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Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

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Alternative investments include: • The reported returns and S.D. of those returns
1) Alternative assets (i.e. real estate and commodities). represent average amount and thus may not
2) Alternative strategies (i.e. private equity funds, hedge appropriately represent risk and return of sub-periods
funds, and some exchange traded funds (ETFs). These within the reported period or future periods.
funds can • In addition, due to use of appraised values, the
volatility of returns and the correlations of returns with
traditional assets returns are underestimated.
• Use derivatives and leverage;
• Invest in illiquid assets;
• Take short positions; Assets under management in alternative investments
have increased over time; however, they still represent a
small % of total investable assets.
Such funds tend to have:

• High fees 2.1 Categories of Alternative Investments

• Low diversification of managers and investments
• High leverage 1) Hedge funds: Hedge funds represent private
• Restrictions on redemptions. investment vehicles. They manage portfolios of
securities and derivative positions employing various
Characteristics of Alternative Investments: strategies.
2) Private Equity Funds: Private equity funds invest in
1. Illiquidity of underlying investments equity investments that are not publicly traded on
2. Narrow manager specialization exchanges or in public companies with an objective
3. Low correlation with traditional investments to take them private
4. Low level of regulation and less transparency 3) Real Estate: Real estate is a form of tangible and
5. Difficulty in determining current market values immoveable asset. It includes buildings, building land,
6. Limited and potentially problematic historical risk and offices, industrial warehouses, natural resources,
return data timber, containers, and artwork etc.
7. Longer time horizon 4) Commodities: Commodities investments refer to
8. Higher fees investing in physical commodity products i.e. grains,
9. Unique legal and tax considerations metals, and crude oil, through various ways e.g.
10. Involves active management and extensive
investment analysis
• Investing in cash instruments
11. Trade in less efficient markets and tend to be less
• Using derivative products (e.g. futures contracts)
efficiently priced than traditional marketable
securities • Investing in companies engaged in the production
of physical commodities
12. Use high leverage compared to traditional
• Investing in commodity funds that are linked to
commodity indices
Investors of Alternative Investments:
5) Other: Other alternative investments include tangible
assets (i.e. fine wine, art, antique furniture and
• Institutional investors including endowments, pension
funds, foundations, sovereign wealth funds automobiles, stamps, coins, and other collectibles)
• High net worth individuals and intangible assets i.e. patents.

Arguments for investing in Alternative Investments: 2.2 Return: General Strategies

a) Provide diversification benefits, as they tend to have

low correlation with traditional assets. Total return = Alpha return + Beta return
b) Enhance risk-return profiles, as they tend to provide
positive absolute return. Beta return: Beta represents the sensitivity of an asset to
c) Provide hedge against inflation changes in particular market index. It reflects the
systematic risk of an asset. Passive investors assume that
Alternative investments generally have an absolute markets are efficient and seek to generate beta-driven
return objective i.e. provide positive returns throughout returns.
the economic cycle. However, alternative investments
are not risk-free and may tend to have high correlation • E.g. A portfolio that closely tracks the performance
with traditional investments (stocks and bonds) of S&P 500 index will represent passive investment
particularly during periods of financial crisis. and will have +1 correlation with the market
(represented by S&P 500 index).

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Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

NOTE: higher alpha returns). However, as the name implies,

this strategy results in lower diversification.
Systemic risk is different from non-systematic risk. It is
used in the credit markets to indicate highly correlated
default risk. 2.4 Investment Structures

• Alpha return: Active investors assume that markets Limited Partnership is the most common structure for
are inefficient and provide opportunities to earn many alternative investments (i.e. hedge funds and
positive excess return after adjusting for beta risk. private equity funds). In partnerships,
The positive excess beta risk adjusted return is
referred to as alpha return. • Investors are referred to as limited partners (LPs). The
o For passive investors, expected alpha return = 0. LPs have fractional investment in the partnership.
o Theoretically, alpha returns are uncorrelated with • The fund is referred to as general partner (GP). The
beta returns. GP manages the business and has unlimited liability.
o Typically, alternative investments are actively Hence, to avoid unlimited liability, the GP is usually
managed with an objective to earn positive alpha set as a limited liability corporation.
Basic Alpha-seeking strategies (these are not mutually
• Limited partnerships are not offered to general
1) Absolute return: Absolute return strategies seek to public. They are only offered to accredited investors
generate returns that are unrelated to the market and/or qualified purchasers i.e.
returns. Benchmarks used by such strategies include: o Accredited investors refer to individuals with at
least $1 million and institutions with at least $5
million in investable assets.
• Cash rate (i.e. LIBOR) o Qualified Purchasers refer to individuals with at
• Real return target (return in excess of inflation) least $5 million and institutions with at least $25
• Absolute, nominal return target (i.e. 7%) million in investable assets.
• Limited partnerships are not highly regulated.
Theoretically, beta of funds that use absolute return • Limited partnerships are located in tax-efficient
strategies should be close to 0. locations.
• Limited partnerships are generally offered to a
2) Market segmentation: Market segmentation refers to limited number of LPs i.e. accredited investors must
opportunity available to more flexible investors to be ≤ 100 or qualified purchasers must be ≤ 500.
quickly move capital from lower returns areas to
higher expected return areas when it is difficult to do Fee structure of Limited Partnerships:
so for restricted or conservative investors due to the
following reasons i.e. Management fee (or base fee) + Incentive fee (or
performance fee)
• Institutional, contractual, or regulatory restrictions on
traditional asset managers with regard to • Base fee is paid irrespective of performance of the
investments e.g. constraints regarding use of fund and is based on assets under management.
derivatives, investing in low quality or foreign • Incentive fee is based on realized profits. The
securities, managing portfolio relative to a particular incentive fee cannot be negative. So when a fund
market index etc. generates negative return, it implies a zero incentive
• Different investment objectives or liabilities. fee.

3) Concentrated portfolios: Concentrated portfolio

strategy refers to investing in assets among fewer
securities and/or managers to enhance returns (i.e.


Typical characteristics of Hedge funds: 6) They are subject to fewer regulations and thus have
the flexibility to invest in any assets.
1) They aggressively manage portfolio of investments.
2) They can take long and short positions.
3) They have the ability to use derivatives and leverage. • Side pocket: It refers to the flexibility provided to
4) They have the ability to use short selling. hedge funds that allows them to invest a specific %
5) They have absolute return objectives. of the assets under management (generally < 20%)
anywhere they feel.
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

