Bibliography On Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Sri Lanka 2007 PDF

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© National Library and Documentation Centre 2007

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2S5d>a 23538 ^ ^ ^ 8 ^ 2 3 )3 8 / Author Index 57-67

CQ25?8 25538 ^ 55208^ 25)38 / Title Index 69-77

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sso - «5>3«sJc)c3
a -

©a. - <s>aaa

BMARI - Bandaranayake Memorial

Ayurvedic Research Institute
comp. - compiler
ed. - edition
Dept. - Department
DNM - Dept, of National Museum, Sri Lanka
GWAI - Gampaha Wickremarachchi Ayurveda Institute
IIM - Institute of Indigenous Medicine
KT - Kelaniya Temple
mss. - manuscripts
National Archives Department of Sri Lanka
NL -
National Library and Documentation Centre
No. - Number
National Science Foundation
P- -
Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
UP -
University of Peradeniya
Vol. -
g e f e g n f i (soatsf 8 ft ate oagfaS S caas/B es ©gsadsadz


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05. <f35$o C03GDO . - 8 . iii, 102

Cf25?253d<33223 38253d :

1>£0253 C3^£025? g 8 © 2 5 3 3 g ©£3325? 2 5 3 3 0 3 0 § © O £ § < f0 2 § O C03COc3 0253 © 0 8 0»2533©0

< 8 2 § )253?23> 16253 0 £ O 3 d 3 d 3 0 67425323? 025325J 253d 253 (3 < g 8 © 2533<e, 0 0 3 2 5 ? 3222253
3 ed?53d <2)25?025330 Cp2S33d3c^0 ©Q33^3| 253d £j°j253. C g25?025330O 0 0 ^ 0 €f,°233c3^25?’
0 0 §8025330 003253 253i25?025? 8032530 <t25?00. 8e33d803253© 8 2530 £03 §825303
£3£§253 ©§02530 8 g £^253 87-102 <25?03 £^25).
(^§253 92533032530^, 1964)


06. 25>a2So3 coacDca . - 8 . 103-;9S

025/25)0(3)25) 0825)0 :

1)253325325 @eS>2>2532533<S)30‘£ 8 tty v.:O*X?0 03°@2S/o3 g8@25M0> @0325/ 4000*5)

0®<®6 CQZsfS 0^23325)'® 25) 0 8 2 5 )0 ©®8 <2S3T0 3 q°i25). g 8 © 2 5 )3 0 ©03©23/ 253®,
025/ <§>0i G)-©so25), |)253 3253?.5 O 2 5 3 2 K ^O O 3 0 © 8 g© 0C 5 <F»25>C3 ^3<®G3 53025/ @0.
(§§25) g25)3G32)03*S, 1964)



07 . g 8@ 25)30 ©0323/ 8 ^ 5 ) ^ ^25/®® 0 3 0 3 0 0 g0O . - ©25)30® : 832§25)

©(5025)3025/025) @<£O3025)©38253® . - [1984]

§ 0°25)3©0 0333d ^303® , 03023 030325)25) £333 ©O°)§CD025) 025)25325/00 25)i25/O25/0

^?l2§ £33352532303, g}§03© )® , 0°25)3 ®>^333£3c3 333 q?3g0© 0<O ^ 3 § 0Oo3o32S/0 «|?<30
253dt^ ^ 253025/ g8@25»0 ©0 ) 25/ 2650 2s/ ©o/S o<253©0 (Ford Foundation) §025
^?^(^33©C3253T 1984 § g 8 o ® 0)03300 ©08253r 0 2 5 )8 ©23)30 ©25)30® 032§25)
©^02533GD3d©od> © iB /o ts/ 25>d (ftSS). d0 ^<30 g0o3 g8© 25)30 ©03@25/ 253®,
233{25/025/ 0 ^2$ 80325303, gS5/o® 03o33O0© 8 ^»253o3 ©033<3 q°25)303§0 ©03^2530

(25330023/ ^ 0 0 3 ^ )


08. g8 @ 2 S )3 0 @0325/ 8 ^ 0 ^ g©05 , - 0 3 0 (8 0 0 3 : ©§(S3o @©0<25 0<253 ^ 30325325)03 . -

2 0 04.

0® 30325)253 g 8 2 5 )2 S )3 0 © 8 233^25/025/ 2530 < fi]S g 8 @ 2 5 )3 0 © 0323/ 47225) ©25)3025301

0003 ^ 0 © 0 < 3 £3903<25303 253025) 0 < O0G3-S6253Q325) © G )3 g 0 2 § . © ® 8 g ^ G 9 £ )< S ^
£)?o25)o3, g 8 © 2 5 )3 0 © 0325/ 25)3® 0, 0 0 0 0 3 , 0 2 5 / ®>0i <3)<S625), § 0 ) O 0 0 g ® 3 < 3 6 0 , £333
^25/25)0(3)25)03 8 § 0 ^ ©2533025301 <i25/© 0.
(O0CD<Ss325) g0 c3 2 § )

0 18 8 2 33

09. g8@ 2S)30 ©0325/ 2533®30gO . - ©25)30® : ©253<O2532533GD30O3, 2005 . - 8 . 1-2

©25)30® ©25)°)2532S)3CD30 g825)25)30©8 25)i25/02S/ 2530 ^?i2§ g8@ 25)30 ©0323/ 7025)
©25)3025301 ^1253025/ 0 18 8 2 5 3 0 8 ),
(^?25/ ^253025/ 0 g )


10. QCjf@?5)3^ @0325i/ 25)3030(jC 3. - @S5)3<®,® i @253°)23>25)3(233dO, 2005 . - S. 1*28

@2333<g,<5) @253°)2532S33<333d g c d ’25)t330@C^’ 253t25/025/ 253d <?l2§ g c d ’@t5)3g, @ 0323/ 90425)

<sfS)3dtydi tftQ^c/ ©i<3e^£)$§.

(0253dt ©^0253) 1‘


11. §ge^@ss>3<5 @0325/ 2S330dc)(5c3 . - t3 0 o o : 02S)03dS0 £p£3d@0<^ epo2S32530, 2005 . -

C]?30233253 gC ^Q >«S)30@ ci © { ffiO O f 25>d ^ t2 § ®^(S§C3 @@0><^2S 0 < 2 5 3 0 0

gd@ «5>3© @0325/ 5025) 2530 q ^ g ^ s / 6l<3e& 5& 02S.

(<po/ q ^ d - d gg)


12. 9 ,ef@ 2 5 )3 $ @032S)T 6 ^ 0 ^ 2533030^0 . - 033d<230 : 0 ‘S6?03d253 30253 <p£3& @ 0<

eB @ ci® 4S 6 Cp02532530, 2 0 0 3 . -

@ 0O 0 0 ^302532530 025J @<(5§0 @@0<23 0 < 2 S 3 0 0 ^ < 3 ^ gc£@25>3£ @0325/ 5 9 2 25)

2530 eseo 025/®>di g03-@6O25/ <i25/@0253 © igSc&SJ©®.
(c3253di @(f0253)


13. 9|C^@2S)3e @03233T C l < 3 e * $ © . - 2 3 )^ ^ 0 0 0 : 253^^0 dd0S33 0S33dO . - 2004

®@>C3 2 3 > t 0 ^ 0S33d@ ci’ 233i25/O25/0 ^ < f0 3 G D 0 0 ge^@2S)3gl @032S/ 40253
2530 0^3325/ 0ic3e& 5302§.
(<P«J <p2$6is/ §<g)


14. gC ^® 25)30 @0523/ G l<3c^2^0. - ®25>3<e,CE) : g d o 0 < 2 S 3 0 0 /0 3 2 5 / 0 ^ 3 0 fp02532530, 2 0 0 5 . -

0 0 Cp025)253@cJ 253t 2531‘0233P 23)d €pt 2S Q d30^233 2 5 /® d '2 5 )O 0 0 0 0 2 5 /0 ) Qd'@25>3<S

@0325/ 22253 2530 ^ l2 ^ g ,2 5 / g iQ d fa & t)© .
(02^dt @^0253)



15. <pq)03£j, 3. 8.
©25><D255SS) 0 0 2 5 5 G 3«dtsfe< «6 f t^ S - y d '^ / ©. 6 . q?(3}03(5 ; O d0d25)25)C 3 8 d & © ( 5
02dg8 °eo S © ^ . - ©25)3,0® : ©8rtQ*v»>xa>d ©<O3d 25)©025te350, [19..]. - ©. xvii, 12.2

q?25fe>do*S) 0 0 2 5 )d :

©es)°)25525) 0025J 0 2 5 $is 2 ©25>°>?sj25) 00255 odeod-s&o, ©25)°)25525) 00255

025)30025) 25)3d25), £303 @(§5)25) C3“dtS>®«6ca 8§sD<^ 0025)d q?0<$5 ©0.


16. ^?32332jf< d5§,

q?d3Q£©3d0 &°<Q& £323)25)0 : £3°02S)d<Se5o /©25)J2sTo025^25?©25? ^D2332ST^ 0 0 . -
©25)30® : <^0. ©O3®©0, 1999 . - 6. xv, 398

q?02S)do25) 0025)d :

0°25)3©0 0 0 ® g s ^ c a S g s f 05)3020 q?<8®d©3dd o°G}0) £322te)©0 g0©25)30

^25? 80025? 3425? 0)3 §}§25) 80025? 425? 0©£5O25)O ©25)30 ©©© 25)a?So £30O3<25)O
25)d ^?i23). Q0©25)30 ©0325? 25)i25?025? Q 0033d 3425) 0t©0255025? < ©©O0
^**556*2? @3- q?©0d©>3dd C3°G}&> 0525?25)O £3^0)3 033025) 2S)d253 0 < Q0©25)30
q?2s?80O25? 8 . 379-382 05 <^25?©0.


17. 2 § © 3 d 0 0 3 0 , ^325)25?<; ©25?.

©02325)3025) ©»£O0 25)03 / ^325)25?< ©23?. 23}©3d003§ ; oS0d25>25)O 0 0 . {ft®.
©£3?©d25?25) & d 3 . - ©2S)3(©,® : &°dzs)'c)'3z5) ©<O3d25)©025?2550, 1962 . - 8 . xvi, 395

^?25?25)d025) 0 0 2 5 )d :

O25?0^ 0*25) 0 0 2 5 )d 025) £3d525>® 8 ^ 8 205 £303 25)0 ©25)30 8 § 5 ) ^ 0 8 g0 243



18. 03^25) gd25)25)30 033 g©0®253 ©02500325)0

^C30C3T esi© di© 1990-2000 / ©25)30® : 032§25) QC3?25)25)30 033 ^,©0025)
©02300325)0, 2000 . - 8. 71

©©eS gd@25rr^-©0325^ 825)2558 oizs) 8 . 21 g5 chjsb? ©0 .


19. 8<3<s60®(3 e5©,
£3«)d cD § © 8 O i d ^ o @ caB & . - 5&©a?©<s>30 : ®32530a523303<? <s>(Ja)?s> o d o < o . ,
1942 . - 8. 351

£30dC D § ^<D (S gd© 25)3<S ©0325? 2 ^ 0 0 2 5 3 © 02§8338253 0t<CD25ftS3® ©®fi5

0 d 2 5 ) d ©25)©d. ^


20. c a ^ o © ® g, ® ay® : g,e3T©2S>3g c^ 253t8 <?jg3,©(5a)253 / e 3»ef2sd«6ca 0t2§e3T0 d

8 (^ . © 0© dd3 . - ©2533<©,iS) ’. {p3£gd@ 0< © < O 3 d 253©025?'2520 0 8 3 0<@e1,03d2533&325>
q?Qd®d<s6 ^?3gd©0< ad© d8<® 6 q°3G325)253c3, 2002 . - a g ,§ ) © 0 8 ® . - 8 . xviii, 338

^sfe )d cD Q ) Se&s>d :

©®a5 ^ 3 ^ d © 0 < ©0<253® S § 0 < g o j S epi£) O id -^ o gd©23>3£) ©0325? 9«s> q S -a g

©2333d25jdi 8 »eo0 3255822? «|?®@Cj Q)© c3 *s><3 8° 8 3 0 833a3©025?' <?d025)0253 <25?®3
<^253. 8® gd@25>3© ©a325?0<3 g^cga)-®^ q?°23), o25?<f>di ©-©6253 aa? g®3<®6c325? <
C3<8325? ©0. <§ (®°253300 <f<3^ gd©2533<e, ©0325? 025)255 25)©cD25) 0©<fC3 gd25325>30,
8 8 § «5 )< g a t © <“i*§ 2533®38g^ aa? g8©(jo)253 cdj 25) S d s s d g d ,25)3®25)3©0a5
<?i25). (S g ) i-xviii)


21. ©<0253 © 8 8 ® . - 8 . x, 406

<?2S?25)d(D25) 0 d 2 5 ) d :

©®S5 < ? 3 g d © 0 < © 0<233® 8 ^ , 0 < 00*0 <“*23 a * d ^ 5 g d © 2 3 )3 £ , ©0322? 923) <?0°C2g
© 2533d2^di 8 ° 8 3 (3 tfZS$d&? <“^3|© ^0253 &3 253d d ° 8 3 (3 033O3©®25?’ <?d02530253 <25?03
<?l253. gd© 2333(e) © O 3 2 5 ?0 0 g?§<2)83<g£) <“°2S3, a2S?1>di CD<©6253 0 8 3 g®3-®s5c5253r £3<83253r
© 0.


