.
Jumps: box jumps starting in a full squat.
Snatch + Hang Snatch: don’t put the bar down on the platform before hang snatches, use straps.
The pull percentages are from snatch and clean&jerk, not max pulls.
For Squats Oleksiy originally wrote percentages from clean and jerk, but later figured out that many peo
big difference between squats and cleans. So now you have to enter your squat 1RM at the top.

Best Snatch: 100

Best C&J: 100
Best Squat: 100
Best Front Squat: 100

Week 1 Monday
Back Extensions 15-20 x10 x3-4
Muscle Snatch X x6 x2
(into full squat, X x5 x2
without the second pull) X x4 x2-3
Clean 50x3 x2
60x3 x3
70x3 x4
Clean Pull (straps) 60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80x3 x3
85x3 x3
Front Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
Abs !!!
Good Mornings X x8 x2
X + 10% x6 x2
Snatch Balance + OverheadX x3+3 x2
X x3+3 x2
Press in Clean Bottom PosiX x6 x4
40x3 x4
Clean & Jerk (for technique40-50 x3+3 x5
Jumps X x8 x4
Abs !!!

Week 2 Monday
Back Extensions X x6 x3
Power Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x4
Snatch Pull (high) 60x3 x2
60x3 x1
75-80x3 x3
Clean 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x4
Back Squat 70x3 x2
80x3 x3

Good Mornings X x10 x4
Snatch Balance + warm up x3+3
2 Overhead Squats 40x3+2 x4
Muscle Snatch warm up x3+3
40x3 x4
BTN Press with Jerk Grip inX x6-8 x3
Week 3 Monday
Back Extensions X x10 x2
Muscle Snatch + X x3+3+3 x2
Snatch Balance + 40-50x2+2+2 x4
Overhead Squat
Snatch pull 50x3 x2
(or from blocks) 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x2 x3
Clean + Hang Clean 50x1+2 x2
60x1+2 x2
70x1+2 x3
Front Squat 50x3 x1
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80-85x2 x2-3

Good Mornings X x10 x3
Snatch w/ medium 50-60x3 x4
Grip (Technique)
Medium Grip Deadlift 70-80x3 x4
Jumps x10 x2
Abs x10 x2

Week 4 Monday
Back Extensions X x10 x2
This time Monday Wednesday
Friday and Saturday are the main

Difficulty is 8-9/12 (the previous Snatch Push Press +

weeks were 7-8) Overhead Squat 50x3+2 x2
60x3+2 x2
Snatch Push Press +
Overhead Squat

70x2+2 x2
Power Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x3
Clean + 50x2+2+2 x2
Front Squat + 60x2+2+2 x2
Jerk 70x2+2+2 x1
Front Squat 50x3 x1
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80-85x3 x2

Good Mornings X x10 x3
Push Press 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
Clean Pull + 50x3 x2
Hang Clean Pull 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
Jumps x10 x2
Abs x10 x2

Week 5 Monday
Back Extensions X x10 x4
Main days: Monday Wednesday
Friday Saturday
Muscle Snatch
Difficulty 9/12
X x6 x2
40-50x4 x4
Snatch Grip 50x4 x2
Push Press 60x4 x3
70x3 x3
Clean & Jerk 50x2+2 x2
Clean & Jerk
60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x4
Back Squat 50x3 x1
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x2 x3

Good Mornings
Snatch for Technique 50x4 x6
Hang Clean 50x3 x5
Abs x10 x2
Jumps x10 x2

Week 6 Monday
Good Mornings X x10 x4
Main days: Monday Wednesday
Friday Saturday
Difficulty 9/12 Power Snatch
50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x4
Snatch pull + 50x1+3 x2
Hang Snatch Pull 60x1+3 x2
For Squats Oleksiy originally wrote
percentages from clean and jerk,
but later figured out that many
people have big difference between
squats and cleans. So now you
have to enter your squat 1RM at the
70x1+3 x2
80x1+3 x4
Front Squat + Jerk 50x2+3 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x1+2 x3
75x1+2 x2
Front Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80-85x3 x4

Back Extensions 20-30x10 x3
Muscle Snatch X x4 x6
(from full Squat)
BTN Press 20-30 x6 x4
Jumps x4 x6
Abs x15 x2

