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Basic Windows Computing Terms

1 - The Desktop:
The main workspace for an operating system, where files can be managed, and
applications can be accessed. There are several stylistic options available, and you can
even set your own background image!

2 - Task Bar:
Typically located at the bottom of the screen, this shows all open applications, the date
and time, and has the button for the Start Menu. You can also add quick launch icons

3 - Applications:
Programs that allow you to accomplish specific tasks on a computer. For example,
creating documents and accessing the Internet. Even video games are considered

4 - File:
This is an item on your computer that has information in it. A file can be an image, video,
document, song, or even a program.

5 - Folder:
There are used to organize files on your computer. Some of the basic, defaults include,
Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, and Downloads.

6 - Search (Cortana):
This is a way to find specific files on your computer if you cannot remember where you
saved them. You can also use this to quickly open applications.
Basic Windows Computing Terms

Microsoft’s word processing program. This is used to create general purpose documents
ranging from business letters and résumés to stories and essays.

Microsoft’s spreadsheet application. This is used heavily in business. This application is
often used to create proformas, solve complete financial problems, and generate
meaningful charts and graphs.

Microsoft’s presentation software. This is the most common program used as a
supplement to presentations and is a good way to add key points and images for an
audience to see. One must take care when using this program, as rumor has it, it can
induce death when not used properly.

Microsoft’s simple, client-based database program. While not fit for enterprise use, this
is a program that can be used to manage basic inventories, clients, employees, etc.

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