Solutions Applicable by Local Administrations For Urban Logistics Improvement

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Cities, Vol. 22, No. 1, p.

15–28, 2005
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
doi:10.1016/j.cities.2004.10.003 All rights reserved.
Printed in Great Britain
0264-2751/$ - see front matter

Solutions applicable by local

administrations for urban logistics
Jesús Muñuzuri *, Juan Larrañeta, Luis Onieva, Pablo Cortés
Organization Engineering Group, School of Engineering, University of Seville, Camino de los
Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain

This paper aims to establish a compilation of the solutions or initiatives that can be implemented
by local administrations in order to improve freight deliveries in urban environments. These
improvements are not defined from the point of view of logistic companies, but from the point
of view of urban communities and the relation between freight transport and general urban traf-
fic. All the solutions considered here are generic, that is, suitable a priori for any given urban
area, although their degree of appropriateness and expected results will depend on the specific
characteristics of the city. Solutions are classified into those related to public infrastructure, land
use management, access conditions, traffic management, enforcement and promotion.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: City logistics; freight transport; urban areas; local administration

Introduction conditions, etc. (Kitada, 1992), and the usual coinci-

Despite the relevance of freight movements in the dence of peak hours (Thoma, 1995), constitute a per-
support of economic life in urban areas, it is often manent source for inefficiencies and the need for
found that urban logistic operations play a second- short, medium and long-term planning. Besides,
ary role in city planning priorities. Much more atten- the increasing demand for all types of mobility in
tion is paid to freight transport on an interurban medium–large cities aggravates this clash, especially
level, due to the evolution of supply chain analysis, in the case of European cities, where historical city
but this attention is basically devoted to cost factors, centers are usually not able to absorb the high levels
which are to be minimized in order to improve the of demand for passenger and freight transport.
efficiency of the system. However, within the city The solutions outlined here are tools available for
there are other intangible factors which constrain local administrations for better planning and perfor-
freight transport and deliveries. Urban logistics has mance of city logistics systems. City logistics is the
been defined as those movements of goods that are term used to denote the specific logistic concepts
affected by particularities associated to urban traffic and practices involved in deliveries in congested ur-
and morphology (Sustainable distribution, 1999). ban areas, the ‘‘last mile’’ transport, with specific
These factors are basically caused by the clash of problems such as delays caused by congestion, lack
interests between urban freight carriers and other of parking spaces, close interaction with other road
stakeholders involved in urban traffic (Robusté, users, etc. It is defined as ‘‘the process for totally
1999), like passenger car drivers, buses, residents, optimizing the logistics and transport activities by
pedestrians, etc. The conflicting needs for fluid private companies in urban areas while considering
displacements, parking spaces, environmental the traffic environment, the traffic congestion and
energy consumption within the framework of a
market economy.’’ (Taniguchi et al., 2001). It con-
Corresponding author. Fax: 34 954 487 329; e-mail: munuzuri@ centrates mainly on goods transport, although Allen states that urban logistics analyses should also

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

include service vehicles (inspections, installations,  Solutions related to land use management. These
technical service, and emergencies) and other com- refer to the allocation of land to be used for
mercial uses (sales representatives, company cars: city logistics operations. Initially, different possi-
Allen et al., 2000). In any case, the use of these solu- bilities for providing parking spaces or delivery
tions to deal with urban logistics issues does not nec- operations are described. Besides, local authori-
essarily mean bigger benefits for logistic companies, ties may issue different regulations affecting
but rather an attempt to better regulate and manage new or existing buildings in congested areas of
freight deliveries in urban areas. The ultimate objec- the city in order to facilitate the delivery of
tive is the reduction of the clash between the inter- goods.
ests of logistic companies and those of other  Solutions related to access conditions. Two types
stakeholder groups involved in urban mobility. of restrictions are included here. On one hand,
spatial restrictions, which impose limits on the
entry and displacements of delivery vehicles in
Types of solutions for urban freight transport the affected area. On the other hand, time restric-
tions, which limit the periods during which these
Specific and combined solutions vehicles may enter the area or use the existing
It is important to distinguish between two levels of infrastructures.
measures related to urban logistics. Specific solu-  Solutions related to traffic management. These
tions are those addressed to specific problems or solutions are aimed at reorganizing the flows of
requisites. They are chosen for implementation delivery vehicles in the congested areas of the
according to the requirements of the groups of city. Measures regarding the scope of regulations
stakeholders in the city, and they can therefore have are not specific solutions themselves, but refer to
a positive effect on some of these groups and a neg- the way in which other solutions affect the differ-
ative one on others. Only specific solutions will be ent carriers and city areas. Also considered here
dealt with here. On the other hand, combined solu- are the application of information technologies
tions are generated by the combination of several for city logistics improvement, and the application
specific solutions, and they constitute a strategic pol- of cooperation schemes.
icy for logistics in the city. Whereas specific solutions  Solutions related to enforcement and promotion.
may benefit only one or some of the groups of stake- Again, this category is intended to work together
holders, combined solutions should induce a benefit with the previous ones within combined solu-
as evenly as possible for all groups, without any of tions, representing possibilities of implementa-
them being clearly damaged in its interests. tion. Promotion tools can be used by the local
It is important to stress that radical opposition by administration to support certain practices with-
any of the stakeholdersÕ groups to the logistic policy out imposing them, whereas enforcement tools
reflected by the combined solution may be sufficient ensure the compulsory application of other spe-
for the disregarding of the project. Besides, when cific solutions.
designing a combined solution, by adding several
specific solutions, two starting points must be con-
templated, since the fact of their being evident does Types of specific solutions according to the
not reduce their relevance: implementing group of stakeholders
 The specific solutions combined must be compat- City logistics solutions can be classified depending
ible, that is, they must not either exclude each on the group of stakeholders that would be respon-
other or be redundant. sible for their implementation. Thus, there are solu-
 The effect of the combined solution on the groups tions implemented by:
of stakeholders will most likely be different to the
sum of all the individual effects caused by each  Carriers/logistic operators. Companies delivering
specific solution. goods to destinations inside the city.
 Receivers. Companies (usually local businesses or
commercial premises) that receive goods deliv-
ered by carriers.
Types of specific solutions according to their scope  Local authorities. Responsible for establishing
Urban freight solutions can be divided into five regulations regarding traffic and transport in the
groups, depending on their field of application: city.
 Solutions related to public infrastructure. These The compilation presented here concentrates on
correspond to the building of new infrastructures regulatory and policy aspects regarding urban
or adaptation of existing ones to serve as transfer logistics, and thus it includes only those solutions
facilities for city logistics purposes. Also, the applicable by the local administration. Neverthe-
modal shift of urban freight movements typically less, the implication of national governments may
from road to rail is contemplated here. be crucial at the beginning of the planning process