22. ©2530253 © 0 8 ® . - 8 . X, 550

^25?253dQD253 0 d ?S )d :

©®e5 <“3 g d © 0 < ©0<2S3® 8 § 0 < 00*0 ^*2§ 0 * d < ^j gd©2533g ©0325?“ 9233 <?0°<3g
©2333d25jdi 8 - 3 3 0 €fZ%d&? ^£3|©0a)25)O 233d 8°83(3 O33©3©025!? ££0025)0253 <25?03
<*1253. gd©23330 ©O325)?0 (3 g 2 § © }3 3 ^ <“-233, 0253T ®>d* CD^0253 £383 g®3<©60S?


23. tS)(£o®1S} 6^03® . - ««&.»££■ ; @<©3d23)@025)T?5j8, 1992 . - ©6§}025)
?s>3<©e?8c3 . - 8 . viii, 321

q?zsfe)8cD?5> 08*s>d :

1985 - 1986 8 d © 8 ( ^ @gfe> <&e3°>(02s e3°08325)@8 q iD id cpz&O q?3gd@0<

d<3'5';' 5§;c3)23#£§ t5)d © 0< @<f(S3© @©8<23 © °0dQ 25)
82S3©32§© CSOGU? ?0)j^6'£ 2id>2><' 53@cf0e> @®8 SOD?^ @©£ C3<i©3<25)© sad
25)3025te> ©)«®Sj83dS>3©e» <ip^d@0< od<s><J®4& ^DcSOZSXsd’ gC&MSnQGO
©253 q 8 ®g>3© @©323? 82S>?$>@8 f8 s ^ d ia D s / gctf@©3£ @©323/ lOOea @23)3d253di
€5)3-S^8 21«Sf sD<S25>T QaMCBC*© «5>d <¥£23). g<08 tS il^ Q ® Q S d S @dJ<2) £03
©d© 0© 9*8?5>dQ§> <2)123 25>d'i^ <i*S@8.


24. @<823 ?S)3<@a?8©. - 6. viii, 336

<■2323 <sdJ<2), g 8 ) @dJCO, g© 0 £ O © , §25)3 @d;fa> © ^£03 8g© S @ 88 @0.


25. @23)823 25>3<®6?8© . - 8 . viii, 328

0«J6, d?sJ825J @dJ<2), 2si©o3 @dJ© £03 a)30 @di<2) ©<^£03 8§©i> @88 <£22l@0.


26. 8 S 8 23 2S>3*@^8© . - 8. viii, 328

G«^» ®Q, € f id @dJco £03 2S>d^o @dJ© ©<^£03 g 2 $ 2 5 )d 8 (ftO gG O ? @0.


27. 088255 ?5)3<ss3,8© . - 8 . viii, 336

008 ©25?& ©dJffl, @dJC2> © ^£03 8g© 0 <£?5f @0.


28. eo00253 ea3<@^0&3 . - 6. viii, 328

scdS, 6 g e5)3, «p8d«6ca, <»dc3ed eo3 codeosS ©dJco es<eo3 gsSsad® e3<£025d @0.


29. eo?5d0253 ea3<@s?0o . - 6. viii, 336

edi§ ©ddeo, ©)30 <°>ddcs>, eaig® 0g® an o d a 0 © o<£03 g ?$ ?a d 0 tpiC8©eJ @0.


30. <*00253 ea3<@6j0o . - S. viii, 328

0253ed <s>0<ta®, ?a30® 333 8g?a3 0g©)< 0ed?53d <?i?S><S?5d*0. («|g<s6co 1993)


31. 25300253 ea3<s^0o . - a. viii, 328

esdo 0 ^ g.?§ead0, <?jed ©ddco, O d0 csddco, §}©) <sdJ<3) eo3 eajQi) Sg® ogan
0 g o ® <s>®e§ q?i?^0 esl @0.


32. <£00233 2a3^sf0co . - 8 . viii, 328

G)0 (sdJo C3<203 g?§ead® &®d5 ©edead <2>?a§d.


33. 0(sea3(S»03d,0253 ea3^0c3 . - a. vi, 326

<¥dt0c3, (gs3<gfo ©dd®, desf 8?sJ, O g d g 333 0 3 0 ©ddcs) 0 0 0 saegsg 8 g o ® <i?sfe0.


34. <s<3«s>(e,Ded'0z33 e533<3sdOo . - 8. vi, 326

esefe SS, ed?§ ©dd©, ©on^o o o g<s®oo o<eo3 ago® ©®d5 qsfe>da>a> ©0.


35. <oo25225f0253 2S>3«sT8c3 . - 8. vi 328

( s d J o 00^2533 ©i2S<i>, 2^03253 ©d-Cfcli g?5^^<Sso, 0O3< <5dJ(3) 003 0<<3 <5dJGO <?3^ c3 0
8 g c 3 0 <5®oS <i25?<50.


36. <eooo253d02S3 ?S)3<©^8&3. - 8. viii, 328

G3^®@d^C0, 825303, <?&C»es\ csd’s' €.d3c9 C3<003 g2§ 25300 <t?d<30.


37. O3eo<5g,3ed0253 2533<@6?8c3. - 8. viii, 326

c^ > , 8325) ©dJcD* <32(58 S>d3TCS), 02330), 253303 003 @dJCS) e3<003 8 § C 3 ®
<50OS <?l252£,25? <50.


38. <eoe3c30253 2533^8c3 . - 8 . x, 326

qp?Se33d, o<d <s>0J®, cgoo^o 02$25?O330, 056 5320 00<50Jdt 8|5,0<0

<500$ 08233d (5253(50.


39. <000025^8253 2533^803 . - 8 . vi,328

0-®s3, <9C30 <50Jo , § 3 ) 3 (5dJ0O 003 ef2SC 33dc30 0 § C 3 0 <i25/<50.


40. <OO<?80253 2533€!^8c3 . - 8 . X, 326

^30i0c330, 83253 <5dJ<33, CDSoO-SJej 003 g2§2533 <5di<23 03<003 8 § c30 08253d (52S><50.


41. <0023300253 2533^J0C3 . - 8. viii, 326

<?2SC33d&3, 0 g ,0 ^ 0 )c 3 , 82338, 0300 S 8 g 0 g 0 € S 0 g6$25300 (50OS (50.

(§5<s6c3 1994)


42. 0802a zaa^dca . - S. x, 326

eaSo S®, ©sftg ©dJ®, Szaea, o< 0 e>0to>> csdcosS ©dJ© eaeo «*§©§£© ca^eoD
8§ca© ©deft ^izsggztf


43. 088zsf02a ?a5<©e?0ca . - 8. x, 327

@ ® S, 8 g e » 3, e a d & © d fo > eaeo 0 0 d g 0 ea^eoa g & z a d d ©028 0 d z a d © ea© d.


44. ocacDg, a . 8 . o .
qpg 8^e)^ 0^2538 / o. 8. a. <id^jca(2)(3 . - ©saagcs) : dazSza ©za^zaaowdca,
1952 . - oca ©©0<2S qgzsfd, 01 za£30ca. - 8. x, 214 (dazSza ©za^zaacoad gd©zaa^
cgz^dibga ; q°?2> 2)

^zadcoza 0dzad :

eodz$2d 8 § 0«^0 oeoza ea^eod gd©zaa<g ©oazddgzd 0 ©)a©zsf ©zaadzsadi ©0 d

ea°cgeo ©zaad q?iza. eod6a©ca:fcD ©zazaca, e^zd ©0 <^ ©oaza, <p0 jsf8 ©0 <sas!,
©d©caJ© dzd2aca, ©zaJdza ©oaza, ©d© 0 zdd<s6, ©0 < ©oaza, eodzS
0z3zaTeaa0, <§, ©caaf© ©zaza. 8©<§>2aT0 0zaT<f0 sodzSza1©©? 0©<dd 0trf©<«6,
©2§<3><g£5, d5zd0000 ^id^ca £§252 ^(^ddaza ©a ^ z d ©0<za0 ©jza 0dzad <
<izd©0. ©zaag^) ©za°)252zaa©adca0 epcazd gd©zaa<e, ©caazd 5z§2d <, 8ep^8d
©2a°)253zaa©adca0 q°cazd gd©zaa<e, ©oazd 2&>2rf < ©0zazd o ^ d ^ gd©zaa<e, ©eaazd
6z§zar < o s 8 a©zar ©zaadzsjdj oa<§ ©a 8 °© 0 ©)82 aT dd zad ad d eadzad
<§>qd©zd ©za©d.


45. ©. 8. ©.
fpid ©8^ts>e) / eg. 8. o. <id^?kacD (3 . - © zaag^) : d a zd za © zaz^zaaraadoa, 1953. -
©©0^25 CQzaT8 , 2 z a g a o c a . - 8 . xii, 91. - ( d a z S z a ©za<DZ5azaa©ad g d © z a a g
c^zdd^aga ; q°ts) 3)

q?zdzad©za 0 d zad :

8 »eo0 dd^didzd© (d ©0 ©©zd ©©8

^ i d ©0 ©©zd ©eaaza (8 . 1-18)
cpid ©0^ ©oaza -KMLR (8. 19-32)
<Pid ©0<^ ©oaza -B. C. 51 (8. 33-53
q i d ©0< ©oaza - A-E. 4 (8. 55-70)
3 id ©0< ©oaza - 82 N. 10 (8. 71-86)


46. < id ^ io © 0 , o. 8 . o.
© 25)0 ©©©COOf ©0325) / O. 8 . c ^ d - ^ % 3 © 0 . - ©2S)3<6,(S) : c5D?SeS> ©25)°)25325)3©3do3,
1954 . - ©©8 <2S <gsJ8 , 3 » 0 >£,v . - 8 . vii, 124 (83^ 25) ©25)°)25525)3© 3d gd© 25)30
<g25?0d303 ; ^°25) 7)

^25?2S)d©25) S d 2 5 ) d :

J •*

g d 2533©25)38 (8 . v)
@@q>0 SQca - B. C. 26 (8 . 1-32;
©25)0 8D©8Jd{ ©0325) -85. P. 9 (8. 33-40)
8D©8fdi ©8< ©0325) - 69. K 3 (6. 4H 24)
8 ° e o 0 © 8 d S d 2 5 ) d <2s3 8 d <^25).


47. <^d^>o© 0 , o . 8 . o.
©@8^25 eg f s id / O . 8 . O . < id ^ 3 C 3 © 0 . - © 25)30® : d>2§25) ©25)'D25i)2S)3©3dO, 1 9 4 8 . -
1 2 5 )0 3 0 0 3 . - 8. V, 54 (d 3 2 § 2 3 ) ©25)“)25325)3©3d £ ^ © 2 5 ) 3 0 Cg2jFO®>303 ; q?°25) 1)

^25f25)d025) 0 d 2 5 )d :

cf©dMeJc33© - A.I. 9 (8. 1-22)

o d d ©©03082s o°<gs)o3 -7 J. 6 (8. 23-48)
2S>d3d 82§2sJo3© - A.F. 6 (8. 49-54)


48. <td<s&OG)0 , o. 8 . o.
o d o © d< ;ts> ® / O. 8. O. <£d^3C 3© 0 • - ® SS)30® : 8 )2 § 2 5 ) ©2S)<D25325)3©3dO,
1 9 5 6 . - ©©8^2* < 9 * ^ 8 , 4 25)03003 . - 8 . XV, 2 0 0 (8 32§25) ©25)2)255)25)3 © ) d g d © 2 S > 3 0
cgd0®30) ; ^?»25) 8)

©dS5 odOo325^ 3)3 o d o ©8<25)8 O 0 8 d Q gd©25)30 ©0325? 08 25) ©25)3d25jdi d* 0

003325? 03525)8 8»O 0 0825? 0d25)d 25)d


49. © d J3 )^ 6 ^ d ,
q ? 0 Tc S d @ 0 7 2 5 )0 0 2 5 ) / d ^ c f o 7 © d 3 73)<©6<“d . - ^ © G ) 7© © ) ® : S© <233<0
0 d ’d0<2530o, 1969 . - 8. vii, 30

q ? d (3 d © c i 25)(5025) 8 0 0 « ^ 25>di<S^ 0 3 ) 8 d 3 © 8 ^ 3 )3 8 2 5 ) 0 0 2 5 )3 2 5 )0 © 03? 0 O 725)d

©25)©d, 25)23jddo33 © 0 0 25)0025) 2Sd25)70 < 3 6 0 2§d0 0 ^ 3 )3 <3o a )© ©03©25)35
3){^25?0©035 02^3)25? ©0.
“0 0 £$25?25)© 00 8 8 0 3 ) 0 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 (3 © 0 § . 0 3 5 ^ q ? d ( 3 d © d 2 5)0025) 0 0 <l25) ©25)
3 ) i2 § 0 O . 8 o ep025? 0 25)000325? 03525) g d © 2 3 )3 0 8 ^ 622§25? £3,25? © 0325)28.
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08©60‘©632S?®25) 08o*S.

92. d<s68°eo, og303025?

q 6@ 25>30 © 0325? 0 0 2 5 ) O25?O025> £5g . - dO g25) : ^ 0 , 18, 2 0 0 0 . - 8 . 8 -9

93. d)@ 25)3025), 0 0 3

f p 9 3 |d @ 0 < o S s d 'O 'S o 3025)23)0 025^ g,6 © « S )3 £ } @ 0325? 88c925)d< S £3 2530Q2SJ . -
o@8o<gi6 : 6, 1998 . - 8. 43-46

q?3^8© 0g o8©dO<@ 603O25)25)O 0252 g 6 © 2 5 )3 0 ©0325?, 6 0 3 0 8 (2 ) 2& S® £03 © O O

© 0 ^ 8 (33*25) g*25?©0.

