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Short Film Making

General Guidelines
1. All interested competitors must fill-up the Registration Form with the following
details: (a) team leader’s name and group members, school and year, e-mail
addresses, and phone numbers; (b) movie description or synopsis or storyline;
(c) cast list for all persons appearing in your short film and technical people in-
charge of the productions; (d) genre, advocacy campaign or values of the film
and running time of the film; (e) working title of the short film; (f) software/s
used in video editing and productions. A complete entry consists of the above
information will only be accepted and judged.
2. The short film must be shot and edited only starting January 10, 2019 (for Junior
High School) and January 17, 2019 (for Senior High School) up to February 11, 2019
before the program opening of IT Olympiad.
3. The movie must use only music, video, footages, clips and images that you have
permission to use in any form, more advisable if it’s your original works.
4. The film’s final running time is projected to be between 10 minutes (minimum)
to 15 minutes (maximum). It must be submitted in DVD format with casing and
cover and its corresponding movie poster (24in x 36in). Back-up copy must be
submitted in a flash drive and will be returned after the Short Film Festival.
5. IT Olympiad 2019 Theme is “LENGWAHE: Leveraging Educational
Nourishment and Gravitating Wisdom Across Human Excellence.”
6. The genre may be any of the following as the main focus of the film but not
limited to only one:

a. Romantic-Comedy
Comedy is a story that tells about a series of funny or comical events,
intended to make the audience laugh. It is a very open genre, and thus
crosses over with many other genres on a frequent basis. It can be in the
form of Parody, Humorous, Romantic Comedy or Comic Fantasy.
GC-CCS IT OLYMPIAD 2019 | February 11&12, 2019
Theme: “LENGWAHE: Leveraging Educational Nourishment and Gravitating Wisdom Across Human Excellence”
Traditionally, a romance story involves chivalry, adventure and love. In
modern writing, a story about character's relationships, or engagements (a
story about character development and interpersonal relationships rather
than adventures).

b. Suspense-Thriller
Although normally associated with the crime genre, mystery fiction is
considered a completely different genre in certain circumstances where the
focus is on supernatural mystery (even if no crime is involved).

A Thriller is a story that is usually a mix of fear and excitement. It has traits
from the suspense genre and often from the action, adventure or mystery
genres, but the level of terror makes it borderline horror fiction at times as
well. It generally has a dark or serious theme, which also makes it similar
to drama.

c. Adventure-Fantasy
An adventure story is about a protagonist who journeys to epic or distant
places to accomplish something. It can have many other genre elements
included within it, because it is a very open genre. The protagonist has a
mission and faces obstacles to get to her destination.
A fantasy story is about magic or supernatural forces, rather than
technology, though it often is made to include elements of other genres,
such as science fiction elements, for instance computers or DNA, if it
happens to take place in a modern or future era.

d. Musical/Dance/Theatrical
A music genre is a conventional category that identifies some pieces of
music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions.
The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through
combinations of gesture, speech, song, music, and dance.

GC-CCS IT OLYMPIAD 2019 | February 11&12, 2019

Theme: “LENGWAHE: Leveraging Educational Nourishment and Gravitating Wisdom Across Human Excellence”
e. Science-Fiction
Science fiction (often shortened to Sci-Fi or SF) is a genre of speculative
fiction, typically dealing with imaginative concepts such as advanced
science and technology, spaceflight, time travel, and extraterrestrial life.
Science fiction often explores the potential consequences of scientific
and other innovations, and has been called a "literature of ideas".
f. Horror
A horror film is a film that seeks to elicit fear. Initially inspired by literature
from authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker, and Mary Shelley, horror
has existed as a film genre for more than a century. The macabre and the
supernatural are frequent themes. Horror may also overlap with the
fantasy, supernatural fiction, and thriller genres.
g. Family Drama
In film and television, drama is a genre of narrative fiction (or semi-fiction)
intended to be more serious than humorous in tone. Drama of this kind
is usually qualified with additional terms that specify its particular
subgenre, such as "police crime drama", "political drama", "legal drama",
"historical period drama", "domestic drama", or "comedy-drama". These
terms tend to indicate a particular setting or subject-matter, or else they
qualify the otherwise serious tone of a drama with elements that
encourage a broader range of moods.

7. Short Film must include the following:

a. Foreign Artist - One foreign artist (excluding American) speaking their
language with English subtitle. They may take part of the lead role or as
cameo role.
b. Use of any Filipino dialects used at any part of the film with English
c. Proliferation of good values and Filipino culture.
d. One sponsor commercial store to promote their place, products or

GC-CCS IT OLYMPIAD 2019 | February 11&12, 2019

Theme: “LENGWAHE: Leveraging Educational Nourishment and Gravitating Wisdom Across Human Excellence”
8. Films must be able to include elements demonstrated during the IT Olympiad
Training held last January 10 & 17, 2019. The following elements are:
a. Use of split screen or multiple clips
b. Use of chroma key or green screen
c. Use of time lapse or slowmo
d. Use of multiplicity effect

9. Films that have been previously released, previewed, or screened are not
qualified to join.
10. It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to secure authorization and
permission from the copyright owner(s) of any or all copyrighted content or
materials included within the submitted Film. The College expressly renounces
any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any unauthorized
inclusion of any copyrighted content or materials within or relating to the
submitted Film, including any content or materials that are or may become the
basis for any third party claims for copyright infringement. The College reserves
the right to disqualify any Film with any unauthorized inclusion of copyrighted
content or materials.

11. Teams submitting Films that contain significant non-Tagalog or non-

English spoken dialogue must provide on-screen English subtitles. Deductions
will be given to any Film that contains significant non-English spoken dialogue
that does not include accompanying on-screen English subtitles.

12. The movie must follow all other event guidelines and deadlines as posted from
time to time in the FB group.
13. All entries must submit their 60 seconds short film trailer starting February 1,
2019 via YouTube using the following hashtags #GCCCS_ITOlympiad2019
#ShortFilmOfTeamName #Lengwahe

14. Prize packages will be announced during the opening program.

GC-CCS IT OLYMPIAD 2019 | February 11&12, 2019

Theme: “LENGWAHE: Leveraging Educational Nourishment and Gravitating Wisdom Across Human Excellence”
15. A panel of judges, from inside and outside of the college will consider the
following criteria in determining the winners:

Performances 20%
Storyline 15%
Production Design 15%
(props, costumes, sets, locations)
Cinematography 25%
Audio/Video Quality 25%

TOTAL 100%

16. All applications and entries must be submitted to Mr. Ronnie Luy as the Chair
of Short Film Festival during the IT Olympiad 2019.
17. Special Awards will also be given to the following:
a. Best Performance of an Actor/Actress
b. Best Movie Poster
c. Most Popular Short Film Trailer
d. Best Story/Interpretation of the theme “Lengwahe”
e. Best Director – for the discipline and expertise provided to the team
f. Best Short Film – overall production

GC-CCS IT OLYMPIAD 2019 | February 11&12, 2019

Theme: “LENGWAHE: Leveraging Educational Nourishment and Gravitating Wisdom Across Human Excellence”

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