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

in order to guarantee an adequate legislative envi- Solutions related to public infrastructure

ronment, and in the end it is always private trans-
City terminals
port companies who have to adapt themselves to
the new scenarios (Visser et al., 1999). Readers A city terminal is a small freight transport center
interested in commercial solutions applicable by located inside the urban area. It is usually based
companies (carriers or receivers) may refer to on only one mode of transport (road transport),
(LEAN, 1999). and is intended to improve load factors in delivery
Several more groups of stakeholders related to ur- vehicles, since the city terminal can be accessed by
ban logistics may be identified (Robusté, 1999), but larger trucks, and the goods are then transferred to
only the three previously mentioned groups have smaller vans for their final delivery, which now have
the capability for this type of implementation. In to cover smaller distances (Thoma, 1995). Parking
the case of the other groups (residents, urban plan- lots located near congested commercial areas of
ners, etc.), their interests can be assumed to be rep- the city are usually used as city terminals, with easy
resented by the local authorities. access from ring roads, space for vans and trucks,
and possibly transshipment devices and warehousing
capabilities (Tellus-Berlin, 2004). The main draw-
Glossary of solutions applicable by local back of this configuration is the introduction of a
administrations new transshipment in the logistic chain, with all
Table 1 contains all the different specific solutions the costs and delays involved (Bestufs, 2002), but
that will be briefly described in the rest of the paper. perhaps a new logistic system, oriented towards
In the cases when a specific solution has been tested making extensive use of these terminals, might im-
or fully implemented in a city, the corresponding ref- prove traffic and freight delivery in the city. General
erence (or at least one of them, in cases where many guidelines for the implementation of a city terminal
cities have tried it) will be given. are given in Dablanc et al. (2002).

Table 1 Classification of urban freight solutions for application by the local administration

Local administration solutions for urban freight

Public infrastructure Transfer points City terminals

Outskirts logistic centers
Logistic improvement of terminals
Use of rail or ship terminals
Use of public parking lots
Modal shift Use of the train or underground system
Shuttle train

Land use management Parking Load zone provision

Parking space planning
Hub areas
Use of other reserved spaces
Building regulations Load/unload interfaces
Use of private parking lots

Access conditions Spatial restrictions Access according to weight and volume

Access to pedestrain zones
Street blocking allowance
Closing the center to private traffic
Road pricing
Time restrictions Adequate rotation in load zones
Night deliveries
Double-parking short time restrictions
Access time windows

Traffic management Scope of regulations Carrier classification

Freight zone classification
Harmonization of regulations
Street classification
Information On-line load zone reservations

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

Outskirts logistic centers  The use of the station or port as a transshipment

This type of centers play a role mostly in interurban point between long distance rail freight transport
transport, but they may also be considered as part of and final urban deliveries.
the urban logistic chain, with the aim of minimizing
costs or maximizing levels of service. The promotion Use of public parking lots
policies aimed at concentrating companies involved
in urban deliveries in these centers sets the grounds Public parking lots are used mainly for passenger
for innovative schemes like: vehicles on a rotating basis. However, these spaces
are in many cases perfectly suitable for taking lo-
 Cooperation between companies for load gistic operations away from the curbside, espe-
consolidation. cially in cases where the parking lot is located in
 Feasibility of alternative modes (rail, tram) for dense commercial areas. Land use regulations
goods transport for the logistic center to the city may be used to force these parking operators to
terminals. reserve a fraction of their space for load/unload
 Conjoint use of telematic tools. operations, and the goods would then be carried
 Transshipment directly from trains to delivery on foot to their destination. This is an easier solu-
vans. tion to implement in the case of parking lots un-
der construction or in the planning process, since
Several experiences in the development and the access of vans and the ways of getting the
improvement of these logistic centers were com- goods again on street level are important aspects
bined in the FREIA project (FREIA, 1998). which can be addressed beforehand. For existing
parking lots, only small vans and low-size items
Logistic improvement of terminals would be appropriate.
This measure is related to enhancing the concentra-
tion of carriers in the existing terminals in the city, in Use of the tram or underground system
order to seek the conjoint exploitation of infrastruc- The intention here is to use these transport modes,
ture and technologies (telematics, routing software, usually only applied for passenger transport, to
etc.). The regulation of this conjoint use (that is, the freight delivery processes. The idea would be to
degree to which each company would be allowed to use dedicated trains, or cars included in passenger
use the resources), may be determined in different trains, to carry goods. It seems unfeasible to use
ways: this system for general freight transport (Van
Duin, 2002), but it may be used in reduced scenar-
 According to the investment made by each com-
ios. A feasible use would contemplate this system
pany within the total investment, in case this invest-
applied to goods that require urgent movements,
ment was made by the companies themselves.
or that present a sufficiently continuous flow as
 According to the sizes of the companies, in case
to benefit by these high capacity modes (Husche-
the resources were provided by the administra-
beck, 2002), keeping in mind that this feasibility
tion to the companies.
requires the achievement of economies of scale
 According to the rate paid by each company, in
in order to pay for the extra transshipments. The
case the use of the resources provided the compa-
use of these modes also benefits the environment
nies with clear added value.
in the city, as well as congestion levels. However,
This type of experience may be represented by the the need for specially designed boxcars and load/
Eurogate initiative in Spain. unload equipment, as well as the adaptation of
infrastructures, require important investments to
be made.
Use of rail or ship terminals
In case the distance between these areas to the cen- Shuttle train
ter of the city is not too large, their use as urban
freight facilities has several different possibilities: This type of train would be used, in case of high
volumes, for freight transport between outskirts
 The use of this land as a city terminal, indepen- logistics centers and between these and city termi-
dently of the goods having arrived on a train or nals, located within dense urban areas, for their fi-
boat or not. The existence of available space in nal delivery. The lines would be the same ones
the grounds of the station or the port, together used for passenger transport, but the trains would
with their usually good location within the city, probably require being dedicated, due to the slow
often supports this use as a city terminal. load/unload speed of goods when compared to
 The possibility of receiving or sending goods on passengers. The main requirement for the imple-
trains from intermodal freight terminals, thus mentation of this solution is the conjoint use of
becoming part of a regional, national or interna- the system by a significant number of carriers, in
tional intermodal network. order to attain large quantities of goods so as to

