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EPM Quality Management

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction to EPM ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Management proceess in EPM Overview ..................................................................... 2
1. Quality Deliverables ..................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Applicable Roles ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Steps................................................................................................................... 4
2. Procurement Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot .................................................................... 7
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Applicable Roles ..................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Steps................................................................................................................... 8
3. Procurement Inspection – Manage RFI ............................................................................... 10
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Applicable Roles ................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Steps................................................................................................................. 11
4. Construction Inspection Create ITP .................................................................................. 12
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Applicable Roles ................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Steps................................................................................................................. 13
5. Construction Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot .................................................................. 15
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 15
5.2 Applicable Roles ................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Steps................................................................................................................. 15
6. Construction Inspection – Manage RFI ............................................................................... 17
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 17
6.2 Applicable Roles ................................................................................................... 18
6.3 Steps................................................................................................................. 18
7. Quality Notifications ................................................................................................... 20
7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 20
7.2 Applicable Roles ................................................................................................... 20
7.3 Steps................................................................................................................. 21
8. Project Quality Index (PQI) .......................................................................................... 24
8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 24
8.2 Applicable Roles ................................................................................................... 25
8.3 Steps................................................................................................................. 25
9. Quality Management Reports ......................................................................................... 29
9.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 29
9.2 Steps................................................................................................................. 29

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

1 QM User Guide
Introduction to EPM

EPM is an IT business solution that enables Saudi Aramco and its Contractors to manage
capital projects effectively and efficiently throughout the project lifecycle.

The main objective of EPM is to standardize the project development and delivery
methodology across projects and facilitate a consistent project execution and delivery
approach. The standard methodology and consistent approach will improve and streamline
reporting, documentation and turnaround durations within projects.

The functionalities introduced by EPM will streamline and provide an improved and
consistent project data and reporting capability to facilitate the execution of projects
throughout the project life cycle.

Both Saudi Aramco and Contractors are expected to gain benefits by using EPM, such as
improve project execution efficiency and enhance project controls.

Quality Management Process in EPM Overview

EPM Quality Management consists of 8 modules. The table below shows each module and
the project phases(s), which it is applicable to:

Module Title Applicable Project Phase(s)

Engineering, Procurement, and
Quality Deliverables
Procurement Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot Procurement
Procurement Inspection – Manage RFI Procurement
Construction Inspection Create ITP Construction
Construction Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot Construction
Construction Inspection – Manage RFI Construction
Quality Notifications Procurement and Construction
Project Quality Index Procurement and Construction

EPM Quality Management can be accessed for users with proper role assignment through
the following steps:
 Go to:
 From My home page, click on My Work, then click on Project Management, and then
click on Quality Management application
 From the drop down menu, select the applicable Contract Number then the
applicable Budget Item (BI) / Job Order (JO).

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

1. Quality Deliverables
1.1 Introduction

The Quality Deliverables and Submittals business process allows Saudi Aramco to prepare
the list of Quality Deliverables in agreement with the Contractor. For each project, a set
of Project Quality Deliverables will be defined. The Project Quality Plan is prepared
internally by Saudi Aramco Project Team, but other deliverables are provided by the
Contractor and reviewed by Saudi Aramco Project Team.

This process allows the Saudi Aramco Project Quality Manager to access the following

1. Select Quality Deliverables from the list.

2. Assign the Responsibilities (Contractor/Saudi Aramco).
3. Assign due date information.
4. Submit Saudi Aramco Project Quality Plan for review and approval.
5. Submit the Quality Deliverables list.
6. Review documents already submitted by the contractor.

The Saudi Aramco Project Quality Manager will select deliverables applicable for a
specific BI/JO from the available list in EPM, including:

1. Project Quality Plan (PQP)

2. Quality Audit Schedule
3. Hydrostatic Test Package
4. Management Review Results
5. Organizational Chart
6. Audit Report
7. Contractor Quality Plan (CQP)
8. Quality Management Report
9. Construction - Personnel Qualifications
10. Construction - Special Process Procedures & Personnel
11. Construction ITP
12. Construction - Two-Week Look-Ahead Schedule
13. Evidence of Manufacturer Prequalification
14. Procurement - Personnel Qualifications
15. Procurement - Special Process Procedures & Personnel
16. Inspection/Shipping Release
17. Procurement - Two-week look-ahead Schedule
18. Inspection Assignment Package (IAP)
19. Inspection/Fabrication Status Report
20. Inspection Disposition Report

After the Quality Deliverables list is submitted, the Contractor can view the list of Quality
Deliverables for which the Contractor is Responsible. Also, the Contractor will upload the
Quality Deliverables and submit for review and approval.

