2018 Drinking Water Chlorination Booklet - Part2

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The timeline at the bottom of these

pages highlights important develop-

ments in the history of U.S. drinking
water chlorination and regulation.

Providing Safe Drinking Water:

A Multi-Barrier Approach
Meeting the goal of clean, safe
drinking water requires a multi-
Figure 1-1: Historical Death Rates for Typhoid Fever
barrier approach that includes
in the United States protecting raw source water from
contamination, appropriately treat-
Chlorination begins
ing raw water, and ensuring safe
distribution of treated water to con-
sumers’ taps.
Rates per 100,000 Population

Source Water Protection Source

water includes any surface water
16 (rivers and lakes) or groundwater
used as a raw water supply. Every
drop of rain and melted flake of
8 snow that does not re-enter the
atmosphere after falling to the
ground wends its way, by the con-
0 stant pull of gravity, into the vast
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 interconnected system of Earth’s
Source: CDC,1997.
surface and groundwaters.

EPA’s Stage 2 2013
1996 Disinfectants Michael J. McGuire
1972 Safe Drinking Water Act and Disinfection 2008 publishes The Chlorine
Passage of U.S. Amendments extended to Byproducts Rule 100th Anniversary of Revolution: Water
Clean Water Act recognize: source water developed to the first continuous use Disinfection and the Fight
for restoring protection, operator training, further reduce of chlorine disinfectant to Save Lives, documenting
and maintaining funding for water system consumer exposure in a U.S. municipal the public health history
surface water improvements, and enhanced to disinfection drinking water facility of U.S. drinking water
quality public information byproducts (Jersey City) chlorination

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2015 2018

1974 1989  2001 2006 2013 2018
Passage of U.S. EPA’s Total Coliform EPA’s Stage 1 EPA’s Long Term 2 Enhanced EPA’s Revised Total 110th Anniversary of
Safe Drinking Water Act: Rule developed to Disinfectants Surface Water Treatment Rule Coliform Rule the first continuous use
The U.S. Environmental protect against fecal and Disinfection developed to reduce exposure developed to reduce of chlorine disinfectant
Protection Agency (EPA) contamination of Byproducts Rule to Cryptosporidium and other potential pathways for in a U.S. municipal
is given authority to set water developed to reduce pathogens in surface water fecal contamination drinking water facility
water quality standards, consumer exposure sources of drinking water
which states must to disinfection distribution systems
EPA’s Ground Water Rule
enforce byproducts
developed, establishing a risk-
based approach to target ground
water systems that are vulnerable
to fecal contamination

Chlorination and Public Health 7

Precipitation ultimately collects basic terms, water is treated to ren-
Box 1-2: Top Five 20th Century into geographic regions known as der it suitable for human use and
Quality of Life watersheds or catchment basins, consumption. Although the primary
Achievements the shapes of which are determined goal is to produce a biologically
by an area’s topography. (disinfected) and chemically safe
product, other objectives also must
Increasingly, communities are
be met, including no objectionable
implementing watershed manage-
taste or odor, low levels of color and
ment plans to protect source water
turbidity (cloudiness), and chemi-
from contamination and ecological
cal stability (non-corrosive and
disruption. For example, vegetated

stream buffers called riparian zones
may be established as natural Water treatment transforms raw
Electrification boundaries between streams and surface and groundwater into safe
existing areas of farming, grazing, drinking water. Conventional water
or development. In addition, land treatment involves two types of
use planning may be employed to processes: physical removal of
minimize the total area of impervi- solids (mainly mineral and organic
ous surfaces, such as roads and particulate matter) and chemi-
parking lots, which prevent water cal disinfection (killing/inactivat-
from soaking into the ground. Sur- ing microorganisms). Individual

