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Requester Zulmira Silva - Technical Director 4/12/2020

SER 60.9 Amount of Travel Advance 321,140.00 MZN

Section 1 - Lodging (if applicable)

Location Outside Maputo

Hotel #1 Day Month Year Under USAID Max?

Check in date
Check out date
Total paid for lodging #1 MZN Yes

Hotel #2 (only if applicable) Day Month Year

Check in date
Check out date
Total paid for lodging #2 MZN Yes

Hotel #3 (only if applicable) Day Month Year

Check in date
Check out date
Total paid for lodging #3 MZN Yes

Total Lodging from Section 1 0.00 MZN

Section 2 - Other Reimbursable Costs

Receipt # Vendor & Description Amount (MZN)
1 Perdiem Clesio Henriques-Medico SDSMAS- Ribaue-4 dias + 350 Transporte 7,150.00
2 Perdiem Marcelino Figueira -N1-SDSMAS-Ribaue 4 dias +350 transporte 7,150.00
3 Perdiem Nkulu Ndalamba -Medico-SDSMAS-Larde 4 dias +580 de Transporte 7,380.00
4 Perdiem Amade Mussa-TMG-SDSMAS-Larde 4 dias +580 de Transporte 7,380.00
5 Perdiem Geraldino Avalinho -Medico-SDSMAS-Muecate 4 dias + 160 Transporte 6,960.00
6 Perdiem Gabriel Nahota -TMG-SDSMAS-Muecate 4 dias +160 de transporte 6,960.00
7 Perdiem Afrania Manhone-Medica-SDSMAS-Murrupula 4 dias + 196 de Transporte 6,996.00
8 Perdiem Felicidade Patricio-TMG- SDSMAS-Murrupula 4 dias + 196 Transporte 6,996.00
9 Perdiem Quenesio Chipa -Medico- SDSMAS- Meconta 4dias +180 Transporte 6,980.00
10 Perdiem Sarima Faquira-TMG-SDSMAS-Meconta 4 dias+180 transporte 6,980.00
11 Perdiem Balto Duarte-Medico-SDSMAS-Angoche 4 dias +464 transporte 7,264.00
12 Perdiem Luisa Andre-TMG-SDSMAS-Angoche 4 dias +464 transporte 7,264.00
13 Perdiem Angela Gouveia-Medica-SDSMAS-Liupo 4 dias + 250 transporte 7,050.00
14 Perdiem Amisse Chande-TMG-SDSMAS-Liupo 4dias +250transporte 7,050.00
15 Perdiem Maria Lino-Medica-SDSMAS-Nacaroa 4dias +430 transporte 7,230.00
16 Perdiem Aniceto Ussieque -TMG-SDSMAS-Nacaroa 4 dias + 430 transporte 7,230.00
17 Perdiem Hermenegildo Baptista -Medico-SDSMAS-Mogincual 4dias +388 transpor 7,188.00
18 Perdiem Germano Marques- TMG- SDSMAS-Mogincual 4 dias + 388 de transporte 7,188.00
19 Perdiem Artur Capitao- Medico SDSMAS-Mogovolas 4 dias + 180 transporte 6,980.00
20 Perdiem Ruaida Ismael -TMG-SDSMAS-Mogovolas 4 dias + 180 transporte 6,980.00
21 Perdiem Saide Issufo-Medico-SDSMAS-Moma 4 dias + 526 transporte 7,326.00
22 Perdiem Juma Manuel- TMG-SDSMAS-Moma 4 dias +526 transporte 7,326.00
23 Perdiem Samuel Carlos - Medico -SDSMAS-Rapale 4 dias + 56 Transporte 6,856.00
24 Perdiem Tania Evaristo- TMG-SDSMAS-Rapale 4 dias + 56 Transporte 6,856.00
25 Perdiem Mutombo Kahemba-Medico-SDSMAS-Monapo 4 dias + 320 Transporte 7,120.00
26 Perdiem Angelina Mahamele Tec.Sup-SDSMAS-Monapo 4 dias + 320 Transporte 7,120.00
27 Perdiem Ayrton Bizarro-Medico- SDSMAS-Nacala 4 dias + 500 Transporte 7,300.00
28 Perdiem Beatriz Ricardo-Tec Sup-SDSMAS-Nacala 4 dias + 500 Transporte 7,300.00
Additional reimbursable expenses listed on other page 121,912.00

Total Other Reimbursable Costs from Section 2 199,560.00 MZN

Total M&IE from Section 3 - MZN

Other adjustments (attach memo with detailed explanation) MZN

Total to Pay to Employee (Refund to Project) 332.00 MZN

I certify that all of the information that I have provided on this expense report and related backup
documentation is truthful, complete and accurate.

