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Dita Floresyona Industrial Microbiology


Main references:
▪ Marigan, M et al., Brock Biology of Microorganism, 14th edition, 2015
▪ Microbiology: An Introduction Tortora

Complementary references:
▪ Okafor, N and Okeke, B.C., Modern Industial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2nd edition
▪ Waites, M.J., et al., Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction
▪ Shuler, M.L., Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts, 2nd edition
Outline of Industrial Microbiology Course

Before mid term: After mid term:

Part one fundamentals of Microbiology Part one fundamentals of Microbiology

1. The Microbial World and You 1. Fermentation in chemical engineering industry

2. Chemical Principles 2. Microbiology for energy application
3. Observing Microorganisms Through a 3. Microbiology in food industry
Microscope 4. Practical course
4. Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic Cells
5. Microbial Metabolism
6. Microbial Growth
7. The Control of Microbial Growth

Week 1

- Pengertian mikrobiologi
- Pengertian mikroorganisme
- Penamaan mikroorganisme
- Sejarah penemuan mikroorganisme
- Pengelompokan mikroorganisme
Introduction to Industrial Microbiology:

Industrial microbiology→ As an introduction to bioprocess engineering

What is bioprocess engineering???

A Process that uses living cells or their components (e.g., bacteria, enzymes, chloroplasts) to obtain desired

Industrial microbiology deals with microorganism which are used in industry

In industrial microbiology the microorganisms involved or their products are very valuable and the raison
d’etre for the existence of the industrial microbiology establishment.
Introduction to Industrial Microbiology

Multi-disciplinary or Team-work Nature of Industrial Microbiology

In a modern industrial microbiology organization these others may include chemical or production engineers,
biochemists, economists, lawyers, marketing experts, and other high-level functionaries.
Introduction to Industrial Microbiology

The functions of microbiologists in Industrial microbiology:

a. Select the organism to be used in the processes;

b. Choose the medium of growth of the organism;

c. Determine the environmental conditions for the organism’s optimum productivity i.e., pH,
temperature, aeration, etc.

d. monitor the process for the absence of contaminants, and participate in quality control to
ensure uniformity of quality in the products

e. Improve the performance of the microorganisms by genetic manipulation or by medium

Introduction to Industrial Microbiology
Introduction to Industrial Microbiology

What is microbiology about and why is it important?

The science of microbiology is all about microorganism, and how they work, especially the bacteria, a very large
group of very small cells that have enormous basic and practical importance.

Microbial cells. (a) Bioluminescent (light-emitting) colonies of the bacterium Photobacterium grown in laboratory
culture on a Petri plate. (b) A single colony can contain more than 10 million (107) individual cells. (c) Scanning
electron micrograph of cells of Photobacterium
Introduction to Industrial Microbiology

Microorganisms are the smallest form of life. Nevertheless, they are the bulk of biomass of earth and carry out
many necessary chemical reactions for higher organism. Indeed, the very oxygen we breathe is the result of past
microbial activity.

Microbial communities. (a) A bacterial community that developed in the depths of a small Michigan lake, showing
cells of various phototrophic bacteria. The bacteria were visualized using phase-contrast microscopy. (b) A bacterial
community in a sewage sludge sample. The sample was stained with a series of dyes, each of which stained a specific
bacterial group. (c) Scanning electron micrograph of a microbial community scraped from a human tongue.
The Discovery of Microorganisms

Evolution of Microbial Cells

Microbes are the oldest form of life on Earth, and they have evolved to perform critical functions that sustain the biosphere.
Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, and microbial cells first appeared between 3.8 and 4.3 billion years ago
Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, and microbial cells first appeared between 3.8 and 4.3 billion years ago

LUCA ( last universal common ancestor)

A brief History of Microbiology
A Brief History of Microbiology
Bacterial ancestors were the first living cells to appear on Earth. For most of human history, people knew little
about the true causes, transmission, and effective treatment of disease.

The first observation

Englishman Robert Hooke reported that life’s smallest structural units were
“little boxes,” or “cells.” Using his improved microscope, Hooke later saw
individual cells. Hooke’s discovery marked the beginning of the cell theory—the
theory that all living things are composed of cells.

Though Hooke’s microscope was capable of showing large cells, it lacked the
resolution that would have allowed him to see microbes clearly

Dutch merchant and amateur scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek(1632–1723)

was probably the first to observe live microorganisms through the magnifying
lenses of the more than 400 microscopes he constructed.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s microscopic observations.

(a) By holding his brass microscope toward a source of light, van Leeuwenhoek was able to observe living organisms too small to be
seen with the unaided eye. (b) The specimen was placed on the tip of the adjustable point and viewed from the other side through
the tiny, nearly spherical lens. The highest magnification possible with his microscopes was about 300× (times). (c) Some of van
Leeuwenhoek’s drawings of bacteria, made in 1683. The letters represent various shapes of bacteria. C–D represents a path of
motion he observed.
Pasteur and spontaneous generation

Important advances in microbial cultivation occurred in the nineteenth century

as microbiologists sought to answer two major questions of that time:

(1)Does spontaneous generation occur?

