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Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich

Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics

Unit Length: 20 classes

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Outcomes: Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge.

Students will:
G.L.O 1: Investigate the nature of light and vision; and describe the role of invention, explanation and inquiry in developing our current knowledge.
G.L.O 2: Investigate the transmission of light, and describe its behaviour using a geometric ray model.
G.L.O 3: Investigate and explain the science of image formation and vision, and interpret related technologies.

Understandings (big picture/ideas): Inquiry and Daily Essential Questions:

● The colours we see are the light waves that are emitted by that ● Topic 1 Question: What is light and how does it travel?
object. (All objects are like light sponges that take up all of the o What are the important historical discoveries in light and
colour wavelengths in the spectrum, except for the wavelength of vision?
colour we see). o How does light interact with different materials?
● The invention of microscopes and telescopes has had a large impact o How do you draw the path of light?
on how much we know about the world around us. o What is a rainbow? How do they form?
● Light travels in a straight line until something obstructs its path,
and we can draw this line of travel using the geometric ray model. ● Topic 2 Question: How is an eye similar or different from an optical
● Our eyes and cameras work in similar ways device?
o What happens to light when you are wearing glasses?
o How is your eye similar to a camera?
o What does the inside of a cow eye look like?
o How are animal eyes different than human eyes? Why might
this be important for those animals?
o How do microscopes and telescopes work? Why are these
optical devices important to our world?
o What technology exists that can improve human eye sight?
o How far has image storage come? Where is it going?

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Prior understandings… Where does this lead?

STS and Knowledge: STS and Knowledge:

● Grade 4: Topic D - Light and Shadows ● Biology 30: Unit A (Nervous and Endocrine Systems)
○ 4–9 Identify sources of light, describe the interaction of light with ○ 30–A1.4k
different materials, and infer the pathway of a light beam.

Skills: Skills:
* Check Grade 7 Skills Outcomes. Slight changes to SLOs compared to ● The Skills GLOs are consistent from Grade 7 to 9. The specific
Grade 8. examples of how to demonstrate these Skills are in italics in the POS.
● 6–1 Design and carry out an investigation in which variables are
identified and controlled, and that provides a fair test of the question
being investigated.
● 6–2 Recognize the importance of accuracy in observation and
measurement; and apply suitable methods to record, compile, interpret
and evaluate observations and measurements.
● 6–3 Design and carry out an investigation of a practical problem, and
develop a possible solution.

Attitudes: Attitudes:
● 6–4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the ● Grade 9 - GLO 1: Interest in Science
application of science in responsible ways. ○ Students will be encouraged to: Show interest in science-related
questions and issues, and confidently pursue personal interests and
career possibilities within science-related fields.

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Specific Outcomes (STS and Knowledge):

Students will be able to…

STS 1.1 - Identify challenges in explaining the nature of light and vision

STS 1.2 - Investigate the development of microscopes, telescopes and other optical devices; and describe how these developments contributed to the
study of light and other areas of science

STS 1.3 - Investigate light beams and optical devices, and identify phenomena that provide evidence of the nature of light

STS 2.1 - Investigate how light is reflected, transmitted and absorbed by different materials; and describe differences in the optical properties of various

STS 2.2 - Measure and predict angles of reflection.

STS 2.3 - Investigate, measure and describe the refraction of light through different materials

STS 2.4 - Investigate materials used in optical technologies; and predict the effects of changes in their design, alignment or composition

STS 3.1 - Demonstrate the formation of real images, using a double convex lens, and predict the effects of changes in the lens position on the size and
location of images

STS 3.2 - Demonstrate and explain the use of microscopes; and describe, in general terms, the function of eyeglasses, binoculars and telescopes

STS 3.3 - Explain how objects are seen by the eye, and compare eyes with cameras

STS 3.4 - Compare the function and design of the mammalian eye with that of other vertebrates and invertebrates

STS 3.5 - Investigate and describe the development of new technologies to enhance human vision

STS 3.6 - Investigate and interpret emerging technologies for storing and transmitting images in digital form

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Skill Outcomes (focus on scientific inquiry)