94. © dJo^^d, @*25?^d

6 © @ 0 0 eo3d@cf <32S> 023, Qfcs> [Three palm le a f m anuscripts o f Sigule
V iharaya] . - o ° o T25)a2gg5) ^ j d a ^ o : ©8. 1, 1994 . - 8 . 23-30

95. 0O25)d2S?25), 825)<30

0 °?S)3©0 SiiQ 025) C3»6d‘«5)a?§8S) < 3 0 3 g o . - 0 -8 2 5 )a2S : 25). 18, q°-2S) 2, ©go*008,
2002 . - 8. 34 - 41

68®25? d32§2s> @3338380 8><3i5?cf ©025)8© (Heinz Bechert) ©825? 0»25)3©0

0-625)325) 033525)230 <33*253 0 8 © 0 T0<S6 ©25)30 q 6©25)3£, ©0325? 25)3®300O25?
o£©25)30 epi€S 8 8 og3)s? @0.

96. 0O25)d25?25), S z 5 )g 3 0
@ 0 g 2 5 )® 8 ^ 0 g 0 * 8 6 ©OSS’ ^ * 2 § 6 -8 )0 ^ e 3 T© C i)3 ^ @ 0325?. - g >3 (g |d © 0 C
O 0 2 S ? O 3 : ©8. i, 25). 4, 1992 . - 8. 124-1136

9 -0 © 6 8 3 2§2S) g 6 2 5 )2 S )3 0 © 6 03) @25>°)25!>2S)3<5)3d g 6 2 5 )2 5 )3 0 @ 6 25>*25?02S? @25)30

2$@025) q?3£}8@ 0g © 0< 25)@ 0 g?<3<g g d ( s S ) 3 ( g ©0325? 2 8 2 5 0 0 2 2 ? 8 0 0 g © @ 8 0 2 5 )0 * 8 .

97. 825)825)253 c8@, 25)^di8D©6

O)0©O3$ 0@ © 6 00^4^0 ©<£3,^3®<3?G) 60025)£? . - 030525)230 : <3)0@O3<e,
032525)23 0 ^ C 3 © @ d f 0© C ?O 2 5 )0 3 0 0 , 1 9 7 2 .

© Q ^S @ a?C D 25)0 § 0 g d © 2 5 )3 0 ©0325) q ? 3 )0 2 1 .^ 5 ) £03 €f£0($ 223? 0 ^ 0 825) 0 8 2 5 ?

O j® O 2 S ?$ d l 025)® C f2^di © 6 0 825? 0*<S25? 0 0 3 2§g 0825? © 8® 0 8 © O O 5 <i25?©0.
© @ S? 8 0 0 2 5 )2 5 ? C D 0© O 30 0@ © 0f g 0 0 3 ^ i2 S 0 8 O g 3 )2 5 ? © 0.

98. 025)025)25) 0 0 , 2 5 ) ^ 0 * 8 8 0 0
oeoJSo cod ©aoJS 0 ^ 25) . - 0 0 0 )0 2 8 : 2S>. 3, 2S». 3, 5828^ 3, 1958 . - 8 . 52-53

©£OJ0O 90025)3^,00 0c3D gi*S 0CD <*200025) 08o sS .

99. 00<©6q)0, 25>*<s£>
@<f<Sc3 @ ^ 0 S 3 @c3Q5 082^ 085)3025)0 . - @ o fg 8 : 0 3 . 1, 25). 5, g@(5)J0253, 2001 . -
8 . 17-22 '

100. © ^ ,£3©ssj’ . - 8@C2S)eO : 25)3. 2, 25). 1, 025303d 15, 1927 . - 8 . 35-36

©<25)CD§ 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 < ?0 2 § O 0 0 0 3 00O 1728 ^ 0 3 (^ 0 0 §),<T0 0 2 5 )^ 2 5 ) CS«5)1'^ J0

8 8 0 25)(^025)2S) 0 0 3 g* 2 § 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 2 5 ) <3)0 0 2 0 0 2 8 .

101. 08)02533025), O 0 2 5 f
03«S?S) @002533d2SfO83 ©<O3025)@02S?25&0. - O ° 0 : 2533. 1, 25). 4 , ® 3023B -< ?© £^,
1984 . - 0. 6-7

032825) @(5025)3d2S)TO25) @ < 03025)0025^2^00 2 5 )3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 8 <§ 0 2 5 )8 0 O T2 5 )0 0 2 5 ^

O £0 £® C 02Sf g 3 0 0 O 3 25)d g * 2 § Q0O25)3<C, 0 0 3 2 5 ^ £ § 2 5 ^ 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 25)*(3© 0
2 5 )3 0 0 0 8 § S < 0 @ 0 0 O<£025? 0 0 .

102. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 ), 2 ^ g 0 0 d
Q0@25)3e ©0325) . - 8 0 0 0 : 00. 1, 25). 10, 0 2 5 )0 3 0 , 2003 . - 8 . 40-43

103. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 ), © 0 0 0 3 0 8 .
O id ^ 0 °? S )3 @ 0 ^ 3 9 3 ,0 @ 0 < C33025)23OO25)T @ 25)3025501 eb^ tS? - <a39g|8o0€
e3025)yO 3 : ^3Q 0O 0< 00O 2 5 )0 3 0 0 00. 1, 25). 1, 1985 . 8 . 273-274

104. 0 0 o eg d o , 8 0 0
0<gj2§25)T 0 3 0 2 3 0 3 ) 3 ^ jC3r25)25) 3 0 O O T 0 3 0 0 2 3 25) 3 0 © 00^23 025)3r© 0 2 5 )ir . -
g 3 Q 0 Q 0 c 0 0 2 5 * 0 3 : @0. i, 25). 4 , 1 9 9 2 . - 8 . 129-136

0 0 0 2 8 © 0 8 9 2 8 25^ 0 3 0 2 3 9 0 2 3 )2 5 )3 0 0 0 25)^0025^ 8 ° 3 3 0 g25£025)T 9 ,O T@ 2 5 )3 g ,0 0

^ 0 2 5 ) 0 < <@ 0 3 ° 2 8 o g 3 ^ 0 O 0 < © 0 < 00325^, 0 3 0 2 3 0 2 5 ^2 5 )0 £03 0025)25^ 0 (^ 0 2 5 )
8 § 0 < <3)00025)325^025) 8 0 2 5 ) 0 0 2 8 .

105. 0© 025[) °G), 8 0 0 0 0

?3)(5O025^ <*800 . - S)0(gGDO : 00. 47, 25). 1, O*025>*000, 2002 . - 8 . 7-11

90©25>3<C, 8 g o o e ^ d s s ) <3)025)3 < ? 0 < 0 , 0 0 2 5 ) g 3 2 5 )3 0 O , O 0 3 5 < O £0 0°25)3@ 0

O *0<S& 0 g 0 O 2 5 )3 e 00325) 0*25) 8 0 2 5 ) 0 <*esfe,0.

106. 0 0 0 0 <53 050, ©3025f@<
@8@O)0<3 © 0 @©3@0 £3^850 tfSidi ©@0T . - @8tP<f83@fd©c3 ; *5)3. 3, €53. 7,
<FiC30, 2 0 0 5 . - 8 . 21-23

© 0 0303, «p*S© @ d ^ © 0 @ © 3 0 g ,]d @ © 3 0 e3^333 0 3 3 0 0 ) 0 ) 0 < p g d i, g d @ © 3 0 0 3 © d

0)0 ^?3©3dc3, ^ d ? 00©0 G)®>^3<*@©3d?5<)di ©02)05 @

107. 0 d 8 °03, 0 « ) 0 0 . © of. 8 0 . 8 0 . ©of.

@ ^(3c3 ©3Gf@<®6@c325f 8 8 © i° £ ^ gd@ © 30 © 08© 0 )0 3 8 . - e30Q33£S3 :
©0. 1, O). 1, 0?8-^©O)Jdo2, 1990 . - 8. 57-59

g d @ © 3 0 (3 0 8 2 5 ) © 0 3 © 0 £ p d 0 O 3 c3 , g d @ © 3 0 0 0 0 3 , g d @ © 3 0 033<3 G3?28®, < f« $ d i

0 0 8 £333 0 Q ) ^S<§> 8 0 8 ^ 0 0Cg33 @©@5$.

108. 0d8 °03, 8800. ©of. 80. 80. ©of.

^ d @ © 3 ^ ©C332Sf £303 ©030 C3?d^ Q d © © 30 8 0 8 ^ @ © 3 d 2 5 jd i . - £3°0C :
©. 4, ©<£3?080, 1999 . - 8. 3-4

109. e30dof©O)30, 8 0 . 8 .
© 0 @©30 ©0e>32sf©c3 . - <3 <a,°©3 : ©3. 10, ©. 5, q?@£^0, 1958 . - 8. 10-12

© 0 0?© 0© @^G&Qg«6c3, 0 3 © @ 0 ^ 8 0 0 3 3 d © d 0 0 0 £3<S)3& 3© 30 e3^033 © 0 @ © 30

O330©C3 £303 © 0 03© d g © G 3 fd © CD?© © d 3 8 0 @ © 3O fd@ 0f 0 3 d © 3 ^?3^ @ ©302550?
@005 qits>.

110. d © 2 s f 0 d ® © :f o ) . - 0 « © 3 : © 3 . 8, © . 8, ^ 0 , 1 9 5 6 . - 8 . 5

O jd < § ^ g d © © 3 0 © £33© © 0C33 2 § § @ © 3 0 Q 3 § © 0 § 0 3 ^ 0 0 5 0 d © 2 5 f< 0 0 d g O 3 3 < c 3

02S f d © 0 f © 025f?S&3 £303 8 8 0 8 ^ 0d© 0C 3& .

111. 80Of825f0 050, 253^0@0

©?d^> 0ca*Sc300 : d3d300c3 ©0£3©of . - 0C2330°©3d : ©. 1, ©3. 1, 1986 . -
8. 71-99

OGfgd? 31 ^25f geg d3CS300@d § 0 gd©©30 @©3®25f 0c30 (fi& ©d?<^ 80©2Sf
©©30 8 “030 0825f ^08 <25f03 Cf?©.

112. ©d©3^d, ^3dc3d25f©

Cf©3Q3© £ 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 ©?00C3 §3,OJ 032§© £30O©Of 0 © ^©d ^?2Sf08 . -
£3°d©a& : ©. 13, ©33030 3, ^0-C 3id© i08d, 1966 . - 8 . 29-36

©<f(Sk3 0 ? d ^ 5 gd© © 30 ©08© £303 © 0 © o f ^ o f 0 8 © “d o f t S ^ O S @© 30 © ?S@ 0

0?<G325f© 0 e003 d< © 6 c3 @ © 3 0 , 8 £3^033 <§ 0 ° © 3 @ 8 ? S 0 3 3 8 © ^ ? o f0 8 @©30© 0
0 < S d ® > g © d © 0 < ®0 ®O3© ^ ? g ><300 0 o f © d q??©.

113. ®0©3<^d, ^dod© ?©
0 »© 3 ®0 O 3 0 © c 32tf 28«& © J © g 0° £ 3 0 2S @ S < © oq> . - o ° 0 ©a*S :
es>. 14, eseodo© 4, 0 © ?@©3rS)d-©<e3ii>©)d, 1967 . - 0. 48-55

g0@©3g g o S g ©)0p0 £3*0 cd*8 dSgSj-qjg 8 °s30 033030, g0®©3£00 ^ssTod

(3 0 @ 0 23)GS>&3 0 3 3 025?®<r0 g@ 3© 0 ^ © 0 < 253 O © } 0 0 0© ^333300 2§S® <33*©
0<Q£O @©@d.

114. ©025333d, 025?. 3. 0 0 . 0.

g0@©3<§ @0fa)© P 'd ^ O ^ O . - 253^,3 O33d30 : ep°2S3 42, 1992 . - 0. 7-9

115. @oJ<si)*S0©, 0 9 .
0*d*^ < 8 (^ 0 0 q?©T@ 0 3 © T £33 0 3 0 © 03«^© 0<§@ 00 2530 g ,0 @ © 3 £
@ 03© . - g@ 0 ,jQ © : © . 1 , o * 0 © * © « ) d , 2 0 0 2 . - 8 . 6 5 -8 3

116. @e0<i>2§0253, 0Q
0330© 03^253 8 g @ 0 0 ©0 g 0@25330 @ 0 3 © . - Q 3d5© 2SO : 0 @ 0 0 © 0300,
2000 . - 8. 246-264

117. @oJd© 35§, @0 ©@<pd

g0@ ©3$ @cJq)© 0 0 8@0 o 0 ( ^ 8 o S)® . - P3dO : 2004 . - 8. 13-16

118. g®)0°£3, 3.
0£33do . - ® o Jo e 8 o : @ o a )d 0 3 d 6, 1998 . -

© 3d0© 3 3<5}@c3©r O d O © 0< g0@ © 3g @ 03© ? @ 0 0 0 0 ^ )2 5 / e f* l§ e )Q

0^00 @ 0.

Bibliographical information of palm leaf manuscripts


01. CEYLON. National Museum Manuscript Series. Vol. 1,
(Palm leaf manuscripts). Medical ; [ed. by C. M. Austin de Silva], Colombo,
Ceylon Govt. Press, [ 1 9 4 8 ] . v, 5 4 , 3 p. (Sinhalese text, with English introduction).

(a) A treatise on fevers and their treatment;

(b) Miscellaneous medicines; (c) treatment for infants.
• •

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

02. — Vol. 2. (Palm leaf manuscripts). Veterinary science-Vol. 1.

Elephants; [ed. by C. M. Austin de Silva and K. D. L. Wickremaratna]. Colombo,
Ceylon Govt. Press, 1952. x, 214p., illus. (Sinhalese text, with English sections).+
preface by P. E. P. Deraniyagala, (English translation), pp. i-v; English translation of
“Maha Gaj a Laksana Sangrahava”. pt. 1, pp. 191 -193.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

03. —Vol. 3. (Palm leaf manuscripts). Medical - Vol. 2.