The Saudi Aramco Project Team will review the submitted Quality Deliverables and update
the status of the document, including a late submittal flag. When the status of a
submitted deliverable is updated, a workflow is triggered to the PMT Company
Representative for Concurrence

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3 QM User Guide
1.2 Applicable Roles
Business Role Description SAP Role
Company Representative is the legally
appointed/authorized individual from
Saudi Aramco, for all formal
contractual actions and
communications by the contract
PMT Company
signatory. This individual is EPM:PMT:COMPANY_REP
accountable for the completion of the
project and all related contractual
(Typically tis role is given on the PMT
Project Manager/Division Head)
ID Project Quality Manager is
responsible for planning, executing,
ID Project Quality and controlling all quality
Manager management activities of the project
as per Saudi Aramco GI-0400
ID Supervisor is responsible for
monitoring quality for all construction
activities including pre-commissioning
ID Supervisor activities up to final acceptance to EPM:ID:Supervisor
ensure compliance with applicable
Saudi Aramco Quality Standards and
ID Project Inspector conducts project
ID Project
inspection from material receiving till EPM:ID:Project_Inspector
pre-commissioning related activities
The Project Engineer is responsible for
PMT Project Project Management Activities and
Engineer performs various activities related to
all process areas

1.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

 Click on the “Quality Deliverables” tab on the left of the screen

 The PQM selects the project’s applicable quality deliverables by checking the
empty box next to the quality deliverable.

 The PQM selects the “First Submittal Due Date” for each Quality Deliverable by
clicking on the calendar icon.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

 The PQM clicks on the save button if he wishes to save his work

 The PQM clicks on the Submit button

(Project Engineer, ID Supervisor, SAIR) In order to review the Quality Deliverables after
the contractor uploads them to the system, follow these steps:

 Click on the row header of the Quality Deliverable you wish to review

 A second window will open to the right

 Choose the Documents tab

 Click on the file name in order to open or save

 In order to write comments, choose the comments tab

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5 QM User Guide
 In order to add a comment, click on the add button

 To select the document, which you would like to comment on, choose the value

help button under the “Document Title” column.

 Write your comment under the “Comments” column. If you would like the
comment to be visible to the contractor, check the box below the “Visible” column

 Click no the Save button if you wish to save your work

 To delete a comment, click no the delete button

(PQM) in order to accept, review, reject the quality deliverable submitted, the same
steps mentioned above shall be followed in addition to:

 Click the drop down menu below the “Status” column and choose the action you

 The Company Representative receives a SAP workflow in his inbox

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

 To view the documents choose the “Documents” Tab

 To View Comments choose the “Comments” Tab

 In order to add a comment, click on the add button

 To complete the workflow click on the concur button

2. Procurement Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot

2.1 Introduction

The Procurement Inspection business process allows Saudi Aramco and Contractors to
manage the Procurement Inspection activities in a constructive way that meets Saudi
Aramco Standards to ensure safe operation of its facilities. This process consists of two
sub-processes: Manage Inspection Lot and Manage RFI (Request for Inspection).

Integration with EPM Materials Management Business Process: Each inspectable material
is assigned one or more Inspection Requirements (IR). If multiple IRs are assigned to a
material, the Contractor will select the suitable Inspection Requirements (IR) for each
9COM during the Material Requisition (MR) list/ package approval phase. After the
Contractor places the Purchase Order (PO), the Inspection Lot (IL) will be created
automatically for inspectable materials based on the Dummy PO & IR combination.

Manage Inspection Lot: Saudi Aramco and the Contractor can update the Inspection Lot.
Depending on user authorization, nine activities can be performed in the Manage
Inspection Lot sub-process:

1. Worklist: Displays the worklist of the Inspection Lots for the selected BI/JO and
Contractor. Also displays the count based on the status in the counter table.
The worklist can also be filtered by counter table status.
2. General: Displays Description, Inspection dates, Inspection Office, Discipline
etc. The Usage Decision can be performed by Saudi Aramco.
3. Insp. Spec.: New Acceptance Criteria can be added, deleted or modified;
however existing Acceptance Criteria from the IR cannot be modified.
4. 9COM/Tag: Updates the serial numbers for the tagged materials.
5. RFI: Lists all non-drafted RFIs created against a specific Inspection Lot are
listed, and allows navigation to the respective RFI.
6. Partners: Manages partners (PMT Representative, Contractor Quality Rep. and
Inspection Representative) for the Inspection Lot.
7. Documents: Uploads documents or displays the documents already uploaded
against the Inspection Lot.
8. Approved Documents: Links the necessary documents already approved from
the Quality Deliverables list or from the Purchase Requisition (MR) list / Package
Approval Phase to the Inspection Lot.
9. Comments: Updates the comments or displays the comments updated against
the Inspection Lot.