face waterbodies like reservoirs can drinking water systems customize
be protected from contamination treatment to address the particular
Automobile by disinfecting wastewater efflu- natural and man-made contamina-
ents; prohibiting septic system dis- tion characteristics of their raw
charges; limiting combined storm water supply. Surface water usually
and septic system overflows; repel- presents a greater treatment chal-
ling birds; and restricting access by lenge than groundwater, which is
cattle, domestic pets, and even wild- naturally filtered as it percolates
life, whose feces can be the source through sediments. Surface water

of the harmful protozoan parasites is often laden with organic and min-
Giardia and Cryptosporidium. eral particulate matter that might
harbor parasitic protozoa such as
Airplane In 1986, the Safe Drinking Water
chlorine-resistant Cryptosporidium.
Act (SDWA) was amended to require
states to develop Wellhead Protec- Figure 1-2 illustrates drinking water
tion Programs for groundwater treatment fundamentals. Although
sources of drinking water. In such practices vary from facility to facility,
programs, the surface region there are four generally accepted
above an aquifer is protected from basic processes—as well as treated
contaminants that might infiltrate water storage and distribution—

4 Water Supply and

groundwater. Because source
water quality affects the drinking
water treatment needed, water-
shed management planning is often
included in conventional drinking
water treatment.

considered to be a sustainable,
cost-effective step in providing safe
drinking water.
Water Treatment  Every day, over
50,000 community water systems

treat and convey billions of gallons
of treated water to over 300 million
Electronics Americans (PCAST, 2016). In most

Source: National Academy of Engineering, 2018.

8 Chlorination and Public Health

Figure 1-2: Drinking Water Treatment Fundamentals

1. Coagulation and
Flocculation remove dirt
and other particles and
some natural organics in
the raw water. Alum (an
aluminum sulfate) or other
metal salts are added to
raw water to form coagu-
lated sticky masses called
floc that attract other
particles. Their combined
weight causes the floc to
sink during subsequent
mixing and sedimentation.
2. Sedimentation of co-
agulated, heavy particles
through gravity to the bot-
tom of the solids settling
3. Filtration of water from
the sedimentation tank is
accomplished by forcing
water through sand, grav-
el, coal, activated carbon,
or membranes to remove
smaller solid particles
not previously removed by
4. Disinfection by the ad-
dition of chlorine destroys
or inactivates microor-
ganisms remaining after
the preceding treatment
processes. Additional
chlorine or chloramine
may be applied to ensure
an adequate disinfectant
residual during storage or
transportation throughout
the distribution system
to homes, schools, and
businesses throughout the
In storage and distri-
bution, drinking water
must be kept safe from mi-
crobial contamination. Fre-
quently, however, biofilms
containing microorgan-
isms develop and persist protection against (re)growth sudden drop in the free chlorine
on the inside walls of pipes of microbes after leaving the residual provides a critical
and storage containers drinking water system. In the warning to drinking water
(Falkingham et al., 2015; event of a significant intru- system operators that there is a
NRC, 2006). Among disin- sion of pathogens resulting, source of contamination in the
fection techniques, chlo- for example, from a leaking distribution system.
rination is unique in that a or broken water main, the
pre-determined chlorine level of the average chlorine
concentration may be de- residual will be insufficient to
signed to remain in treated disinfect contaminated water.
water as a measure of In such cases, monitoring the