Opthalmology; ed. by C. M. Austin de Silva and K. D. L. Wickremaratna.
Colombo, Ceylon Govt. Press, 1953 . xii , 91 p. (Sinhalese text, with English
section).+ Deals with five mediaeval Sinhala mss. on opthalmology. Preface in
English translation, pp. ix-xii.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

04. —Vol. 7. (Sinhala palm leaf manuscripts). Medical. Vol. 3.

Medicinal oils; ed. by C. M. Austin de Silva. Colombo, National Museum Dept.
1 9 5 4 . vii, 1 2 4 p. (Sinhalese text, with English section). + Three mss. dealing mainly
with medicinal oils, including medicines and treatment for various other ailments.
English description on p. v i.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

05. —Vol. 8. (Sinhala palm leaf manuscripts). Medical. Vol.4.
Treatment for snake bites ; [ed. by C. M. Austin de Silva and K. D. L.
Wickremaratna]. Colombo, National Museum Dept. , 1956 . xvi , 200p. , pi.,
text illus. (Sinhalese text, with English section). + Eight ancient Sinhala treatises on
snake bites and how to cure them. There is a description in English of the eight mss.
onpp. v-vi. I

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

06. Goonetileke, H. A. I.
A Bibliography of Ceylon : a systematic guide to the literature on the land,
people, history and culture published in western languages from the
sixteenth century to the present day / H. A. I. Goonetileke . - Switzerland :
Inter Documentation Company, 1970 . - Vol. 1, Lxxx, 408p.


This volume contains bibliographical details of catalogues, lists and periodical

articles relevant to palm leaf manuscripts. (20-24p.)
(Printed Copy)


07. Vol. 2,xi, 865p.


This volume presents bibliographical information of books & periodical articles

relating to palm leaf manuscripts under the manuscript books and writing
materials (696-699p.)
(Printed Copy, 1970)


08. Vol3,xxxvii, 506p.


This volume contains the information and bibliographical details of books and
periodical articles relating to palm leaf manuscripts. (07p. and 415p.)
(Printed Copy, 1976)


09. Gunasekara, H. M.
List of ola manuscripts m th* Museum library, Colombo, 1892 = Catalogue
of Pali, Sinhalese and Sanskrit manuscripts in the Colombo Museum
library / comp. H. M. G unasekara . - Colombo : Colombo Museum, 1901 . -
Part 01, xiv, 46p.


This is a reference source with details of 474 Pali, Sinhalese and Sanskrit palm leaf
manuscripts deposited at the Colombo Museum library. They are arranged
alphabetically by transliterated form of the titles. Under each title there is an
introduction of the work giving name of the author, probable date of composition,
etc. In addition there is an introduction written by Mr. Gerard A. Joseph, Librarian,
Museum of Colombo titled Ola manuscripts and the Government Oriental library of
Ceylon, (ix-xivp.)


Subject index (39-42p.). List of Pali, & Sanskrit, palm leaf manuscripts. (43-46p.)
(Printed Copy)


10. Janert, Klaus Ludwig

An annotated bibliography of the catalogues of Indian manuscripts / Klaus
Ludwig Janert . - Wiesbaden : Franz Steiner verlag, 1965. - 175p.

The first aim of this bibliography is to describe all such catalogues as have been
published, whether as books, as parts of a series, or as articles in journals, and
cover nearly all the scripts and languages of India. The arrangement is primarily
geographical, giving names of towns and states in which the collections are located.
Catalogues of oriental collections in Ceylon are also listed.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


11. Joseph, Gerard A.

Ola manuscripts and the Government Oriental Library of Ceylon / Gerard A.
Joseph. - Colombo : Museum Library, 1895.

This is a catalogue of ola leaf manuscripts compiled by using collections of the

Colombo Museum Library.
(Printed Copy)

12. London University. School of Oriental and African Studies : Library Catalogue.
Boston: G. K. Hall, 1963 . - vol. 28 :

Vols. 1-8 - authors ; 9-13 - titles ; 14-21- subjects ; 22-mss. and microfilms
23-28 - Chinese and Japanese. Ceylon, Vol. 18, 59-76p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


13. Nevill,Hugh
Sinhala verse (Kavi) / ed. P. E. P. Deraniyagala. - Colombo : Government Press,
1954 .- Part 1 . - x, 352p. (Ceylon National Museums Manuscript Series; Vol. 4)

This Catalogue contains 299 Sinhala verses collected by the late Hugh Nevill
(Printed Copy)


14. Part 2 . - x, 323p.

(Ceylon National Museums Manuscript Series; Vol. 5)

This is a continuation of NevilPs collection of Sinhala verse part 1 and comprises of

another 300 poems.
(Printed Copy, 1954)


15. Part 3 . - xi, 257p.

(Ceylon National Museums Manuscript Series; Vol. 6)

This is the final volume of Sinhala verse and it contains over 900 Sinhala poems.
(Printed Copy, 1955)


16. Somadasa, K. D.
Catalogue of the Hugh Nevill collection of Sinhalese manuscripts in the
British Library / K. D. Somadasa. - London : The British Library and the Pali
Text Society, 1987 . - Vol. 1 . - xi, 439p.


Manuscripts are arranged from Or 6599(i) to Or 6602(g). Each manuscript has

been given a description, e.g. text, language, size, cover format, number folios,
number of lines etc. The first volume of this catalogue contains details of manuscripts
written in Pali and Sinhalese plus a few in Sanskrit on Buddhism. The main
categories of religious literature represent in this volume are sutra sanna, bana katha
wasthu, vinaya & bhavana texts.


Index of titles, Index of authors, Index of proper names in scribes’ colophpns,

Chronological index of manuscripts. A select list of guides to the Hugh Nevill
(Printed Copy)


17. Vol. 2 . - vii, 316p.


Information of 266 palm leaf manuscripts (from Or 6603 (1) - Or 6603 (266) are
included in this volume. This volume completes the Pali and Sinhala prose section
termed “Non canonical Buddhist works of devotion, doctrine, and narrative”.


Index of titles, Index of authors, Index of proper names in scribes colophons, and
Chronological index of manuscripts.
(Printed Copy, 1989)


18. Vol. 3 . - viii, 318p.


Information of 250 palm leaf manuscripts are included from Or 6604 (1) - Or 6604
(250). This volume offers an array of poetical works on Buddhist themes, such as
Jatakas, various incidents in life of Buddha, sacred places of worship, pilgrimage
and good councel. Description of each manuscript e.g. title, leaves, size, date has
been given


Index of titles, Index of authors, Chronological listof manuscripts.

(Printed Copy, 1990)
• NL

19. Vol. 4 . - viii, 465p.

Content :

This volume has been arranged under six groups,

History-Or 6605 (1-16),
Grammar- Or 6606 (1-187),
Lexicon- Or 6607—(1 -28), Glossaries- Or 6608 (1-60),
Prosody-Or 6610 (10-20). It includes details of363 palm leaf manuscripts.


Index of titles, Index of authors, Index of proper names in scribes’ colophons, and
Chronological list of manuscripts.
(Printed Copy, 1990)


20. Vol. 5. - viii,473p.


This volume contains 468 palm leaf manuscripts under four subjects.
Secular poetry -O r 6611 (1 -267), Medicine - Or 6612 (1 -118), Astrology-Or
6613 (1-69), Silpa Sastra or Art-Or 66 14(1-14).


Index of titles, Index of authors, Index of proper names.

(Printed Copy, 1993)


21. Vol. 6 . - viii, 728p.


This volume is a compendium of Sinhalese ritualistic poetry with descriptions of

palm leaf manuscripts from Or 6615 (1) - Or 6615 (536); Or 6616 (1) - 6616
(6)and summaries of 19 volumes of bound paper manuscripts Or 6616 (A) - Or
6616 (S). These manuscripts include most of the text of two major cycles of
ritualistic legends in Sri Lanka (Kohomba kankariya, Pan-tis kolmura).


Index of titles, Index of places & persons, Index of titles of Tamil in paper
(Printed Copy, 1993)

22. Vol. 7. - (Index Volume), xiii.. 21 A:.


Preface & introduction (vii-viup.) Hugh Nevill (ix-xiip.)

Guide to the catalogue (xiiip.) Index of titles (1 -54p.)
Index of subjects (57-117p.) Index of authors (121-128p.)
The glossary of proper names (133-217p.)
(Printed Copy, 1995)


23. Udugama, M. M. P. D.
Peradeniya Lanka Vishvavidyalaya Pusthakalaye Puskola Pot Namavaliya
(Catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts in the University of Ceylon Library,
Peradeniya). 1972 . 390 folio sheets in manuscript ready for the press, and
awaiting publication.

The catalogue comprises 4,388 items occupying 364 pages, and 26 pages of
indexes. Each manuscript is alphabetically arranged by title in the order of the
Sinhala alphabet, and the description contains the following elements: serial number,
title, pagination, size and library accession number in that sequence. There are three
indexes-alphabetical author, alphabetical subject, and subject index to main
catalogue. This collection is the richest and most extensive collection next to that in
the Colombo Museum Library.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. Ill, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


24. Adikaram, E. W.
Descriptive catalogue of the Pali manu scripts in the Adyar library .
Madras, The Adyar library (Theosophical Society), 1947 . xxxi, 111, 6p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


25. Bendall, Cecil.

Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the British Museum. London,
printed by order of the Trustees. Sold at the British Museum, and by Longman &
Co. etc., 1902 . vii, 26lp. + Arranged by subject grouping s. Indexes of titles &
authors and a general index.

(This-entry wasextracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


26. Bidoli, Maria and Bechert, Heinz,
SinghalesischeHandschriften. Teil 1. Untermitarbeit von M aria Bidoli
Beschrieben von Heinz Bechert. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH,
1969 . xix, [2], 146p., 4 pi. (1 col.) (Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften
in Deutschland. Bd.xxii, 1). 198 manuscripts written in Sinhala are catalogued and
described. The index is arranged in eight sections - A : Titles; B : Authors’ names ;
C : Scriptors (Copyists), Donaters and previous owners’ names; D : Geographical
names ; E : Names of writers who have previously described the m ss.; F : Years
mentioned in the mss. ; G : Dates of acquisition of mss. ; H : Present locations
and names of owners. A thorough and exemplary compilation.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. Ill, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

27. Cabaton, Antoine

Catalogue sommaire des manuscrits Sanscrits et Palis, ler fasc. - Manuscrits
Sanscrits. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 1907. [5] 189p. (1102 entries).

(This information was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 20p.

28. — Catalogue sommaire des manuscrits Sanscrits et Palis. 2e fasc . -

Manuscrits palis. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 1908 . 195p.
719 entries, pp. 1-153 ; Papiers d’Eugene Bumouf
(124 entries), pp. 154-174 ; Papiers de Leon Feer
(20 entries), pp 175-177. Title index.

(This information was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 20p.

29. Catalogue of the Sinhalese manuscripts in the India Office Library / ed. C. H.
B. Reynolds, K. A. S. Wijayaratne and A. S. Kulasuriya . - London : India
Office Library, 1981. - vi, 72p.


This catalogue contains details of 81 Sinhalese palm leaf m anuscripts classified

into 6 sections. (Budhhist literature, History, Lexical, Grammer, Medicine and
Miscellaneous) Each entry consists of number of folia, size of book, name of
author, description of work, language, type & size of script & colophon.
Text in English and Sinhala


Titles of manuscripts (alphabetical) Numerical index of manuscripts.

(Printed Copy)


30. Colombo Museum
Catalogue of the Colombo Museum Library. Pt . 1 - Pali, Sinhalese &
Sanskrit manuscripts. Colombo, 1892 . [2], 18p. (261 items). + The Librarian
during this period was F. H. M. Corbet and The Director, Amyrald Haly .

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol.I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


31. DeAlwis, James

A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit, Pali and Sinhalese literary works of
Ceylon / James De Alwis Colombo : William Skeen (Govt, printer), 1870*.*-
Vol.l,xxx, 243p.

This catalogue contains details of literary works in Sanskrit, Pali and Sinhalese.
(32 palm leaf manuscripts)


Letter from professor Max Muller to the Secretary of State for the colonies - 227p.
Remarks on the spelling adopted in Roman character - 234p. Report of progress of
volume ii - 236p.
(Printed Copy)


32. De Silva, P. H. D. H.
A catalogue of antiquities and other cultural objects from Sri Lanka
(Ceylon) abroad / P. H. D. H. Silva. - Colombo : National Museum of Sri Lanka,
1975 . - v, 506p.


Text in Sinhala & English. Lists antiquities and other cultural objects deposited in
140 institutions in 27 countries. The material has been dealt with broadly under 5
categories-Prehistory, Art, and Antiquities, Numismatics, Palm leaf manuscripts &
Ethnology. Cover designs of palm leaf manuscripts are in 04 plates.
(Printed Copy)

33. De Silva, W. A.
Catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts in the library of the Colombo Museum /
W. A. Silva . - Colombo : Colombo Museum, 1938 . - Vol. 1, xxxiv, 412p. : 6
plates.- (Memoirs of the Colombo Museum series : A, No. 04.)

Content: /

This catalogue contains details of 2456 palm leaf manuscripts classified in 6

sections. (1) Theravada Buddhist literature, (Sinhala, Sanskrit, Pali ) (2)
Theravada Buddhist literature, Pali (in Buremese and Cambodian script)
(3) History & Tradition (4) Grammar and Lexicography (5) Prosody and poetry
(6) Art. Each entry consists of number of folia, size of book, name of author,
description of work, language, type & size of script & colophon. Text in English,
Sinhala, & Pali. Arrangement : Numerical order (1-2456). Preface by
A. H. Malpas, Director, Colombo Museum.