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7 QM User Guide
2.2 Applicable Roles
Business Role Description SAP Role
ID SAIR (Saudi Aramco
Inspection Representative)
is responsible for
ID Saudi Aramco Inspection monitoring the contractor’s
Representative – SAIR QA/QC activities for design
and procurement phases of
the project as per Saudi
Aramco GI-0400.001

2.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

 Choose the “Procurement Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot” tab, which is to left of

the screen

 The table in the top shows the number of inspection lots along with their status
(Drafted, Open, Closed by Contractor, and Closed)

 Under the PO Number column in the table below, the Dummay PO number is shown.

 Click on the expand button in order to check the inspection lot, inspection lot title,
Mapped Status, Decision taken, and IR.

 Choose the row of the inspection lot, which will open a screen to the right.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

 Under the “General” tab, you will see the inspection lot’s general information.

 If you wish to generate VQI click on Generate VQI button

 Under the “Insp. Spec.” tab you will see the Task/Activity list. In order to view the
details, click on the expand button

 Under the “9COM/Tag” Tab, you will see the list of 9COMs. In order to view the details,
click on the expand button

 Under the “RFI” tab, you will see a list of RFIs & their status. By clicking on the RFI
number you will be able to see the RFI’s details.

 Under the “Partners” tab, you will be able to see the list of reviewers & approvers. In
order to choose a partner click on the value help button .

 Under the “Documents” tab you will be able to see the list of documents uploaded against
the subject Inspection Lot. To upload a new document, click on the document type field’s
drop down button & choose the document you wish. Type the document title. Then
browse & upload the file.

 Under the “Approved Documents” tab you will see the list of documents approved for the
subject inspection lot. In order to add an approved document, click on the add button
then click on the document you wish.

 Under the “Comments” tab you will see a list of comments related to the subject
inspection lot. In order to add a comment, click on the add button . If you would like
to link a document to your comment click on the value help button under the
document title column. If you would like the comment to be visible to the contractor,
check the box below the “Visible” Column.

 To close the inspection lot, choose the “General” tab, then click on the “Final Decision”
drop down menu and choose the action you wish.

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9 QM User Guide
3. Procurement Inspection – Manage RFI
3.1 Introduction

The Procurement Inspection business process allows Saudi Aramco and Contractors to
manage the Procurement Inspection activities in a constructive way that meets Saudi
Aramco Standards to ensure safe operation of its facilities. This process consists of two
sub-processes: Manage Inspection Lot and Manage RFI (Request for Inspection).

Manage RFI: Contractor can create new RFIs against the Inspection Lot. Saudi Aramco and
the Contractor can update the RFIs. Depending on user authorization, nine activities can
be performed in the Manage RFI sub-process:

1. Worklist: Displays the worklist of the RFIs for the selected BI/JO and
Contractor. Displays the count based on the status in the counter table. The
worklist can also be filtered by counter table status. Also can navigate to the
selected Inspection Lot from the worklist. A new RFI can also be created.
2. General: Displays Description, RFI Date and Time etc. The RFI Decision can be
performed by Saudi Aramco.
3. Insp. Spec.: Contractor will select the Activities applicable for the RFI. Also,
Contractor will perform the Results recording (Pass/Not Applicable) for the
selected Activities. Aramco will perform the Results Recording (Pass/Fail/Not
Applicable) once the Contractor completes the internal Results Recording.
4. 9COM/Tag: Updates the Inspected Quantities for the untagged materials.
5. Partners: Manages partners (PMT Representative, Contractor Quality Rep.,
Inspection Representative and Interested Party) for the RFI.
6. Documents: Uploads documents or displays the documents already uploaded
against the RFI.
7. Approved Documents: Links the necessary documents already approved from
the Quality Deliverables list or from the Purchase Requisition (MR) list/ Package
Approval Phase to the RFI.
8. Comments: Updates the comments or displays the comments updated against
the RFI.
9. Location: The Manufacturer Location and Supplier Location can be displayed
and updated if necessary.