Chlorination and Public Health 9

2  Chlorine: The Disinfectant of Choice

Chlorine is added to drinking water substances such as foul-smelling

to destroy pathogenic (disease- sulfides and odors from decaying
causing) microorganisms. It can be vegetation.
applied in several forms: elemental
Biological Growth Control—Chlo-
chlorine (chlorine gas), sodium
rine disinfectants help eliminate
hypochlorite solution (bleach), and
slime bacteria, molds, and algae
dry calcium hypochlorite.
that commonly grow in water sup-
When applied to water, each of ply reservoirs, and help control and
these forms free chlorine (see Box reduce microorganism-containing
2-1, How Chlorine Kills Pathogens). biofilms in water distribution
One pound of elemental chlorine systems.
gas provides approximately as much
Chemical Control—Chlorine dis-
free available chlorine as one gal-
infectants react with ammonia and
lon of sodium hypochlorite (typically
other nitrogenous compounds that
a 12.5% solution) or approximately
have unpleasant tastes and hin-
1.5 pounds of calcium hypochlo-
der disinfection. They also help to
rite (65% strength). Although any
remove iron and manganese from
of these forms of chlorine can
raw water.
effectively disinfect drinking water,
each has distinct advantages and Residual Disinfection—
limitations for particular treatment Protecting All the Way
applications. to the Tap
Almost all systems that disinfect
EPA requires a residual level of
their drinking water use some
disinfection of water in pipelines
type of chlorine-based disinfec-
to prevent microbial (re)growth
tion method—either alone or in
and help protect treated water
combination with other chlorine
throughout the distribution system.
and non-chlorine disinfectants.
EPA’s maximum residual disinfec-
The recent yet anecdotal results
tion levels are 4 mg/L for chlorine
(i.e., 1.4% response rate from over
and chloramines, and 0.8 mg/L for
27,000 community water systems) of
chlorine dioxide. Although typical
the American Water Works Associa-
residual chlorine levels are signifi-
tion’s 2017 Water Utility Disinfection
cantly lower in tap water (between
Survey Report (AWWA, 2018) found
0.2 and 0.5 mg/L) and pose no risk
that chlorine remains the most
of adverse health effects, allowing
widely used (about 70 percent) dis-
for an adequate margin of safety
infectant among respondents.
(EPA, 1998), they can produce objec-
The Benefits of Chlorine tionable taste and odor concerns for
Disinfectants some individuals.
Potent Germicide—Chlorine dis-
infectants can reduce the level of Factors in Chlorine Disinfection:
many disease-causing microor- Concentration and Contact Time
ganisms—particularly bacteria To establish more structured oper-
and viruses—in drinking water to ating criteria for water treatment
unmeasurable levels. disinfection, the C×T concept came
into use in 1980. C×T values—where
Taste and Odor Control—Chlorine
C is final free chlorine concentra-
disinfectants reduce many disagree-
tion (mg/L) and T is minimum con-
able tastes and odors. Chlorine
tact time in minutes—offer water
oxidizes many naturally occurring

Box 2-1: How Chlorine Kills Pathogens

Drinking water is made microbiologically safe (disinfected) Another reason for maintaining a predominance of hypo-
as pathogens either die or are rendered incapable of chlorous acid during drinking water treatment is because
reproducing (inactivated) so that they cannot infect human bacterial pathogen surfaces typically carry a natural
hosts. But how does chlorine perform its well-known negative electrical charge and thus are more readily pene-
role of making water safe to drink? Upon adding chlorine trated by the uncharged, electrically neutral hypochlorous
to water, two chemical species, collectively called free acid than negatively charged hypochlorite ions.
chlorine, are formed. These species—hypochlorous acid
(HOCl, electrically neutral) and hypochlorite ion (OCl–,
electrically negative)—behave very differently. Hypochlo-
rous acid is not only more reactive than the hypochlo-
rite ion, but is also a stronger disinfectant and oxidant.
Slime Layer
Although the hypochlorite ion is less reactive, longer (OCl)– –
contact times can provide sufficient biocidal activity and –
disinfection. –
The ratio of hypochlorous acid to hypochlorite ion in water (HOCl) –
is determined by the pH. At low pH (below 7.5), hypo- – –
chlorous acid dominates while at higher pH (just above
neutrality) hypochlorite ion dominates. Thus, the speed –
and efficacy of chlorine disinfection can be affected by the –
pH of the water being treated. Fortunately, bacteria and
viruses are relatively susceptible to chlorination over a
wide range of pH. However, treatment operators of sur-
face water systems treating raw water contaminated by –
the chlorination-resistant Giardia often take advantage of –
the pH-hypochlorous acid relationship and decrease the –
pH to help ensure that the protozoan parasite is elimi- Flagella
nated. Treatment operators may also maintain low pH
because viruses and bacteria are more susceptible to dis-
infection by chlorine at these lower pHs. Cryptospordium, a
protozoan parasite, is not affected by conventional drink-
ing water chlorination and must be specifically filtered or
Source: Adapted from Cornell, 1996.
inactivated through ultraviolet radiation.

