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Session 1

Objective. Talking about what people are permitted to do at their workplace and the work
benefits they can receive there

Grammar. Can and can´t for possibilities.

Activity 1. Vocabulary jobs

Look at the following jobs below. Then classify them into the 6 categories. Add more jobs.

mechanical engineer, physicist, chemist, high school teacher, attorney, bus driver, sports
coach, tourist guide, architect, office worker doctor, lawyer, scientist,

Works in an Works for a Works with Works in an Works with Works in a

office sports club students office people laboratory

Activity 2. Vocabulary work benefits

Read the work benefits below and write have, get or use in the correct place.

__________ a raise, a promotion, a new office, a bonus.

__________ free meals, holidays, paid vacations, health insurance, a pension, training, a good salary, a
flexible schedule, free parking, company car, free meals.
__________ a company car, the sports facilities, the phone for personal phone calls, your cell-phone.

Activity 3
Read the three descriptions about people´s work. Then complete the table.

1. My dad Robert is a chemist and he works for a big pharmaceutical company. He works in a
laboratory with a lot of people. His job gives him many benefits. For example, he can have health
insurance and he can receive training regularly.
2. Mary is an office worker. She works at an important company and she has an excellent job. She can
use a company car and she can have a pension. She can use the phone there, but she can’t make
personal phone calls.
3. My brother Carlos is a sports coach and he loves his job. He works at a gym and he has many
benefits too. He can use the gym facilities and he can get free meals. The bad thing is that he can’t
have holidays.
Session 1
Job Work benefits

Robert He can
He can
Mary She can
She can
She can
Carlos He can
He can

Activity 4
What does your father/mother/brother or sister do?

Write a short description and mention their job, workplace and the benefits they have.
Use the 3 readings as an example.


Activity 5
What work benefits can these people have in their jobs? Complete the table below. Don´t
forget to use the vocabulary from activity 2.

She/he can She/he can’t

A doctor
A teacher
A waitress

Activity 6
Look at the notes in your workbook page 37 ex. 1A. Then complete the telephone
message with can or can’t

Activity 7
Session 1
Read and complete the conversation in you workbook page 37 ex. 1B with the correct
form of can.

Note. In the synchronous session we are going to check the answers, figure out and explain how
and when can is used to express possibilities. We will also have extra practice and carry out
communicative activities to practice what you learned in this session.

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