3.2 Applicable Roles

Business Role Description SAP Role
ID SAIR (Saudi Aramco
Inspection Representative)
is responsible for
ID Saudi Aramco Inspection monitoring the contractor’s
Representative – SAIR QA/QC activities for design
and procurement phases of
the project as per Saudi
Aramco GI-0400.001

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

3.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

 Choose the “Procurement Inspection – Manage RFI” tab, which is to left of the screen

 The table in the top shows the inspection lot’s count and It’s status (Drafted, Open
– No action taken, Actioned by Contractor, Actioned by SA, Closed, and Canceled).

 The table below shows the Dummy PO number. In order to view the details, click on
the expand button .

 Choose an RFI by clicking on the corresponding row header, which will open a screen
to right.

 You will find the RFI’s general information under the “General” Tab. To make a
decision regarding the RFI, click no the “Decision” drop down menu.

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11 QM User Guide
 Under “Insp. Spec.” you will find a list of tasks and activities under the
“Task/Activity” column. In order to view more details, click on the expand button
. Choose the “Aramco Results” drop-down in menu in order to enter Aramco’s

result. Click on the Save button if you wish to save your work

 Under the “9COM/Tag” you will find a list of 9COMs. In order to view more details,
click on the expand button . Choose the “RFI Rel Qty” field in order to enter the
RFI release quantity.

 Under the “Partners” tab, you will be able to see the list of reviewers & approvers.

 Under the “Documents” tab, you will find a list of documents related to the subject
RFI. In order to open a document, click on the file name.

 Under the “Approved Documents” tab you will see the list of documents approved
for the subject RFI. In order to add an approved document, click on the add button
then click on the document you wish.

 Under the “Comments” tab you will see a list of comments related to the subject
RFI. In order to add a comment, click on the add button . If you would like to
link a document to your comment click on the value help button under the
document title column. If you would like the comment to be visible to the contractor,
check the box below the “Visible” Column.

 Under the “Location” tab, you will be able to see the Supplier & Manufacturer

4. Construction Inspection Create ITP

4.1 Introduction

The Construction Inspection business process allows Saudi Aramco and Contractors to
manage the Construction Quality & Inspection activities in a constructive way that meets
Saudi Aramco Standards to ensure safe operation of its facilities. This process consists of
three sub-processes: Manage Construction ITP (Inspection Test Plan), Manage Inspection
Lot and Manage RFI (Request for Inspection).

Manage Construction ITP: As a preparation of the project construction phase, the Project
Quality Manager (PQM) selects the applicable Saudi Aramco Typical Inspection Plans
(SATIPs) from the existing master data based on the contract cut-off date by choosing the
right revision number. The PQM after preparing the ITP submits the ITP. The contractor
can view the submitted ITP. The Activities and the Acceptance Criteria of the selected
SATIP is displayed in the Insp. Spec. Tab.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

4.2 Applicable Roles
Business Role Description SAP Role

ID Project Quality Manager

is responsible for planning,
executing, and controlling
ID Project Quality Manager all quality management EPM:ID:PQM
activities of the project as
per Saudi Aramco GI-0400

4.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

 Choose the “Construction Inspection Crate ITP” tab, which is to left of the screen

 The PQM select the ITP applicable to this BI/JO by clicking on the ITP Number Revision
No. drop-down menu, then clicks on the search button

 All the SATIPs for the selected revision no. are displayed. These SATIPs are arranged by
disciplin in the worklist. In addition, the count of SATIPs availabel in every discipline is
displayed next to the descipline. By default, all SATIPs are selected for the construction
ITP. In order to view the details, click on the expand button .

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

13 QM User Guide
 In order to view the SATIP details, click on the row header of the subject SATIP. This action
will open a window to the right. A list of Tasks and activities (SAICs) will be displayed under
the “Task/Activity” column.

 In order to view the Acceptance Criteria, click on the expand button next to the subject

task/activity. To hide the window click on the arrow at the top .

 To Add comments, click on the add button in the comments table below. If you would
like the comment to be visible to the contractor, check the box under the “Visible” column.

 If you wish to save your work, click on the save button .

