Professional Activity Paper

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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Amanda Shackelford Date of Activity: 3/2, 3/26, 4/3 Faculty name: AACN

I attended three professional activities in order to achieve the required number of hours:

the opioid IPEP activity, an AACN COVID-19 course, and a BLS recertification course. The

IPEP activity addressed the opioid epidemic and focused on informing students/providers how to

teach patients to do drugs safely. The AACN activity was an online didactic course to highlight

methods to improve COVID-19 and ARDS symptoms, manage different types of ventilations

and use peripheral nerve stimulators with neuromuscular-blocking agents. Finally, the BLS

renewal class focused on refreshing CPR and basic life support knowledge. My role, as a nursing

student, is to comprehend the content and be able to apply for when I get my first nursing job in

a matter of months.

The IPEP activity was held in the new HSIB located on the University of Arizona’s

Health Sciences campus, and it was 2.5 hours long. The AACN course was online, so I was able

to complete the activity from home, and it was 4 hours long. Finally, the AHA certified BLS

class was held by an organization called Chest Rise, and the program was 3 hours in length.

IPEP was extremely informative and shared a new perspective on the opioid epidemic.

The speaker acknowledged that people have done drugs, are doing drugs, and will continue to do

drugs despite the fatal side effects seen time and time again. His new perspective taught the

students, as emerging providers, to share information related to safe drug use to patients in order

to mitigate those side effects. Of course, the better option is for patients to quit drugs completely,

but this information has given me and other health care professionals another option to help drug

addicts. Also, I am grateful for the AACN offering their course for free because I think it will

help many nurses nationally fight COVID-19. It also emphasized to me how much I have learned
in nursing school and clinical because all the information was review. The program helped

consolidate the information for me and see how all the pieces of the pulmonary system, types of

ventilation and PNS and NMBAs all fit together. Finally, the BLS renewal class verified how

much I have learned since I took the class initially before nursing school began. Now, I know the

physiology behind CPR and BLS and why it makes sense, and that was very reassuring.

The IPEP knowledge will assist me in conversing with patients who struggle with

addiction and providing them resources. I will use the knowledge from the AACN when I

become a bedside nurse in an ICU. It will serve as foundational critical care knowledge and then

I will be able to build upon that as I gain experience. Finally, the BLS class has served as a

foundation for the last two years, and it will be an important skill as I go further into my career

whether it be taking an ACLS class or caring for a decompensating patient. Also, it’s information

that I will be able to teach others as I earn more experience in the critical care setting.

I would recommend all three activities in the future. The IPEP activity expanded my

knowledge on drug abuse and addiction, and I think the perspective is very valuable for every

health professional to know. Also, the AACN was very informative, easy to navigate, and

comprehendible. I was truly interested and captivated by the content and built-in case studies and

found the information very valuable and I think other nursing students would, too. Finally, I

would recommend it to everyone (even those not in healthcare) because it consists of basic skills

that ultimately save life. It was an amazing refresher course, and I’m grateful for the opportunity

to always continue learning and brushing up on certain skills.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Yes Signature on validation of clinical

hours form obtained? No

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