7) They impose restrictions on redemptions i.e. c) Diversification is a doubled-edged sword: Due to risk
diversification, both risk and expected return of FOF
• Lockup period: It refers to a minimum period before will be lowered relative to hedge funds. However, the
which investors are not allowed to withdraw their fees paid are considerably higher relative to hedge
money or redeem their shares from the hedge fund. funds.
Lock-up periods facilitate the hedge fund manager
to implement and potentially realize the expected NOTE:
outcomes of a strategy. Besides FOFs, there are some hedge funds that invest in
• Notice period: It refers to a number of days various hedge funds. Such funds are large, multi-strategy
(generally 30-90 days) before which investors are hedge funds.
required to give notice of their willingness to redeem.
Notice period facilitates the hedge fund manager to Hedge Fund Indices: The Hedge fund research indices
liquidate a position in an orderly fashion without (HRFI) include:
magnifying the losses.
a) HFRI Fund weighted composite index: It is an equally
8) Hedge funds tend to have low correlations with weighted performance index and is constructed
traditional investments. However, the correlation using self-reported data of over 2,000 individual funds
between hedge fund and stock market included in the hedge fund research (HFR) database.
performances may increase during periods of
financial crisis. • It suffers from self-reporting bias, survivorship bias and
9) Hedge funds are often referred to as “arbitrage” backfilling bias.
players as they seek to earn returns while hedging • Due to such biases, hedge fund indices may not
against risks. reflect actual average hedge fund performance but
rather reflect the performance of best performing
Fund of funds (FOFs): FOF invests in a number of hedge funds only.
underlying hedge funds (typically 10-30 hedge funds).
b) HFRI fund of funds index: It is an equally weighted
Benefits of Funds of Funds:
performance index of FOFs included in the HFR
a) Retailing: An FOF can facilitate smaller investors to get database.
exposure to a large number of hedge funds at
relatively lower costs. • It suffers from self-reporting bias.
b) Access: FOF provide individual investors an easy • It may exhibit lower reported returns due to two
access to successful hedge funds that are closed to layers of fees.
individual investors because funds have reached • Nonetheless, it reflects the actual performance of
maximum number of investors. portfolios of hedge funds.
c) Diversification: FOF facilitate diversification across
various hedge fund managers, fund strategies,
Biases in Hedge Funds Performance Data: Due to biases
investment regions and management styles.
in hedge funds historical performance data, the
d) Expertise: FOF provide investors the expertise of the
performance of the hedge fund index is biased upward
managers regarding selecting hedge funds and
(i.e. overestimated) and provides misleading results.
providing professional management.
e) Due diligence process: The due diligence process of
A. Survivorship bias: Hedge fund indexes and databases
investing in hedge funds is a highly specialized and
may include only successful funds (i.e. funds that have
time consuming process. FOF facilitate investors to
survived) whereas funds with poor performance may
shorten the due diligence process to a single
disappear and are removed from the database and
the past index values are adjusted accordingly. This
f) Better redemption terms: FOFs are able to negotiate
results in overestimated historical returns.
better redemption terms (e.g. a shorter lock-up period
B. Backfilling bias: When a new hedge fund is included
and/or notice period) relative to investors.
in a database, its past performance is (included)
back-filled in the index. Since high-performing funds
FOFs money is considered as “fast” money by hedge
are more likely to be added to an index, it results in
fund managers because managers of FOFs have the 1st
overestimation of good results.
right to redeem their money when hedge funds start to
generate poor returns and have the ability to negotiate
more favorable redemption terms. 3.1 Hedge Fund Strategies (3.1.1 – 3.1.4)

Drawbacks with an FOF: Four broad categories of Hedge Fund Strategies:

a) Fee: FOFs involve two layers of fees i.e. one to the 1) Event-driven: These funds seek to generate positive
hedge fund manager and other to the manager of return by exploiting opportunities created by corporate
FOF. events (i.e. merger, bankruptcies, liquidation, buy-back,
b) Performance: An FOF does not necessarily provide etc.)
better and/or persistent returns.
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

• This strategy involves “bottom-up” analysis (i.e. by buying convertible debt securities and
company level analysis followed by industry analysis simultaneously selling the same issuer’s common
followed by global macro analysis). stock. These strategies are considered as market
• This strategy takes long and short positions in neutral i.e. have zero beta.
common and preferred stocks, as well as debt b) Fixed income asset backed: These strategies involve
securities and options. exploiting mispricing in the asset-backed securities
(ABS) and mortgage-backed securities (MBS).
c) Fixed income general: It involves identifying
Categories of Equity-driven funds include:
overvalued and undervalued fixed-income securities
a) Distressed/Restructuring: These funds invest in the on the basis of expectations of changes in the term
debt or equity of companies experiencing financial or structure of interest rates or credit quality of the
operational difficulty. This strategy involves buying various related issues or market sectors. Due to
fixed income securities trading at a significant combination of long and short positions, they are
discount to par due to distressed situations and market neutral.
subsequently selling them at a higher price to d) Volatility: These strategies involve taking long or short
generate profit. positions in the market volatility either in a specific
asset class or across asset classes.
• Complicated form of such strategies may involve e) Multi-strategy: These strategies employ relative value
buying senior debt and taking short position in junior strategies within and across various asset classes or
debt or buying preferred stock and shorting instruments.
common stock to generate profits from widening of
spread between the securities. 3) Macro: This strategy focuses on “top-down” analysis
• In addition, such strategies may take short position in (i.e. global macro analysis followed by industry analysis
the companies, which are expected to followed by company analysis). It seeks to exploit
underperform in the short-term. However, if the systematic moves in major financial and non-financial
company’s prospects improve, loss occurs. markets through trading in interest rates, currencies,
futures and option contracts, commodities or may take
major positions in traditional equity and bond markets.
b) Merger arbitrage: These funds seek to generate
returns from corporate merger and takeover activity
4) Equity hedge: It involves identifying overvalued and
and attempts to exploit the price spread between
undervalued publicly traded equity securities and taking
current market prices of corporate securities and their
long and short positions in equity and equity derivative
value after successful completion of a takeover,
securities. However, portfolios are not structured as
merger, spin-off etc.
market neutral and may be concentrated i.e. may have
a net long exposure to the equity market. These
• Under these funds, the manager buys the stock of a strategies use “bottom-up” approach.
target company after a merger announcement and
takes a short position in the acquiring company’s Categories of Equity Hedge:
stock with an anticipation of overpayment by an
acquirer for acquiring the target company and the a) Market neutral: It involves taking long position in
subsequent increase in debt burden. perceived undervalued securities and short position in
• It suffers from risk that the announced merger or perceived overvalued equities and neutralizing the
acquisition does not occur and the hedge fund may portfolio’s exposure to market risk (i.e. beta = 0) by
not close its position on a timely basis. combination of long and short positions with roughly
equal $ exposure (i.e. dollar neutrality) and equal
sensitivity to the related market or sector factors (i.e.
c) Activist: It refers to an “activist shareholder”. It involves
beta neutrality).It employs quantitative (technical)
buying sufficient equity with an attempt to have
and/or fundamental analysis.
control on the company (have influence on a
b) Fundamental growth: These strategies take long
company’s policies or direction e.g. divestitures,
positions in companies that are expected to have
restructuring, capital distributions to shareholders,
high growth and capital appreciation. They use
and/or changes in management and company
fundamental analysis to identify such companies.
strategy). In contrast to private equity, activist hedge
c) Fundamental value: These strategies seek to identify
funds operate in the public equity market.
undervalued companies by using fundamental
d) Special situations: These strategies invest in the equity
analysis and take long positions in those companies.
of companies that are currently engaged in
d) Quantitative directional: These strategies use
restructuring activities other than merger/acquisitions
technical analysis to identify under and over valued
and bankruptcy e.g. security issuance/repurchase,
companies using fundamental analysis. It involves
special capital distributions and asset sales/spin-offs.
taking long positions in undervalued securities and
short positions in overvalued securities. The hedge
2) Relative value: They seek to profit from mispricing in
fund typically varies with regard to levels of net long
related securities. These strategies include:
or short exposure depending upon the anticipated
direction of the market and stage in the market cycle.
a) Fixed income convertible arbitrage: This strategy
involves exploiting mispricing in convertible securities
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