Week 7 Monday
Good Mornings X x10 x3
Main days: Monday Wednesday
Friday Saturday
Difficulty 7-8/12
Muscle Snatch X x6 x1
(into full squat) X + 10% x4-5 x4
Snatch Balance + 50x3+3 x2
Overhead Squat 60x3+3 x2
70x3+3 x3
Snatch High Pulls ≤50x6 x6
from blocks
(starts at knee level)
Paused Back Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80x3 x3
Back Extensions x8 x4
Power Snatch 50x2 x5-7
Push Press 50x4 x2
60x4 x3
Abs x15 x2
Jumps x10 x2

Week 8 Monday
Good Mornings X x10 x3 (max 50%)
Main days: MWF
Secondary days: Tuesday Thursday
Difficulty: 9/12
Snatch Push Press + 50x3+3+3 x2
Snatch Balance + 60x2+2+2 x2
Snatch 70x2+2+1 x2
Power Snatch 50x3 x2
60x2 x2
65x2 x2
70x2 x2
Snatch Pull 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x2 x3
Rack Jerk + 50x2+2 x2
Front Squat 60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2

Hang Snatch X x4 x3
(go 50 %) X+10% x3 x2
X+20% x3 x3
Clean + X x2+2+2
Front Squat + X+10% x2+1+2
Jerk (for technique)
Abs x10 x3
Jumps x8 x4
Week 9 Monday
Back Extensions x10 x3
Muscle Snatch X x5 x2
X +10% x5 x4
Snatch High Pull 50x4 x2
Video 60x3 x2
70x3 x3
Power Snatch 50x3 x2
60x2 x2
70x2 x5
Front Squat + 50x2+2 x2
Jerk 60x2+2 x2
70x1+2 x5

Good Mornings X x10 x4
High Hang Snatch 50x3 x3
60x3 x3
Push Press 50x3 x2
60x3 x4
70x2 x2
Abs x10 x4
Jumps x10 x3
Week 10 Monday
Back Extensions X (20-30) x10 x3
Snatch Balance + 50x3+2 x2
Overhead Squats 60x2+2 x2
70x2+1 x3
Hang Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70-75x3 x3-4
Clean from 50x3 x2
Deficit 60x3 x2
65-70x3 x3-4
Front Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80x2 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x2
Muscle Snatch 40x5 x3
50x4 x3
Snatch Push Press 50x4 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x3-4
Abs x10 x3
Jumps x10 x3

Week 11 Monday
Good Mornings X x10 x3
Muscle Snatch 40x4 x2
50x4 x3
Power Snatch 50x2 x2
60x2 x2
65-70x2 x2
Snatch Pull + 50x3 x1
Hang Snatch Pull 60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80x2 x2
90x2 x1
Rack Jerk 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x2
75-80x1 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x3
Power Jerk 50x4 x2
60x4 x2
Clean & Jerk 40 x2+2 x6
(for technique)
Box Jumps

Week 12 Monday
Back Extensions X (20-40) x6 x4
Snatch Balance + 50x3+2 x2
Overhead Squat 60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2
High Hang Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x4
Snatch Pull 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
85x3 x2
90x3 x1
95x3 x2
Back Squat 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
85x2 x2

Good Mornings (20-50) x10 x3
Push Press 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
Clean Pull + 70x3 x2
Hang Clean Pull 80-85x3 x3-4
Box Jumps x10 x4
Abs x10 x4

Week 13 Monday
Good Mornings 20-30 x10 x3
Power Snatch 60x3 x2
65x3 x1
70-75x2 x3
Snatch Pull 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
85x2 x1
90x1 x2
Clean + 60x2+2+2 x2
Front Squat + 65x2+2+2 x2
Jerk 70x2+2+2 x2
Front Squat 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
75x3 x1
80x2 x3
Back Extensions X x10 x3
Power Jerk 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x4
Snatch (for technique) ≤50x3 x6
Box Jumps x10 x4
Abs x10 x4
who have time and want better results.
why there is 100% Back Squat for a triple at the end.

d squat is slow with a 2 second pause at the bottom.

