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Name : Nida Malahatul Khoiriyah

Class / Semester : B / VI

Study Program : English Department

Course : English Learning Teaching

Supporting Lecture : Mrs. Siti Ro’ifah

Mobile Learning

When we are talking about mobile learning, absolutely we thinking about were activities or prehaps
the tools that we use usually divided in for the three types.
First : tablet. There are many kinds of tablets. But the most popular is ipad.
secondly is : Feature Phone in which less popular and there was many years ago. to increase these
cases, however created the smartphone.
Smartphone has a touchscreen and it’s getting more popular not only in public in general but also in
young generation or the kids in your classes. However there are many of them have a similar with the
tablet. Those are PCs and laptops.

Why mobile learning is important?

because making you easier to create e-book for course on internet in which you are able to access in
every single day. And there are many activities that you can do on a application or special website
which has designed with a good one.

These cases is the greet recources to be used for learning process.

so here are some tips about how to use mobile learning in your classes.

1. The first using simple features on the phone. Remember this type is anachronism or older
type that u can take the calender of him. Your learners can use it to note down their
homework in their phone.
2. Secondly you can use smartphone or people usually called it android. The part of smart
phone u can use is the camera. It has the most important function to you as a teacher and
learners as well. Students are able to take a picture with the camera and they can collaborate
a revisions or even for a project.
- The next point, u can use it not only on the camera, but also on a picture in which
students take a picture to personalize their learning process. U can ask them to find family
photos on their phone and describe it.
- U can also ask your students to take a picture in Sunday story and tell it in the next
3. The third is Voice recorder. There are many things that u can use with voice recorder. The
pettern is you can do voice activites which your students try to speak by english and he can
share his recording to the other friend and give the point of each other.
4. The next is apps = applications. You are able to download many apps. Maybe you can
downlod oxford university press in which this app is really helps the students and also gives
the benefits to the teachers.
- There other apps that also really help you in learning process. Those are anki and
evernote. Anki can change any time and you can check it. evernote can organize a work.
5. And absolutely is internet. Leaners use their smartphone to google, and searching the
informations. This is the excellent way to their skills development . but, you have to be
comfortable as well with this way. So, do not forget to make the rules of your classes.
6. The last is e-book. It widely avaible to access in your own smartphone.

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