Initiating and Planning

Students will:
Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions
• identify questions to investigate (e.g., ask about the role of eyeglasses in improving vision)
• define and delimit questions to facilitate investigation (e.g., rephrase a question, such as: “Is plastic the best material to use in eyeglasses?” to become “Which
material refracts light the most?”)
• design an experiment, and identify the major variables
• state a prediction and a hypothesis based on background information or an observed pattern of events (e.g., predict the effect of dissolved materials on the refraction of
light in a liquid)
• formulate operational definitions of major variables and other aspects of their investigations (e.g., operationally define “refraction” and “beam of light”)

Performing and Recording

Students will:
Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data
• carry out procedures, controlling the major variables
• observe and record data, and prepare simple line drawings (e.g., prepare a drawing of the path of a light beam toward and away from a mirror)
• use instruments effectively and accurately for collecting data (e.g., measure angles of reflection; use a light sensor to measure light intensity)
• organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment (e.g., demonstrate use of a database or spreadsheet for organizing information)
• use tools and apparatus safely (e.g., use lasers only in ways that do not create a risk of light entering anyone’s eyes)

Analyzing and Interpreting

Students will:
Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations
• predict the value of a variable by interpolating or extrapolating from graphical data (e.g., predict the angle of a refracted beam of light)
• identify strengths and weaknesses of different ways of collecting and displaying data (e.g.,
evaluate different approaches to testing a lens)
• state a conclusion, based on experimental data, and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial idea (e.g., write a conclusion on the effect of dissolved
materials on the refraction of light through water)
• identify new questions and problems that arise from what was learned (e.g., ask questions about new technologies for improving human vision and about the principles
on which these technologies are based)

Communication and Teamwork

Students will:
Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results
• receive, understand and act on the ideas of others (e.g., act on the suggestions of others in testing and manipulating various lens combinations)
• recommend an appropriate way of summarizing and interpreting their findings (e.g., prepare a drawing and description of an improvised optical device)

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Attitude Outcomes:
Students will be encourage to...

Interest in Science
Students will be encouraged to:
Show interest in science-related questions and issues, and pursue personal interests and career possibilities within science-related fields (e.g., choose to
investigate challenging topics; seek information from a variety of sources; express interest in science- and technology-related careers)

Mutual Respect
Students will be encouraged to:
Appreciate that scientific understanding evolves from the interaction of ideas involving people with different views and backgrounds (e.g., show
awareness of and respect for the research, care and craftsmanship involved in developing means to enhance human vision)

Scientific Inquiry
Students will be encouraged to:
Seek and apply evidence when evaluating alternative approaches to investigations, problems and issues (e.g., ask questions to clarify meaning or confirm
their understanding; take the time to accurately gather evidence and use instruments carefully; consider observations and ideas from a number of
sources during investigations and before drawing conclusions)

Students will be encouraged to:
Work collaboratively in carrying out investigations and in generating and evaluating ideas (e.g., choose a variety of strategies, such as active listening,
paraphrasing and questioning, in order to understand other points of view; consider alternative ideas and interpretations suggested by members of the

Students will be encouraged to:
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsibility in pursuing a balance between the needs of humans and a sustainable environment (e.g., recognize that light
can contribute to light pollution)

Students will be encouraged to:
Show concern for safety in planning, carrying out and reviewing activities (e.g., select safe methods in using optical devices; readily alter a procedure to
ensure the safety of members of the group)

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Topic 1: What is light and how does it travel?

G.L.O 1: Investigate the nature of light and vision; and describe the role of invention, explanation and inquiry in developing our current knowledge.
STS 1.1 - Identify challenges in explaining the nature of light and vision
G.L.O 2: Investigate the transmission of light, and describe its behaviour using a geometric ray model.
STS 2.1 - Investigate how light is reflected, transmitted and absorbed by different materials; and describe differences in the optical properties of
various materials
STS 2.2 - Measure and predict angles of reflection.
STS 2.3 - Investigate, measure and describe the refraction of light through different materials

Topic 2: How is an eye similar or different from an optical device?