. If flexibility is not good enough, do seated overhead press instead.
que is the main goal.

m before hang snatches, use straps.

x pulls.
nd jerk, but later figured out that many people have
o enter your squat 1RM at the top.

Notation: Weight x Reps x Sets

"X" means choose a weight yourself

Back Extensions 20-30 x6-8 x3
Snatch 60x2 x2
65x2 x2
70x2 x2
75x2 x3
Rack Jerk 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
65x3 x3
Snatch Pull 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
75x3 x1
80x3 x3
Back Squat 60x3 x1
70x3 x1
80x3 x2
85x3 x1
90x2 x2-3
Abs !!!

Good Mornings X x10 x2
X +10% x8 x2
Snatch + Hang Snatch 40-50x4 x5-6
Snatch High Pull 50-60x3 x4-5
Snatch Grip BTN Press X x5 x5
Jumps X x6 x4
Abs !!!

Back Extensions X x10 x2
Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x2
75x2 x2
80x2 x2
Rack Jerk + Front Squat 50x3+3 x2
60x3+3 x1
70x2+2 x2
80x2+2 x4
Front Squat 70x3 x1
80x3 x1
90x3 x3

Good Mornings X x10 x4
Snatch for technique 40x4 x6
Clean & Jerk for technique 40x2+2 x6
Snatch Pull 60x3 x4
Back Extensions X x10 x2
Snatch + 70x1+1 x2
Hang Snatch 75x1+1 x2
80x1+1 x2
85-90x1+1 x2
Rack Jerk 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70-75x2 x4
Back Squat 50x4 x1
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80x3 x2
90x2 x4

Good Mornings X x10 x3
Snatch Gr BTN Press + X x6+3 x5
Overhead Squat
Clean & Jerk for technique 40-50x3+3 x5
Jumps x10 x2
Abs x10 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x2

Snatch +
Hang Snatch
50x1+2 x2
60x1+2 x1
70x1+2 x2
75x1+1 x2
80x1+1 x2
Snatch Pull + 60x1+2 x2
Snatch Pull from Hang 70x1+2 x2
80x1+2 x2
90x1+2 x2
Rack Jerk 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x2 x2
Back Squat Paused 50x4 x2
60x4 x2
70x3 x2
80x3 x2

Good Mornings X x10 x3
Snatch w/ medium X x4
Grip 40-50x4 x4
Clean & Jerk for technique X x4 x2
40-50x4 x4
Jumps x10 x2
Abs x10 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x3

Snatch High Pull

X x4 x2
50x4 x3
60x4 x4
Hang Snatch 50x3 x2
(above the knees) 60x3 x2
70x3 x1
75x2 x3
Front Squat + Jerk 50x2+3 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x1+2 x4
Front Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x1
80x3 x2

Good Mornings
Snatch w/ medium 50x4 x6
Snatch Balance 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x4
Hang Snatch

50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
75-80x3 x2
Hang Clean 50x3 x2

60x3 x2
70x3 x5
Clean Pull + 50x1+3 x2
Hang Clean Pull 60x1+3 x1
70x1+2 x2
80x1+2 x2
90x1+2 x2
Back Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
90x3 x2

Back Extensions 20-30x10 x3
Press in Clean 20-30x6 x4
Clean & Jerk 40-50x2+1 x2
Abs x4 x6
Jumps x15 x2

Good Mornings X x10 x3-4

Clean + Front Squat + 50x2+2+2 x3

Jerk 60x2+2+2 x2
70x2+2+2 x2-3
Clean Pull + 50x1+2 x2
Hang Clean Pull 60x1+2 x1
70x1+2 x2
80x1+2 x1
90x1+1 x3
Front Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80x3 x4-5
Back Extensions X x10 x3
Clean & Jerk (for technique) ≤50 x2+2 x6
Snatch High Pull 50x5 x3
60x4 x4
Abs x10 x2
Jumps x7 x4

Good Mornings X x6 x4 (max 50%)

Clean 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
65x3 x2
70x3 x1
75x2 x3
High Hang Snatch X x5 x3
(max 50%) X+10% x4 x2
X+20% x2 x4
Clean Pull 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
85x3 x3
Back Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x1
80x2 x2
90-100x1 x1