Alphabetical index of titles (387-395p.),

Alphabetical index of titles of books in Sinhalese (396-404p.),
Alphabetical index to name of authors (405-412p.)
(Printed Copy)


34, De Zoysa, Louis

Catalogue of Pali, Sinhalese and Sanskrit manuscripts in the Ceylon Govt.
Oriental Library / Louis De Zoysa. - Colombo : George J. A. Skeen,
(Govt, printer), 1882 . - 26p.

This is the official list of 188 volumes, which were taken over by the Colombo
Museum Library from the Govt. Oriental Library established in 1870.
The manuscripts has classified under the following subjects

A - Canonical scriptures of Buddhism (41 mss.)

B - Miscellaneous religious works (71 mss.)
C - Historical (25 mss.)
D - Philological, Grammars, Dictionaries (29 mss.)
E- Poetry (16 mss.)
F - Miscellaneous Scientific, Medical (6 mss.)
(Printed Copy)


35. DeZoysa, Louis
Catalogue of Pali, Sinhalese and Sanskrit manuscripts in the temple
libraries of Ceylon / Louis De Zoyza . - Colombo : George J. A. Skeen,
(Govt, printer), 1885 . - iv, [48 jp.

It has divided into seven sections

A - Buddhist scripture
C - Tika
D - General religious work
E - Historical works
F - Grammatical and philological works
G - Poetical works
For the majority of the entries, title, no. of folia, place of deposit, name of author, a.
date & subject of work are given.
(Printed Copy)


36. Filliozat, Jacqueline

Catalogue of the Pali manuscript collection in the Burmese and Siamese
characters kept in the library of Vijayasundararamaya, Asgiriya : a
historical bibliotheca sacra siamica in Kandy, Sri Lanka /Jacqueline Filliozat .-
Ecole Tranquaise d’Extreme Orient, 1994
It includes details of 143 palm leaf manuscripts. Each entry has details of content,
number of leaves, size, title, subject, number of lines, language, format and cover
(Printed Copy)


37. Godakumbura, C. E.
A catalogue of the Ceylonese manuscripts in Danish collections /
C. E. Godekumbura. - Copenhagen : The Royal Library, 1980. - [iv] v-xciii, 321p.,
49 plates..

This is a catalogue of documents from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in the Royal Library of
Copenhagen, Denmark. The introduction includes : information on the history of
writing in Ceylon, calliograph, vowels and anuswara, consonants and palm-leaf
writing, other signs used in Sinhalese manuscripts, begining and end of manuscripts,
the dating of Sinhalese books and manuscripts. In the catalogue, the details of the
manuscripts are arranged under the sub-hedings : Pali Texts, Pali-Sinhalese,
Sanskrit, and Sanskrit-Sinhalalese, Elu and Sinhalese. The section on indices gives a
list of texts kept in the Denmark National Museums, Old and new signatures, New
Signatures and page references, List of dated references, titles of texts, proper
names and glossarial indexes.
(Printed Copy)L_. __

33. Goonawardana, Simon F.
Catalogue of the Colombo Museum Library . List of Pali, Sinhalese &
Sanskrit manuscripts. Colombo : 1894 .- 5 p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


39. Hikosaka, S.
A descriptive catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts in Tamil / S. Hikosaka. -
Madras: Institute of Asian Studies, 1993 . - Vol. 3, Part ii, 1117p.
(Printed Copy)


40. Liyanarathne, Jinadasa

Catalogue des manuscripts Sinhalais / ed. Jinadasa Liyanarathne. - Paris :
Bibliotheque Nationale, 1983 . - 148p.


It includes 754 entries with the text in French arranged by alphabetical order.
Among them are 66 Sinhala manuscripts found scattered in several different
collections at the National Library of France.
(Printed Copy)


41. Mudiyanse, Nandasena

A catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts written in Burmese, Cambodian and
Siamese characters

The details of 120 manuscripts which were published in the Buddhist journal can be
searched on continuous basis. Each entry consists of title of the mss., no. of folio,
size, lines on a page, number of pages, characters, words begins and ends, location
of the manuscript and explanation of the text. These manuscripts have been
arranged in alphabetical order.
Mss. 1-9
The Buddhist, Vol. XLIII, No. 2-5 June-Sept. 1972,
Mss. 10-28
The Buddhist, Vol. XLIII, No. 6-8 Oct.-Dec 1972
Mss. 29-120
The Buddhist, Vol. XLIV, No. 1 May 1973,64-7 lp.


42. Perera, Dionysius Mudaliyar.
Catalogue of pali and other manuscripts in temples in the Tangalle district.
+ Communicated through Lt. - Col . W. M. G. Colebrooke and read at the
General Meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society (G.. B. & I . ) on May 5, 1832 .
This, perhaps the earliest catalogue of Ceylonese mss. to be compiled, remained
unpublished, and the manuscript is missing from the Society’s collections now .

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


43. Subramaniam,A. V.
Literature genres in Tamil : a supplement to a descriptive catalogue o.f
palm leaf manuscripts in Tamil / A. V. Subramaniam . - Madras : Institute of
Asian Studies, 1993. ~493p.

This is a catalogue of Tamil palm leaf materials.

(Printed Copy)


44. Wickremasinghe, Don Martino De Zilva

Catalogue of the Sinhalese manuscripts in the British Museum. London .
Printed by order of the Trustees, sold at the British Museum and by Longmans &
C o., etc., 1900. xxxiii, 199 p.
+ Preface by Robert K. Douglas. The entries are arranged by subject groupings,
with indexes of proper names, titles and subjects.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)



45. British Museum

List of Pali manuscripts, excluding the Nevill Collection . (Or. 6599-6616).
+ 70 type-written folios, with index of titles.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


46. Guide to the lists of HMC Material / Colombo : National Archives Department .-
[19..] 130p.
This is a list of materials relevant to the Historical Manuscripts Commission.
It is a typewritten copy in Sinhala. In addition to palm leaf manuscripts it includes
letters, deeds, legal documents and other papers from 5/63/1 to 242.
(Typewritten list)

47. List of ola leaf manuscripts / Colombo: Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology,

2005 .-[10p.]


It include details of 22 ola leaf manuscripts available at the Postgraduate Institute of

(Typewritten list)


48. List of Pali, Sinhalese, Sanskrit and other mss. formerly in the possession of
Hugh Nevill / 2 vols.: I : Ff. 216; vol. 2: Ff. 179.

Manuscripts are arranged in broad subject groups, with numerical index, classified
according to languages

(This entry was extracted from the Catalogues of the British Museum, F.C. Francis,

49. Nevill, Hugh

List of Pali, Sinhalese Sanskrit and other
manuscripts / Hugh Nevill. - Colombo: Colombo Museum Library, 1937. - 308p.


This is a list of palm leaf manuscripts formerly in the possession of late Hugh Nevill.

Chapters are arranged as follows:

1. Buddhist canon (lp.)
2. Non-canonical Buddhist works (of divotion, doctrine and narrative) (24p.)
3. Works on History, Geography, Cosmology (152p.)
4. Grammar, lexicography, glossaries, prosody and rhetoric (177p.)
5. Secular Buddhist poetry, religious and secular Non-Buddhist poetry
(including local cults) (192p.)
6. (i) Sciences and (ii) Prose works on magic and local cults (265p.)
7. Miscellanea: Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu and Burmese mss. on palm leaf (287p.)
8. Miscellanea: Sinhalese, Pali, Tamil and English mss. on paper (288p.)
9. Numerical index of mss. classified according to language and giving the folio on
which they apper in the catalogue (290p.)
(Printed Copy)
50. University of Peradeniya Library : palm leaf manuscripts collection / Comp.
N. A. W. A. T. Alwis and P. B. Samarakone . - University of Peradeniya: 2004 . -

This is a typewritten list of palm leaf manuscripts deposited at the Peradeniya

University Library. It covers 300G palm leaf manuscripts.
(Unpublished copy)



51. Agrawal, O. P.
Conservation of manuscripts and paintings of South-East Asia / O. P.
Agrawal. - Butterworths : Butterworths & Co., 1984. - [vii], 299p., 8 plates.


Under the 3rd chapter author describes varieties of palm leaf, processing of palm
leaf, method of writing and painting, deterioration of palm leaf, conservation
methods and manuscript covers etc. (24-62p.)


i. Natural materials used in the preservation of palm leaf.


52. Agrawal, O. P.
Preservation of art objects and library materials / O. P. Agrawal. - India :
National Book Trust, 1993.


53. Agrawal O. P.
Preservation of art objects and library materials / O. P. Agrawal.- India :
National Book Trust, 1999. - xvi, 112p.


Palm leaf manuscripts. (75-76p.)

Examples of damaged palm leaf manuscripts are shown on plates xxii - xxv.


54. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
Arts and crafts of India and Ceylon / Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. -New York:
The Noonday Press, 1964 . - xiii, 259p.

The illustrations of painted wooden covers of palm leaf manuscripts are on page 98.


55. Coomaraswamy,AnandaK.
Mediaeval Sinhalese Art: a monograph on mediaeval Sinhalese arts and
crafts mainly as surviving in the eighteenth century with an account of the
structure of society and the status of the craftsmen / Ananda K.
Coomaraswamy . - New York : Pantheon Book Inc, 1956. - 2nd edition. -
xv, 344p.


This book contains following 17 chapters giving comprehensive descriptions on

Sinhalese culture, traditional arts and crafts.
i. The Sinhalese people
ii. Social economy of the Kandyan Sinhalese
in the eighteenth century
iii. Particular account of the artificers
iv. Elements of Sinhalese design and Ornament
v. Architecture vi. Woodwork vii. Stonework
viii. Figure sculpture ix. Painting
x. Ivory, bone, hom and shell
xi. Metal work: iron, brass, copper, bronze, gold and silver, jewellery
xii. Lac-work xiii Earthenware xiv. Weaving
xv. Embroidery xvi. Mat weaving and dyeing
xvii. History of Sinhalese art.
There are 03 plates with the illustrations on palm leaf manuscripts and writing styles.


56. Cunha, George Daniel Martin

Conservation of library materials : a manual and bibliography on the care,
repair and restoration of library materials / George Daniel Martin Cunha -
Metuchen,N. J . : The Scarecrow Press, 1967.

Bibliographical information on care and repair of palm leaf manuscripts can be

retrieved from this book.


57. Davy, John
An account of the interior of Ceylon and of its inhabitants with travels in
that island / John Davy . - Dehiwala : Tisara publishers, 1983 (reprint)
A short description and an illustration of palm leaf manuscripts is on 176p. This is a
complete reprint from the original edition of 1821.


58. De Silva, C. M. Austin

Production of Books in Ancient Ceylon. -
Education in Ceylon: from the sixth century B. C. to the present day / Colombo :
Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, 1969 . - A centenary volume - Part. 1
Description of production of writing materials (palm leaf manuscripts) 227 - 233p.

59. Dhammapala,Acariya.
Dighanikayatthakathatika-linatfhavannana ; ed. by Lily de Silva. London,
published for the Pali Text Society by Luzac & Co., 1970. 3 vols. (Vol. 1 : xxxiii,
526p.; Vol.II: [6], 452p.; Vol.III: vii, 372p.).
The critical edition has been prepared by collating six ola leaf manuscripts written
in the Sinhalese script, and the Burmese Chatthasangayana edition printed in the
Burmese script (1962). ‘Tradition is unanimous in ascribing the authorship of DAT
to Acariya Dhammapala’ - Introduction.
(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. Ill, H. A. I. Goonetileke)
42 lp.

60. Gunawardana, Sirancee

Palm leaf manuscripts of Sri Lanka / Sirancee Gunawardana.- Ratmalana:
Sarvodaya VishvaLekha, 1997. - [iii], 350p.

This book is an explorative study with the information of palm leaf manuscripts
relating to Buddhism, music, architecture, traditional medicine, social customs, etc.
Some of the chapters provide comprehensive analysis on preparation of
manuscripts, historical manuscripts in Sri Lanka, information on olas about places on
importance in Sri Lanka, manuscripts on various subjects and conservation of palm
leaf manuscripts. A number of valuable photographs, drawings and illustrations are in
this book.
Catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts in temples (328-344p.),
Bibliography (345-347p.) Acknowledgements of photographs, drawings and

61. Gupta, C. B.
Conservation of paper, palm leaf, birch-bark, parchment and vellum
manuscripts in libraries
Conservation of library materials/ ed. Kalpana Dasgupta. - Calcutta : National
Library, 1988 . - 74-77p. '■


62. Harinarayana, N.
Techniques of conservation of palm leaf manuscripts : ancient and modern
Palm leaf and other manuscripts in Indian languages : proceedings of the national
seminar session held in Pondicherry University 11-13 January 1995, ed. Shu
Hikosaka and G. John Samuel. - Madras : Institute of Asian Studies, 1996 . -


63, Hinuber, Oskar V.

The oldest Pali manuscripts: folios of the vinaya - pitaka from the National
Archives, Katmandu / Oskar V. Hinuber . - Mainz : Stuttgart. Steiner, 1991 . -
48p., 08 plates


The book contains three sections.

i. Paleographical and philological remarks on the manuscripts.

ii. Symbols used in the Pali text.
iii. Pali text.


64. Historical Manuscript Commission

Historical Manuscript Commission : Exhibition of manuscripts in private
ownership. - Colombo : Art Gallery (17.05.1952) 15p.

This is a small booklet in which 700 entries are included giving details of palm leaf
manuscripts in private ownership.

65. Jeyaraj,V.
Care of archival materials l V. Jeyaraj . - Thanjavur : Thanjavur Maharaja
Serfoji’s Sarasvati Mahal Library, 1999.