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

make such a transport mode economically feasible. Hub areas

The cost of infrastructure adaptation is also the This solution proposes the introduction, in the con-
main drawback of this solution. On the other gested downtown area of a city, of a number of areas
hand, the reduction in congestion and pollution consisting of reserved parking spaces for vans and
caused by trucks entering the city would be signif- trucks, where the vehicles would stay parked while
icant enough to justify a deeper analysis. all the deliveries for the area are made on foot or
by using a handcart or some alternative vehicle.
These hub areas may substitute normal load zones,
Solutions related to land use management perhaps in a scenario where there are access time
windows, with the idea of not having freight delivery
Load zone provision
vehicles moving along congested areas at certain
The allocation of curbside parking spaces to serve times. Delivery times would then increase substan-
as load zones (reserved spaces to be used by deliv- tially, but so too would the reliability of those deliv-
ery vehicles for loading or unloading freight in ery times and the hours during which deliveries
dense urban areas) is nowadays a widespread pol- might be made. The entry and exit routes to these
icy, present in most cities around the world. How- hubs would have to be defined, and it is also neces-
ever, the lack of space and the increasing need for sary to ensure the adequate rotation of freight vehi-
deliveries in dense urban zones make it desirable cles in the hubs. The solution is also very much
to find other spaces for delivery vehicle parking. improved when applied in combination with cooper-
Building regulations can be used to reorganize ation schemes between carriers, since then the num-
parking spaces, and thus have a direct effect upon ber of freight vehicles to be allocated in the hubs is
urban freight delivery operations. This solution re- strongly reduced. However, this solution is only fea-
fers to the introduction in building regulations of sible when the type and quantity of goods to be
the need for load zones to be located inside the delivered allows the distance between the hub and
building, in order to take load/unload activities the final destination to be covered within reasonable
out of the curb space. Previous analyses should time and effort.
be carried out in order to determine the number
and size of load zones required in each case,
depending on the size of the building and the type Use of other reserved spaces
of activity to be located in it (Wegmann et al., Four types of reserved spaces are contemplated
1995). If the building surface reaches a certain here, and the proposal is to allow freight delivery
extension, the load/unload facilities should be lo- vehicles to share their use, either on a time basis
cated underground, otherwise, they may be located (during a certain time interval) or on a space avail-
elsewhere. Clauses should also be included with ability basis (when there is enough space available
relation to the use of those facilities, regarding not being used for its original purpose):
environmental aspects such as noise, pollution, etc.
 Taxi zones are usually located near commercial
areas in the city, which makes them suitable for
Parking space planning load/unload operations.
This solution seeks to reduce the number of park-  Bus lanes (Barcelona City Council, 2003) can be
ing spaces in a certain urban area, by eliminating used for driving or for curbside parking of freight
curbside parking places without building any park- vehicles in certain urban areas and during certain
ing lots. Apparently contrary to economic develop- time intervals, since the peak periods for bus
ment, it is a solution suitable for very congested demand are different from those for freight deliv-
areas, where pollution and double parking consti- ery demand.
tute a severe problem. It is oriented to improving  Motorcycle parking spaces are very useful in
general traffic conditions rather than urban logis- those cities where motorcycles are a major trans-
tics itself, but this reorganization implies a reduc- portation mode, but these spaces are usually
tion in the congestion levels in the area, which empty at certain times of the day, and they could
improves the freight delivery scenario. Since it is be used then as load zones.
a controversial solution from the political point  Parking spaces for disabled people, though neces-
of view, its introduction should work best when sary, are often empty, and could be used for load/
combined with the provision of alternatives for unload operations during short periods of time in
the drivers of private passenger cars, like the very congested areas where the space availability
opening of parking lots in the surroundings of is scarce.
the area or improvements in the public transport
system, like the opening of a new metro line. This
counterbalance allows for the introduction of mea- Load/unload interfaces
sures that would otherwise generate strong opposi- One of the main causes behind the problems faced
tion from several groups of urban stakeholders. by city logistics is the lack of specific infrastructure

