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Unit 2

What Kind of food do you like?

1 Answer these questions

1. What’s your favorite fruit? → _

2. What’s your favorite vegetable? → _

3. What’s your favorite drink? → _

2 Match the food and drink with pictures


coffee _ apples _
tea _ oranges _
wine _ bananas _
soda _ strawberries _
apple juice _ peas _
spaghetti _ carrots _
yogurt _ tomatoes _
pizza _ cookies _
cheese _ hamburgers _
chocolate _ french-fries _

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

12 13 14

15 16 17

18 19 20

Which list has plural nouns A or B?

Remember that some

3 Complete the sentences with a, an or some may be countable and
1. Would you like some rice? uncountable.
2. Would you like wine? I’d like some chocolate
3. Can I have stamps please? ice cream → uncountable
4. I’d like chicken sandwich and __
cheese for lunch and three vanilla ice
5. Do you want drink? creams → countable
6. would you like apple or strawberries?
7. Can I have bread?
8. Can you give me money?
9. I usually have cookie and _ cup of coffee at 11 A.M.
10. Could you buy fruit?
11. He always has egg for breakfast

4 Answer the questions and complete the chart with a word from A, a line from B, and a
line from C

Remember that:

When like, love and hate are followed by a verb, it is usually verb + -ing.
S + like + main verb + -ing → I like cooking.

S + love + main verb + -ing → She loves listening to music

S + hate + main verb + -ing → They like sailing very much

1. sunbathing a. people’s face
likes 2. looking at b. photographs
3. walking c. video games
love 4. listening to d. and lying on the
5. watching beach
like 6. playing e. music
7. doing f. on the beach
loves 8. taking g. crosswords
h. horror movies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A likes
B 3

1. Why does Arthur like going to the beach every summer?

Because he likes walking on the beach.

2. Why are there four speakers in your bedroom?

Because I _

3. Why does your grandmother buy two newspapers every day?

Because she _

4. Why did you contract Metfliz?

Because I _

5. Why does Tana have a new camera?

Because she _

6. Why do you look at that people?

Because I _

7. Why do Paul and Mary go to the beach twice a month?

Because they _

8. Why did you buy a tablet to your son?

Because he _
5 Likes and dislikes

Read the information about Richard and complete the questions.

Richard likes Richard dislikes

Sports football climbing

volley-ball fishing
Food Italian Chinese
Mexican Thai
On weekends going to the movies doing laundry
going out with friends shopping
Movies action romantic
science fiction comedies

1. What sports does Richard like?

Football and volley-ball_

2. What kind of food does he like?
3. doing?
Going out with friends
4. What kind of _?
Action and science fiction
5. Chinese food?
No, he _
6. climbing?
7. going to the movies?
8. shopping?
6 Complete and answer the questions about you.

1. Do you like playing soccer (play soccer)?

Yes, I do _
2. Do you like _ (read books)
3. Do you like _ (clean your mess)
4. Do you like _ (stich)
5. Do you like _ (learn English)
6. Do you like _ (listen pop music)

7 Select Would you like / do you like …? or I like / I’d like

1. A: Would you like _√_
Do you like ___ a cup of coffee?
B: No thanks I don’t drink coffee
we use would like in offers
2. A: What music do you like? and requests
B: Well, I like _ rock music
I’d like _
3. A: Do you like _
Would you like _ a hamburger?
B: Yes, I’d like a cheese burger, please
4. A: Would you like _
Do you like _ cooking
B: Yes, I love cooking
5. How may I help you madam?
A: I’d like to buy _ this sweater
B. I like to buy _

6. A: Would you like _

B: Do you like _ a drink?
Yes, I’d like a glass of water, please
we use any in interrogative and negative sentences.
We use some in offers and requests

8 Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. I don’t have any_ money, but I have a debit card

2. Are there ___ __ any messages for me?
3. There aren’t ___ _ restaurants in my neighborhood
4. would you like ___ _ coffee?
5. There’s ___ _ milk in the fridge, but there aren’t ___ _ eggs
6. I have ___ _ good friends here in Mexico.
7. Do you have ___ _ brothers or sisters?
8. There was ___ _ rain during the night
9. Is there ___ _ meat in the fridge?
10. I’d like ___ _ more tea please
9 Read the text and write the correct question heading for each paragraph.



For 99 per cent of the human history, people took their food from the world around
them. They ate all that they could find, and then moved on. Then about 10,000 years
ago, or for 1 per cent of the human history, people learned to farm the land and
control their environment.

The kind of food we eat depends on which part of the world we live in, or which part
of our country we live in. For example, in the south of China they eat a lot of rice.
Noodles are more common in the north. In Japan and Taiwan, people eat a lot of fish
and other seafood. But in the middle of the United States, away from the sea, people
don’t eat so much fish. They eat more meat and chicken.

In some European countries, and at formal dinners in North America, there are two or
more courses to every meal and people eat with knives and forks. In China there is
only one course-all the food is together on the table, and they eat with chopsticks. In
parts of India and the Middle East people use their fingers and bread to pick up the

Nowadays it is possible to transport food easily from one part of the world to another.

We can eat what we like, when we like, at any time of the year. Our bananas come
from Central America or Africa; our rice come from California or Thailand; our
strawberries come from Chile or Mexico. Food is very big business. But people in
poor countries are still hungry, and people in rich countries eat too much.
10. Complete the questions then answer about you

Example: Do you like swimming___ (swim)? No, I don’t .

1. Do you like _(cook)?

2. Do you like _(shop)?

3. Do you like _(play) computer games?

4. Do you like _ (do) homework?

5. Do you like _(learn) English?

11. Complete the sentences with some or any

Example: I don’t have any money in my pocket but I have some money in the bank

1. Are there messages for me?

2. I have _______ good friends in Brazil

3. I never have dinner because I’m not hungry in the evening

4. Don’t you have bread with your salad?

5. Excuse me, can I have water please?

6. There aren’t convenience stores in my neighborhood, just a mini-store

7. There isn’t milk in the fridge

8. There was rain during the night

12. Complete with how much or how many, then answer them

We use how much with non-counts
How much sugar is there?
We use how many with count nouns
How many apples are there?
There aren’t many apples

Example: How much homework do you get? How many friends do you have?

1. T- shirts do you have?

2. water do you drink every day?

3. rooms are there in your house?

4. languages do you speak?

5. are there in your class?

13 A Formal letter

2912 B 2th street

New Heaven Conn. 0749
The receptionist
The Grand D hotel
244 White inn
Washington DC 8899

Write Dear Sir or Madam Dear Sir or Madam,

If you don-t know the name of the I
Person you are writing to I would like to reserve a single room at your hotel
for the nights 21, 22 and 23 of December. Could I
have a room with a nice view?

About the restaurant, I would like to know what

Remember there are not short forms time the restaurant opens and what time the
In a formal letter restaurant closes?

I would like to know if I can pay cash or you need my

credit card number.

thank you very much

this is the usual ending if we want a replay I look forward to hearing from you
to a letter
If you don-t know the name of the person Amanda Peterson
You are writing to write Sincerely not Amanda Peterson
Sincerely yours

Write to the Garden hotel in Honolulu Hawaii. Book a double room for five nights next month.
Ask for a room with an ocean view, and ask for a brochure of the hotel. This is the address:
Garden hotel
Brandon street 345
Honolulu Hawaii 1045
(100 words approximately)

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