e) Short bias: These strategies use quantitative A. Fee in the 1st year: When incentive fee is independent
(technical) and/or fundamental analysis to identify of management fee
overvalued equity securities and take short positions in
Value of fund at the end of 1st year = $100 million (1.25)
those overvalued securities. The net short exposure of
= $125 million
the fund depends on market expectations i.e., during
Management fee = $125 million (2%)
declining markets, the fund may take full short
= $2.5 million
Incentive fee = ($125 million– $100 million) (20%)
f) Sector specific: These strategies use quantitative
= $5 million
(technical) and/or fundamental analysis to identify
Total fees = $2.5 million + $5
outperforming sectors.
= $7.5 million
Investor return = ($125 – $100 – $7.5) / $100
3.3.1) Fees and Returns
= 17.50%
The return to an investor in a fund is not the same as the
return to the fund due to fees paid to the fund. Hedge B. Fee in the 1st year: When incentive fee is NOT
fund indices generally report performance net of fees. independent of management fee
Management fee = $125 million (2%)
• A common fee structure in the hedge fund market is = $2.5 million
“2 and 20” which reflects a 2% management fee Incentive fee = ($125 million– $100 million– $2.5 million)
and a 20% incentive fee. However, different classes (20%)
of investors may have different fee structures. = $4.5 million
• A common fee structure in the FOFs is “1 and 10” Total fees = $2.5 million + $4.5
which reflects a 1% management fee and a 10% = $7 million
incentive fee. Investor return = ($125– $100 – $7) / $100
• The incentive fees may be calculated net of = 18%
management fees or before management fees (i.e.
independent of management fees). C. Fee in the 1st year: When incentive fee is NOT
• Hurdle rate provision: Under this provision, incentive independent of management fee and hurdle rate is
fee is paid only when the fund generates a specified 3%
return, called hurdle rate. Hurdle rate can be
specified as an absolute, nominal, or real return Hurdle rate = 3% ($100 million)
target. = $3 million
Management fee = $125 million (2%)
= $2.5 million
Types of Hurdle Rate:
Incentive fee = ($125– $100 –$3–$2.5 million) (20%)
a) Hard hurdle rate: When incentive fees can be paid = $3.90 million
only on returns in excess of the hurdle rate, it is Total fees = $2.5 million + $3.9 million
referred to as hard hurdle rate. = $6.4 million
b) Soft hurdle rate: When incentive fees can be paid on Investor return = ($125– $100 – $6.4) / $100
entire returns, it is referred to as soft hurdle rate. = 18.60%

• High water mark provision (HWM): According to high D. Fee in the 2nd year with High-water mark provision:
water mark provision, once the first incentive fee has Management fee = $115 million (2%)
been paid, the highest month end net asset value = $2.3 million
(NAV), net of fees establishes a high water mark i.e. Incentive fee = 0 à because the fund has declined in
no incentive fee is paid until the fund’s NAV>HWM. It value.
helps to protect clients from paying twice for the Total fees = $2.3 million
same performance. Beginning capital in the 2nd year for the investor =
• Hedge fund fees depend on various factors i.e. Value of fund at the end of 1st year – Total Fees in the 1st
supply and demand, historical performance and the year (independent of management fee) = $125 – $7.5
lockup period i.e. the longer investors agree to keep million = $117.5 million
their money in the hedge fund, the lower the fees. Ending capital at the end of the 2nd year = $115 – $2.3
Example: = $112.7 million
Investor return = ($115 – $2.3 – $117.5) / $117.5
• Initial investment capital = $100 million = –4.085%
• Management fee = 2% è based on assets under
management at year-end. E. Fee in the 3rd year with High-water mark provision:
• Incentive fee = 20% Management fee = $130 million (2%) = $2.6 million
• The return earned in the 1st year = 25% Incentive fee = ($130 million – $117.5 million) (20%)
• Value of fund at the end of 2nd year = $115 million = $2.5 million
• Value of fund at the end of 3rd year = $130 million
• Hurdle rate = 3%
• $117.5 million represents the high-water mark
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

established at the end of Year 1. Investor Return = (15 – 2 – 3) / 100

= 10%
Profit of FOF = $100 million × (10%)
Total fees = $2.6 million + $2.5 million
= $10 million
= $5.1 million
Management fee of FOF = $100 million × 1%
Investor return = ($130 – $5.1– $112.7) / $112.7
= $1 million
= 10.825%
Incentive fee = $10 million ×10%
= $1 million
• $112.7 million is the ending capital at the end of 2nd Investor return = (10 – 1 – 1) / 100
year. = 8%
• The ending capital position at the end of Year 3 =
$130 million – $5.1 = $124.9 million è this is the new
high-water mark.
Practice: Example 3,
Volume 6, Reading 50.
Arithmetic mean annual return = (17.50% – 4.085% +
10.825) / 3 = 8.08%

From part A, D and E. 3.3.2) Other Considerations

Most hedge funds (but not all), use leverage in their
Geometric mean annual return = (New HWM at the end
trading strategies to seek higher returns. However,
of 3rd year / Initial
leverage magnifies both profit and losses. Thus, use of
investment) 1/3 – 1
high leverage is viewed as a source of risk for hedge
= (124.9 / 100) 1/3 – 1
= 7.69%
Hedge Funds can create leverage in many forms i.e. by
Capital gain to the investor = (New HWM at the end of 3rd
year – Initial investment) a) Borrowing capital.
= ($124.9 - $100) million b) Buying securities on margin.
= $24.9 million c) Using financial instruments and derivatives.
Total fees = ($7.5 + $2.3 + $5.1) million
= $14.9 million For example, a hedge fund can realize profit from
expected increase in the value of a company, (say
From part A, D and E. Company A) in either of the following ways:

i. Hedge fund can buy 1000 shares of Company A.

ii. Hedge fund can buy 10 futures contracts on
Practice: Example 2,
Company A.
Volume 6, Reading 50.

• The profit or loss from holding the futures will be

similar to the profit or loss from holding the shares.
Example: • However, futures contracts involve less capital to
invest than that of buying shares.
• Initial investment = $100 million • In futures contracts, investors are subject to collateral
• Hedge fund has “2 and 20” fee structure with no requirement to protect against default risk. The
hurdle rate. amount of collateral depends on the riskiness of the
• Funds of funds has “1 and 10” fee structure. investment and the creditworthiness of the hedge
• Management fees are calculated on an annual fund or other investor.
basis on assets under management at the beginning
of the year. iii. Hedge fund can buy calls on a 1000 shares of
• Management fees and incentive fees are Company A.
calculated independently.
• Hedge fund has a 15% return for the year before
• It involves less capital to invest i.e. buyer is only
management and incentive fees.
required to pay option premium.
• FOF has a 10% return for the year after fees of hedge
• Maximum loss to the long Call is option premium

iv. Hedge fund can sell puts on a 1000 shares of
Profit of hedge fund before fees = $100 million × (15%) Company A.
= $15 million
Management fee = $100 million × 2% • Maximum profit to the Short Put is option premium
= $2 million received.
Incentive fee = $15 million × 20% • If price fall, potential loss is extremely large for the
= $3 million
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

Short Put. A more conservative and theoretically accurate

approach is to use:
Prime Brokers: Normally, hedge funds trade through
prime brokers. Besides trading on behalf of clients, prime • Bid prices for longs
brokers provide following services: • Ask prices for shorts

• Custody It is recommended that hedge funds should set up

• Administration procedures and guidelines for in-house valuations.
• Lending
• Short borrowing For illiquid investments (i.e. convertible bonds,
collateralized debt obligations, distressed debt and
emerging markets fixed income securities), liquidity
Margin account: The margin account represents the
discounts or “haircuts” are used to reflect fair value.
hedge fund’s equity in the position.
Hedge funds generally use two NAVs i.e.