treatment operators guidance in

determining an effective combina-
tion of chlorine concentration and
contact time required to achieve
disinfection of water at a given tem-
perature. If an operator chooses
to decrease the chlorine concen-
tration, the required contact time
must be lengthened. Conversely, as
higher strength sodium hypochlorite
solutions are used, contact times
can be reduced (Connell, 1996).

Chlorine: The Disinfectant of Choice 11

3  The Risks of Waterborne Disease

It is easy to take for granted the and groundwater, whereas protozoa

safety of modern drinking water appear predominantly in surface
treatment systems, but prior to water. The purpose of disinfection is
widespread filtration and chlorina- to kill or inactivate microorganisms
tion, contaminated drinking water so that they cannot reproduce and
presented a significant public health infect human hosts. Bacteria and
risk. The microscopic waterborne viruses are well-controlled by nor-
agents of cholera, typhoid fever, mal chlorination; in contrast, proto-
dysentery, and hepatitis A killed zoa with environmentally-resistant
thousands of U.S. residents annually forms might require additional
before chlorine disinfection meth- filtration or alternative disinfection
ods were increasingly employed (EPA, 2005a).
beginning over a century ago in
Jersey City, New Jersey (McGuire,
Bacteria are microorganisms com-
2013). Although these and other
posed of single cells shaped like
pathogens are now controlled rou-
rods, spheres, or spiral structures.
tinely, they should be considered as
Prior to widespread filtration and
ever-ready to reappear wherever
chlorination of drinking water, bac-
there is a break-down in the multi-
teria like Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella
barrier approach to safe drinking
typhi, and several species of Shigella
water provision—especially insuf-
routinely caused serious diseases
ficient chlorine disinfection within
such as cholera, typhoid fever, and
treatment plants or their storage
dysentery, respectively (McGuire,
and distribution systems.
2013). In 2000 and 2016, follow-
Illnesses Associated with ing periods of heavy rainfall, large
Waterborne Pathogens drinking water outbreaks caused
by pathogenic bacteria sickened
Globally, at least 2 billion people
thousands in Walkerton, Canada,
use a fecally-contaminated drinking
and Havelock North, New Zealand,
water source, which can transmit
respectively, when their drinking
both chronic (endemic) and acute
water supplies were not actively
(outbreak) diseases such diarrhea,
chlorinated (see Box 3-1 at the end
cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever,
of the chapter). Although developed
and polio (WHO, 2017). Contami-
nations have largely eliminated
nated drinking water is estimated to
waterborne bacterial pathogens
cause over 500,000 diarrheal deaths
through the use of chlorine and
each year, mostly among children
other disinfectants, the developing
(WHO, 2018a). Many important
world still grapples with these pub-
waterborne and emerging diseases
lic health enemies (Pandey et al.,
are zoonotic—caused by pathogens
2014; WHO, 2017).
that can spread between animals
and humans under natural condi- Legionella—Legionella infection
tions—with wildlife often serving as can result in legionellosis, which
an important reservoir. includes Pontiac fever and Legion-
naires’ disease. The great majority
Drinking water pathogens are
of people exposed to Legionella in
generally divided into three main
outbreak settings develop Pontiac
categories: bacteria, viruses, and
fever—a flu-like illness with no
parasitic protozoa (WHO, 2017).
signs of pneumonia. In contrast,
Parasitic helminths (worms) are
Legionnaires’ disease is a form of
also significant waterborne patho-
severe pneumonia that can be fatal
gens in many developing areas of
for susceptible populations, includ-
the world. Bacteria and viruses
ing hospitalized patients, elderly
Vibrio cholerae (Dartmouth College/L. Howard) contaminate both surface water

