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Santiago Parra –

Tatiana Guzmán T – 11181127

Vivian Espinosa Aguirre – 11182990

Daniela Daza

Topic: Domestic rats


1. Natural History.

2. Environment.

3. Pathophysiological signs.

4. Behavioral signs.

5. Action plan for Improving Welfare Worldwide.

Natural history

Domestic rats are rodent members of the class Mammalia, order Rodentia, and family Muridae. They are thought to

have evolved from the Norway or brown rat. Their original location is unclear, but they now cover a range of habitats

across many continents, particularly associated with human habitations and dispersal. R. norvegicus is classified as

being of Least Concern. Wild brown rats are highly social animals and live for about 2 to 3 years. When resources

are limited or dispersed, they live in small social units of a male with several females and their offspring, typically

based around an underground burrow. When resources are more readily available, they can live in large,

interconnected colonies.

Wild rats can recognise related individuals and colony members and may be aggressive towards unfamiliar

individuals. Territories are marked using scent, usually in urine or faeces. Rats also communicate by emitting

vocalisations of audible and ultrasonic fre quencies. Their hearing range is around 0.2–80 kHz, encompassing

ultrasonic frequencies beyond the typical human hearing range. Rats are more active at night, with peak activity

exhibited at dawn and dusk, using a network of pathways to get around their territory. Wild rats forage for a wide

variety of food types, including seeds, nuts, fruits, eggs, invertebrates, and young ani mals such as chicks, often

carrying food back to the security of their burrow. Rats use their highly sensitive whiskers for discrimination,
detection, to maintain balance, and to guide them around complex spaces and their footpads and toe tips are also

particularly sensitive to tactile cues.


1.How long do brown wild rats live?

R/ Live approximately 2 to 3 years.

2.How do these animals mark the territories?

R/ They mark them with aromas.

3.What do domestic rats feed on?

R/ They feed on a wide variety of food types, including seeds, nuts, fruits, eggs, invertebrates, and young animals,
such as chicks, which often carry food to the safety of their burrow.


Rats are above all very sociable animals, which can always be chosen as a group or as a couple, which indicates that

having a single rat as a pet is not recommended, as loneliness can also cause a stress picture and depression in this

rodent. As companion animals, the rats are exceptional against all odds, as they are very affectionate, playful rodents

and also have great intelligence, which also allows them to learn simple tricks. Yes, it is important that rats are
domesticated from a young age, which will facilitate their adaptation to the domestic environment. Once the rat has

passed the adaptive period (in which it develops shy and suspicious), it develops a great attachment to its owner, in

fact, the rat requires the presence and daily affection of its owner to enjoy a full state of wellness.

The rat needs your presence and interaction on a daily basis, remember that it is an animal capable of developing a

great attachment to its owner. You should handle your rats daily and pay attention to them, approximately for 10

minutes and several times a day, if it is not possible to dedicate this time, it may not be a good idea to take this type

of rodent into your home. It is also of great importance that rats can perform daily exercise outside the cage, so you

must be willing to give them more space in your home, not just inside their cage. The cage must be wide, each rat

must have a space of approximately 0.23 square meters.

The cage must have a trough, a trough and a house or nest that the rat can use a hiding mode. The cage bed should

be made of wood chips, but we will avoid pine, aspen or cedar shavings, as contact with rat urine can cause irritation of

the respiratory tract.We need to offer our rat 12 milliliters a day of compound feed for rodents and complementary to

their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.Rats love cheese, however, it is not recommended because it can lead to

obesity.Rats must be entertained to channel their great curiosity, therefore, in the cage we must have different hanging

toys suitable for rats.


1. Rats are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields?

Rats have highly tuned senses and can become affected by electromagnetic fields generated by electronic devices.
Until a new rat acclimatizes well in the house and shows no signs of agitation or anger when exposed to electronic
devices, you should keep it in its habitat in an area of the house with little electronic activity.

2. Rats can detect mood states?.

It is always best to interact with your rat when you are in a good mood and calm. Rats can feel the tension, fear and
other negative emotions in the people who pet them and can respond in a way. Try to just give positive energy to your

3. Rats have a wild side.?

even if you touch it gently. Like any pet, your rat should be considered as a member of the family. Talk to her and
interact in a calm and smooth way so that she learns to trust and depend on you.

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