• The smaller (greater) the margin requirement, the 1. Trading NAV: It represents NAV adjusted for liquidity
more (less) leverage is available to the hedge fund. discounts based on the size of the position held
• When the margin account declines below a certain relative to the total amount outstanding in the issue
level à hedge fund receives “margin call” from the and its trading volume.
broker (lender) to deposit more collateral.
• Margin calls may increase losses when the hedge 2. Reporting NAV: It represents NAV based on quoted
fund closes its losing position at unfavorable prices. market price; it does not incorporate liquidity
Redemptions: When investors decide to exit the fund or
redeem some portion of their shares, it is referred to as
redemption. Redemptions frequently occur during poor
Practice: Example 5,
performance of hedge funds i.e. when net asset value
Volume 6, Reading 50.
starts to fall.

• Redemptions involve transaction costs. Thus, to

avoid such costs and to avoid losses associated with 3.5 Due Diligence for Investing in Hedge Funds
liquidating positions, hedge funds may charge
redemption fees.
Due Diligence Process for Hedge Funds includes
• Decline in net asset value (NAV) is referred to as
following factors:

• Investment strategy
• Investment process
Practice: Example 4, • Competitive advantage
Volume 6, Reading 50. • Track record: Mostly, hedge funds are required to
have track record of at least 2 years. The longer the
track record period requirement, the more difficult it
is for hedge funds to raise capital.
3.4 Hedge Fund Valuation Issues • Size and longevity: The older the fund, the better it is
because it reflects that the fund has experienced
Generally, hedge funds are valued on a daily, weekly, lower losses and higher growth in assets under
monthly and/or quarterly basis using either market values management via both capital appreciation and
or estimated values of underlying positions when reliable additional investments (capital injections).
market values are not available (e.g. for illiquid or non- o The minimum hedge fund size the investor can
traded investments). consider depends on the minimum size of the
investments by investors and their investment’s
Different prices or quotes are available in the market: maximum % of a fund e.g. if an investor’s minimum
investment size is $15 million and the investor’s
maximum % of a fund is 8.5%, then
• Bid price
The minimum hedge fund size the investor can
• Ask price
consider = $15 million / 0.085 = $176.47 million
• Average quote i.e. [(bid + ask)] / 2: It is most
• Management style
commonly used.
• Markets in which the hedge fund invests
• Median quote
• Hedge fund benchmarks
• How returns are calculated and reported
• Key-person risk
• Reputation
• Investor relations
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

• Plans for growth Due to lack of transparency and fewer regulations,

• Systems risk management conducting due diligence for hedge funds can be very
• Management procedures (i.e. leverage, brokerage, challenging. The investor should also conduct due
and diversification policies) diligence when choosing a fund of funds (FOFs).
• Fee structures and their affect on the returns to
• Additional things to consider include fund’s prime Practice: Example 6,
broker and custody arrangements for securities; Volume 6, Reading 50.
auditor of the hedge fund.


Private equity investments are equity investments that Types of LBOs:

are not publicly traded on exchanges or investments in
Management buyouts: MBO is similar to LBOs, however,
public companies with the intent to take them private.
in MBOs, internal management acts as (co-) buyer of the
Private equity investments are sensitive to business
company and eventually become large investor in the
company after its privatization.
Categories of Private equity strategies (Section 4.2):
Management buy-ins (MBIs): In MBIs, the acquiring
A. Leveraged buyouts (LBOs): LBOs involve buying all the company management replaces the current
shares of a public company or established private management team.
company partially through equity (i.e. 20-40%) and
partially issuing debt and converting it into a private B. Venture capital (VC): VC investments are private
company. equity investments used to finance a start-up (new)
business or growing private companies. Each
• The private equity firm restructures and improves the company in which the VC fund invests is referred to as
operations of the company to increase revenues “portfolio company”. It involves various financing
and ultimately increase company’s value to resell stages i.e. formative-stage, expansion stage, pre-IPO
the acquired company or part of it at a higher price stage, and exit stage.
later on and/or to improve company’s cash flows,
which can be used to pay down the debt. • VC firms are active investors and actively manage
• LBOs financing: LBOs use a greater amount of their portfolio companies. Typically, they have equity
leverage to finance a significant proportion of each interests in the portfolio companies.
deal and thus are also known as “highly leveraged • VC investments require a long time horizon and are
transactions”. subject to high risk of failures.
• Capital structure: It includes equity, bank debt • Due to higher risk of failure during early stage, early-
(leveraged loans), and high yield bonds (with low stage investors demand higher expected returns
quality ratings and high coupons). relative to later stage investors.
o Leveraged loans represent the largest % of total • It represents a small portion of the private equity
capital. They also have covenants to protect the market relative to LBOs.
investors. Leveraged loans are generally senior
secured debt whereas the bonds are unsecured Stages of Venture Capital Investing
with respect to bankruptcy.
o The assets of the target company typically serve as A. Formative-stage financing includes seed stage and
the collateral for the debt, and the debt early stage financing.
obligations are met using company’s cash flows.
o Mezzanine financing: Mezzanine financing is a 1) Seed-stage financing: In seed stage, small amount of
hybrid of debt and equity financing. It is a debt money is provided to form a company or to transform
capital, with current repayment requirements and the idea into a business plan and to assess market
has warrants or conversion options i.e. can be potential.
converted into common equity interest in a
company. It is generally subordinated to both • In the initial seed-stage when business idea is being
senior and high yield debt and offers higher transformed into a business plan, amount of capital
coupon rate. Besides interest or dividends, is typically small and is primarily provided by
mezzanine financing also provides return when founders, founder’s friends and family (called angel
value of common equity increases. investors) rather than by VC funds. This stage is also
o It is important to note that different deals have known as “Angel investing stage”.
different optimal capital structure. • Later on, the seed capital is also provided by VC
• Sources of growth in EBITDA include organic revenue funds to finance the product development and
growth; cost reduction/restructuring, acquisition etc. market research.
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

