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Q2 )Briefly describe the five key traits in the Big Five model.

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What is emotional intelligence? Briefly explain the arguments for and

against emotional intelligence.?
- emotional intelligence : the ability to detect and to manage emotional cues and
- the arguments in favor of EL include its
1- intuitive appeal : intuition suggests people who can detect emotions in others control
their own emotions and handle social interaction well have a powerful leg up in the
business world
2- el predicts criteria that matter : evidence suggests a high level of EL means a person
will perform well on the job
3- EL is biologically based : in one study people with damage to the brain area that
governs emotional processing
- The case against EL :
1- EL researches do not agree on difinitions : Many researchers did not agree on a
single and clear definition because the researchers used multiple and different
definitions .some have focused on tests with right and wrong answers from which we
can infer someone ability to recognize and control emotions .
2- El Can't Be Measured : Many critics have raised questions about measuring EI.
Because EI is a form of intelligence, they argue, there must be right and wrong
answers for it on tests. Some tests do have right and wrong answers, although the
validity of some questions is doubtful.
3- El Is Nothing but Personality with a Different Label : Some critics argue that because
EI is so closely related to intelligence and personality, once you control for these
factors, it has nothing unique to offer. There is some foundation to this argument. El
appears to be correlated with measures of personality, especially emotional stability.
activity and heritability are attributable to other well-known and much better
researched psychological constructs .
Q2 )Briefly describe the five key traits in the Big Five model.

Q20 Briefly describe the five key traits in the Big Five model.
1- Extraversion : A personality dimension describing someone who is
sociable, gregarious, and assertive
2- Agreeableness : Personality dimension that describes someone who is
good natured, cooperative, and trusting
3- Conscientiousness: A personality dimension that describes someone who
is responsible, -
4- emotional stability: A personality dimension that characterizes someone
as calm, self-confi dent, secure (positive) versus nervous, depressed, and
insecure (negative).
5- openness to experience: A personality dimension that characterizes
someone in terms of imagination, sensitivity, and curiosity

Q3) Explain the effect of core self-evaluation on job performance

- core self-evaluation (CSE): Bottom line conclusions individuals have about their
capabilities, competense, and worth as a person .

- Core Self-Evaluation: like themselves and see themselves as effective, capable, and
in control of their environment. Those with negative core self-evaluations tend to
dislike themselves, question their capabilities, and view themselves as powerless
over 48 their environment

- People with positive core self-evaluations perform better than others because they
set more ambitious goals, are more committed to their goals, and persist longer in
attempting to reach them

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