Evidence CSTP 5 4

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CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

5.1 Apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types
of assessments

 Level of Development: Applying

 Date: Jan. 2019
 Evidence: I usually create assessments to align with what lesson the students were taught.
The type of assessment I use also depends on the lesson. I also assign projects as an
assessment as well. An example of an assessment project is to have students collect data
about specific topic and use that data to make a poster with the mean, median, mode,
outliers, domain and range and graph the data. They would need to use different types of
graphs such as line graph, frequency table and box and whisker plot. The other types of
assessments I use are performance assessments, selected response, essay and personal
communication assessments.
 Level of Development: Integrating
 Date Nov. 2019
 Evidence: To assess students, there are multiple ways that I assess them. Students are able
to choose how they want to be assessed from the options I provide. For this unit, students’
area creating videos of themselves reteaching the lesson step by step and showing
themselves solving given math problems. Students can also create a power-point
presentation with images of them solving the problems and also guided notes of the lesson.
Students are given a rubric of what is expect to show competency. The ISTE standards that
students focus on are Innovative Designer and Creative Communicator because students
get to design and create their videos and slides to show understanding of the lesson.
 Level of Development: Innovating
 Date: April 2020
 Evidence: For distance learning, I needed to be flexible with the way I was assessing for the
authenticity of students’ understanding. I gave them the choice of taking the assessment on
google forms, create a video of them solving problems step by step or a video of them
teaching someone in their family. I had many videos of students teaching their parents and
they were very excited about doing this. Say that they knew they understood the lesson
when they were able to reteach it to someone else. TLMS Domain IV.
5.2 Collect and analyze assessment data from variety of sources to inform
 Level of Development: Applying
 Date: Jan. 2019
 Evidence: I use the scores of IXL diagnostic, STAR, benchmarks, and tests to plan my
lessons because I need to know what areas to focus on more. I also use ticket out the door
to allow me to see how much students understood that lesson to see if I should move on or
review. I also use students’ assessment to see who needs to be pulled out for one on one or
who needs accommodations. I also collect data to compare with other teachers from
different subjects to see if students are show trend across all classes or in just specific
 Level of Development: Applying and Integrating
 Date: Sept. Oct. & Nov. 2019
 Evidence: This year I added two new programs to assess students’ overall math level
through diagnostic tests, MDTP and Prodigy Math. I also use IXL diagnostic scores to
compare where each of my students’ math levels are. Based on the score and areas they
struggled in, I provide them with recommended skills/practice to improve those areas.
Using the data from these diagnostic test also allows me to see why students struggle in
current lessons. For example, students might struggle with dimensional analysis if they
don’t have strong understanding of conversions of measurements. ISTE standard would be
empowered learner because students use their scores to come up with a goal so they can

5.3 Review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student

 Level of Development: Applying

 Date: Jan. 2019
 Evidence: As middle school team, we meet weekly to discuss student progress and
interventions. We discuss methods that work and don’t work for specific students and
build our ideas from there to improve student learning. We also compare our data to see if
there are students who are struggling in all subjects or just specific ones to figure out the
interventions needed for the students.
 Level of Development: Integrating
 Date: Sept. Oct. & Nov. 2019
 Evidence: This year, I took on the role of collecting test scores from all the teachers and put
students in specific quartiles. Students who are below average and far below average are
pulled out to work on their specific areas of need. My colleagues and I have given days
where we push in or pull students out. Students have shown great improvements on their
test scores. ISTE standards are collaborator and analyst because I discuss with students,
parents, and other teachers about the data I collected from student’s test results and
analyze it to better support my students.

5.4 Use assessment data to establish learning goals and to plan, differentiate,
and modify instruction
 Level of Development: Applying
 Date: Jan. 2019
 Evidence: I make modifications to my lesson and instruction to meet specific students’
needs by allowing students more time, reading the assessments out loud to them, creating
the test where there are only 2-3 questions on each page, so it is not so overwhelming. I
provide students with guided notes during note taking time. I also give students my IEP
students’ notes prior to the lesson.
 Level of Development: Integrating
 Date: Jan. 2020
 Evidence: I collaborate with my LSP colleagues to create/accommodate lessons to
allow my students a more individualized learning plan. I provide my LSP students with
guided notes and also have tem work with me or other LSP teachers to make sure they
have a strong grasp of the math lesson. TLMS Domain IV.

5.5 Involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting, and monitoring

 Level of Development: Exploring
 Date: Jan. 2019
 Evidence: The strategy I use is, I do a problem then they do a problem and continue for a
few questions until the students have a good understanding of how to solve it. I also have
them check their work with mine to compare where they made their mistake. I would like
to have students assess their own work more often and see where their mistakes are. I
usually mark questions wrong and have students go back to see what their mistake was
when solving problems. Once they figure out what they did wrong, they need to explain
what they did wrong and fix their mistake.

5.6 Use available technologies to assist in assessment, analysis, and

communication of student learning
 Level of Development: Exploring
 Date: Jan. 2019
 Evidence: Although much of my lessons include technology, not all my assessments use
technology. I use IXL diagnostic and STAR for online assessments and the others are
written exams, task/skills, or projects. I keep track of my students’ grades and update on a
daily basis, so they have access at home to see what they have in my class. As a whole
school, we discuss student learning every week and I communicate with parents through
email, conference and phone calls. Students use I pads to mirror their work on the TV when
we do independent work and I want to use student’s examples to teach the class.
 Level of Development: Applying
 Date: Sept. Oct. Nov. 2019
 Evidence: On top of IXL and STARP, I use Prodiy and MDTP to assess students. This year I
am using Class Dojo to communicate with parents about their child’s progress. I also have
students long in to each program to see their child’s math levels for each program.
 Level of Development: Innovating
 Date: March & April 2020
 Evidence: I use Desmos, Doceri and Google slides to create lessons for students to have a
better understanding when learning at home. For assessments, I use google forms,
screencastify, and flipgrid for students to record their clips of performance or teaching
others NBPTS Prop. 3.

5.7 Use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback

with students and their families

 Level of Development: Applying

 Date: Jan. 2019
 Evidence: During a school year, the middle school team has student-led parent
conferences to show students’ achievements and struggles. Students throughout the
year, collect work they are proud of and work they struggle with and put it in a neatly
organized portfolio. These portfolios are then presented to their parents during
conferences. Besides the conferences, I contact parents when I see students excelling and
when they struggle. I think it is crucial for parents to see how their child is doing
academically and with behavior.

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