• Form of financing used during Formative-stage: • Distressed investing involves buying the debt of a
Typically, ordinary or convertible preferred shares are financially distressed company at discounted price
issued to the VC fund while the company is (i.e. < face value of the debt).
controlled by the company’s management. • The turnaround equity investors actively manage the
company and restructure the company either
2) Early stage financing: In this stage, capital is provided operationally or financially to increase the value of
to support operations of companies before debt.
commercialization and sales of product. • Besides equity investors, debt investors (known as
“vulture investors”) may also play an active role in
the management or in the reorganization of the
• Start-up financing refers to the capital provided to
company. It must be stressed that distressed debt
commercialize the product or idea and to support
investors have a prior claim on the company assets.
product development and initial marketing.
• Some distressed investors are passive investors.
• First-stage financing is capital provided to initiate
commercial manufacturing and sales.
4.1 Private Equity Structure and Fees
B. Later-stage financing is provided to companies who
need funds to expand sales. It includes: Like hedge funds, institutional and individual investors
can invest in private equity through limited partnerships
• Second-stage financing is the capital provided for which is known as Fund.
initial expansion of a company already producing
and selling a product i.e. revenue has started but • Outside investors are known as Limited partners (LPs).
may not be yet profitable. • The private equity firm, which manages a number of
• Third-stage financing is capital provided for major funds, is known as the General partner (GP).
expansion i.e. physical plant expansion, product
improvement, or a major marketing campaign.
Fee Structure: Management fee + Incentive fee
• Mezzanine (bridge) financing is capital provided to
prepare for an IPO. It represents the bridge between
the expanding company and the IPO. • Generally, management fees range from 1-3% of
• Form of financing used during Later-stage: Typically, “Committed Capital” (not invested capital), until the
equity and debt (including convertible bonds or committed capital is fully drawn and invested.
convertible preferred shares) are issued to the VC • Committed capital: It represents the amount that the
fund while the control of the company is handed LPs have agreed to provide to the private equity
over to the VC fund. fund. The committed capital is drawdown by the
fund over 3-5 years.
• Once the committed capital is fully invested,
management fees are based only on the funds
remaining in the investment.
• Debt financing is used to have control over • As investors exit from the fund, capital is paid back
company’s assets and to recover them during to them and they are no more required to pay fees
bankruptcy. It is considered as a more secured on that portion of their investment.
financing for VC funds than equity financing. • Commonly, the incentive fees represent 20% of the
• Due to lack of operational and financial total profit of the private equity fund and are not
performance history and performance data, it is paid to the GP fee until the initial investment has
more difficult for VC funds (investors) to estimate been received back by the LPs. The incentive fee
value of such companies compared to LBOs, which may also be calculated on a deal-by-deal basis.
invest in mature, underperforming public companies. Amount received by the LPs = 80% of the total profit
of the equity fund +
C. Development capital: It involves minority equity Return of their initial
investments in more mature (typically private) investment
companies that need capital to expand or restructure • When distributions are made based on profits
operations, enter new markets or finance major earned over time, the GP may receive more than
acquisitions. 20% of the total profit. However, to protect the LPs
interests, the fund may set up an escrow account for
• It is often used by management of the company. a part of incentive fees and/or may impose a claw-
• Sometimes, private equity capital is also used by back provision under which the GP is obligated to
publicly quoted companies. This strategy is referred return any funds distributed as incentive fees until the
to as PIPEs (private investment in public equities). LPs have received back their initial investment and
80% of the total profit.
D. Distressed investing: It involves investing in the debt of
operationally sound BUT financially distressed Besides management and incentive fees, LBOs firms
companies (companies that are bankrupt, in default, include other fees i.e. arrangement fee for the buyout of
or likely to default).
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

a company, fee in case a deal fails, and arrangement Disadvantages of trade sale:
fee for divestitures of assets.
• Trade sales are not preferred by portfolio company’s Characteristics of Attractive Target Companies employees and thus may face management
for LBOs opposition.
• Number of potential buyers is very limited.
a) Undervalued/depressed stock price: Private equity • Trade sales tend to receive lower price compared to
firms seek to buy undervalued or cheaply priced an IPO.
companies that are out of favor in the public markets.
b) Willing management: Existing management is willing
B. IPOs: In an IPO, the portfolio company initially issues
to exploit long-term growth opportunities but lack
some or all of the shares to public investors through an
capital needed to finance investments in new
processes, personnel, equipment etc.
c) Inefficient companies: Private equity firms seek to buy
Benefits of an IPO:
inefficient companies and generate attractive returns
by restructuring and improving the operations of the
companies. • In an IPO, investors may receive the highest price.
d) Strong and sustainable cash flow: Companies with • IPOs also enjoy management approval because
strong cash flows are attractive for LBOs because company’s existing management is retained.
cash flows are used to make interest payments on the • IPOs are considered a source of publicity for the
debt associated with LBOs transactions. private equity firms.
e) Low leverage: Companies with low leverage are • IPOs facilitate private equity investors to retain future
attractive for private equity firms as it facilitates them upside potential by allowing them to remain a large
to use higher leverage to finance a substantial portion shareholder.
of the purchase price.
f) Assets: Companies with a significant amount of Disadvantages of an IPO:
physical assets are preferred by private equity firms
because physical assets can serve as collateral for • It involves high transaction costs e.g. fees paid to
debt and helps to reduce cost of debt as secured investment banks and lawyers
debt is cheaper than unsecured debt. • IPOs have long lead times.
• It is subject to stock market volatility risk.
4.2.4) Exit Strategies • It has high disclosure requirements.
Exit strategies are significantly important for private • An IPO imposes a lock-up period on private investors
equity investing because the ultimate goal for private as they are prohibited to sell an equity position for a
equity investors is to exit the fund at high valuations. specific period after the IPO.
• An IPO is more appropriate for larger companies
with attractive growth profiles.
• An average buy-and-hold period for private equity
investments is 5 years.
• The time to exit can range from less than 6 months to C. Write-offs: Write-offs refer to voluntary liquidations of a
over 10 years. portfolio company that may or may not generate any
• Selection of an optimal exit strategy depends on the proceeds.
dynamics of the industry of portfolio company,
overall economic cycles, interest rates, and D. Secondary sales: Under secondary sales, securities of
company performance. a private equity firm are sold to another private equity
firm or other group of investors.
The major types of exit strategies are as follows:
E. Recapitalization: In a recapitalization, the private
A. Trade Sales: In this type of exit strategy, the private equity firm pays itself dividends by using debt. It is not
firm is sold to a strategic buyer (i.e. competitor) for considered a true exit strategy because in
stocks, cash, or a combination of both either through recapitalization, the private equity firm retains
an auction process or by private negotiation. company’s control.

Benefits of a trade sale: The above exit strategies can be employed individually,
combined together, or used for a partial exit strategy.
• Facilitates a private equity fund to have an
immediate cash exit. Private Equity: Diversification Benefits,
• May receive high valuations from “willing and able” Performance, and Risk
strategic buyers who seek to capture anticipated
synergies. • Private equity funds may generate higher returns
• It is simple and quick to execute. relative to traditional investments due to use of high
• It incurs lower transaction costs relative to an IPO. leverage and by playing an active role in the
• It is relatively a highly confidential process and management and operations of the portfolio
involves less information disclosure. companies.
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

• Private equity investments also have higher risks 3. Asset-based: Under asset-based approach, value of
(including market, illiquidity and leverage risks) than a private company is estimated as follows:
traditional investments.
• Private equity investments also provide diversification Value of a company = Value of a company’s assets
benefits because they have less than perfect – Value of a company’s liabilities
correlation with traditional investments.
• Private equity performance index (PEPI) is an index • This value reflects the value of the company to the
used to measure performance of private equity equity holders.
investments. However, it is not a reliable • Value of company’s assets and liabilities can be
performance measure because, like hedge fund estimated either using market (fair) values or
indices, private equity indices are subject to self- liquidation values.
reporting, survivorship, backfill, and other biases, • Values estimated using fair (market) values represent
resulting in overstated returns. In addition, such an orderly transaction.
investments are not marked-to-market on a regular • Values estimated using liquidation values represent a
basis which tends to underestimate volatility and distressed transaction when a business is terminated.
correlations with other investments. During weak economy, liquidation values tend to <
fair values due to fewer potential buyers.

4.4 Portfolio Company Valuation

The following three common approaches are used to Practice: Example 7,

value a company in the private equity investments: Volume 6, Reading 50.