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

to facilitate the access and parking of vehicles, the zone of the city. These criteria are usually linked
loading and unloading and the delivery of goods. to the weight of the vehicles, but sometimes size
Land use regulations may contemplate, in the case (Certu, 2002) or the load factor of vehicles (Munic-
of buildings with commercial premises on the ipality of Copenhagen (2003)) is directly used as an
ground floor likely to act as freight receivers, the access criterion. This type of measure is initially
need for special logistic facilities. An access for aimed at avoiding traffic problems, by allowing ac-
goods deliveries different from the one used by cus- cess only to vehicles with an adequate size for the
tomers allows the carrier to unload goods without streets of the city. However, it also improves the liv-
disturbing the normal activity in the shop. Also, in- ability of the city, reducing environmental impacts
house parking places for delivery vehicles avoids for instance, and can also indirectly promote
the need to use curbside space in order to unload intermodality, since it forces an additional transship-
goods. ment outside of the city from large-size, long-dis-
tance vehicles to smaller ones, suitable for final
Use of private parking lots deliveries.
Many residential buildings have their own parking
lots, either underground or in the open. Many of Access to pedestrian zones
the spaces in these lots are empty during the day,
These areas represent one of the most controver-
and may be used by freight delivery vehicles when
sial tools used to limit the mobility of passenger
doing home deliveries, lasting for more than 15–20
cars in the downtown area of cities. The desirable
min, so that it would not be necessary to block the
effect of achieving a more pedestrian–friendly city
street in the meantime. The size of the delivery vehi-
is opposed with the danger of diminishing the
cles would need to be reduced enough in order to
accessibility of persons and goods to the city cen-
enter these parking lots, designed exclusively for
ter, with its subsequent degradation. Within the
passenger cars. Delivery times would presumably in-
scenario of city logistics, it is necessary to allow,
crease, but double parking in front of these buildings
under certain conditions, the access of freight
would be eliminated, or at least significantly
delivery vehicles to pedestrian areas. Several possi-
bilities are available, for selection of a single one
or in combination:
 Free access during the night of all types of vehi-
The possibility of delivering goods without the recei- cles, including those used for freight deliveries,
ver being present is an interesting concept in the to pedestrian areas.
sense that it releases the carrier from delivery time  Restricted access for freight delivery vehicles
constraints and allows better planning of city logistic during the time interval allowed by the access
operations. This proposal consists of setting up small time windows.
groups of lockers for goods arriving to a dense and  Use of special vehicles (e.g., electric, silent) in
congested area of the city. The use of these lockers order to access pedestrian zones during commer-
would allow freight delivery vehicles to make a sin- cial hours.
gle short stop at the lockers instead of one stop for  Determination of the types of goods whose vehi-
every receiver, and could be suitable for night deliv- cles are allowed to enter the pedestrian area.
eries. Issues related to final deliveries to the receiv-
ers, responsibility in case of loss or damage of the An example of this type of policy can be found in
goods and security problems need to be discussed Melbourne (City of Melbourne, 2004).
before proceeding to implementing this solution.
Different kinds of applications are possible, ranging
from completely independent structures like mail- Street blocking allowance
boxes on the streets, to the option where the facility In many cities with narrow downtown streets, a
is integrated within a building. Depending on the special regulation is required to take into account
kind of goods to be delivered, the mini-warehouse situations that take place on a daily basis. In case
may have either a vertical or a horizontal structure. there are streets with a single lane in a single
Also, for large concentrations of mini-warehouses, it direction, most load/unload operations carried out
could be necessary to add other services like secu- in that street will imply the blocking of traffic.
rity. These facilities are being used by logistic com- Therefore, if the provision of load zones is not
panies for home deliveries in the Netherlands. possible on those streets, regulations may allow
freight vehicles to block narrow streets for loading
operations, thus showing more consideration for a
Solutions related to access conditions practice that is in many cases being performed ille-
Access according to weight and volume: The gally. This could only be done for a limited time
proposal here is to establish criteria to determine length, for specific types of deliveries, and the spe-
the type of vehicles that are allowed to access each cific streets where this could be done would have

