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1°verifica di inglese Studente: Cardullo Kevin


Sottolinea i pronomi personali soggetto.

I know Frederick very well: ​he is a good friend and ​I can always rely on him when ​I need
some help. ​He has a sister and two brothers: ​she is younger than me, whereas his brothers
are older than ​I am. Their father says ​they are good guys, and often tells them: “​You ​are the
greatest joy of my life, ​it​ would be empty and meaningless without ​you​”.


Ora sottolinea i pronomi personali complemento.

1. I do not want to eat this cake. You can have ​it​.

2. I never go to discos. I don't like ​them​.

3. There is a letter for ​you​.

4. Do you want to come with ​us​ to the mountains?

5. Can you show that red dress to ​me​?

6. Who is this girl? Why are you looking at ​her​?


Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo i termini sottolineati con i pronomi personali soggetto


Melissa​ loves the countryside. = __​She loves the countryside​.__________________

2. The Stones live in Cambridge. = __​They live in Cambridge.​__________________

3. Tom​ is my son and Kate is my niece. = __​He is my son and Kate is my niece.​______

4. The sky​ is full of clouds. = __​It is full of clouds.​___________________________

5. My brother and I love swimming. = _​We love swimming.​___________________

6. You and your sister​ are always late. = _​You are always late.​___________________


Inserisci il pronome personale complemento appropriato.

I don't like this apple pie. Do you like ___​it​_____?

2. She doesn't eat apples. Do you eat ___​them​_____?

3. My friend Paula doesn't like dogs, she is afraid of _​them​____

4. Do you know where Pamela is? I need to talk to ___​her​________

5. Your father is talking to you, please listen to __​him​_________

6. I like the book you are reading. Can you lend it to ___​me​______?



1. Fa molto caldo oggi. = ___​It is very hot today.​__________________________

2. E’ il 24 dicembre, domani è Natale. = ​It is December 24 today, tomorrow is Christmas

3. Non c’è più pane ma non importa. = _​There isn’t more bread but it does not

4. Sono le 10.50. = __​It is ten miutes to eleven.​____________________________

5. E’ impossibile trovare un parcheggio. = __​it is impossible to find a parking.​________

6. “Pronto, sono Silvia”. = __​Hello, I am Silvia.​____________________________

7. Tu ed io leggiamo molti libri. =__​You and I read many


8. Io e Paola lavoriamo insieme. = ____​I and Paola work together.​_____________

9. A lei e a me non piacciono le discoteche. = _​She and I do not like clubs.​__________

10. “Chi è? ” ”Sono Carl.” = __​”Who is it?” “I am Carl”.​____________________________


Sottolinea la forma corretta.

She spoke with ​them​ / they one week ago.

2. George introduced ​him / ​he to ​her/​ she​.

3. It​ / he​ is the last day of the year.

4. He​ /​ him​ is in love with ​she / h

​ er.​

​ e​ do.
5. Anne likes geography more than​ I /m

6. We​ / us​ like the new Walt Disney movie.

Completa le frasi inserendo il pronome personale soggetto o il pronome personale
complemento appropriati.

I’m going to the library: do you want to come with ___​me​_______?

2. How far is __​it​_____ to the station?

3. John’s wife sent a Valentine card to ___​him​__________

4. Mr Kent needs to talk with Susan, but __​he​____ can’t find ___​her​______

5. Where are my glasses? _​They​__ were on the table but now ___​I​_____ can’t see

6. __​it_​__ is difficult to understand what he says: do __​you​____ understand _​him_​___?


Ricomponi le frasi mettendo le parole nell'ordine giusto.

1. Is / interesting / it / to / him / to / talk =

_​It is interestig to talk to him​_________

2. doctor / gave / medicine / a / her / the=

_​Doctor gave the medicine a her

3. you / can / take / them / to / it?=

_​Can you take it to them​_________________

4. explained / problem / the / they / me / to=

__​They explained the problem to me​_____

5. she’d / introduce / to / like / to / him /me= __​She’d like to introduce him to me​_______

6. she / about / telling / it / us / enjoys=

__​She telling enjoys it about us​___________



1. Danny di solito fa colazione alle 8 e poi va a scuola. =

_​Danny usually has breakfast at 08 a.m and then he goes to school.​___________

2. Non si può parcheggiare in questa strada. =

__​You can not park on this street.​_______________________

3. In quel negozio vendono libri usati.=

__​In this shop they sell used books​.__________

4. "Dov'è il gatto? " E' nel giardino.=

_​”Where is the cat?” It is in the garden.​_________

5. Vincent spesso non mi dice la verità .=

Vincent often does not tell me the truth​__________

6. Lui sa parlare inglese meglio di me.=

_​He can speak english better than me​____________

7. Lei ci spiega sempre la lezione molto chiaramente. =

__​She always explains the lesson to us very clearly​____


Sottolinea gli aggettivi possessivi.

Valery and John have two children, a cat and a dog. ​Their son is 10 years old: ​his favourite
sport is football and ​his father always accompanies him to the stadium on Sunday. ​Their
daughter is 3 years old and she plays with ​her dools all the day. The cat stays on ​its ​chair in
their kitchen most of the time, sleeping together with ​their dog. Valery and John often say:
"We have everything we desire." I would like my life to be as happy as ​theirs​.