 To submit the construction ITP to the contractor, click on the submit button

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

5. Construction Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot
5.1 Introduction

The Contractor can create new Inspection Lots against the approved SATIPs. Saudi Aramco
and the Contractor can update the Inspection Lot. Depending on user authorization,
nine activities can be performed in the Manage Inspection Lot sub-process:

1. Worklist: Displays the worklist of the Inspection Lots for the selected BI/JO and
Contractor. Also displays the count based on the status in the counter table.
The worklist can also be filtered by counter table status.
2. General: Displays Description, Inspection dates, Inspection Office, Discipline
etc. The Usage Decision can be performed by Saudi Aramco.
3. Insp. Spec.: New Acceptance Criteria can be added, deleted or modified;
however existing Acceptance Criteria from the SATIP cannot be modified.
4. Functional Location: Displays or Updates the relevant Functional Location / Tag
5. RFI: Lists all non-drafted RFIs created against a specific Inspection Lot are
listed, and allows navigation to the respective RFI.
6. Partners: Manages partners (PMT Representative, Contractor Quality Rep. and
Inspection Representative) for the Inspection Lot.
7. Documents: Uploads documents or displays the documents already uploaded
against the Inspection Lot.
8. Approved Documents: Links the necessary documents already approved from
the Quality Deliverables list to the Inspection Lot.
9. Comments: Updates the comments or displays the comments updated against
the Inspection Lot.

5.2 Applicable Roles

Business Role Description SAP Role
ID Supervisor is responsible for
monitoring quality for all construction
activities including pre-commissioning
ID Supervisor activities up to final acceptance to EPM:ID:Supervisor
ensure compliance with applicable
Saudi Aramco Quality Standards and
ID Project Inspector conducts project
ID Project
inspection from material receiving till EPM:ID:Project_Inspector
pre-commissioning related activities

5.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

15 QM User Guide
 Choose the “Construction Inspection – Manage Inspection Lot” tab, which is to the left of
the screen

 The inspection lot work list will be displayed. The table in the top will show different
disciplines inspection lots along with their status. The table at the bottom will show
different disciplines as will. In order to view the details, click on the expand button .

 To view details of a specific inspection lot, click on the row header of the subject inspection
lot. This action will open a screen to the right.

 The “General” tab shows general information about the inspection lot.

 Under the “Insp. Spec.” tab, different tasks and activities (SAICs) will be displayed under
the Task/Activity column. In order to view more details, click on the expand button and
the acceptance criteria will appear.

 The “Functional location” tab displays the functional location and the Tag number.

 Under the “RFI” tab, all RFIs submitted against this inspection lot are displayed along with
their status and creation date. You can navigate to the RFI by clicking on the RFI hyperlink,
which is below the “RFI Number” column.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

 Under the “Partners” tab, all relevant partners are shown. Their details can be edited as
needed by clicking on the value help button

 The “Documents” tab displays all documents uploaded for this inspection lot with details
including title, filename, status, version etc. in order to upload a new document, click on
the document type field’s drop down menu & select the applicable document type. Type
the document title, browse, and upload the file.

 Under the “Approved Documents” tab, a list of all approved documents related to the
subject inspection lot are displayed. In order to add a document, click on the add button
and this will open a pop-up window, which displays a list of all approved documents

 The “Comments: tab displays all comments already saved for the subject inspection lot. To
add a new comment, click on the add button and if you want the comment to visible to
the contractor, check the box below the “Visible” column. If you would like to link a
document to your comment, click on the value help button .

 In order to close the inspection lot, click on the Final Decision drop down button under the
“General” tab.

 Click on the Save button if you wish to save your work .

6. Construction Inspection – Manage RFI

6.1 Introduction

Contractor can create new RFIs against the Inspection Lot. Saudi Aramco and the
Contractor can update the RFIs. Depending on user authorization, eight activities can be
performed in the Manage RFI sub-process:

1. Worklist: Displays the worklist of the RFIs for the selected BI/JO and
Contractor. Displays the count based on the status in the counter table. The
worklist can also be filtered by counter table status. Also can navigate to the
selected Inspection Lot from the worklist. A new RFI can also be created.
2. General: Displays Description, RFI Date and Time etc. The RFI Decision can be
performed by Saudi Aramco.
3. Insp. Spec.: Contractor will select the Activities applicable for the RFI. Also,
Contractor will perform the Results recording (Pass/Not Applicable) for the
selected Activities. Aramco will perform the Results Recording (Pass/Fail/Not
Applicable) once the Contractor completes the internal Results Recording.
4. Functional Location: Displays the relevant Functional Location / Tag Numbers.
5. Partners: Manages partners (PMT Representative, Contractor Quality Rep.,
Inspection Representative and Interested Party) for the RFI.
6. Documents: Uploads documents or displays the documents already uploaded
against the RFI.
7. Approved Documents: Links the necessary documents already approved from
the Quality Deliverables list or from the Purchase Requisition (MR) list/ Package
Approval Phase to the RFI.

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17 QM User Guide
8. Comments: Updates the comments or displays the comments updated against
the RFI.