66. Joshi, Yashodara

Modern techniques of preservation and conservation of palm leaf
Palm leaf and other manuscripts in Indian languages : proceedings of the national
seminar session held in Pondicherry University 11-13 January 1995 . - ed. Shu
Hikosaka and G. John Samuel. - Madras : Institute of Asian Studies, 1996 . -


67. Kathpalia, Yash Pal

Conservation and restoration of archive materials / Yash Pal Kathpalia . -
Paris : Unesco, 1973 . - 23 lp.


Under the first chapter there are descriptions on preparation of palm leaf materials
in Asian countries such as India, Thailand and Sri Lanka. (36,37p.)


68. Liyanaratne, Jinadasa

Buddhism and traditional medicine in Sri Lanka.-Jinadasa Liyanaratne . -
Kelaniya: University of Kelaniya, 1999. - xi, 353p.


Following chapters are important for searching information on medical manuscripts

deposited in foreign libraries.
i. Sri Lankan medical manuscripts:An untapped source ofAyurvedic research
ii. Sinhala medical manuscripts in Paris (88-109p.)
iii. Sri Lankan medical manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (110-137p.)
iv. Remedies for snakebite: A Bodleian Library manuscript (191 -200p.)


69. National Library and Documentation Centre
10thAnniversary 1990-2000.- Colombo: National Library and Documentation
Centre, 2000.- 71p.

Palm leaf collection (2 lp.)


70. Nordstrand, Ove. K.

Bog og skrift i Ceylon. ( Book and writing in Ceylon). Fund og forskning i
Det kongelige Biblioteks samlinger. 7,1960 :13 8 - 150,8 illus. (English summary,
p. 188). + An account of the preparation and use of palm-leaf for the manuscript
books of Ceylon.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

71. Pearson, J. D.
Oriental manuscripts in Europe and North America. A Survey. Published with
the assistance of Unesco. Zug (Switzerland), Inter Documentation Company A.G.,
[1971] LXXX, 515p.

Interdoction pp. XIII-LXXVIII. About 45 Oriental or Asian languages are

covered, and in compiling the work, published catalogues of all kinds inventories,
lists, surveys, general descriptions and works relating to groups or individual
manuscripts have been used. Much data has also been obtained by visits to libraries
in 16 countries and through correspondence. The arrangement is by language
groups, and there are indexes of former owners, and of libraries and other
collections. The Sinhalese, Pali, Sanskrit and Tamil manuscripts are listed in the
section on “Indie languages”, pp. 347-390.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. Ill,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 7p.

72. Piyadasa, T. G.
Libraries in Sri Lanka: Their origin and history from ancient times to the
present time / T. G. Piyadasa . - India : Sri Satguru publications, 1985 . -
[iv] 11Op. (Studies on Sri Lanka series; No. 1)


This is an explorative study with the information on preparing of palm leaf

manuscripts in Sri Lanka. Following chapters are important in searching facts
about the indigenous writing methods in Sri Lanka and depositories of palm leaf
i. Literary traditions and the Monastic libraries of ancient Sri Lanka (1 -20p).
ii. Bibliographical methods of ancient Sri Lanka (21 -32p).
iii. Government Archives of Sri Lanka (39-46p).
iv The Government Oriental library and the search for ancient literature (47-64p).


73. Prajapati, C. L.
Modern techniques on conservation of palm leaf manuscripts

Palm leaf and other manuscripts in Indian languages : Proceedings of the National
seminar session held in Pondicherry University, 11-13 January 1995/ed. Shu
Hikosaka and G. John Samuel, Madras : Institute of Asian Studies, 1996 . -


74. Sha,Anupam
Save palm leaf manuscript heritage / Anupam Sha. - Lucknow: Indian Council
of Conservation Institutes, 2001. -


75. SriMedhankarahimi,Atipola
Puskola lekana kalawa
50thanniversary of Sri Lanka’s independence: a commemorative volume.- Kandy:
Cultural Foundation, 1998 . - 217-225p.


76. Tennent, James Emerson

Ceylon : an account of the island physical, historical and topographical with
notices of its natural history, antiquities and production / James Emerson
Tennent. - London: Longman, 1859. - 2nded., vol. 1.


This book discribes the traditional palm leaf culture in Sri Lanka. There are
descriptions on traditional writing materials in Ceylon. Taliput and olas (91p.)
Preparation of Ola books, (434p.) A style and the mode of writing (435p.)
Viharas as depositories of ola books (436p.)


77. Tennent, James Emerson

Ceylon : an account of the island physical, historical and topographical with
notices of its natural history, antiquities and productions / James Emerson
Tennent. -Dehiwala:Tisara publishers, 1977. - 6th ed., vol. i, lxviii, 543p.


78. Tennent, James Emerson
History of Ceylon / James Emerson Tennent. - Vol. 1

Brief description of olas and their formation on 513p.

(This entry was extracted from List of ola manuscripts in the Museum Library
Colombo 1892, H. M. Gunase&ara,) ixp.


79. Walter, Alan

Palms and pearls or scenes m Ceylon / Alan Walter . - New Delhi : Asian
education services, 1997. - 3 i 2p.

Taliput tree and production of palm leaf (216-217p.)


80'. Walters,Jonathans.
Palm leaves and post cards : material culture and its representation in
colonial Ceylon / Jonathan S. Walters . - [London]: Whitman College : 1995 . -

This is a booklet with the details of exhibition held in Sheehan Gallery during the
period of 05 Oct. - 03 Nov. 1995.-


81. Wattanapam, Pison

Procedures for the conservation of manuscripts and rare books in the
National Library of Thailand . - Bangkok : National Library of Thailand,
2 0 0 5 .- 15p.



82. De Zoysa, Louis Mudaliyar.

Reports on the inspection of temple Libraries . Colombo, George J. A.
Skeen, acting Govt. printer, 1875 . - 17 p

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

83. First report of the Historic.'ri Manuscripts Commission - Colombo : Ceylon
Government Press, 1933 . - 68p.

This report indicates the objectives and responsibilities of the commission.

Some of them are as follows: Conducting surveys on valuable Ceylon manuscripts,
Preparing lists of ola leaf manuscripts deposited in temples, private collections and
other institutions, Conservation of palm leaf manuscripts, Keeping records about the
conditions of palm leaf manuscripts available in different places.


84. Second report of the Ceylon Historical Manuscripts Commission.- Colombo :

Ceylon Government Press, 1935 . - 65p.

It has a list of Sinhalese ola leaf msnuscripts deposited in the Bibliotheque Nationale,
Paris. There are 47 titles (52-54 p.)

85. Third report of the Ceylon Historical Manuscripts Commission . - Colombo :

Ceylon Government Press, 1951. -116p.

There are lists of ola leaf manuscripts examined by the committee members in
appendices at the end of this report. It includes more than 100 manuscripts with the
details such as owner of document, title, number of leaves, size, condition, brief
description, date and language.


Other Documents

86. Alahakoon, C. N. K.
Management, conservation and preservation of palm leaf manuscripts :
A research study based on selected collections in Sri Lanka / C. N. K.
Alahakoon. - Colombo: University of Colombo, 2003 . - xiv, 256p. (MLS Thesis)


This is a valuable research on preparation of palm leaf, writing on palm leaf, binding,
environment & physical characteristics of preservation of palm leaves, practical
problems faced in maintaining the collections, conservation problems in repositories,
ancient & modern techniques of preservation & conservation of palm leaf
manuscripts, etc.,

87. Ariyasinghe,Abeyratne
Sinhalese palaeography / Abeyratne Ariyasinghe. - London: London University,
1965 . - 526p., 123 plates. (PHD Thesis)

It presents a composite and critical picture of the evolution of the ancient script of
Ceylon from the 3rd c. B.C. to the 15th c.A.C. “Materials and techniques of
writing” (267-297p.)

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography o f Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

88. Wetthasinghe, Saroja

Palm leaf manuscripts : with special reference to the Colombo Museum
collection. - Colombo: National Archives, 1986.
(Typewritten paper)


Periodical Articles

89. Abeyasinghe,Tikiri
Manuscripts relating to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the ‘Caixas da India’ of the
Arquivo historico ultramarino in Lisbon . - University of Colombo Review :
Vol. 1, No. 1, 1981 . -30-61p.

90. Abhakom, Rujaya

Towards a collective memory of mainland Southeast Asia : field
preservation of traditional manuscripts in Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. -
IFLA Journal: 23,No. 2,1997 . - 107-1 lip.

91. Agrawal, O. P.
Strategic planning for the preservation of manuscripts, books, and
documents . - Asia Library News : 3, No. 1,2000 . - 15-20p.

92. Alahakoon, C. N. K.
Some problems of preservation and conservation of literary heritage in
Sri Lanka : with special reference to palm leaf manuscripts . - Library News:
Vol. 24, No. 3, July-September, 2003. - 21-23p. ; Vol. 24, No. 4.,
October-December, 2003 . - 21-24p.

93. Amarakoon, Lionel R.

National Museum Library of Sri Lanka : It’s resources and services . -
Sri Lanka Library Review: 10, No.1,2,1996 . - 14-24p.

94. Amarasuriya, T. D. S. Mudaliyar
Dummala oil for olas . C. N. R. 1 (2) July 1906 : 238 - 239.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

95. Bechert, Heinz

Catalogue of Sinhala manuscripts in Germany and the present state of
cataloguing Sinhala manuscripts . - Spolia Zevlanica : 35 (1-11), 1980 . -

96. Block, Solomon Cecil

The bibliography of ola manuscripts in Ceylon. - Journal of the Ceylon Library
Association (Colombo): 1 (1) January, 1962. - 35-39p. A brief historical survey of
the published catalogues of palm leaf manuscripts in the libraries of Ceylon.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II, H. A. I. Goonetileke)

97. Bowden, Russell

Access to resources for Buddhist studies in Sri Lanka . - Journal of Buddhist
Studies : Vol. 2,2004 . - 198-240p.

98. Buultjens, Alfred Edward

Manuscripts and other curious works on Ceylon . - Orientalist: 3 , 1888-89. -

Catalogue of 18 mss. and 12 printed books relating to Ceylon.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


99. Catalogue of the Pali manuscript collection in Burmese and Siamese

characters kept in the library of vijayasundararama Asgiriya . -
Journal of Pali text Society: Vol. 21,1995 . - 131-191p.

100 C. L. Wickramasinghe collection of manuscripts relating to the traditional

customs of Nuwara-Kalaviya . - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of
Sri Lanka : N. S. XXIV, 1978/79 . - 01-14p.

101. Codrington, H. W. and Mirihelle, D. P. D.
The Doratiyawa Sannasa. - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka:
XXIX, I-IV, 77, 1924 . - 307-322p.

Palm leaf document on herloom of the Doratiyawe family.


102. Corea, Ishvari and Thilakaratne, D. M.

Conservation and preservation of library materials in Sri Lanka . -
Library News : 2, No. 3-4 July-December, 1990 . - 8-1 lp.

103. Crowley,Alfreds.
Repair and conservation of palm leaf manuscripts Restaurator :
International journal for the preservation of library and archival material
(Copenhagen). 1 (2) 1969 . - 105-114p., plates.

A study of the methods of cleaning, repairing and conserving palm leaves by the
use of modem materials and techniques based on practices in the Dept, of
Oriental Printed Books and Mss., British Museum, where the bulk of the palm leaf
manuscripts belong to the Nevill Collection of over 2000 Pali, Sinhalese and Tamil

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography o f Ceylon, Vol. Ill,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 415p.

104. Dean, J. F.
Conservation of palm leaf manuscripts . - Paper Conservation News : 8,
March, 1999 . - 10-lip.

103. De Lanerolle, Julius

A catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts . - Journal of the Roval Asiatic Society
Ceylon Branch : 34 (91), 1938 . - 269-276p.

A description of W. A. de Silva’s catalogue.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography o f Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 698p.

106. De Silva, C.M. Austin

Sinhalese national heritage is in ola leaf. - Buddhist: 18, No. 5, September
1947 . - 76-77p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography o f Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 696p.

107. De Silva, D. G. B.
New light on Vanniyas and their chieftaincies based on folk historical
tradition as found in palm leaf mss. in the Hugh Nevill collection . -
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka : Vol. xli, 1998 . -153-204p.
(Hugh Nevill memorial lecture)

108. De Silva, Harris

Palmleaf manuscripts. - Sri Lanka Today: Vol. 26. No. 2, 1979 . - 11-13p.

109. De Silva, W.A.

Palm leaf manuscripts in Ridivihare . - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Ceylon Branch: Vol. 29, Parts i-iv,No. 76,1923 . - 133-144p.

110. De Silva, W.A.

The medical literature of the Sinhalese. - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Ceylon Branch : Vol. XXIII, No. 66,1913. - 39-42,47-48p.

111. Discovery of palm leaf manuscript . - Ceylon Today (Colombo) : 9 (9)

September, 1960 . - 20p.

Sinhalese prose work called karma vibhagaya of the 12th or 13th c.A.D.,
found in Buddhist monastery of saiskya (Tibet). Assigned to the 13th c. on
palaeographical grounds and may therefore be the original copy, in which case
it is the oldest Sinhalese palm leaf manuscripts so far known.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 696p.

112. Feer, Leon

List of Pali manuscripts in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. - Journal of the
Pali Text Society (London): 1882. - 32-37p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon,Vol.I, H. A. I. Goonetileke)


113. Fernando, P. E. E.
A note on three old Sinhalese palm leaf manuscripts .- The Sri Lanka Journal
of Humanities : Vol. 8, No. 1 & 2,1982 . - 146-157p.

114. Frankfurter, Oscar
List of Pali manuscripts in the Bodleian library, Oxford. - Journal of the Pali
Text Society (London): 1882. - 30-3 lp.

(This entry was extracted from bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 21 p.

115. Godakumbura, C. E.
Kadadora grant an ola leaf manuscript from the Kadadora Vihara in the
Central Province . - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Cevlon Branch :
(New Series) Vol. 2, Part ii, 1952 . - 141-158p.