E. coli (NIAID, NIH)
CDC (2015, 2017a) recognizes conventional drinking water chlo-
Legionella as the most common rination. Some like Giardia can be
cause of recent waterborne disease treated by chlorine at sufficient
outbreaks in the United States, pri- doses and contact times, but oth-
marily in hospital and health care ers like Cryptosporidium are highly
environments. From 2013 to 2014, resistant. Treatment plants that
the most recent CDC surveillance properly filter and disinfect raw
period, 57% of 42 reported drinking water can successfully remove or
water-associated outbreaks and all inactivate protozoan parasites.
13 deaths were attributed to Legio-
nella bacteria. Cryptosporidium hominis—Cryp-
tosporidium is a highly chlorine-
Viruses resistant zoonotic protozoan
Viruses are infectious agents that pathogen of humans, mammals,
can reproduce only within living and birds that can be potentially
host cells. Viruses are so small that life-threatening in immunocom-
(especially smokers), and people they pass through filters that retain promised patients (Fletcher et al.,
with chronic lung disease or weak- bacteria. Enteric viruses, such as 2012; Vanathy et al., 2017). It was
hepatitis A, norovirus, and rotavirus, the cause of the largest reported
ened immune systems (Berjeaud et
are excreted in the feces of infected drinking water outbreak in U.S.
al., 2016). Legionella occurs natu-
individuals and can contaminate history, thought to have affected
rally in water and soil and can grow
water intended for drinking (Gall perhaps over 400,000 people in
to very high levels in warm water
et al., 2015). Enteric viruses infect Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1993 with
and accumulate in biofilms.
the gastrointestinal or respiratory more than 100 deaths.
People can become exposed to Legi- tracts, and are capable of causing
onella when they inhale aerosols or a wide range of illness, including Cryptosporidium was the second
mists from contaminated hot tubs, diarrhea, fever, hepatitis, paralysis, most common cause of U.S. drink-
cooling towers, plumbing systems, meningitis, and heart disease. Chlo- ing water-associated outbreaks
showers, and decorative pools. rine is an effective disinfectant for and illnesses from 2013 to 2014
Legionnaires’ disease is not caused most viruses in drinking water. (CDC, 2017a), demonstrating the
by ingestion of Legionella-contami- ongoing public health importance
Protozoan Parasites
nated water or spread from person of this chlorine-tolerant parasite.
Protozoan parasites are single-
to person. Legionella are opportu-
celled microorganisms that feed on
nistic pathogens that can persist
other microorganisms or multicellu-
and grow in household (premise)
lar organic tissues and debris. Sev-
plumbing—piping that is inside
eral species of protozoan parasites
housing, schools, and other build-
are transmitted through water in
ings. Federal and state regulations
dormant, environmentally-resistant
as well as local water utilities do forms, known as cysts and oocysts
not currently require monitoring for (Fletcher et al., 2012). The challenge
Legionella within premise plumbing. of the physical removal of cysts and
oocysts in the conventional drinking
water treatment process is due to
their small size. Cryptosporidium
hominis (formerly parvum), Giardia
Cryptosporidium hominis (EPA/H.D.A. Lindquist)
intestinalis (formerly duodenalis
and lamblia), and other zoonotic Giardia intestinalis—Giardia is a
protozoa are introduced to waters somewhat chlorine-resistant, zoo-
all over the world through animal notic protozoan that can be trans-
and human fecal pollution (WHO, mitted to humans through drinking
2017). The same durable forms that water, but is most commonly trans-
persist in surface waters also make mitted from person to person (Adam
these microorganisms resistant to et al., 2016; WHO, 2017). However,
Legionella pneumophila (CDC/PHIL)

The Risks of Waterborne Disease 13

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