6.2 Applicable Roles

Business Role Description SAP Role
ID Supervisor is responsible for
monitoring quality for all construction
activities including pre-commissioning
ID Supervisor activities up to final acceptance to EPM:ID:Supervisor
ensure compliance with applicable
Saudi Aramco Quality Standards and
ID Project Inspector conducts project
ID Project
inspection from material receiving till EPM:ID:Project_Inspector
pre-commissioning related activities

6.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

 Choose the “Construction Inspection – Manage RFI” tab, which is to the left of the screen

 The RFI work list will be displayed. The tabel at the top will show different RFI diciplines
along with their status. The tabel at the bottom wll show different RFI diciplines as well.
In order to veiw more detailes, click on the expand button

 In order to check the details of an RFI, click on the RFI’s row header. This action will
open a screen to right.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

 Under the “General” tab, general RFI information will be displayed. To close the RFI,
click on the “Decision” drop down menu.

 Under the “Insp. Spec.” tab, the RFI’s Task/Activities will be displayed. In order to
display the acceptance criteria, click on the expand button next to the Task/Activity.
Aramco Results can be chosen from the drop down menu below the “Aramco Results”
Column. Please note that Aramco results recording can be done only when the contractor
completes his recording under the “Contractor Results” column. Click on the Save button

if you wish to save your work.

 Under the “Functional Location” tab, the functional location and Tab number will be

 The “Partners” tab shows a list of applicable reviewers/approvers. The partner details
can be edited as needed by clicking on the value help button

 The “Documents” tab displays all documents uploaded against the subject
RIF/Inspection lot with details including Title, Filename, Status, Version …etc. In order
to open a file, click on the file name hyperlink. To add a document, click on the add

 The “Approved Documents” tab shows a list of all approved documents related to the
subject RFI. To add a document, click on the add button

 The “Comments” tab shows all comments related to the subject RFI/Inspection lot. To
add a comment, click on the add button . If you would like the comment to visible
to the contractor, check the box below the “Visible” column.

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19 QM User Guide
7. Quality Notifications
7.1 Introduction

The Quality Notifications business process allows Saudi Aramco’s Inspection Department and
the Contractor to create Quality Notifications. These notifications are used to report on the
progress and quality of the project work. For example, any deficiencies like deviation from
the contractual agreement or violation of Saudi Aramco standards are captured in

The Quality Notifications are categorized into the following types:

 Internal Contractor NCR (INCR)

 Log Book Entry (LBE)
 Non Conformance Report (NCR)
 Work Sheet (WS)
 Delinquent Work Sheet 1-3 (DWS1, DWS2, DWS3)

The notifications of types such as LBE, NCR and WS are created by Saudi Aramco whereas
INCRs are created by the Contractor.

The notification types DWS1, DWS2, and DWS3 are only created through an escalation

The notifications of types LBE and NCR can also be created by using the Procurement and
Construction Inspection business processes. The above mentioned types are arranged by
their escalation level. For example, the INCR notification can be escalated to its next level
i.e. to LBE, the LBE notification can be escalated to its next level i.e. NCR, and so on. The
highest level of escalation is DWS3. During the escalation process, levels cannot be skipped.

7.2 Applicable Roles

Business Role Description SAP Role
ID Project Quality Manager is
responsible for planning, executing,
ID Project Quality and controlling all quality
Manager management activities of the project
as per Saudi Aramco GI-0400
ID Supervisor is responsible for
monitoring quality for all construction
activities including pre-commissioning
ID Supervisor activities up to final acceptance to EPM:ID:Supervisor
ensure compliance with applicable
Saudi Aramco Quality Standards and
ID Project Inspector conducts project
ID Project
inspection from material receiving till EPM:ID:Project_Inspector
pre-commissioning related activities
PMT Project The Project Engineer is responsible for
Engineer Project Management Activities and

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

performs various activities related to
all process areas

7.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

 Choose the “Quality Notifications” tab, which is to the left of the screen

 This action will open the folliwng screen where you can see the types of quality
notifications along with thier status

 To view an existing quality notification, click on the expand button next to the
notification type you wish to view. This action will display all existing notifications for
the subject BI/JO. After that, click on the row header of the notification you wish to
view and a new screen will open to the right.

 Under the “General” tab you can record your decision regarding the subject
notification by clicking on the “Decision” drop down menu.

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21 QM User Guide
 For escalated notification, you can check the previous notification where the current

notification is escalated from by clicking on the “Escalated From” field.