116. Gooneratne, Edmund Rowland

Contributions to a descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali and Elu works
extant in Ceylon ; Elu the Paravi sandesaya . - Orientalist 4 (5 & 6f :
1892 . - 75-78p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 21p.

117. Goonetileke, William

Contributions to a descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali and Elu works
extant in Ceylon ; Sanskrit: The Navaratna . - Orientalist :1, May 1884 :
97-109, 1 Nov. 1884 : 241-3 ; The Janakiharana. Orientalist : 2, 1885 - 86 :

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 22p.

118. Gunawardana, R. A. L. H.
Catalogue des manuscrits singhalais (by Jinadasa Liyanaratne) : Book
review. - Kalyani; Journal of Humanities and Social Science of the University of
Kelaniya: Vol. III-IV, 1984-85 . - 317-319p.

119. Handurukande, Ratna

Paniyavadana . - Sri Lanka Journal of Humanities : 8 (1 & 2), 1982 .

120. Jayawickrama, N. A.
Pali manuscripts in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. -
Bulletin of the John Rvlands University Library of Manchester : 55 (1)
Autumn 1972 . - 146-176p.

83 manuscripts are catalogued and described. All except eight were presented to
the library by prof. T. W. Rhys Davids in 1915, and one of the eight bought from
him. Those written in Sinhalese characters from the largest number. The most
recent are at least 80 years old, while the oldest may be estimated to date back
300 years.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. Ill,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 7p.

121. Joseph, Gerard A.

Ancient Sinhalese literature . - Monthly Literary Register and Notes and
Queries for Ceylon (Colombo!: 3 (10) October, 1895 . - 240p. Ola mss., their
preparation, use and antiquity

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 696p.

122. Kishore, Ranbir

Preservation and repair of palm leaf manuscripts .- The Indian Archives :
January-December, 1961-1962 . - 73-78p.

123. Kulasuriya, AnandaS.

The art of writing and Sinhalese palm leaf manuscripts . - The Sri Lanka
Journal of the Humanities : 17-18,No. 1 & 2 ,1991-1992 . -228-243p.

124. Lagamuwa,A.
Some dialectic elements found in palm leaf manuscripts of Sri Lanka . -
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka : Vol. 46, 2001 . - 79-1 OOp.

125 Lawson, Peter

Palm leaf books and their conservation . - Library Conservation News : 16,
July, 1987 . - 4-7p.

126. Literature sources of Ayurvedic medicine in Sri Lanka : a research study of

palm leaf manuscripts on Ayurvedic medicine recorded. - Ayurveda
Sameeksha : Vol. 1, Part x, 2001 . -105-120p.

127. Liyanaratne, Jinadasa
The literary heritage of Sri Lanka : a case for the preservation of palm leaf
manuscripts. - Studien zumdologie und Iranistik: ed. Wezler Inge .-15 Reinbek:
1989 . - 119-127p.

The importance and the urgehcy of preserving the manuscripts and the need for
making a systematic and scientific census of them have been focussed in this paper.

128. Liyanaratne, Jinadasa

Sinhala palm leaf manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford . - Bodleian
Library Record : xiii, 1991 . - 514-515p.

129. Liyanaratne, Jinadasa

Some Sri Lankan medical manuscripts of importance for the history of
South Asian traditional medicine . - Ayurveda Samiksha : vol. 1, Part 12,
2003 . - 376-384p.

It includes information of 12 Ayurvedic palm leaf manuscripts deposited in the

Bodleian & Cambridge Libraries.

130. Liyanaratne, Jinadasa

Sri Lankan medical manuscripts in the Bodleian Library . - Journal of the
European Ayurvedic Society : Vol. 2.1992. - 36-53p.

131. Martin, Rebecca A.

The collection of palm leaf manuscripts at Northern Illinois University
libraries . - Illinois Libraries: 85, No. 3, spring 2005

132. Mudiyanse, Nandasena

A jataka tale in Sinhalese verse from an old manuscript at the Colombo
Museum . - Buddhist: 42 (9), January, 1972 . - 180-183,189p.

A five-leaf 35 stanza manuscript of Suvanna kakkataka-jataka in popular Sinhala


(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. Ill,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 418p.

133. Mudiyanse,Nandasena
Silpa sastra works in Sri Lanka . - Journal of Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon
Branch) : 1978 . - 69-73p.


134. Nell,Andreas
Ceylon palm leaf manuscript books . - Cevlon Observer Annual (Colombo!:
1932 . - 29-32p., 6 illus ------------

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 696p.

135. Nell,Andreas
Palm leaf manuscripts or ola books . - Ceylon Today (Colombo): 3 (3 and 4)
March-April, 1954. - 38-40p. illus.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 696p.

136. Nordstrand, Ove K.

A note on Rasmus Rask and the Ceylonese manuscripts at the library of
the Wesleyan Mission, Colombo in 1822 . - Journal of the Royal Asiatic
Society of Sri Lanka : N. S. XVIII, 1974 . - 70-73p.

137. Nordstrand, Ove K.

The Introduction of paper to Ceylon . - Cevlon Today ( Colombo! : 10 (8)
August, 1961 . -15-18p.

Repr. Papier Geschichte : Zeitschriftder Forschungsstelle papiergeschichte in

Mainz 11 (5 and 6) Dec. 1961 . - 67-70p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 697p.

138. Oldenberg, Hermann

Catalogue of the Pali manuscripts in the India office library, being appendix
to the journal of Pali Text Society for 1882 . - London, Published for the
Pali Text Society, by Oxford Univ. Press, 1882 . - [2], 59-128p. (Reprinted from
Journal of the Pali Text Society (London): 1882. - 59-128p. 142 entries

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 22p.

139. Paranavitana, K. D.
Covers of palmleaf manuscripts . - Journal of The Institute of Traditional
Studies : Vol. 01, No. 01,1988. - 25-29p.

140. Paulusz, J. H. O.
The Dandrado manuscripts. - Sri Lanka Archive : Vol. 2,1984. - 67-103p.

141. Perera, S. G. Rev.
Sinhalese documents at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. - Ceylon Literary
Register Colombo): 3 (4) April, 1933 . - 192p. (47 mss.)

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 697p. !>

142. Pohath, T. B.
Two ola grants of the Seventeenth century . - Journal of the Royal Asiatic
Society Ceylon Branch: Vol. 10-16,1903.

143. Ratwatte, Florence

The ancient art of ola writing : ola predates paper in Sri Lanka. -
Explore Sri Lanka : Vol. 4, No. 2,1990 . - 5-8p.

144. Samuel, John G

Preservation of palm-leaf manuscripts in Tamil. - IFLA Journal : Vol. 20,
No. 3, 1994 . -294-305p.

145. Senadeera, N. T. S. A.
Microfilming for the safety of library materials . - Information Development:
7, No. 4, October, 1991 . - 208-212p.

146. Sirisoma, M. H.
Preparation of an ola leaf book. - Observer Pictorial: 15 -17p. Sri Lanka:
The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon, 1991 . -

147. Sundar Raman, A. H.

Four Telugu ola manuscripts in= the Colombo Museum Library .
Ceylon Literary Register (Colombo): Vol. 3, No. 5, May, 1933 . - 193-198p.

Description of four mss. in the Nevill collection.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 697p.

148. Suryawanshi, D. G. Nair, M. V. and SinhaP. M.

Improving flexibility of palm leaf. - Restaurator: 13,No.l, 1992 . - 37-46p.

149. Suryawanshi, D. G., Sinha, P. M. and Agrawal, O. P. Basic studies on the
properties of palm leaf. - Restaurator : 15, No. 1 ,1994. - 65-78p.

150. Thaninayagam, Xavier S.

Tamil manuscripts in European libraries . - Tamil Culture : Vol. 3, Nos. 3-4
October, 1954 .- 2 1 9-228p.

151. The Talipot. - Times of Cevlon Annual: 1968.

152. The Work of the Historical Manuscript Commission - Ancient Sannas ;

Treaty with French king . - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka:
XXXIII, 87, 1934 . - 40-46p.

153. Titley, Norah M.

An illustrated Sinhalese palm leaf manuscript. - British Museum Quarterly:
Vol. xxvi, No. 3-4, 1963 . - 86-88p.

Description of an illustrated Jataka story mss. Vidhurapandita - jataka presented to

the Dept, o f Oriental printed books and mss. in 1938 (or. 116666)

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 697p.

154. Wickramaratne, K. D. L.
Plam leaf manuscripts of Ceylon. - Ceylon Today: Vol. 16, No. 1, Jannuary,
1967 . - 16-21p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol.'ll,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 697p.

155. Wickremasinghe, Don Martino De Zilva

Catalogue of the late prof. Max Muller’s Sanskrit manuscripts . -
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Great Britain and Ireland) (London): 1902. -
Article XXII, 611-651p.

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. I,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 23p.

156. Wickremasinghe, Don Martino De Zilva
List of the “Pansiyapanas Jataka” : the 550 birth-stories of Gautama
In : Notes on certain jatakas relative to the sculptures recently discovered in
Northern India by L. D. Zoysa. Appendix H. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Ceylon Branch: 10135). 188.7 . - 205-218p.

It was found necessary to consult many ola mss. belonging to temple libraries in
several part of the Island in order to make the list complete. The Sinhalese
and English transliterated titles are given side by side