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

to be determined beforehand, and perhaps sig- ney times and uncertainty are reduced, these
naled. Carriers might be forced to place a signal reductions do not often have a significant impact
at the beginning of the street, warning about the on the carrierÕs cost figures.
temporary blocking, causing delivery times to in-
crease, but reducing the hassle for other drivers. The most up-to-date example of this policy, and
one observed with expectation by many other cit-
ies as a radical tool for congestion reduction, is
Closing the center to private traffic the London example (Transport for London,
A typically controversial solution, the restriction of 2003).
access for passenger cars, whether totally or by
means of access time windows, is in many cases Adequate rotation in load zones
the only tool available to preserve this area free of This solution seeks to take steps towards a better use
congestion and environmental damage, and is usu- of load zones by freight carriers. The aim is to avoid
ally associated with the definition of selective pedes- excessively long stays in the zone, thus guaranteeing
trian areas. The central area remains closed to all that the use of the resource (the load zone) is as
vehicles but public transit, resident vehicles and close to optimal as possible. The idea is then to limit
freight vehicles during business hours. The implica- the amount of time during which delivery vehicles
tions of this solution with respect to passenger cars may be parked in load zones without moving. This
are sufficiently analyzed (Sta spa, 2002), but the amount of time, typically defined depending on the
question here is how to achieve a better freight dis- distance between the load zone and the final deliv-
tribution in the restricted area. ery points, would be around 15–30 min. Special sur-
Enabling access for freight delivery vehicles, the veillance would then be required, in order to ensure
availability of parking spaces and the absence of that this regulation is fulfilled.
congestion should allow easier and more reliable
deliveries. An example of this type of policy can
be found in Granada City Council (1997) and Night deliveries
Gloucester City Council (2004). By delivering goods during the night, it is possible to
avoid interference with peak hour congestion. Since
it does not seem feasible to change that passenger
Road pricing car peak hour, it might be possible to take freight
The policy for charging vehicles for entering certain deliveries out of it. However, the main opposition
areas of the city, typically those where road and to this solution comes from residents due to noise
parking space are scarce, is the most direct way of pollution, thus silent vehicles are required, as well
internalizing the external costs originated by traffic as being careful while performing load/unload oper-
congestion. The main effect sought with the imple- ations, since in many cases the source of disturbance
mentation of this solution is a reduction in the num- is the staff behavior, doors closing, voices, etc. Be-
ber of vehicles entering congested areas of the city, sides, this solution seems only useful for large carri-
ideally with a reallocation of mobility towards public ers or companies that carry their own goods, since
transport. However, there is also the raising of reve- delivery times can be easily agreed within the com-
nues that would normally be used for improving pany. In case of less-than-truckload transport or
public transport systems. The implications of this deliveries to small retailers, the receiver must be
type of scheme regarding general passenger traffic present when the delivery is made, and therefore
are widely analyzed for the historical case of Singa- they are not always willing to accept night deliveries
pore (Button and Pearman, 1985), but with respect (Watson, 2002).
to freight transport, several additional issues deserve
to be mentioned: Double-parking short time restrictions
 It introduces comparative disadvantages in the In many cases, the total suppression of double
charged area, which might result in a reduction parking should not be an objective, due to the
of its attractiveness and, in the long run, the sub- amount of load zones required, the restrictions to
sequent relocation of commercial premises in the movement of vehicles and the surveillance
other areas of the city. requirements. Instead, double parking should be al-
 The generalized introduction of this additional lowed for load/unload operations in streets with
tax implies the raising of prices and thus an more than one lane in each direction (so that
increase in inflation levels. through traffic is not completely blocked), and
 The usually inelastic demand of freight deliveries with no reserved load zone nearby, for a limited
and the low margins assumed by the transporta- time period. Double parking is a very much ex-
tion industry might result in the infeasibility of tended problem in many cities, and its complete
these deliveries, unless trucks pay a significantly eradication would undermine economic develop-
lower price than passenger cars. Although jour- ment. Thus the proposal is to create reasonably

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

restrictive regulations to deal with it, so that  High-weight items (furniture) or low-weight items.
double parking for delivery operations would be al- Different accessibility regulations (for example,
lowed in certain streets during intervals not longer to pedestrian or very congested zones) may be
than 15 min. The purpose is not, therefore, to re- distinguished.
duce the problem of double parking in the down-  Deliveries to small premises (normally not suitable
town area, but to normalize a situation that for night deliveries) or to large premises (suitable
nowadays seems unavoidable, unless other valid for shifting to night deliveries). The latter may
alternatives are provided. be suitable for promotion of night deliveries.

Access time windows Freight zone classification

The establishment of time intervals exclusively dur- It is very often found that the same approaches
ing which freight delivery vehicles are allowed to en- regarding freight transport are applied in the whole
ter certain parts of the city (normally dense central of a city, perhaps with a limited sector of the
areas) are one of the most common policies to man- downtown area being given a specific consider-
age urban freight access (City of Glasgow, 2001; Tel- ation. However, different areas of the city have dif-
lus-Rotterdam, 2004). These time windows usually ferent economic patterns, and thus different freight
cover from the early morning hours up to the middle transport needs, and should therefore be treated
of the morning business hours, with maybe another differently. In order to better manage urban traffic
period in the afternoon. The objective of the time in the city, it is previously necessary to define dif-
windows is assumed to be the avoidance of the col- ferent freight zones, with homogeneous freight dis-
lision of interests between different groups of stake- tribution patterns, that should be contemplated
holders, namely freight carriers and the owners of specifically. For example, residential areas, com-
cars who drive them to work or go shopping in the mercial areas and tourist areas are often affected
restricted areas. However, there are usually some by different types of problems. This does not mean
negative side effects that are often not assessed prior that there should be different regulations for
to implementing this solution. The fact is that very freight transport in these zones, since homoge-
often, due to access time windows, freight delivery neous regulations should always be an objective.
vehicles are forced to enter congested areas during Instead, this classification should be useful for
peak hours, thus worsening congestion and pollution identifying problem areas, and then implementing
problems. Therefore, when attempting to implement the appropriate urban freight solutions for each
this solution, careful analyses and evaluation pro- one, like assigning police control, planning infra-
cesses are required beforehand, to ensure that the structures, etc.
negative effects do not outweigh the positive ones
(LEAN, 1999). Harmonization of regulations
It is often found that cities apply logistic initiatives
Solutions related to traffic management independently, that is, a certain carrier operating
in several cities within the same country may find
Carrier classification different accessibility regulations, access time win-
It is often found that regulations regarding freight dows, type of terminals, or even signaling. Although
deliveries in urban areas affect equally to all types the specific scenarios found in different cities require
of carriers. However, different types of carriers usu- different types of solutions, it seems desirable to uni-
ally present different delivery times, a different fy policies, especially from the point of view of
number of deliveries, different duration of those nationwide logistic operators. Inter-city institutions
deliveries, etc. Thus, in a more efficient planning promoted from the national government, such as
scenario, different types of regulations should be ap- the GART (Groupe dÕAutorités Responsables de
plied to them. Some of the classifications to be made Transport) in France, are needed for this type of
could include: harmonization.
 Full truckload carriers (high load factors) or less-
than-truckload carriers (low load factors). Longer Street classification
use of load zones may be allowed for the former, There are different ways to classify the streets in a
which is compensated by a more efficient use of city, but this classification is made according to
their vehicles. freight delivery issues. The criteria used for this clas-
 One delivery per vehicle (deliveries to supermarkets sification can be street width, traffic conditions,
or specialized stores) or multiple deliveries (press proximity to commercial or business areas, parking
deliveries, beverages to bars). Different time win- availability, etc. This classification can then be used
dows may be considered, as single-delivery vehi- to establish measures related to issues such as park-
cles spend less time driving and more loading and ing space planning, traffic light regulation, police
unloading than multiple-delivery vehicles. control, load zone provision.