G.L.O 1: Investigate the nature of light and vision; and describe the role of invention, explanation and inquiry in developing our current knowledge.
STS 1.2 - Investigate the development of microscopes, telescopes and other optical devices; and describe how these developments contributed to
the study of light and other areas of science
STS 1.3 - Investigate light beams and optical devices, and identify phenomena that provide evidence of the nature of light
G.L.O 2: Investigate the transmission of light, and describe its behaviour using a geometric ray model.
STS 2.4 - Investigate materials used in optical technologies; and predict the effects of changes in their design, alignment or composition
G.L.O 3: Investigate and explain the science of image formation and vision, and interpret related technologies.
STS 3.1 - Demonstrate the formation of real images, using a double convex lens, and predict the effects of changes in the lens position on the size
and location of images
STS 3.2 - Demonstrate and explain the use of microscopes; and describe, in general terms, the function of eyeglasses, binoculars and telescopes
STS 3.3 - Explain how objects are seen by the eye, and compare eyes with cameras
STS 3.4 - Compare the function and design of the mammalian eye with that of other vertebrates and invertebrates
STS 3.5 - Investigate and describe the development of new technologies to enhance human vision
STS 3.6 - Investigate and interpret emerging technologies for storing and transmitting images in digital form

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Stage 2: Assessments
Research Homework Photon Self- Pinhole Literature Class
In-class Refraction Mini
Mission Light Eye ball camera jeopardy/
assignments Worksheets worksheet quizzes assess Study with Unit
Title Exit Slips - History of light (HS)
for homework Impossible tank lab dissection
activity Kahoot/Unit
- Future of Sight (FoS) - When light (In-class - Quiz 1 their mini lab report written Review Test
- Digital Image Storage strikes (WLS) *work habit
worksheet) (In-class - Quiz 2 in class (In class
(DIS) marks* project) quiz 1/2 activity) response Activity
(Formative/ F F S S F S S F S S F S F S

Weighting - - 10% 5% - 10% (7.5% - 10% 15% - 10% - 25%

Topic 1: What is light and how does it travel?

STS 1.1 - Identify
challenges in explaining
the nature of light and
vision X X - HS X - WLS X - LWS1 X X-1 X-1 X X


STS 2.1 - Investigate how

light is reflected,
transmitted and absorbed
by different materials; and
describe differences in the
optical properties of X X - WLS X - LWS1 X X-1 X-1 X X
various materials

Analyze and Understand/


STS 2.2 - Measure and

predict angles of reflection
X X - LWS1 X X-1 X-1 X X

STS 2.3 - Investigate,

measure and describe the
refraction of light through
different materials
X X - LWS2 X X-1 X-1 X X X

Analyze and Understand/


EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Topic 2: How is an eye similar or different from an optical device?

STS 1.2 - Investigate the
development of
microscopes, telescopes
and other optical devices;
and describe how these
developments contributed
X X-M X-2 X-2 X X
to the study of light and
other areas of science

Analyze and Understand/


STS 1.3 - Investigate light

beams and optical devices,
and identify phenomena
that provide evidence of
the nature of light X X-M X-2 X-2 X X

Analyze and Understand/


STS 2.4 - Investigate

materials used in optical
technologies; and predict
the effects of changes in
their design, alignment or X X-M X-2 X-2 X X

Analyze and Evaluate

STS 3.1 - Demonstrate the

formation of real images,
using a double convex
lens, and predict the
effects of changes in the
X X - LWS3 X-2 X-2 X X
lens position on the size
and location of images

Apply and Evalute

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

STS 3.2 - Demonstrate and

explain the use of
microscopes; and describe,
in general terms, the
function of eyeglasses,
X X-M X-2 X-2 X X
binoculars and telescopes

Apply, Understand, and


STS 3.3 - Explain how

objects are seen by the
eye, and compare eyes X - Pin Hole
with cameras X camera work X-2 X-2 X X X X
sheet will be


STS 3.4 - Compare the

function and design of the
mammalian eye with that
of other vertebrates and
X X-2 X-2 X X X X


STS 3.5 - Investigate and

describe the development
of new technologies to
enhance human vision
X X - FoS X X

Analyze and Understand/


STS 3.6 - Investigate and

interpret emerging
technologies for storing
and transmitting images in
digital form

Analyze and Understand

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Observation of process: Anything a teacher might observe students doing or might ask them to do (list is very long).
Conversation: Hearing/reading what they record about their learning.
Collection of products: projects, assignments, notebooks, and tests.