Zulmira Silva - Technical Director

I confirm that I reviewed this expense report and related backup documentation and
I approve for payment.

Antonio Mussa - Chief of Party

Printed on 04/12/2020 at 05:11:31

Requester Leila Tome- Assistant Admnistrative 5/24/2019

Amount of Travel Advance 321,140.00

Section 2 Continued - Other Reimbursable Expenses
Receipt # Vendor & Description Amount (MZN)
1 Perdiem Antonio Luis-Medico-SDSMAS-Nacala-velha 4 dias +574 transporte 7,374.00
2 Perdiem Milton Jofriss -TMG-SDSMAS-Nacala-Velha 4 dias +574 transporte 7,374.00
3 Perdiem Rogerio Boaventura Moiane -SDSMAS-Malema- 4 dias +626 transporte 7,270.00
4 Perdiem Jordao Pedro TMG-SDSMAS -Malema 4 dias +626 Transporte 7,270.00
5 Perdiem Jaime Miguel- Medico-SDSMAS-Mossuril 4 dias + 470 transporte 7,426.00
6 Perdiem Rodwell Melo TMG-SDSMAS-Mossuril 4 dias +470 transporte 7,426.00
7 Perdiem Madalena Zacarias Medica-SDSMAS-Erati 4 dias + 620 transporte 7,420.00
8 Perdiem Nere Luis Medica-TMG-Nacala-velha 4 dias +620 transporte 7,420.00
9 Perdiem Sujai Fazira -Medico-SDSMAS- Mecuburi 4 dias + 188 Transporte 6,988.00
10 Perdiem Manuel Mucanze-TMG- SDSMAS-Mecuburi- 4 dias + 188Transporte 6,988.00
11 Perdiem Malola Essitala- Medico-SDSMAS-Lalaua 4 dias +576 transporte 7,376.00
12 Perdiem Jose Zava Luis -TMG-SDSMAS-Lalaua 4 dias +576 transporte 7,376.00
13 Perdiem Nalcil Biass-Medico-SDSMAS-Memba 4 dias +626 Transporte 7,426.00
14 Perdiem Alferes Manuel -TMG-SDSMAS-Memba 4 dias + 626 de transporte 7,426.00
15 Perdiem Deniogelto Manuel-Medico-SDSMAS-Ilha de Mocambique 4 dias + 476 de Transporte 7,276.00
16 Perdiem Argelino Sufria-TMG-SDSMAS- Ilha de Mocambique -4 dias + 476 transporte 7,276.00
17 Perdiem Regina Passe DPS-Nampula- 2 dias a 450 diario 900.00
18 Perdiem Delmar Santos- Medico-DPS- 2 dias a 2000 diario 1,200.00
19 Perdiem Azarias Gimo -DPS- 2 dias a 450 diario 900.00
20 Perdiem Osvaldo Jantar- DPS- 2 dia a 450 diario 900.00
21 Perdiem Gino -DPS-2 dias a 450 diario 900.00

Total Additional Reimbursable Costs listed on this page 121,912.00 MZN

Location Outside Maputo M&IE Breakdown (USD):

Day Month Year Breakfast 17.00

First day claiming M&IE Lunch 29.00
Last day claiming M&IE Dinner 45.00
Incidentals 23.00
Total Days of M&IE 1 Total 114.00
Applicable Travel Day M&IE Due
Date Meals Provided? M&IE Rate Adjustment in USD Applicable M&IE Rates (USD):
1 Tuesday, November 30, 1999 No Meals Provided 114.00 75% 85.50 Select One -->
2 No Meals Provided No Meals Provided 114.00
3 No Meals Provided Breakfast Provided 97.00
4 No Meals Provided Lunch Provided 85.00
5 No Meals Provided Dinner Provided 69.00
6 No Meals Provided Breakfast and Lunch 68.00
7 No Meals Provided Lunch and Dinner 40.00
8 No Meals Provided Breakfast and Dinner 52.00
9 No Meals Provided Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner 23.00
10 No Meals Provided Not Claiming M&IE -
11 No Meals Provided
12 No Meals Provided
13 No Meals Provided
14 No Meals Provided
15 Select One -->
16 Select One -->
17 Select One -->
18 Select One -->
19 Select One -->
20 Select One -->
21 Select One -->
22 Select One -->
23 Select One -->
24 Select One -->
25 Select One -->
26 Select One -->
27 Select One -->
28 Select One -->
29 Select One -->
30 Select One -->
31 Select One -->