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

 Access streets. Freight vehicles use them to enter agement systems, not only related to freight trans-
or leave the downtown area or other commer- port, but also to traffic light coordination, accident
cially dense areas. management, etc (Taniguchi et al., 2001). This
 Restricted access streets. Only allowed for certain would result in the optimization of the street
transport modes (taxis, buses, freight transport, network, and indirectly in economic benefits and
residents). an increase in the livability of the city. Although
 Load/unload streets. Where load/unload opera- routing tools based on real-time data are currently
tions can be carried out, maybe because there not operating in any city, an interesting initiative
are load zones located in them or maybe because for informing drivers of real-time congestion via
double parking is allowed for delivery operations. the Internet is currently running in Houston.
 Non-freight streets. Load/unload operations are
not allowed because the street is too narrow, dou- Freight carrier cooperation
ble parking is not permitted, etc.
One of the most typical characteristics of carriers
 Pedestrian streets. Both access and load/unload
and logistic operators is their independence within
operations are banned.
a very competitive environment. Larger load factors,
economies of scale and cost reductions might be
On-line load zone reservations achieved through cooperation between competing
It is often found by truck drivers on delivery tours carriers, but their individual presence in front of
that, on arriving to a certain load zone, it has been their clients seems to be a more important asset.
previously occupied by another freight delivery vehi- Public promotion of this cooperation might lead to
cle, forcing the second truck to circle around or dou- a significant reduction in the number of freight vehi-
ble park with the risk of being fined. A possible way cles, with the consequent benefits for traffic and the
to improve freight transport efficiency is then to al- environment in the area. The idea is to have a single
low freight carriers to reserve load zones, thus ensur- carrier (the common carrier) that makes a collection
ing their availability at the requested time and round of all the goods to be transported by different
improving the reliability of deliveries. The rotation carriers, and then delivers them at their final destina-
of vehicles in load zones is also promoted, because tions. This cooperation might be materialized in dif-
of the limited time slots guaranteed by reservations. ferent ways, in order to respect the status quo of the
The system requires a central station for data pro- different transport companies: a time-sharing
cessing and reception of reservations, via telephone scheme, where the common carrier task is per-
or the Internet, as well as on-site equipment for res- formed by all carriers in turns, perhaps one every
ervation control and display. Two issues are relevant day or week; or an area-sharing scheme, where every
to this type of solution: carrier is assigned to a specific area of the city to act
there as common carrier for all the companies (areas
 Strict surveillance is required for ensuring that might also rotate in turns). This solution works best
vehicles limit their operations to fit their reserved when all the carriers involved in the cooperation
time slots. Automatic identification systems or scheme are located at the same logistic terminal,
parking meters might be suitable for this purpose. or at least close to each other. Examples of pilot
 Reservations should be charged with a small tests with type of scheme can be found in Freiburg
price, sufficient for covering the costs of the (Thoma, 1994) and Kassel (Strauss, 1995), although
service. their effectiveness is very much dependent on the
amount of cooperating companies, since feasibility
A pilot test for this type of solution is described in is only achievable by means of strong economies of
(Agostini et al., 2003). scale.

Real time traffic information Joint deliveries

The base for any type of real time fleet management This solution appears as a further realization of the
is the availability of updated information about the previous one, when a reduction in the number of
traffic scenario. This information can be generated freight vehicles is a strong priority for the local gov-
by the local administration from traffic counters lo- ernment. Here, being part of a cooperation scheme
cated on the streets, as well as statistical processing would be compulsory for all carriers making deliver-
of the collected data, since a very low flow of vehi- ies to a specific urban area, or perhaps only for
cles might mean a very low traffic density but also carriers involved in a specific sector, like less-than-
a very high level of congestion. Then the processed truckload courier deliveries, for example. Transship-
real time information would be made available, free ment areas (where loads are passed on from one
or by payment, via the Internet, to freight transport vehicle to another) would be established by the
companies and also to all kinds of vehicles. The authorities, where all goods would be transferred
availability of such a system in a city would open to the common carrierÕs vehicles. This common car-
the door to the introduction of real time traffic man- rier might be one of the carriers involved in the