Hang Snatch (tech) X x3 x6
Push Press 50x3 x2
60x2 x2
70x1 x1
Abs x15 x3
Jumps x8 x2
Back Extensions x8 x3
Snatch + Hang Snatch 50x1+2 x2
60x1+2 x2
70x1+2 x5
Snatch High Pull 50x4 x6
Clean 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80x2 x3
90x2 x2
95x1 x1
Back Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x2 x3
90x2 x2
95x1 x1

Back Extensions X
Snatch Balance 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
75x3 x1
80x2 x1
Clean & Jerk 50x2+2 x6
Abs x15 x3
Jumps x8 x2
Good Mornings X x6 x4-5
High Hang Snatch 50x3 x3
60x3 x1
70x2 x5
Snatch Pull 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
90x2 x2
Front Squat + Jerk 50x2+2 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2
80x1+2 x2
Back Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x3
80x3 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x2
Power Jerk 50x4 x3
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
Clean & Jerk ≤50 x2+2 x5-6
(for technique)
Clean & Jerk 50x2+2 x6
Abs x10 x3
Jumps x10 x3

Back Extensions X (20-30) x8 x3
High Hang Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
65-70x2 x3
Clean & Jerk 50x3 x2
2+1 / 1+1 60x3 x2
70x3 x1
75x3 x2
80x2 x2
85x2 x2
Clean Pull 50x3 x1
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x3 x2
100x2 x1
110x1 x1
Front Squat 50x3 x1
60x3 x2
70x3 x3
80x2 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x3
Muscle Snatch 40x5 x6
Hang Snatch 40x3 x2
50x3 x2
60x2 x3
Abs x10 x3
Jumps x10 x3

Back Extensions (20-30) x10 x4
Hang Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
75-80x2 x3-4
Front Squat + Jerk 50x2+2 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2
75x1+2 x2
80x1+2 x2
Box Jumps
Good Mornings (20-50) x8 x3
Snatch 40-50x3-4 x4
Clean & Jerk 40-50 x4 x4
(for technique)
60x2 x3
Box Jumps x10 x4
Abs x10 x4

Good Mornings 20-40 x6 x4
High Hang Snatch 60x3 x2
65x3 x2
70x2 x4
Snatch Push Press+ 60x2+2 x1
Overhead Squat 65x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x1
75x2+1 x2
80x1+1 x1
85x1 x1
Rack Jerk 60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
85x2 x2
90x1 x1
Back Squat 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
85x2 x2
90x1 x1
Back Extensions X x10 x3
Clean & Jerk ≤50 x2+2 x6
(for technique)
Hang Snatch 50x3 x2
60x2 x4
Box Jumps x10 x4
Abs x10 x4
Back Extensions 15-20kg x8 x3
Power Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x3
Clean & Jerk 50x2+2 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2
80x2+1 x1
Clean Pull + 70x3 x2
Hang Clean Pull 80-85x3 x3-4
Abs !!!
Good Mornings 20-30kg x6-10 x4
Push Press 50x4 x2
60x3 x1
Front Squat 60x4 x2
70x3 x2
80-85x3 x2
Jumps X x8 x5
Abs !!!

Back Extensions X x6-8 x2
Snatch from Hang below k 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
Clean & Jerk 50x3+3 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2
80x2+1 or 1+2
Clean Pull 70x3 x1
80x3 x1
90x3 x3

Good Mornings X x10 x4
Snatch, full 50x3 x6
Push Press 50x4 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x3
Back Squat 60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x3 x2
95-100x3 x1

Back Extensions X x10 x2
Power Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x2 x4
Clean & Jerk 50x2+2 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2
80x2+1 x2
85-90x1+1 x1
Clean Pull 70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90-95x3 x4

Good Mornings X x10 x3
Push Press 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
65-70x3 x4
Front Squat 60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80-85x3 x4
Jumps x10 x2
Abs x10 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x2

Muscle Snatch 40x4 x4

Hang Snatch 50x3 x2
(above the knees) 60x3 x2
70x2 x3
Clean & Jerk 50x2+2 x2
60x2+2 x2
70x2+1 or 1+2
80x2+1 or 1+2
Clean Pull 70x3 x1
80x3 x2
90x3 x1
100x2 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x3
Snatch Balance + X x4 x2
Overhead Squat 50x3+2 x2
60x3+2 x1
Snatch for Technique X x4 x2
40-50x4 x4
Back Squat 70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x3 x2
100x2 x2
105x1 x1
Jumps x10 x2