Other adjustments (attach memo with detailed explanation):

Total M&IE (USD) -

Total M&IE (MZN) -

Policy on Reductions in M&IE Reimbursement
The following circumstances will cause a reduction in the M&IE reimbursement:
Meals furnished by the the project, USAID, USAID implementer, or any U.S. Government agency
Meals provided by a conference/workshop/seminar/training/etc.
Meals in which the traveler pays for a meal for one or more persons and submits the bill in the expense report
The M&IE reimbursement will NOT be reduced in the following circumstances:
If a meal is provided by a common carrier (i.e., airline)
If a meal is provided by the hotel (i.e., complimentary breakfast)
If a meal is provided by a private party who would not otherwise bill it to a US federal contract

Requester's Initials ________ Printed on 04/12/2020 at 05:11:31

Location Outside Maputo M&IE Breakdown (USD):

Day Month Year Breakfast 17.00

First day claiming M&IE Select Day Select Month Year Lunch 29.00
Last day claiming M&IE Select Day Select Month Year Dinner 45.00
Incidentals 23.00
Total Days of M&IE Total 114.00
Applicable Travel Day M&IE Due
Date Meals Provided? M&IE Rate Adjustment in USD Applicable M&IE Rates (USD):
1 No Meals Provided 75% Select One -->
2 Lunch Provided No Meals Provided 114.00
3 Lunch Provided Breakfast Provided 97.00
4 Lunch Provided Lunch Provided 85.00
5 Lunch Provided Dinner Provided 69.00
6 Lunch Provided Breakfast and Lunch 68.00
7 Lunch Provided Lunch and Dinner 40.00
8 Lunch Provided Breakfast and Dinner 52.00
9 Lunch Provided Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner 23.00
10 Lunch Provided Not Claiming M&IE -
11 Lunch Provided
12 Lunch Provided
13 No Meals Provided
14 Select One -->
15 Select One -->
16 Select One -->
17 Select One -->
18 Select One -->
19 Select One -->
20 Select One -->
21 Select One -->
22 Select One -->
23 Select One -->
24 Select One -->
25 Select One -->
26 Select One -->
27 Select One -->
28 Select One -->
29 Select One -->
30 Select One -->
31 Select One -->

Other adjustments (attach memo with detailed explanation):

Total M&IE (USD) -

Total M&IE (MZN) -

Policy on Reductions in M&IE Reimbursement
The following circumstances will cause a reduction in the M&IE reimbursement:
Meals furnished by the the project, USAID, USAID implementer, or any U.S. Government agency
Meals provided by a conference/workshop/seminar/training/etc.
Meals in which the traveler pays for a meal for one or more persons and submits the bill in the expense report
The M&IE reimbursement will NOT be reduced in the following circumstances:
If a meal is provided by a common carrier (i.e., airline)
If a meal is provided by the hotel (i.e., complimentary breakfast)
If a meal is provided by a private party who would not otherwise bill it to a US federal contract

Requester's Initials ________ Printed on 04/12/2020 at 05:11:31

Select DaySelect Month Year Select One -->

1 1 2016 In Maputo
2 2 2017 Outside Maputo
3 3 2018
4 4 2019
5 5 2020
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
Current M&IE Rates Current Maximum Loding Rates

In Maputo Outside Maputo In Maputo 220.00

Breakfast 17.00 17.00 Outside Maputo 189.00
Lunch 27.00 29.00
Dinner 44.00 45.00
Incidentals 22.00 23.00
Total 110.00 114.00

Select One --> In Maputo Outside Maputo

No Meals Provided 110.00 114.00
Breakfast Provided 93.00 97.00
Lunch Provided 83.00 85.00
Dinner Provided 66.00 69.00
Breakfast and Lunch 66.00 68.00
Lunch and Dinner 39.00 40.00
Breakfast and Dinner 49.00 52.00
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner 22.00 23.00
Not Claiming M&IE 0.00 0.00
Please select from drop down -->

Jafete Guedes - Director of Finance/Operations

Antonio Mussa - Chief of Party
Guilhermina Fernandes - SME Technical Advisor
Zulmira Silva - Technical Director
Salimone Nhancume - HMIS Specialist
Nelia Ombe - Grants and Subk Manager
Ana Xerinda - Project Accountant
Teofilo Luis - Nampula Provincial Manager
Elias Cossa - SBCC Advisor
Abdul Ismael - Nampula SME Specialist
Leila Tome- Assistant Admnistrative
Please select from drop down -->

Antonio Mussa - Chief of Party

Debora Freitas Lopez - Home Office Director
Home Office Representative

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