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Student ID: bc190201891

Program: B.Ed. (1.5 years)

Course: Leadership and Management (MGMT 623)

Semester: Autumn 2019

Assignment No: 1

Question: 01 (6 marks)

Mention different team development stages and place each activity in relevant category.

Stages of Group Development:


In this stage the work in collaboration and assistance with each other. They create an

environment where they share common goals and understanding. Their general behavior

toward one another may include the following, understanding each other, adopting the

behavior suitable to their environment, defining group rules, etc.


This stage has usually more confusion and resistance among the group member. At this

stage the members are not known by the fact that who would lead them in future. This

stage may include the following processes of the members: dealing with outside

demands., Clarifying membership expectations and member ejection may occur, etc.

They realized their existence in the group and as well as its importance and they develop

close ties with one another. The work of a member may include, dealing with different

views and criticisms, desire for group attention. well established norms, rules, roles,

standards, growing capacity to plan


The is capable to perform the activities which are leading to group goals and

achievement. Members deal with complex tasks and handle internal disagreements in

creative ways. Their concern may include, sense that “our” group is special, acceptance

of individual differences, People can be themselves. teamwork utilizes the diverse

strength of the members.


In this stage, the group becomes prudent and do whatever in which they found

convenience. Attention is directed toward wrapping up activities. Responses of group

members vary in this stage. Some are upbeat, basking in the group’s accomplishments.

The group concern may include; able to disband when its work is finished, willing to

work together in the future, celebrate individual/ collective accomplishments

ea Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

A Team membe Discussion on roles and re In a meeting, th Disseminate i Proper im

ct rs started sup sponsibilities of team me e team documen nformation a plementati
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in s project is co Serious disagreement amo ffers them a din mpact on org ecision ma
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c Team membe ect schedule which was pr High motivation  Referring  ba
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a porting each  lead in consultation with  members to imp ules
ge other as far a Finance Manager only.  lement plan for i
s project is co mproved service 
ncerned.  quality.

Question: 02

 Productivity, Cohesion, Learning/growth and integration with rest of organization are the 


measures to assess team effectiveness.  Which of the above measure is affected by team f


(member’s designation & experience) the most? Justify your answer with at least two arg



Integration with the rest of organization is affected by team formation the most.

Integration play a key role in team effectiveness. However, the rest of the four measures
are still effective. In the following we can come to about the importance of integration for

team effectiveness.

Mutually beneficial partnerships are common in business to achieve larger goals. For

example, two banks of the same name might team up to produce a E transaction that they

could not otherwise launch on their own. Partner companies require integration to

communicate their needs and obtain project status reports. If one bank design the

scenario, the other bank may bring it into practice more so the process by the help of

integration become effective.

Integration with the rest of the company is critical because it shows the willingness of

decision-makers to lead employees. If managers aren't on the same page with each other

and fail to implement business strategy, workers lose faith in their bosses ' managerial

abilities. For example, if employees have concerns about their position in achieving an

enterprise directive, and Because of coordination issues, company managers cannot

answer those questions, employees may disregard managers and rely on their own


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