Assessment Cognitive
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR/OF/AS Engagement
Learning (Taxonomy)
Students will receive a pre-printed half sheet of paper that includes 1-3 questions
for that day’s Exit Slip. Students will answer these questions individually and hand
it in on their way out of class. This is so that I can gain insight into student
understanding and/or confusion.
“For” Remember &
Exit Slips Conversation
Formative Understand
Example questions: What concept do you feel confident in from today’s class?
What part of today’s class was confusing? Using your knowledge from today’s
class, label the ray diagram given to you on the exit slip. Measure the angles of
reflection and incidence.
- History of light (HS), Future of Sight (FoS), Digital Image Storage (DIS)

These “fill in the blanks” research note pages are intended to break up the type of
learning students are doing by allowing them a chance to seek out the information
Research for themselves using their text book and the internet. These sheets will work as “For” Remember &
worksheets notes to study for future tests and to ensure fairness of all students, we will review Formative Understand
the information they have collected as a class prior to the end of the lesson. This
will allow me to collect some conversational formative assessment by having the
students report their learning to me, but will also ensure that all students have the
same information which will function to ensure student success in summative tasks.

When light strikes (WLS) - In-class assignment Remember,

In-class “Of” Collection of understand,
assignments This worksheet covers the first few lessons of content. It is an easy way to assess Summative products apply,
student learning in a controlled setting and using low stakes. analyze

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Students will be summatively assessed on the completion of the questions assigned

to them from the textbook or the worksheets handed out by the teacher. Students
will be given class time to work on the questions, but anything not completed will
Homework “Of” Collection of
be taken as homework. Understand
checks * Summative products
* Calgary Catholic School Board awards work habit marks to students for
completing their homework and coming to class prepared.
Work sheet supplied by my TA that addresses the refraction concepts learned in

This worksheet will be complete in class on the same day as the Photon Mission
Refraction Impossible. Due to class sizes and resources limitations around the number of “For” Collection of Remember &
worksheet mirrors and flashlights necessary for the Photon Mission Impossible, I needed to Formative products understand
plan a second activity that half the class could do while the first half of the class
was doing the Photon Mission Impossible. The goal of this worksheet is to
formatively assess the student’s understanding of refraction to date as this concept
is newer to them at this point in the unit.
Short in-class performance-type task designed to practically assess the student’s
understanding of the properties of light (specifically, light travels in straight lines
and light can be reflected). For this assignment, pairs of students will use mirrors to
direct the beam of light coming from the flashlight placed at one corner of the table
onto a target at another corner of the table. They must demonstrate their
understanding of the properties of light in their set up of their course. Students will
be graded on a) their written description detailing why their course works and what
properties of light it demonstrates, b) correct scientific diagrams used to draw their Remember,
Photon Mission course, and c) the sophistication of the design of their course overall (see rubric on “Of” understand,
and Collection
Impossible task). Summative apply,
of products
Students will be allowed to work in groups of 2-3 to design and draw their course
during class time. They will be given the option to take their written description
home for homework to be completed individually.

Differentiation: Allowing all students to choose their partners and allowing

exceptional students to choose if they will respond verbally (as a voice recording to
be submitted via flip grid) or in writing.

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

Following the conclusion of topic 1 students will take Mini-Quiz 1 which will
include key concepts covered in this topic. Mini-Quiz 2 will test key concepts from
topic 2. The quizzes will be made up of multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in Conversation
“Of” understand,
Quizzes 1 & 2 the blanks, and short answer questions. and Collection
Summative apply,
of products
Accomodation: students who require it will receive extra time or a quiet room to
complete the unit test.
Following handing back each quiz we will have class time dedicated to going over
the quiz. There will be an opportunity for bonus marks to be gained back for
incorrect answers by students verbally or in writing. Student will describe what
Self-assess Quiz mistakes or misunderstandings they had during the quiz and how they have learned/ “For”
Conversation Understand
1/2 corrected their understanding since going over the quiz. Formative

Differentiation: Allowing students to choose if they will respond verbally or in

writing to receive bonus marks.
Using a large fish tank full of chalky water, I can give students a hands on
demonstration of refraction of light through different medias.