1. Market or comparable: Under the comparable

approach, company is valued using various multiples. Private Equity: Investment Considerations and Due
These multiples are determined using market value or 4.5
recent transaction price of a similar publicly traded
company. Multiples include:
• Private equity investments are appropriate for
investors with long time horizon and limited liquidity
• EBITDA multiple: It is used for valuing large and needs.
mature private companies. • Factors important for Private equity investment
• Net income or revenue multiples: They are preferred evaluation include:
to use for small and less mature private companies. o Current and expected future economic
2. Discounted cash flow (DCF): The DCF approach o Interest rate and capital availability expectations
involves valuing a company by discounting relevant o Undrawn and committed capital
expected future cash flows at the required rate of • The due diligence process of private equity is similar
return e.g. to that of hedge funds i.e. it involves identifying
o GP’s experience and knowledge
• Discounting free cash flow to the firm at the o Financial and operating conditions
weighted average cost of capital; or o Valuation methodology
• Discounting free cash flow to equity at the cost of o Alignment of the GP’s incentives with the interests
equity; or simply of the LPs
• Discounting Net income or cash flow by using a o Drawdown and committed capital
capitalization rate. o Exit strategies
• When the estimated value (using DCF approach) >
(<) current market price of the investment, the
investor should (should not) invest in the company.


Real estate is a form of tangible and immoveable asset. Key Benefits of investing in real estate:
It includes buildings, building land, offices, industrial
warehouses, natural resources, timber, containers, • Provide attractive long-term returns through both
&artwork etc. Real estate property ownership is rental income and capital appreciation.
represented by a title which can be purchased, leased, • Due to multiple-year leases with fixed rents, some
sold, mortgaged, or transferred together or separately, in properties generate stable cash flows.
whole or in part. • Provide diversification due to less than perfect
correlation with traditional investments.
• May provide some inflation hedge when rents can
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

be adjusted quickly for inflation. Forms of real estate investment:

1) Equity investment: Equity investment refers to a direct
Features of Real Estate: ownership interest in a real estate or investment in
securities of a company or a REIT that owns the real
A. Heterogeneity and fixed location: Unlike stocks and
estate property.
bonds, real estate properties are not homogeneous
i.e. they differ in use, size, location, age, type of
construction, quality, and tenant and leasing • Direct, equity investing requires active and
arrangements. In addition, they are immobile due to experienced professional management.
their fixed location. • Equity investment performance depends on general
economic and specific real estate market
B. High unit value: Due to large sizes and indivisibility, real conditions, the way property is managed, terms of
estate investments have greater unit value compared debt financing and the amount of borrower’s equity
to stocks and bonds and thus require greater amount in the property (the higher the borrower’s equity, the
of investment. greater the cushion available for lender and thus the
lower the risk).
C. Management intensive: Unlike stocks or bonds, a
private real estate equity investment or direct 2) Debt investment: Debt investment refers to lending
ownership of real estate requires active management funds to the buyer of real estate where the real estate
by investors or by hired property managers. property serve as collateral for a mortgage loan or
investment in securities based on real estate lending
D. High transaction costs: Buying and selling real estate e.g. mortgage-backed securities (MBSs).
properties involve higher transactions costs and is
more time-consuming. Private, debt-based real estate investments include:

E. Illiquidity: Real estate properties are relatively illiquid • Mortgages

due to • Construction lending

• Large transaction sizes Private, equity-based real estate investments:

• Lack of availability and timeliness of information
which requires extensive valuation and due
• Direct ownership of real estate i.e. through sole
ownership, joint ventures, real estate limited
partnerships, or other commingled funds.
F. Difficulty in Price determination and valuations:
Heterogeneity of real estate properties, low volume of
Public, debt-based real estate investments:
transactions and less informationally efficient markets
relative to equity and bonds markets, changes in real
estate value or expected selling price over time are • Mortgage-backed securities (residential and
determined based on estimates of value or appraisals commercial)
rather than transaction prices. • Collateralized mortgage obligations

G. Government regulation and local or regional market Public, equity-based real estate investments:
factors: Real estate properties are subject to
government regulations and depend on local or • Shares in real estate corporations
regional market factors rather than country-wide or • Shares in real estate investment trusts
global price movements.
Variations within the basic forms:
The aforementioned properties imply that private real
estate investments are suitable for investors with long- 1) Free and Clear Equity or Fee simple: It is a form of
term investment horizon and greater ability to tolerate direct ownership. It refers to an unlevered 100%
relatively lower liquidity. equity-financed investment in real estate i.e. simple
purchase of some real estate property without use of
5.1 Forms of Real Estate Investment borrowed funds.

• Initial purchase costs associated with direct

• Private equity investment in real estate properties. It ownership include legal expenses, survey costs,
refers to a direct ownership of real estate properties. engineering/environmental studies, valuation
• Publicly traded debt investment. It refers to an (appraisal) fees, maintenance & refurbishment
indirect ownership of real estate properties i.e. via charges, and costs associated with property
investing in mortgage-backed securities; real estate management.
investment trusts (REITs) etc. • The property can be managed either by the owner
itself or by a hired managing agent.
• The owner has the right to lease the property to
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

tenants and to resell the property at will. • REITs are highly liquid and provide retail investors with
access to a diversified real estate property portfolio
2) Leveraged Equity: Leveraged Equity involves use of and professional management;
both equity and borrowed funds to purchase some • REITs can be used by investors with short investment
real estate property. horizons and higher liquidity needs;
• REITs have higher correlation with stocks and bonds
than direct ownership of real estate; hence, it does
• Initial purchase costs associated with direct
not provide the same diversification benefits as that
ownership include legal expenses, survey costs,
of private real estate.
engineering/environmental studies, valuation
• REITs are required to distribute at least 90% of their
(appraisal) fees, maintenance& refurbishment
taxable income to shareholders in the form of
charges, costs associated with property
management and mortgage arrangement fees.
• REITs and partnerships involve investment
• Investors earn return in the form of appreciation
management fees based on either committed
(depreciation) of the value of the property + net
capital or invested capital and incentive fees.
operating income in excess of the debt servicing
Investment management fees typically range from
1-2% of capital per annum.
• Any appreciation (depreciation) in the value of the
home increases (decreases) the owner’s equity in
the home. 4) Mortgage-backed securities (MBS): MBSs represent
• In case borrower defaults, the owner has the right to investment in a diversified pool of mortgages i.e.
transfer ownership of the equity. each pool is divided into various tranches (with
• Leverage financing can be provided in the form of different payment characteristics) and sold to
mortgage loans, including whole loans or pool of investors.
mortgage loans (e.g. mortgage-backed securities).
• However, leverage magnifies both gains and losses. • These include residential mortgage-backed
Leverage increases the risk to both equity and debt securities (RMBS) and commercial mortgage-
investors. As the loan-to-value ratio increases, the risk backed securities (CMBS). See exhibit 12, Reading 50
increases. in curriculum.
• MBS may be issued privately or publicly.
Mortgages: Mortgages or mortgage loans represent a
type of secured debt investment in real estate in which
5.2 Real Estate Investment Categories
the real estate property serves as collateral. In this form
of investment, lenders (investors) earn return in the form
of net interest, net of mortgage servicing fees, a Categories of Real Estate Properties:
scheduled repayment of principal and excess principal 1. Residential properties: These include only owner-
repayments (called mortgage prepayments). occupied, single residences (single-family residential
The due diligence process in a Mortgage loan involves:
2. Commercial properties (income-producing
• Identifying borrower’s equity investment in the properties): These include office, retail, industrial and
purchase of property (e.g. home). warehouse, and hospitality (e.g. hotels and motels)
• Evaluating creditworthiness of the borrower e.g. properties.
borrower’s ability to make the required payments on
the mortgage and to maintain the home etc. • Commercial properties investment is preferred by
• Estimating value of the property. institutional funds or high-net-worth individuals with
• Ensuring that the property (e.g. home) is adequately long time horizons and limited liquidity needs.
and appropriately insured. • Commercial properties may have mixed uses.
• Sources of income for commercial properties include
3) Pooled real estate investment vehicles: These rental income and capital appreciation.
investments include: • Value of commercial properties is affected by
factors including development strategies, market
a) Real estate limited partnerships (RELPs): In RELPs, conditions, and property-specific features.
investors (called limited partners) can participate in
real estate projects and have limited liability (i.e. to 3. Timberland: They refer to properties that are used to
the amount of initial investment). It is managed by the produce timber (wood) for industrial use purposes. It
general partners who are real estate experts. can function both as a factory and a warehouse.
b) Real estate investment trusts (REITs): REITs represent
shares of publicly-traded companies that buy and sell • Unlike crops production, timber can be grown and
real estate. It is a form of pooled real estate stored easily. As a result, harvesting of timber is more
investment and represent an indirect investment in flexible i.e. it can be increased during rising timber
real estate property. prices and postponed during falling timber prices.
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