 In order to create a new quality notification, click on the add button which is at
the bottom of the screen. This action will open a new screen to the right, which has
the following tabs:
o General
o Action log
o Assigned to
o Functional Location
o Partners
o Documents
o Approved Documents
o Comments

 Under the “General” tab you can view the following fields:
o Notif. Nubmer: Displays the unique number which is automatically generated
after the notification is successfully created
o Set Facility Exception Item list: This checkbox is used to indicate wheter the
notification should be included in the MPCS+ module. Upon selection, you will
be prompted to select a reference from a list of Funcaitonal Locations. this list
will include this notification and all higher level locations. A new punch list
item will be created in the drafted status for this reference and the current
notification will be closed automatically.
o Notif. Status: Displays the notification status (Drafted, Open, Cancelled,
Closed, Escalated, Trans. To FEIL)

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

o Created On: Displays the date on which the notification was created.
o Created By: Displays the network ID of the user who created the notification
o Updated On: Displays the date on which the notification was last updated.
o Updated By: Displays the network ID of the user who last updated the
o Extend Compl. Date: Displays the extended agreed upon completion date
(ACD). You will be able to edit this field after the notification is created.
o ACD Extended On: Displays the date when the Agreed upon Completion Date
(ACD) was extended.

 Under the “Action Log” tab, you are able to view the following columns:
o Action: Displays the action type for the action log item.
o Comments: Displays the user comment for the action log item.
o Created By: Displays the Network ID of the user who created the action log
o Created On: Displays the date on which the action log item was created.

In order to add an action, click on the add button .

 The “Partners” tab shows a list of applicable reviewers/approvers. The partner details
can be edited as needed by clicking on the value help button . To add a new

partner you can click on the add button

 Under the “Functional Location” tab, a table with the following columns are displayed:
o Functional Location: Displays the functional location of a plant, system,
subsystem etc.
o Functional Location Description: Displays the description of the functional
o Tag Number: Displays the Engineering Tag Number of an equipment.

To add a new entry in the Functional Location table, click the Add button . Under
the Functional Location column, in the newly added row, click on the Functional
Location Select button . The selected functional location has been set now along
with it’s description. The Tag Number can be entered/selected in a similar way. The
Tag number field is optional and should be left blank if the quality notification is
applicable for the whole functional location.

 The “Route List” tab displays a list of users who are responsible to review & approve
the notification.

 The “Documents” tab allows you to add a new document(s) and view the existing
documents attached to the notification.

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 Under the “Approved Documents” tab you can view a list of approved documents. If

you would like to add a document, click on the add button

 The “Comments” tab displays a table of comments related to the subject quality

notification. If you would like to add a document, click on the add button . If you
would like to link a document to your comment, you can click on the value help
button below the document title column

 If you would like to submit the notification, click on the submit button

8. Project Quality Index (PQI)

8.1 Introduction

The PQI process will allow Saudi Aramco to maintain the PQI elements that have been
calculated manually. These inputs will be utilized along with the system generated PQI
elements as required in the Quality Management reports.

 The PQI is calculated based on the records of Procurement Inspection and Construction
 In the calculation of the PQI, each quality element has a weight which relates to the
amount of performed work.
 Each element is classified as QA (Quality Assurance) or QC (Quality Control).
 Workload Points (WP) are given as per the amount of inspection activities performed
during the month.
 Violation Points (VP) are given as per the number of committed violations and their
severity and criticality. The violation points are designed to reflect the criticality of
the violation and who discovered it. (e.g. SA NCRs grant more violation points than LBEs.
LBEs grant more violation points than contractor INCRs).
 Also, a reduction factor is used to prevent the inflation of the points from one particular
element. The reduction factors are designed in such a way to start gradual reduction
of the points after a certain threshold. The reduction factor is not applicable to some
elements having high criticality.
 The input screen for the PQI will be accessible for Saudi Aramco and is available only
in the internal portal. The ID Representatives of Procurement and Construction are
responsible to provide the inputs for the Procurement and Construction Quality
elements respectively.
 The PQI calculation is based on the 16th of the previous month to the 15th of the current
month and is considered as the PQI score for the current month.
 From all the Quality Processes (Quality Deliverables Process, Quality Notification
Processes, Construction Inspection RFI and the Procurement Inspection RFI), the
respective data is auto-filled and cannot be edited by the respective Inspector. Only
the SAIR (for Procurement Elements), ID Supervisor (for Construction Elements) and
PQM (Project Quality Manager) will enter the inputs for the remaining PQI elements.
 The Inspection Department provide the respective inputs which has to be entered
manually and then the PQM upon checking the respective score will submit the score
for each project on monthly basis. Once the scores are submitted by the PQM, the
scores are available in SAP BI (Business intelligence) for producing the PQI monthly and

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

quarterly reports. The same score can be viewed by the Contractor also from the
Contractor Portal.