Ora sottolinea I pronomi possessivi.

1. Is Lucas a friend of ​yours​?

2. They have two cars: is the red one ​theirs​?

3. Yesterday I visited a cousin of ​mine​.

4. Sheila lost her keys: are these ones ​hers​?

5. These gloves don’t belong to James,they are not ​his​.

6. Congratulations! Two books of ​yours​ have won an award!


Sostituisci l'aggettivo possessivo con il pronome corrispondente.

1. These are her photos = These photos are __​hers​____

2. This is their bedroom = This bedroom is __​theirs​_____

3. These are his toys = These toys are ____​his​_______

4. These are our clothes = These clothes are __​ours​_________

5. This is your perfume = This perfume is ___​yours​______

6. These are my sandwiches = These sandwiches are ___​mine​________


Inserisci l'aggettivo possessivo appropriato.

Susan has lost __​her​______ ring.

2. He needs _​his​___ glasses to watch TV.

3. Give me __​my​___ trousers please.

4. Joshua and Sam are always with __​our​___ mother.

5. The computer doesn’t work: __​its​____ screen is damaged.

6. We’ll arrive after 10 ò clock: ___​our​____ train is late.


Completa con l'aggettivo possessivo, seguito da OWN se necessario.

1. Put ____​my​_____ pens on the table.

2. At the conference he presented ___​his​______ project.

3. They opened ____​their​______ hands and I gave them some chocolates.

4. We’ll go to the restaurant with ___​our​________ car.

5. Thank you very much for __​your​______ visit.

6. In the morning the little bird sings __​its​______ happy tune.


E ora un pò di ripasso.

1. Everybody turned his/t​ heir​ eyes toward him.

2. The children play all day with ​its/​ their​ videogames.

3. This dress of hers/​ she​ is very elegant.

4. No one knows ​his or her​/them​ fate.

5. Alex and Martin are colleagues of ​ours/​us​.

6. A lot of ​ours​/our​ relatives live in the countryside.



1. Il mio caro amico Alan vive da solo. =

___​My dear friend Alan lives alone​___________________________

2. Cambridge è molto famosa per la sua università. =

__​Cambridge is a lot famous for its university​ _________________

3. È un problema loro, non nostro. =

__​It is their problem, not ours​_________________________________

4. Il sabato pomeriggio Daisy esce per incontrare un suo amico. =

__​Saturday afternoon Daisy goes out to meet her friend​ ______________

5. Jenny si pettina sempre i capelli prima di uscire. =

__​Jenny always combs her hair before going out​_____________


Individua e sottolinea le forme di genitivo sassone.

1. I like that actor​'s​ dark eyes.

2. My father'​s​ mother is eighty years old.

3. I don't know Charle'​s​ girlfriend.

4. His grandparent​s'​ collection of stamps is interesting.

5. I often stay at my aunt​'s​ house in Naple​s'​ centre.

6. I’ve got one month​’s​ holiday.


Ora decidi se inserire'S o solo l'apostrofo.

1. She doesn't like her friends__​’​__ new bikes.

2. I'm invited to dinner at James___​’​_____ house.

3. Paul is married to Dave___​’s​____ sister.

4. The manager___​’s​_____ office is empty.

5. At the party I admired the ladies__​’​___ elegant dresses.

6. When l was in London, I visited the Queen__​’s​_____ castle.


Forma il genitivo sassone dei termini tra parentesi.

1. “Whose CD player is this?”-''It's my ___​nephew’s​__________" (nephew)

2. “Whose books are these?”-"They are our ____​teachers’​__________” (teachers)

3. “Whose parrot is this?"-"It is my __​neighbours’​_____________” (neighbours)

4. “Whose movie is this?”-“It is _​Robert Redford’s​____________” (Robert Redford)

5. "Whose programme is this?"- "It is __​WWF’s​______” (WWF)

6. “Whose opinion is this?" -“it is ___​people’s_​__________” (people)


Sottolinea la forma corretta.

1. Can you please close​ the door of the kitchen​ / the kitchen door ?

2. After my illness, l had ​a month's rest​ / a rest of a month​.

3. None ​Laura's children​ / the children of Laura​ go to school.

4. She buys these pills at the ​chemist's​ / chemist'.​

5. l don't like ​the colour of this wall / ​ his wall's colour.​

6. I haven't read today's newspaper​ / the newspaper of today​.

7. What’s ​the name of this town / t​ his town's name​?

8. Please write your name ​at the bottom of the page​ / at the page's bottom.​

9. I really appreciate the advice of the old / t​ he old's advice​.

10. I'm going to buy a cake at the ​baker's /​ bakers​ in front of my house.



1. Questo è il nuovo appartamento di Claire e Gabriel. =

__​This is Claire and Gabriel’s new appartment​_________

2. Gli occhiali di mia nonna e di mia mamma sono rotti. =

_​My grandmother and my mom’s glasses are broken​_____

3. ll parco del castello ha molti alberi. =

__​The castle park has a lot of trees​___________________

4. A mio padre piace la musica di Mozart. =

__​My dad likes Mozart’s music​______________________

5. Thomas si è divertito al party di ieri. =

__​Thomas had fun at yesterdat’s party​__________

6. Mi piace la giacca della ragazza che si siede accanto a me. =

___​I like the jacket of the girl who sits next to me​________________

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