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EVALUATION 2 2020-01

Profesora : QUESADA IBARRA, Kathie

Alumno(a) : Judith Villafane Fernandez
Bloque : M1-SMVLNTCTB10B2
Fecha : 06 / 04 / 2020 SCORE

A. Listen to Kim and Greg talking about Greg’s book collections. And check if the sentences are True or
False. (Source: Touchstone CD - Quiz Unit 6) (5 pts, 1 pt each)
1. Most of Greg’s books are from his family and friends. F
2. Greg and Kim are going to go to Bernard’s Books this afternoon. F
3. You can get cheap books at Bernardo’s store. T
4. Kim is going to take some of her old books to the bookstore. T
5. Kim thinks Greg ought to get some more books. T

B. Complete the text or sentences with the correct quantifier. (2.5 pts, 0.5pt each)

glasses loaf many little less

1. I’m trying to drink less soda.

2. At our house we eat very little butter.
3. There aren’t many vegetables in the refrigerator.
4. It’s good to drink eight glasses of water a day.
5. Would you like another loaf of bread?

C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb (Second Conditional) (2.5 pts, 0.5pt each)
1. If my teacher gave me a failing grade, I would ask her about it. (give / ask)
2. If my mother got sick, I would take her to the hospital immediately. (get / take)
3. If we were more patient, We could stay home 24 hours a day. (be / stay)
4. If a friend of mine didn't say Hello with a kiss, I would understand her. (not-say / understand)
5. If I watched the news, I would realize what is happening around the world. (watch/realize)


D. Read the article. Are the sentences true or false? Write T (true), F (false) (5pts, 0.5pt each):

Does birth order affect our personalities?

Are you an only child? Do you have younger brothers and sisters, or are you the youngest in your family?
Does birth order have any influence on the type of people we are?

For many years, psychologists have noticed that first-born children and only children are often quite serious
and ambitious, not only when they are children, but also as adults. They work harder and worry more about
what their parents think.

First-born children often feel more important than their younger brothers and sisters and can be quite
bossy. They often behave like a third parent and tell their brothers and sisters what to do. They sometimes
grow up to be soldiers, business leaders and politicians. Only children are also confident and leaders hard-
working, but perhaps not bossy as first-born.

Last-born children, in contrast, aren’t as interested in their parents’ opinions (or those of their older brothers
and sisters), but they are also friendlier and more open. And because they are often more rebellious, they
can be very creative. They often grow up to be artists, inventors and musicians.

Middle children are often…well, in the middle: they want to be serious and responsible, but they also want
to be different to their older brother or sister. This means that they are often anxious and moody, and
perhaps this is also why middle children have more problems as adults.

Many researches believe birth order is actually less important than we think. Certainly children (including
grown-up children) behave differently when they’re in the same rooms as their parents or their brothers and
sisters, but what happens when they’re with other people? In one major study, researches analysed the
personalities of 9,664 people and found no important link with their birth order.

One area where birth order seems to make a difference is intelligence. First-borns regularly get better
marks in IQ tests than others because their parents usually have more time to spend with their child when
they only have one. First-borns also often act as teachers for their younger brothers and sisters, helping
them with their homework and teaching them about the world.

So, is birth order important? Whatever the truth, we shouldn’t allow our birth order to change the way we
see ourselves. A first-born can be an inventor and a rebel, just as a last-born can be a leader and an
intellectual. We just need to believe in ourselves.

1. Only children are often quite ambitious. T

2. First born children often become artists or musicians. F
3. Researchers all agree that birth order makes a big difference to our personalities. F
4. Parents never have time with their first child. T
5. The writer believes that we shouldn’t worry too much about birth order. T


E. Write and article about healthy foods that people eat and do in order to stay in shape in your country (5pts)
Write 50- 60 words
In my country people take care of their health, they always eat
vegetables, too many fruits and milk.
In the morning, they usually do exercises then drink orange juice and
they also drink eight glasses of water a day.
In the afternoon they eat little chicken and more vegetables. Finally, at night he only drinks milk and eat
an egg.

For teacher’s use only:

Language and
Task completion Layout Mechanics
(1pt) (1pt) (1pt)



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