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

scheme, or an independent public-based company. of this solution in the shape of Freight Quality
The difficulty of imposing this type of cooperation Partnerships seems to be yielding positive results in
on competing carriers, considering also that the the United Kingdom (Department for Transport,
additional transshipments involved account for addi- 2003).
tional distribution costs, has made it feasible so far
only in large construction scenarios (Berlin, 2000).
Information support
Joint reception Since all the implemented urban freight solutions are
expected to have an effect on all the city stakehold-
A possible way to simplify goods deliveries in cities ers, it is very unlikely that all these effects are ben-
is the elimination of the multiplicity of delivery eficial. That is why a special effort must be made
points, or at least of some of them, by delivering at in order to disseminate to all parties involved the
the same point all the goods corresponding to a type of solutions that are intended to be imple-
group of receivers. This point is assumed to fulfill mented, as well as the reasons for those solutions
all the requirements of accessibility and availability to be preferred. This type of dissemination of city
of parking space which the previous multiple drop logistics issues might be accompanied by awareness
points did not have. Thus delivered goods would campaigns, in order to involve citizens in freight
then be picked up by the receivers themselves, at transport within their city.
the most convenient time for them, for example be-
fore opening their premises in the morning or the
afternoon. This avoids the need for carriers to access Driver training
multiple drop points to deliver goods. It also has the This solution addresses the need to increase the
added benefit of releasing receivers from fixed deliv- skills of drivers and logistic companies in general re-
ery schedules, although some compensation would lated to city logistics. Since the objective is to
have to be negotiated, if they are the ones who need achieve an improvement perceived by the whole
to go and pick up their goods. community, this training, although supported by
companies, may be initially promoted by the local
administration. The training, depending on the spe-
Solutions related to enforcement and cific situation of the urban area regarding city logis-
promotion tics, may be considered from two different points of
Direct economic benefits view:
It is often found in feasibility studies that the  From an individual point of view, in order to
assumption of new city logistics concepts, while improve the behavior of city freight drivers with
enhancing livability in the city, reduce the effective- respect to issues like smooth driving for reduced
ness of the logistic chain, increasing costs for carriers pollution levels, lower noise levels, illegal park-
and receivers. That is why the consideration of tem- ing, load/unload operations, enhancement of
porary tax reductions or direct subventions is rea- courtesy to other drivers (Ogden, 1992; European
sonable in order to achieve a more sustainable Commission, 2000).
mobility environment. Just as these policies are of-  From a combined point of view, together with the
ten used to encourage the use of less pollutant vehi- introduction of other logistic solutions, in order to
cles or public transport, they might also be inform drivers of the expected best practices, the
considered to encourage other best practices, but it ways to adapt to the new scenarios, etc.
is important to note that it is a difficult measure to
implement if the carrier is not based in the consid-
ered urban area. Alternative vehicles
A possibility to enhance the livability of congested
City logistics forums urban areas is to grant priority access to vehicles
with certain characteristics regarding the type of en-
Any solution related to urban freight transport that is ergy consumed, the type of engine, etc. A complete
to be implemented in a city requires an agreement be- record of similar experiences can be found in
tween all the involved stakeholders, or at least the (ELCIDIS, 2002), showing the benefits of such vehi-
previous consideration of all their opinions. An inter- cles for city distribution. Two types of effects can be
esting issue is therefore the creation of a permanent achieved with such regulations:
forum where all these groups are represented, aimed
at debating and, if possible, reaching consensus with  Better environmental quality in case of hybrid or
respect to urban freight solutions (Van Bockel, electric vehicles, either working on batteries or on
2001). This forum should not only address city logis- fuel cells.
tics issues, but also all those aspects related to mobility  Lower noise levels in case of silent vehicles, which
in the city, due to the interrelationship between all might allow the combination of access allowance
types of transport in urban areas. The implementation with night deliveries.

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

 Smaller vehicles suitable for entering pedestrian  Controlled by a smart-card reader, easier and
areas during shopping hours for deliveries. cheaper for the vehicle owner but with a lower
traffic flow rate.
The trend towards more restrictive environmental
regulations in cities (Netherlands Ministry of Hous- An example of the use of smart-card bollards is
ing, 1991) makes this type of regulations a likely the access control pilot project carried out in Barce-
scenario in many medium–large cities, with the aim lona (Albors, n.d.). Other examples of the use of
of achieving a modern, more sustainable vehicle bollards for access control can be found in Liverpool
fleet. or Cambridge.

Identification systems Load zone surveillance

This type of systems allows the establishment of ac- A current problem with load zones in many cities
cess controls for freight delivery vehicles or any is their use as normal parking spaces by private
other type of vehicles to certain areas of the city, cars. Usually the police do not have enough per-
parking lots, logistic terminals, etc. There exist dif- sonnel to control these zones, and so one of the
ferent technologies for vehicle recognition, like possible approaches might be self-guard, that is,
magnetic cards, inductive identification, microwaves an involvement of carriers in this control, where
or infrared identification, but the most useful tech- they would be the ones to call the police, or di-
nology for a wide scale implementation seems to be rectly the crane, when a load zone was found
the optical character recognition (OCR), tested occupied by private vehicles. A more difficult sce-
with success in Genoa (PROGRESS, 2002). This nario appears when those vehicles belong to the
technology reads symbols and characters automati- shop owners themselves, that is, the carriersÕ cli-
cally by means of digital cameras and interpretation ents; in this case, carriers would be much more
software. It does not require any technology to be reluctant to give notice to the police. Sometimes
installed in vehicles, since the identification can too, load zones are occupied by other freight vehi-
be made by reading the license plate. These sys- cles which are overextending their use of the
tems improve significantly the access control in zones, not allowing other freight vehicles to park,
cases of high vehicle flows, like in the case of acces- in what is a difficult situation to detect by the po-
ses to commercial or business areas of a city like lice or by other carriers. The availability and cor-
Rome (EuroPrice, 2002). They are not excessively rect operation of load zones is fundamental in the
costly for the city, and they constitute the most effi- success of a city logistics system.
cient way of controlling the entry to restricted
urban areas.
Route and access control
CCTV This solution is aimed at reorganizing freight trans-
The use of close-circuit TV cameras for urban traffic port flows in certain areas of the city, in case those
control is becoming increasingly extended. With re- areas contain streets which are to be banned for
spect to city logistics, their application as an enforce- delivery vehicle traffic, or as a means to supply ad-
ment tool to guarantee the correct implementation vice to carriers regarding which routes to follow
of other solutions is one of the cheapest possibilities (Just, 2000). The area should then be delimited
(Garcı́a, 2001). However, the use of recorded images and the access points identified, as well as the
for driver punishment is usually not allowed by leg- routes followed by freight delivery vehicles depend-
islations, leaving cameras with only the mission of ing on the location of their delivery points. Acces-
alerting the police, and the intimidation factor is ses and displacements are then reorganized so that
thus very much reduced. Besides enforcement, cam- freight deliveries can be carried out without the
eras may, via the Internet, be used to supply infor- need for entering the restricted streets. Route and
mation to carriers, regarding congestion, access control can be performed in several different
availability of load zones, etc. ways, the first two being related only to enforce-
ment policies and the last one also to information
Automatic bollards
This is the most widespread system for access control  By means of police controls: this is a costly
in cities, due to its functional and aesthetic charac- option, and one which slows traffic flows
teristics. These bollards sink into the ground when significantly.
an authorized vehicle arrives, thus allowing it to ac-  By means of automatic bollards, programmed for
cess the restricted urban area. Two types of configu- granting access only to designated vehicles.
rations can be found:  By means of signaling: this is the cheapest option,
but it requires additional control initiatives in
 Controlled by radio, with a faster operation but order to guarantee the adequate observation of
forcing the vehicle to carry an emitting device. rules.