Back Extensions X x10 x2

Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80x2 x2
85x1 x2
90x1 x1
Clean & Jerk 50x2+1 x2
60x2+1 x2
70x2+1 x2
80x1+1 x1
85x1+1 x2
90x1+1 x1

Good Mornings
Push Press 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
Hang Clean 50x3 x6
Clean Pull 70x3 x2
80x3 x2
90-95x2 x3

Back Extensions X x10 x4

Snatch Balance + 50x3+2 x2

Overhead Squat 60x3+2 x2
70x2+1 x2
75x2+1 x2
Muscle Snatch X x4 x3

(into full squat) 40-50x3 x4

Clean + Front Squat + 50x2+2+2 x2
Jerk 60x2+2+2 x2
70x2+2+2 x3
Back Extensions 20-30x10 x3
Push Press 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x4
Front Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x3 x2
Abs x4 x6
Jumps x15 x2

Good Mornings X x10 x3

Snatch +
Hang Snatch 50x2+1 x2
60x1+1 x2
70x1+1 x2
80x1+1 x2
85x1+1 x1
Snatch Pull 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x3 x3
Clean 50x3 x3
without moving feet 60x3 x3-4
Back Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x1
90x3 x2
100x2 x1
Back Extensions 20-30x10 x3
for technique
Snatch Grip BTN 40x4 x6
Push Press X x5 x5
Abs x10 x2

Good Mornings X x6 x3 (Max 50%)

50x3 x2
60x2 x2
70x2 x2
75x2 x1
80x2 x2
85x1 x1 ▲
Clean & Jerk 50x2+2 x2
60x2+2 x2
65x2+2 x2
70x2+1 x2
75x1+1 x2
80x1+1 x2 ▲

Back Extensions x15 x3
Medium Grip Deadlift 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x2-3
Back Squat 50x3 x1
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80x2 x3
90x2 x1
100x1 x1 ▲
Jumps x8 x2

Good Mornings X x10 x2
X+10 x10 x2
Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80x3 x4
90x2 x1
Clean + 50x2+2+2 x2
Front Squat + 60x2+1+2 x2
Jerk 70x2+1+2 x4
Clean Pull 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x1
80x3 x4
90x2 x1

Back Extensions x15 x3
Snatch 50x4 x6
Push Press 50x4 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x4
80x2 x1
Front Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
85x2 x1
Jumps x10 x4
Abs x10 x4
Back Extensions X (20-30) x10 x3
Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x3
75x2 x1
80x2 x2
Clean + 50x2+2+2 x2
Front Squat + 60x2+2+2 x2
Jerk 70x2+1+2 / 1+1+2 x3
Clean Pull 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
90x3 x2
Jumps x10 x3

Good Mornings X x10 x3
Snatch Balance + 50x2+2 x2
Overhead Squat 60x2+2 x2
70x2+2 x2
75x2+1 x1
Snatch 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x2 x2
75x2 x2
80x1 x1
85x1 x2
90x1 x1
95x1 x1
Clean 50x3 x2
60x3 x2
70x2 x4
Back Squat 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x2 x1
85x2 x2
90x2 x1
90x1 x1

Back Extensions (20-30) x6 x4
Muscle Snatch ≤50x4 x4
Clean 50x3 x2
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
75x2 x2
80x2 x2
85x2 x2
Clean Pull 50x3 x1
60x3 x1
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
85x3 x1
90x3 x2
95x3 x1
Back Squat 60x3 x2
70x3 x2
80x3 x2
90x2 x1
95x1 x1

Good Mornings 20-40 x6 x4
Clean 60x3 x2
65x3 x1
70x2 x4
75x2 x2
Snatch 60x3 x2
65x2 x1
70x2 x2
75x2 x1
80x2 x2
85x1 x2
90x1 x1
Snatch Pull 60x1
medium grip 70x1
means 2 Cleans + 2 Jerks, do this twice
▲ means you can increase the weight for singles if you want to.

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