Following the demonstration, students will reflect on how and why these
Observation, Remember,
phenomena occur. Using the Refraction worksheet (described above) as support to
Light tank lab in “Of” Conversation understand,
build their learning from, students will do a written or verbal/video response (using
class Summative and Collection apply,
FlipGrid) describing what light phenomena they are observing and what evidence
of products analyze
they are using to support their theory.
I have planned a cow eye dissection if my TA is able to secure enough eyes for
students in two classes. Students will complete a lab report of the eye dissection to
be marked. Remember,
Eye ball Observation
“Of” understand,
dissection lab and Collection
If we are unable to secure enough eyes, the below website has a filmed cow eye Summative apply,
report of products
dissection that students could watch and record notes on. analyze

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

This video and simulation from Khan Academy shows a brilliant description of
how the first Pin-Hole cameras worked. It allows for a very simple break down of
the complicated process of image formation by cameras and also lends itself to Observation
Pinhole camera “For” understand,
draw a parallel between cameras and the human eye. and Collection
activity Formative apply,
of products
Literature Study:
Students will rotate through stations reading the books in small groups and taking short
notes on a provided worksheet that will be used during a short written response to the
activity. The purpose is to expose students to the differences between human eyesight and
different animals eyesight. The 3rd book is a book on the history and life of the 10th/11th
century Muslim scientist who discovered how humans see. It details his discovery of how
human eye sight works and the experiments he conducted.

1 - The Queen’s Shadow: A Story About How Animals See by Cybèle Young
A picture book describing a story of how the Queen lost her shadow. The key connection to
the curriculum is the short description of the eyesight of each animal at the party (which ties
into that animals defence from the story). As a picture book, it is a lower reading level
making it accessible for LEAD and LSP students in the classroom.
Literature Study 2 - They All Saw A Cat by Brendan Wenzel
“Of” Conversation Remember &
with written A picture book illustrating the differences in sight between a number of animals as they
observe a cat. It nicely illustrates how different bugs see as well (a bee sees through the Summative and Collection understand
compound eye and a worm ‘sees’ through vibrations in the dirt around it). As a picture of products
book, it is a lower reading level making it accessible for LEAD and LSP students in the

3- Ibn al-Haytham: The Man Who Discovered How We See by Libby Romero
A book written in the National Geographic KIDS series. It is about the Muslim Scientist
who first accurately described how humans see. It is a lower reading level making it
accessible for LEAD and LSP students in the classroom.

The written response will be aimed at having students reflect on a) what they learned about
the differences between human eye sight and animal eye sight (to fulfill the outcome), and
b) how the use of picture books impacted their learning experience in the science classroom;
Did it improve their learning experience? Did they like it or dislike it? Why or why not? (to
develop their metacognitive skills).

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Unit Assessment Plan - by Andie Gingrich
Subject: Science 8 - Unit C: Light and Optics
Unit Length: 20 classes

The class will be divided into groups to play Jeopardy (or some type of review
Class Jeopardy/
game) with questions relating to the topics covered in over the course of this unit. Conversation
Kahoot quiz/ “For” Remember &
This will act as a review before the Unit test to help students and the teacher and
Unit review Formative understand
determine understanding of topics as well as misunderstandings of topics which can Observation
then be addressed as a class.
Students will take a whole class period to complete a unit test to show individual
understanding of the Light and Optics unit and the outcomes covered in class.
Outcomes that involved higher level thinking (from Bloom’s taxonomy) will be Remember,
tested a multitude of times using a combination of matching, multiple choice, true understand,
“Of” Collection of
Unit Test and false, short answer and one long answer question. This allows for higher apply,
Summative Products
reliability and validity of assessment results. analyze,
Accomodation: students who require it will receive extra time, a quiet room, or a
reader/scribe, to complete the unit test.

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe

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