(This entry was extracted from Bibliography of Ceylon, Vol. II,

H. A. I. Goonetileke) 705p.

157. Wickramasinghe, G T.
Some treasured books of Sri Lanka . - Observer Pictorial: 1973 . -

158. Wickramasinghe, G T.
Some treasured books of Sri Lanka . - Sri Lanka Today : Vol. 25, No. 2,
1978 . - 34-5lp.

aaSeaa 233#

<F<9©3tii» ©. s . 15

q?COcS0dcDS3, d 0 . d . 8. 61

<?3S3Sf<, d 0 . 88055? 54

^325325?< C5®, @«5)JtsrQDCdfQ>iJSr@ffir 16

S5><§>3ded"03®, ^325325?^ (sSS?. 17

^(5gdc3, ^325325?^ d d . 63

cg^sedtsjd, 0 (^ 9 0 d®. 64

@CD302^d, 6 . d. 65

e^34^0©>0 d®, 19

<25323?egdc3, 8s)<3ea 67

< 8(5^3, @d. d d®. 69

< 8(^03, O302S3 02S?d®25? 68

«S ^ id 6» <C33d25?253 70

<td^ooSCD(3, o . d. ©. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48

^e332533&323, 08332533® 71

©25^s5ip^?5?2§ eS®, <s>?snO<2>d'(2>&) 72

cwf®S8, 8 . d®>. <pd. 01

©d<Sso0?533253, @25?. 0. 73

®0(sdd3, Qi& cJd& d(^. 83

g^2SC33d, @25?. @d. 78

925332Sfg, O®30 ©■ 84

925332s?*;, 8 . d. d. 85

@^®d25?253, gdte«$®3d 86

0(5(3^ <pd0S, 25330JS 87

®d25?<£8d, 8 c3<3C3 88, 89

d<s6 8 °eo, 0 3 . q£5. 0 8 . 91

8 °20, C3<^303025f 92

d)©>23330325>, 003 93
@dJco«s5^d, ^ 2 5 ^ 8 49, 50, 94

0<i3253d25fe), S233<3£3 51, 95, 96

0"S5)30C^, d a Q d 03

Os33d25>253 8 3 , 25)^dt83©8 97, 98

©25«6^0, 99

325)Q2>25)3g325), C3d?sf 101

3So30dO>253, ?^g8 8 d 102

SefoOdOto, © 8^ 0 3 0 8 . 103

SeScagSoa, 3^)0 104

3 ^803=0 , 8Se3$D25f 105

3©88°eo, SO d 59

3®0doJja, ©8. 8. 8. 52

3<§)0O°O3 8 3 , 253308©<f 106

3dS°fio, 0 3 0 0 , (sssJ1. O0. 0 3 . <323?. 107, 108

63i)d2Sf<sS5)33, O 0. S. 109

8025^023^0 8 3 , 253^0(30 111

g08»so, 3. 118

©8z5)3^d, q?3do3d25^25) 112, 113

©825333d, 025?. 3. 0 8 . 8 . 114

©C3Ji>^023), OS. 115,116

©C3Ji>^3C3, ©25?. 3. 04, 05, 06

©esJdea 8 3 , ©025)©<^)d 117

Author Index

Abeyasinghe, Tikiri 89

Abhakom, Rujaya 90

Adikaram, E. W. 24

Agrawal, O. P. 51,52, 53,91

Alahakoon, C. N. K. 86,92

Amarakoon, Lionel R. 93

Amarasuriya, T. D. S. 94

Ariyasinghe, Abeyratne 87

Bechert, Heinz 26,95

Bendall, Cecil 25

Bidoli, Maria 26

Block, Solomon Cecil 96

Bowden, Russell 97

Buultjens, Alfred Edward 98

Cabaton, Antoine 27,28

Codrington, H. W. 101

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. 54,55

Corea, Ishvari 102

Crowley, Alfred S. 103

Cunha, George Daniel Martin 56

Davy, John 57

De Alwis, James 31
Dean, J. F. 104

De Lanerolle, Julius 105

De Silva, C. M. Austin 58,106

De Silva, D. G. B. 107

De Silva, Harris 108

De Silva, P. H. D. H. 32
De Silva, W. A. 33,109,110

De Zoysa, Louis 34,35,82

Dhammapala, Acariya 59

Feer, Leon 112

Fernando, P. E. E. 113

Filliozat, Jacqueline 36

Frankfurter, Oscar 114

Godakumbura, C. E. 37,115

Goonetileke, H. A. I. 06,07,08

Goonawardana, Simon F. 38

Gconeratne, Edmund Rowland 116

Goonetileke, William 117

Gunasekara, H. M. 09

Gunawardana, R. A. L. H. 118

Gunawardana, Sirancee 60

Gupta, C. B. 61

Handurukande, Ratna 119

Harinarayana, N. 62

Hikosaka, S. 39

Hinuber, Oskar V. 63

Janert, Klaus Ludwig 10

Jayawickrama, N. A. 120

Jeyaraj, V. 65

Joseph, Gerard A. 11,121

Joshi, Yashodara 66

Kathpalia, Yash Pal 67

Kishore, Ranbir 122

Kulasuriya, Ananda S. 123

Lagamuwa, A. 124

Lawson, Peter 125

Liyanaratne, Jinadasa 40,68,127,128,129,130

Martin, Rebecca A 131

Mirihelle, D. P. D. 101

Mudiyanse, Nandasena 41,132,133

Nair, M. V. 148

Nell, Andreas 134,135

Nevill, Hugh 13,14,15,49

Nordstrand, Ove K. 70,136,137

Oldenberg, Hermann 138

Paranavitana, K. D. 139

Paulusz, J. H. 0 . 140

Pearson, J. D. 71

Perera, Dionysius Mudaliyar 42

Perera, S. G. Rev. 141

Piyadasa, T. G. 72

Pohath, T. B. 142

Prajapati, C. L. 73

Ratwatte, Florence 143

Samuel, John G. 144

Senadeera, N. T. S. A. 145

Sha, Anupam 74

Sinha P. M. 148,149

Sirisoma, M. H. 146

Somadasa, K. D. ^ 16,17,18,19,20,21,22

Sri Medhankara himi, Atipola 75

Subramaniam, A. V. 43

Sundar Raman, A. H. 147

Suryawanshi, D. G.. 148,149

Tennent, James Emerson 76,77,78

Thaninayagam, Xavier S. 150

Thilakaratne, D. M. 102

Titley, Norah M. 153

Udugama, M. M. P. D. 23

Walter, Alan 79

Walters, Jonathan S. 80

Wattanapam, Pison 81

Wettasinghe, Saroja 88

Wickramaratne, K. D. L. 154

Wickramasinghe, Don Martino De Zilva 44,155,156

Wickramasinghe, G. T. 157,158

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<2306 esi©di© 1990-2000 18

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© gO S S f 8§C 30 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,

30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
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025) O25?C3025) 03(5 023?<§>d* 86

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©$s5c3 ©^025)©C3£S 002Q 025)3(3325)03 99

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0d<32S)d<@6 25)0g233 93

08025) 25)gd d d 72

£3\6& i © 10 §825)25)30 64

d l d ^ 23)^023)25? 74, 75, 76

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2S)0o©25? dead g o 0 g g g o*0 80

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Title Index


An annotated bibliography of the catalogues of

Indian manuscripts 10

A Bibliography of Ceylon: a systematic

guide to the literature on the land, people, history
and culture published in western languages from
the sixteenth century to the present day
Vol. 1,2,3 06,07,08

Catalogue of the Hugh Nevill collection of

Sinhalese manuscripts in the British Library
Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Ceylon: National Museum Manuscript Series.

Vol. 1, (Palm leaf manuscripts). Medical 01

Ceylon: National Museum Manuscript Series.

Vol. 2 (Palm leaf manuscripts) Veterinary
science - Elephants 02

Ceylon: National Museum Manuscript Series.

Vol. 3 (Palm leaf manuscripts) Medical -
Opthalmology 03

Ceylon: National Museum Manuscript Series.

Vol. 7 (Sinhalapalm leaf manuscripts)
Medical - Medicinal Oils 04

Ceylon: National Museum Manuscript Series.

Vol. 8 (Sinhalapalm leaf manuscripts)
Medical - Treatment for snake bites 05

List of ola manuscripts in the Museum library,

Colombo, 1892 = Catalogue of Pali, Sinhalese
and Sanskrit manuscripts in the Colombo
Museum library 09

London University. School of Oriental and

African studies: Library catalogue 12

Ola manuscripts and the Government Oriental

Library of Ceylon 11

Peradeniya Lanka Vishvavidyalaya Pusthakalaye
Puskola PotNamavaliya (Catalogue of palm leaf
manuscripts in the University of Ceylon
Library, Peradeniya). 23

Sinhala verse (Kavi) Part 1,2,3 I) 13,14,15


Catalogue des manuscripts Sinhalais 40

A catalogue of antiquities and other cultural

obj ects from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) abroad 32

Catalogue of Pali and other manuscripts in

temples in the Tangalle district 42

Catalogue of Pali, Sinhalese and Sanskrit

mianuscripts in the Ceylon Govt. Oriental Library 34

Catalogue of Pali, Sinhalese and Sanskrit

manuscripts in the temple libraries of Ceylon 35
Catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts in the
library of the Colombo Museum 33

A catalogue of palm leafmanuscripts written in

Burmese, Cambodian and Siamese characters 41

A catalogue of the Ceylonese manuscripts in

Danish collections 37

Catalogue of the Colombo Museum Library.

List of Pali, Sinhalese & Sanskrit manuscripts 38

Catalogue of the Colombo Museum Library.

Pt. 1 - Pali, Sinhalese & Sanskrit manuscripts 30

Catalogue of the Pali manuscript collection in the

Burmese and Siamese characters kept in the library
of Vijayasundararamaya, Asgiriya: a historical
bibliotheca sacra siamica in Kandy, Sri Lanka 36

Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the

British Museum 25

Catalogue of the Sinhalese manuscripts in the
British Museum 44

Catalogue of the Sinhalese manuscripts in the

India Office Library 29

Catalogue sommaire des manuscripts

Sanscrits et Palis. 1er fasc.- Manuscripts, Sanscrits 27

Catalogue sommaire des manuscripts

Sanscrits et Palis. 2e fasc.- Manuscripts, Palis 28

A descriptive catalogue of palm leaf

manuscripts in Tamil 39

Descriptive catalogue of the Pali manuscripts

in the Adyar library 24

A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit, Pali

and Sinhalese literary works of Ceylon 31

Literature genres in Tamil: a supplement to a

descriptive catalogue of palm leaf
manuscripts in Tamil 43

Singhalesische Handschriften. 26


Guide to the lists of HMC Material 46

List of ola leaf manuscripts 47

List of Pali manuscripts, excluding the

Nevill Collection 45

List of Pali, Sinhalese, Sanskrit and other

manuscripts 49

List of Pali, Sinhalese, Sanskrit and other mss.,

formerly in the possession of Hugh Nevill 48

University of Peradeniya Library: palm leaf

manuscripts collection 50


An account of the interior of Ceylon: and of

it; inhabitants with travels in that island 57

Arts and crafts of India and Ceylon 54

Bog og skrift i Ceylon = Book and writing in Ceylon 70

Buddhism and traditional medicine in Sri Lanka 68

C;ire of archival materials 65

Ceylon: an account of the island physical,

historical and topographical with notices of its
natural history, antiquities and production 76,77

Conservation and restoration of archive materials 67

Conservation of library materials: a manual

and bibliography on the care, repair and
restoration of library materials 56

Conservation of manuscripts and paintings of

South-East Asia 51

Conservation of paper, palm leaf, birch-bark,

parchment and vellum manuscripts in libraries 61

Dighanikayatthakathatika-linatthavannana 59

Historical Manuscript Commission:

Exhibition of manuscripts in private ownership 64

History of Ceylon 78

Libraries in Sri Lanka: their origin and

history from ancient times to the present time 72

Mediaeval Sinhalese A rt: a monograph on mediaeval

Sinhalese arts and crafts mainly as surviving in the
eighteenth century with as account of the structure
of society and the status of the craftsmen 55

Modem techniques of preservation and

conservation of palm leaf manuscripts 66

Modem techniques on conservation of
palm-leafmanuscripts 73

National Library and Documentation Centre

1OthAni versary 1990-2000 69

The oldest Pali manuscripts: folios o f the vinayapitaka

from the National Archives, Katmandu 63

Oriental manuscripts in Europe and North

America: a survey 71

Palm leaf manuscripts of Sri Lanka 60

Palm leaves and post cards: material culture

and its representation in colonial Ceylon 80

Palms and pearls or scenes in Ceylon 79

Preservation of art objects and library materials 52, 53

Procedures for the conservation of manuscripts

and rare books in the National Library of Thailand 81

Production of Books in Ancient Ceylon 58

Puskola lekana kalawa 75

Save palm leafmanuscript heritage 74

Techniques of conservation of palm leaf

manuscripts: ancient and modem 62


First report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission 83

Reports on the inspection of temple libraries 82

Second report of the Ceylon Historical

Manuscripts Commission 84

Third report of the Ceylon Historical

Manuscripts Commission 85

Other Documents

Management, conservation and preservation of

palm leaf manuscripts: A research study
based on selected collections in Sri Lanka 86

Palm leaf manuscripts: with special reference

to the Colombo Museum collection 88

Sinhalese palaeography 87

Periodical Articles

Access to resources for Buddhist studies in Sri Lanka 97

Die ancient art of ola writing: ola predates

paper in Sri Lanka 143

Ancient Sinhalese literature 121

Die art of writing and Sinhalese palm leaf manuscripts 123

Basic studies on the properties of palm leaf 149

Die bibliography of ola manuscripts in Ceylon 96

Catalogue des manuscripts Singhalais: Book review 118

A catalogue of palm leaf manuscripts 105

Catalogue of Sinhala manuscripts in Germany and the

present state of cataloguing Sinhala manuscripts 95

Catalogue of the late prof. Max Muller’s Sanskrit

manuscripts 155

Catalogue of the Pali manuscript collection in

Burmese and Siamese characters kept in the
library of vij ayasundararama Asgiriya 99

Catalogue of the Pali manuscripts in the India

office library, being appendix to the journal of
Pali text society for 1882 138

Ceylon palm leaf manuscript books 134

List of Pali manuscripts in the Bodleian library, Oxford 114

List of “Pansiyapanas Jataka” : the 550

birth-stories of Gautama Buddha 156

The literary heritage of Sri Lanka: a case for

the preservation ofpalm leaf manuscripts 127

Literature sources ofAyurvedic medicine in

Sri Lanka: a research study of palm leaf
manuscripts on Ayurvedic medicine recorded 126

Manuscripts and other curious works on Ceylon 98

Manuscripts relating to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the

‘C'aixas da India’of the Arquivo historico
ultramarino in Lisbon 89

The Medical literature of the Sinhalese 110

Microfilming for the safety of library materials 145

National Museum Library of Sri Lanka: It’s

resources and services 93

New light on Vanniyas and their chieftaincies

based on folk historical tradition as found in
palm leaf mss. in the Hugh Nevill collection 107

A note on Rasmus Rask and the Ceylonese

iminuscripts at the library of the Wesleyan
Mission, Colombo in 1822 136

A note on three old Sinhalese palm leaf

manuscripts 113
Pali manuscripts in the John Rylands University
Library of Manchester 120

Palm leaf books and their conservation 125

Palm leafmanuscripts 108

Palm leafmanuscripts in Ridivihare 109

Palm leafmanuscripts of Ceylon 154

Palm leaf manuscripts or ola books 135

C. L. Wickramasinghe collection of manuscripts
relating to the traditionary customs of Nuwara-Kalaviya 100

The collection of palm leaf manuscripts at

Northern Illinois University libraries 131

Conservation and preservation of library

materials in Sri Lanka 102

Conservation of palm leaf manuscripts 104

Contributions to a descriptive catalogue of

Sanskrit, Pali and Elu works extant in Ceylon:
Elu the paravi sandesaya 116

Contributions to a descriptive catalogue of

Sanskrit, Pali and Elu works extant in Ceylon:
Sanskrit: The Navaratna 117

Covers of palm leaf manuscripts 139

The dandrado manuscripts 140

Discovery of palm leaf manuscript 111

The Doratiyawa sannasa 101

Dummalaoilforolas 94

Four Telugu ola manuscripts in the Colombo

Museum library 147

An illustrated Sinhalese palm leafmanuscript 153

Improving flexibility of palm leaf 148

The introduction of paper to Ceylon 137

A jatakatale in Sinhalese verse from an old

manuscript at the Colombo Museum 132

Kadadora grant an ola leaf manuscript from the

Kadadora Vihara in the Central Province 115

List of Pali manuscripts in the Bibliotheque

Nationale, Paris 112

Paniyavadana 119

Preparation of an ola leaf book 146

Preservation and repair of palm leaf manuscripts 122

Preservation of palm leaf manuscripts in Tamil 144

Repair and conservation of palm leaf manuscripts 103

Silpa sastra works in Sri Lanka 133

Sinhala palm leafmanuscripts in the Bodleian

Library, Oxford 128

Sinhalese documents at the Bibliotheque

Nationale, Paris 141

Sinhalese national heritage is in ola leaf 106

Some dialectic elements found in palm leaf

manuscripts of Sri Lanka 124

Some problems of preservation and

conservation of literary heritage in Sri Lanka:
with special reference to palm leaf manuscripts 92

Some Sri Lankan medical manuscripts of importance

for the history of South Asian traditional medicine 129

Some treasured books of Sri Lanka 157,158

Sri Lankan medical manuscripts in the Bodleian Library 130

Strategic planning for the preservation of

manuscripts, books, and documents 91

The Talipot 151

Tamil manuscripts in European libraries 150

Towards a collective memory of mainland Southeast

Asia: field preservation oftraditional manuscripts in
Thailand, Laos and Myanmar 90

Two ola grants of the seventeenth century 142

The Work oflhe Historical Manuscript Commission:

Ancient Sannas; Treaty with French king 152

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