(2)What is the nature of infectious disease?
The Debate over Spontaneous Generation

Until the second half of the nineteenth century, many scientists and philosophers
believed that some forms of life could arise spontaneously from non-living matter; they
called this hypothetical process spontaneous generation.
Pasteur and spontaneous generation

→Pasteur demonstrated that microorganisms are present in the air

and can contaminate sterile solutions, but that air itself does not
create microbes.

→He filled several short-necked flasks with beef broth and then
boiled their contents. Some were then left open and allowed to cool.
In a few days, these flasks were found to be contaminated with

→ The other flasks, sealed after boiling, were free of

microorganisms. From these results, Pasteur reasoned that microbes short-necked flasks
in the air were the agents responsible for contaminating non-living
The defeat of spontaneous generation: Pasteur’s swan-necked flask experiment. In (c) the liquid putrefies because microorganisms enter with the dust. The bend in
the flask allowed air to enter (a key objection to Pasteur’s sealed flasks) but prevented microorganisms from entering.
Fermentation and Pasteurization
One of the key steps that established the relationship between microorganisms and disease occurred when a
group of French merchants asked Pasteur to find out why wine and beer soured. They hoped to develop a
method that would prevent spoilage when those beverages were shipped long distances. At the time, many
scientists believed that air converted the sugars in these fluids into alcohol. Pasteur found instead that
microorganisms called yeasts convert the sugars to alcohol in the absence of air.

This process, called fermentation, is used to make wine and beer. Souring and spoilage are caused by different
microorganisms, called bacteria. In the presence of air, bacteria change the alcohol into vinegar (acetic acid).
Pasteur’s solution to the spoilage problem was to heat the beer and wine just enough to kill most of the bacteria
that caused the spoilage. The process, called pasteurization, is now commonly used to reduce spoilage and kill
potentially harmful bacteria in milk as well as in some alcoholic drinks.
The Impact of Microorganisms on Human

Microorganisms as Agents of Diseases

Death rates for the leading causes of death in the United States: 1900 and today
The Impact of Microorganisms on Human

Most microorganisms cause no harm but instead are

beneficial, and in many cases are even essential, to
human welfare and the functioning of the planet
The Impact of Microorganisms on Human

Food and


Environmental Agriculture
The Impact of Microorganisms on Human

Ethanol as a biofuel
The Impact of Microorganisms on Human
Introduction to Industrial Microbiology
Grouping of microorganisms
The Three-Domain System
Prokaryotes that do not have
peptydoglican in their cell
Cells of Bacteria and Archaea
The typically small size of prokaryotes affects many aspects of their biology
In microbiology, the term morphology means cell shape

Cell morphologies. Beside each drawing is a phase-contrast photomicrograph of cells showing that morphology. Coccus (cell diameter in
photomicrograph, 1.5 μm); rod (1 μm); spirillum (1 μm); spirochete (0.25 μm); budding (1.2 μm); filamentous (0.8 μm). All
photomicrographs are of species of Bacteria. Not all of these morphologies are known among the Archaea, but cocci, rods, and spirilla are
Cells of Bacteria and Archaea

Why are the cells of a given species the shape they are?

- Optimization for nutrient uptake (small cells and others with high surface to volume ratios, such as
appendaged cells

- Swimming motility in viscous environments or near surface (helical-or spiral-shaped cells)

- Gliding motility (filamentous bacteria)

- Maximize fitness for competitive success in its habitat.

Cells of Bacteria and Archaea

Cell size and the significance of being small

Cells of Bacteria and Archaea vary in size from as small as about 0.2 micrometer (μm) in
diameter to those more than 700 μm in diameter

Two very large Bacteria. (left) Epulopiscium fishelsoni. The rod-shaped cell is about 600 μm (0.6 mm) long and 75 μm wide
and is shown with four cells of the protist Paramecium (a microbial eukaryote), each of which is about 150 μm long. (right)
Thiomargarita namibiensis, a large sulfur chemolithotroph and currently the largest known of all prokaryotic cells. Cell
widths vary from 400 to 750 μm.
Cells of Bacteria and Archaea

The significance of being small

The S/V ratio of a cell controls many of its properties, :

→ Including its growth rate and evolution. Because how
fast a cell can grow depends in part on the rate at
which it can exchange nutrients and waste products
with its environment,

→ The higher S/V ratio of small cells supports a faster

rate of nutrient and waste exchange per unit of cell
volume compared with large cells. As a result, free-
living smaller cells tend to grow faster than free-living
larger cells

Surface area and volume relationships in cells. As a cell

increases in size, its S/V ratio decreases.
Cells of Bacteria and Archaea

Lower Limits to Cell Size

The volume needed to house the essential components of a free living cell-proteins,
nucleic acids, ribosomes, and so on – a structure 0.1 µm in diameter or less is
insufficient to do the job, and structures 0.15 µm in diameter are the marginal

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