8.2 Applicable Roles

Business Role Description SAP Role
ID Project Quality Manager
is responsible for planning,
executing, and controlling
ID Project Quality Manager all quality management EPM:ID:PQM
activities of the project as
per Saudi Aramco GI-0400
ID SAIR (Saudi Aramco
Inspection Representative)
is responsible for
ID Saudi Aramco Inspection monitoring the contractor’s
Representative – SAIR QA/QC activities for design
and procurement phases of
the project as per Saudi
Aramco GI-0400.001
ID Supervisor is responsible
for monitoring quality for
all construction activities
including pre-
commissioning activities up
ID Supervisor EPM:ID:Supervisor
to final acceptance to
ensure compliance with
applicable Saudi Aramco
Quality Standards and

8.3 Steps
 Access the Quality Management Application

 From the drop down menu, choose the applicable Contract and BI/JO

 Choose the “Project Quality Index” tab, which is to the left of the screen

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25 QM User Guide
 The PQI screen displays the following sections:
o Header Panel: Allow you to select the Contract Number, BI/JO, Year, and
Month for which you would like to create or view the PQI
o Summary Values: Displays the search results based on Contract number, BI/JO,
Year, and Month
o Reference and Section: Consists of the PQI elements arranged in the below
 Procurement Quality Elements:

 Quality of document submittals

 Quality system implementation

 Quality of Procured Materials

 Project Construction Quality Elements:

 Quality of document submittals

 Quality system implementation

 Quality of construction work

 Select the contract, BI/JO, Year, and month from the drop down menu.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

 “The Summary Values” & “Reference and Section” will be populated if the PQI score
for the selected combination is already available. Your authorization will determine if
you can edit or only display the Procurement Quality Elements & Construction Quality
In order to view the contents of individual quality elements, click on the expand button
next to the quality elements you are looking for. This action will display all the
sub-sections of the subject quality element

 Click the expand button next to the sub-section & it will show more quality

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 After entering all manual inputs, click the Calculate button in order to
calculate the PQI score. The scores will be calculated & the updated values will be
reflected in the Summary Values and in the Reference and Section. Validation for
manual inputs will be done and any error will be notified before calculating.

 To Save the calculated score, click on the save data button

 To publish the saved score, click on the Publish button . After clicking on the
Publish button, the score is finalized and cannot be edited.

 To download the report, click on the Download Report button

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

9. Quality Management Reports
9.1 Introduction

The Quality Management Reports allow Saudi Aramco to view and download the following
Quality Management Reports:

 Procurement Inspection Report

 Construction Inspection Report
 Notification Status Report
 RFI Status
 PQI Monthly Report

9.2 Steps

EPM Quality Management can be accessed through the following steps:

 Go to:
 From My home page, click on My Work, then click on Project Management, and then
click on Reporting

 When the screen is open, choose the Quality Management Reports

(you can also choose the PQI Quarterly Report)

. The QM Landing Page will open. The five buttons at the top
allows you to navigate to the following reports:

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29 QM User Guide
 Procurement Inspection Report

 Construction Inspection Report

 RFI Status Report

 Notification Status Report

 PQI Monthly Report

 In order to select a BI, click on the Value help button next to the BI Selection
field. Then click on the checkbox next to the BI you would like to generate the report
for. Click on the apply button. The QM Landin page will be filtered to display the
selected BI data.

 In the Inspection Lot status table, you can sort the data by clicking on the sort button

 You can view the chart by clicking on the Chart View button . A new pop-
up window will display graphical format.

 To filter by Discipline, click on the drop-down menu next to the Select Discipline

 To close the window, click on the close button

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

 You can choose the report you would like to view by clicking on the applicable report

 A prompts table will appear.

 Choose the value you would like to search from the Prompts Summary (BI Number, Jo
Number, Contract Number, Business Line, Vice President, General Manager,
Department, or Divison) then click on the Refresh Values button . After
that a list of the value you chose will appear in the table. Click on the value you want
to generate the report for and then click on the button.

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 After you finish, click on the OK button and the report will be generated. To download

the report, click on the Export Button in the top menu bar.

 The Report can be filtered further by clicking on the filter button on the top menu bar

 To save the layout, click on the save button .

 You can change the design on the report by clicking on the “Design” button in
the top menu bar.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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