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

Expected effects and of access to pedestrian zones, and the establish-

ment of vehicle rotations in load zones.
As stated at the beginning of the paper, the imple-
On the other hand, the rest of the solutions re-
mentation of city logistics initiatives needs to keep
lated to access conditions represent stronger at-
in mind the conflicting objectives and interests of
tempts to induce significant modifications in the
the different stakeholders involved in urban mobil-
city logistics system, and in urban traffic in gen-
ity. That is why they should be analyzed not only
eral, but they are likely to result in severe opposi-
in terms of their effects on freight carriers, but also
tion from stakeholders whose interests have been
with respect to the point of view of the other stake-
damaged. For example, the introduction of dou-
holders (Larrañeta et al., 1999a).
ble-parking short time restrictions, or the street
Solutions related to public infrastructure usually
blocking allowance, benefit the distribution of
require extensive allocation of resources, unless they
goods by harming general traffic, and access time
are implemented as a way of reutilizing existing
windows cause the opposite effect. Night deliveries
infrastructure. These are strategic solutions, aimed
always count on the opposition of residents and
at reorganizing logistic flows in the city, but gener-
shop owners, but they are suitable for pilot imple-
ally involve a reduction in the efficiency of logistic
mentations in many individual cases. Finally, the
systems. Unless high economies of scale are
closing of the city center to passenger cars and
achieved, which is not straightforward in last mile
the introduction of road pricing schemes are the
distribution, the extra load transshipments account
most radical solutions, which therefore cause the
for extra costs, unaffordable for the reduced margins
highest impacts on city logistics and general mobil-
of urban freight distribution.
ity, but are also the most controversial ones.
Therefore, although these solutions may prove to
Within traffic management solutions, those re-
enhance the livability of the city and rationalize the
lated to the scope of regulations and to the use
flows of goods, countries like the Netherlands, where
of information technologies may result beneficial
city terminals have been widely introduced, often
for freight carriers, without generating opposition
come to the conclusion that the use of this infra-
from other stakeholders. They should also, there-
structure requires public support in order to achieve
fore, be considered in early stages of the planning
feasibility (Visser et al., 1999). Detailed cost-benefit
process (Muñuzuri, 2003). With respect to coopera-
analyses (Leleur, 1996) should therefore be carried
tion measures, they are beneficial for general traffic
out before attempting to introduce one of these
in congested areas, due to the expected reduction
in the number of delivery vehicles, but they are
Solutions related to land use management have
strongly rejected by carriers and receivers (shop
positive effects from the point of view of freight
owners) due to the inherent reduction in flexibility
carriers, but are often rejected by other stakehold-
and carrier-receiver contact, as well as to the intro-
ers, like residents, shop owners or persons who in
duction of additional transshipments in the ‘‘last
general intend to drive their car to the city center.
mile’’ logistic chain.
The allocation of more space, in highly dense and
Finally, promotion and enforcement solutions
congested areas, to load/unload operations implies
are always considered as part of combined solu-
parallel reductions in the mobility and parking
tions, in together with one or more of the previous
availability for passenger cars. Thus, the danger
specific solutions. Enforcement measures guaran-
for the affected area of losing competitive edge
tee more efficient results of the implementations,
with respect to other areas in the city is always a
but also stronger opposition from affected stake-
latent danger. However, these solutions are very
holders. Promotion techniques, on the other hand,
appropriate for pilot implementations, since they
are a proactive way of supporting best practices
often do not require specific regulations, and may
but represent higher expenditures for local public
therefore be discarded in case of failing to meet
the expectations.
Solutions related to access conditions include two
types of solutions. On one hand, there are those
solutions usually easy to implement, accepted by
Additional remarks
carriers and normally not rejected by other stake- The specific solutions described here represent gen-
holders. They are solutions aimed at improving the eral tools to be used by the local administration in
performance of the existing city logistics system, any general medium–large city. However, depending
without producing major changes but without gener- on the city, not all of them may be equally suitable,
ating major opposition. They should therefore be nor may they be applicable uniforly. Moreover, they
considered before thinking of more complicated might be implemented for the whole city or metro-
and controversial measures. This group of solutions politan area, or only to a specific part of it, where
includes the introduction of access conditions congestion and pollution problems related to urban
according to the weight and volume of delivery vehi- logistic and other types of transport are specially
cles, the implementation of security considerations relevant.

Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement: J Muñuzuri et al.

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