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action by another that

produces pain or injury to the

older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
The term “abuse” comprises various dimensions such as physical abuse, physical neglect,
sexual abuse, verbal assault, material abuse and neglect of the environment and violation of
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
Elderly abuse has been described as intentional actions that cause harm or risk of harm, such
as a caregiver’s failure to satisfy the basic needs and safe living conditions of the elderly.
It includes physical abuse, negligence, material exploitation and sexual abuse (Cohen et
al. 2006 Based on the World Health Organization (WHO)/International Network for the
Prevention of Elder Abuse (World Health Organization 2002), elderly abuse has been
classified into three broad categories: first, neglect, including isolation, abandonment and
social exclusion; second, violation of human, legal and medical rights; and third, deprivation
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
of choices, decision, status, finances and respect

action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
Elder abuse as a physical abuse is any action by another that produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is any intimate behaviour that is undesired or lacks competent
consent by the older person; and emotional abuse is inducement of fear, intimidation, or a
lowering of self-esteem to punish or control the older person. It also includes financial
exploitation of the elder such as using the elder’s goods, income and assets for purposes other
than the safety, benefit and enjoyment of that elderly person. It may also be in the form of
intentional or unintentional neglect at the hands of another or by elders themselves.


action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
Health and Physical Problems
In India seniors are suffering from many physical diseases like TB, Paralysing etc.
They are not able to get their medical and physical needs by their families or relatives.
1.  Immobility – much reduced since hip and other joint replacements became
2.  Instability – falls and fractured hips.
3. Incontinence and constipation – the former a major reason for breakdown in home
care-giving, the latter a common cause of hospital admission, confusion and
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
Family Problems- In old age, the elderly are more dependent on family members but
receive less attention from them. Old age needs love and support but if it is neglected, the old
one feels very sad and bad and the elderly woman generally feels the same in the family. At
times, the elderly are given food late and their choice of meal is not generally asked. The
family members may not have time to communicate with them.

Social Problems-The psycho-social process of growing older has vital social and
cultural dimensions which affect what is observed as purely biological inevitability. The
elderly are seen as non-productive and a burden to the family and society. They wish to
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
participate in family and social gatherings for which they are not encouraged but rather
rebuked by others. If an elderly woman is a widow, she has to suffer due to her status, such as
not being invited to ceremonies, etc.
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
Psychological Problems-Loneliness is a big problem and becomes serious if one of
the spouses has died. Moreover, elderly women work less and have a lot of time. They may
feel inadequate. They may face some difficulties like forgetfulness, learning difficulty,
withdrawal from activities, poor adjustment capacity, and feelings of guilt about idleness, etc.
They suffer psychologically due to social disengagement and depression.

Problem of Space-Elderly people may not be provided adequate and honourable

space in the home and may have to adjust to the family routine.
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
Economic Problems-Economic problems are one of the biggest problems for elderly
people. It has been found that if elderly people are economically independent, then they enjoy
a better status in the home as compared with those who are economically dependent. At
times, in the family, when they question wastage of money by the younger generation, they
may be insulted, ignored

IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM-.The old people have not

only been thrown out of the mainstream and relegated to the end but are left
with no resources and are seen as a burden by the young. It has been seen that
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
migration is on the rise and more and more young people are moving to the
cities or going overseas leaving behind the old alone and helpless in their
homes. Also globalisation, industrialization has led to scrambling for space in
the cities and it has become very difficult to have many people stay in the
house and thus, old are being considered as a burden on the economic
resources so that the young can maintain their desired standard of living.

Of about 81 million senior citizens in India, 28 per cent live in urban setups
and many of them face fear, neglect, isolation and economic insecurity. Their
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
vulnerability makes them soft targets for crime. Increasing urbanisation has
led to a rise in crime against the elderly. The criminals pick on the old people
because they are easy targets. The protection which was offered to them
when living in the joint family system is missing and they now have no
security. What makes this analysis even more complicated is that crime
comes in many hues. Crimes against the elderly fall under the categories of
violent crimes, including murder, sexual assault and burglary; financial
crimes, such as property disputes and fraud; and elder abuse, both physical
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
and emotional. Murder is the most common crime against the elderly and
very often than not – it is the domestic help, the watchman or the driver, or a
person known to the old person.

According to a recent study by Pune-based NGO International Longevity

Also crime against the elderly people is four times more than in Mumbai and
double than that of Bangalore, according to the NGO. Its study revealed that
of the total cases of crime against silvers registered in the capital last year,
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
the most common was physical harm (42.2 per cent) followed by murder and
robbery which accounted to 35.5 and 13.3 per cent respectively.

Emotional abuse is another very prominent mode of violence against the

elderly. A spokesperson for the Social Counselling Cell (SCC) of Mumbai
Police tells us that of about 1,200 applications on domestic disputes received,
40 per cent of the cases involve the abuse of elderly persons at the hands of
their sons and daughters.
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
Senior citizenship act

OVERVIEW-The elder abuse problem is being deteriorated day by day

many of the seniors are not capable of fulfil their basic needs like food, staying,
clothing, many times they Have been burnt and tortured and as a result they are
helpless and have only one option to begging and get out from their homes ,the
condition of the elders is very bad in present time .Many times they have been
beaten by their children and as a result they got suicide .
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
1- To analyse the conditions of the elders in india or in a specific place anf
gather information about the elders .
2- To make the elders aware about the programmes made by the government
of india to improve financial condition of the elders.
3- To make them aware about their rights being infringed such like article
21 of the Indian constitution.
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for
4- To make the elders aware about their medical Programmes made by the
government of india for the welfare of the senior citizens.
action by another that
produces pain or injury to the
older person; sexual abuse is
any intimate behaviour that
is undesired or lacks
competent consent by the
person; and emotional abuse
is inducement of fear,
intimidation, or a lowering of
self-esteem to punish or
control the older person. It
also includes financial exploi-
tation of the elder such as
using the elder’s goods,
income and assets for

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