• Timberland does not have high correlation with • Primary source of revenue: Interest on mortgages.
traditional asset classes. 3. Hybrid REITs: Hybrid REITs own & operate income-
• Three primary Return Drivers: producing real estate properties and make loans as
i. Biological growth well.
ii. Commodity price changes
iii. Land price changes Real Estate Performance and Diversification
4. Farmland: They refer to properties that are used to
produce crops or as pastureland for livestock. A real estate index can generally be categorized as
Major types of Farmland:
1) An appraisal index: These indices use appraised
1) Row crops that are planted and harvested annually.
values of individual real estate properties rather than
2) Permanent crops that grow on trees or vines.
their transaction prices to construct the indices.
Farmland tends to provide inflation hedge.
• The appraised values represent subjective values
Three primary Return Drivers: determined by experts.
i. Harvest quantities • These indices suffer from appraisal lag because
ii. Commodity price changes appraisals are done infrequently. As a result, they
iii. Land price changes underestimate volatility of returns and correlation
with other asset classes.
Farmland harvesting has less flexibility than timberland. • The National Council of Real Estate Investment
Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Property Index is a type of
Return components on farmland and timberland: appraisal-based index.
i. Capital appreciation (i.e. sale of the commodities);
ii. Income streams from leasing the land to another 2) A repeat sales (transactions-based) index: This index is
entity; based on repeat sales (i.e. more than once) of the
same property. For example, if the same property sold
NOTE: twice, then the difference in value between the two
sales dates indicate changes in market conditions
Residential properties are considered as commercial over time.
property when they are maintained as rental properties.
• The greater the number of repeat sales, the more
5.2.3) REIT Investing reliable and relevant is the index.
REITs are classified into three types: • These indices are subject to sample selection bias
because different properties may sell in each period
1. Equity REITs: Equity REITs are tax-advantaged entities and thus may not truly represent the subject
(companies or trusts) that generally hold, own, properties. In addition, they may be based on non-
operate, manage and develop commercial or random sample of properties e.g. the index may be
residential properties. They use leverage and are biased towards properties that have either
similar to direct equity investments in leveraged real increased or decreased in value.
3) REIT index: REIT indices use the prices of publicly
• Primary source of revenue: Rent income from traded shares of REITs to construct the indices.
• To qualify for tax-advantaged status, they are
required to distribute at least 90% of revenue • The more frequently the REITs shares are traded, the
(including rent and realized capital gains), net of more reliable is the index.
expenses, to shareholders in the form of dividends. In • However, the index does not necessarily represent
addition, they are required to report earnings per the properties of interest to the investor.
share based on net income as defined by GAAP • The National Association of Real Estate Investment
(like other public companies). Trusts (NAREIT) is a type of REIT index.
• Objective of equity REITs: Maximize income and • REIT indexes are more strongly correlated with the
dividends by maximizing property occupancy rates stock market than bonds and they reflect more
and rents. volatile performance than appraisal-based indices.

2. Mortgage REITs: Mortgage REITs finance real estate NOTE:

investments by making mortgage loans to real estate It is important to note that real estate investment returns
owners or invest in existing mortgages or mortgage vary across countries and regions.
backed securities. They are similar to fixed income
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

architectural and engineering costs, legal, insurance

5.4 Real Estate Valuation and brokerage fees, and environmental assessment
• The replacement cost is adjusted for the differences
Real estate values need to be estimated and the
in location and condition of the existing building (s).
process of estimating values is known as appraising the
property. Common techniques for appraising real estate
property include: Three valuation approaches do not necessarily provide
the same value. Hence, it is recommended that final
1) Comparable sales approach: In this approach, recent estimate of value for the subject property should be
sales (transaction) prices of similar (comparable) determined after reconciliation of the differences in the
properties are compared to a subject property. Sales estimates of value from each approach.
prices are adjusted for each of the comparables for
the differences in size, age, location, quality of 5.4.1) REIT Valuations
construction, amenities, view, condition of the There are two basic approaches to estimating the
property, market conditions at the times of sale and intrinsic value of a REIT:
the price changes in the relevant real estate market
between dates of sales. 1) Income-based approach: It is similar to the direct
capitalization approach. Two commonly used
2) Income approach: Two major types of income income measures are:
approach are:
Funds from operations (FFO): FFO = Net earnings +
i. Direct capitalization approach: In this approach, the Depreciation expense on real estate + Deferred tax
net operating income (NOI) of a property is charges – gains from sales of real estate property + losses
capitalized using a growth implicit capitalization on sales of real estate property.
• Depreciation is added back because it represents a
Value of a property = NOI / Capitalization rate
non-cash expense and is generally considered
where, unrelated to changes in the value of the property.
• Gains and losses from sales are excluded because
NOI = Gross potential income – Estimated vacancy
they represent non-recurring items.
losses – Estimated collective losses – Insurance –
Property Taxes – Utilities - Repairs and
maintenance expenses Adjusted funds from operations (AFFO): AFFO = FFO –
Recurring capital expenditures.
• Financing costs, federal income taxes and
depreciation are not subtracted to determine the • AFFO is similar to free cash flow measure.
Capitalization rate = Discount rate – Growth rate 2) Asset-based approach: Asset-based approach
• The cap rate depends on strength of tenants, level involves estimating the net asset value (NAV) of REITs.
of landlord involvement, the extent and adequacy Generally,
of repairs and improvements, vacancy rate, REIT’s NAV = Estimated market value of a REIT’s total
management and operating costs, and expected assets – Value of REIT’s total liabilities
inflation costs and rent.
• REITs shares may trade at discount or premium to
ii. Discounted cash flow approach: In this approach, NAV per share.
after-tax future projected cash flows (i.e. annual
operating cash flows for a finite number of periods
and a resale or reversion value at the end of that 5.5 Real Estate Investment Risks
total period) are discounted at the investor’s
required rate of return (i.e. discount rate) on equity • Real estate property values are highly sensitive to
to estimate the Present Value of the property. changes in national and global economic
conditions, local real estate conditions, and interest
3) Cost approach: In the cost approach, value of the rate levels.
property (i.e. building) is estimated based on adjusted • Real estate investment performance highly depends
replacement cost. The cost approach involves on the ability of a fund management to select,
estimating the value of the land and the costs of finance, and manage real properties, and changes
rebuilding using current construction costs and in government regulations.
standards. • Real estate investment in distressed properties and
property development are more risky than
• Costs of rebuilding (replacement costs) include investment in financially sound and operationally
building materials, labor to build, tenant stable properties.
improvements, and various “soft” costs i.e.
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments


Commodities are physical products. Commodities o In swaps, one party agrees to make fixed
include: payments and in exchange receives floating
payments based on future commodity or
• Precious metals: Gold, silver, platinum commodity index prices.
• Base (industrial) metals: Copper, aluminum, zinc, • The prices of commodity derivatives largely depend
lead, tin, nickel on the underlying commodity prices.
• Energy products: Oil, natural gas, electricity, coal • Commodity derivatives can be used by investors
• Agricultural products: Grains, livestock, coffee (e.g. producers and consumers) for hedging
• Other: Carbon credits, freight, forest products purposes or by speculators (e.g. retail and
institutional investors, hedge funds) to capture profits
It is important to note that returns on commodity associated with changes or expected changes in
investments depend on changes in price rather than on the price of the underlying commodities.
income i.e. interest, dividends or rent.
c) Commodity Exchange traded funds (ETFs): ETFs
Types of Commodity Investment: provide indirect exposures to commodities. ETFs may
invest in commodities or commodities futures.
1) Direct Commodity Investment: It refers to cash (spot)
Commodity index-linked ETFs also exist.
market purchase of physical commodities. It is preferred
by investors that are part of the physical supply chain i.e.
producers of commodities, users of the commodities, • ETFs are appropriate for investors who are allowed to
and participants in between. invest in equity shares only.
• ETFs are easy to trade.
2) Indirect Commodity Investment: It refers to getting • ETFs may employ leverage.
indirect exposures to changes in spot market values of • ETFs involve management fees (like mutual funds or
commodities. Indirect investment in commodities can be unit trusts); however, the expense ratios of ETFs are
made in various ways, including lower than that of mutual funds.

a) Stocks/Equity of companies producing the d) Commodity-linked Bonds

commodity or exposed to a particular commodity:
However, such companies do not provide effective
6.1 Commodity Derivatives and Indices
exposure to commodity price changes because
these companies themselves hedge commodity risk.
• Typically, commodity indices are constructed using
b) Commodity derivative contracts: Commodity the price of futures contracts on the commodities
derivatives include futures, forwards, options and rather than the prices of underlying commodities.
swaps. These contracts may trade on exchanges or Therefore, the performance of a commodity index
over the counter. To avoid incurring transportation may significantly differ from the performance of the
and storage costs, investors prefer to invest in underlying commodities.
commodity derivatives instead of investing in physical • In addition, commodity indices vary with respect to
commodities. weighting systems and constituent commodities.
E.g., the S&P GSCI commodity index is over-
• The underlying for a commodity derivative may be a weighted in energy sector. As a result, different
single commodity or an index of commodities. indices have different commodity exposures, making
Commodities derivative contracts specify terms with comparison difficult across indices.
respect to quantity, quality, maturity date, and
delivery location.
6.2 Other Commodity Investment Vehicles
o Futures and forward contracts represent
obligations to buy or sell a specific amount of a
given commodity at a fixed price, location and Alternative means of commodity investments include:
date in the future.
A. Managed futures funds: These are actively managed
o Futures contracts are exchange-traded products
investment funds, which invest in exchange-traded
derivatives on commodities and focus on either
o Forward contracts trade OTC. They have higher
specific commodity sectors or on a broadly diversified
counterparty risk.
portfolio of commodities.
o Options contracts represent the right (not
obligation) to buy or sell specific amount of a
given commodity at a specified price and delivery • Like hedge funds, they are managed by professional
location on or before a specified date in the money managers (called the general partner) and
future. Options can be ETPs or OTC traded. has fee structure of 2-20%.
• They may operate like mutual funds where the
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

general public can invest or like hedge funds where • Value to users
investment is restricted to high net worth and • Global economic conditions
institutional investors.
• Managed futures funds operating like mutual funds Supply of Commodities depend on:
provide retail investors with an access to the
professional management at low investment and
• Production levels
relatively high liquidity.
• Inventory levels
• Actions of non-hedging investors
B. Individual managed accounts: These funds are o Supply of commodities is difficult to adjust quickly
managed by selected professional money managers to the changes in demand levels due to long lead
who have expertise in commodities and futures. These times associated with production. As a result,
funds are offered to high net worth individuals or during strong (weak) economy, supply is too low
institutional investors. (high) than demand. This mismatch between
supply and demand results in greater price
C. Funds exist that specialize in specific commodity volatility.
sectors(e.g. private equity partnerships): Such funds o The cost of new supply also increases over time.
can be used to gain exposure to specific sector e.g.
energy sector. Like private equity funds, they charge
Demand for commodities depend on:
management fee (range from 1-3% of committed
capital) and have lockup period of 10 years (with
extensions of 1-2 years). • Needs of end users which depend on
o Global manufacturing dynamics
Commodity Performance and Diversification o Economic growth
6.3 o Government policy
• Actions of non-hedging investors
Benefits of Commodities:
6.4.1) Pricing of Commodity Futures Contracts
• They provide potentially attractive returns. Futures price ≈ Spot price (1 +r) + Storage costs –
• They provide inflation hedge because inflation index Convenience yield
levels are determined by commodities prices e.g.
energy and food prices impact the cost of living for where, r = period’s short-term risk-free interest rate.
• They provide diversification benefits as they have When Futures price ≠ the spot price compounded at the
low positive correlation with traditional assets i.e. risk-free rate è arbitrage opportunities exist i.e. if Futures
stocks and bonds. price >(<) the spot price compounded at the risk-free
• Commodity futures contracts may provide higher rate è an arbitrageur can sell (buy) futures contract
liquidity and opportunities to earn a positive real
and buy (sell) the commodity at spot price.
Cost of carry: The combination of storage and interest
Risks: costs is sometimes referred to as “cost of carry” or “the
• Leverage risk: Leveraged investment in commodities
has high volatility and results in higher risk. Convenience yield: It refers to nonmonetary benefits
• Counterparty risk associated with commodity from owning the spot commodity. Therefore, futures
derivatives contracts. price is adjusted for the loss of convenience. The value
NOTE: of convenience may vary over time and across users.

When inflation index levels are determined by • When there is little or no convenience yieldà futures
commodity prices, then on average, investment in prices are higher than the spot price à commodity
commodities tend to generate zero return over time. forward curve is upward sloping à this situation is
referred to as Contango.
Investors of commodities: Institutional investors including • When the convenience yield is highà futures prices
endowments, foundations, corporate and public are lower than the spot price à commodity forward
pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds. curve is downward sloping à this situation is referred
to as Backwardation.
6.4 Commodity Prices and Investments
Sources of return for Commodity futures contract: There
Commodity spot prices depend on: are three sources of return for each commodity futures
• Supply and demand
• Costs of production and storage
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

1) Roll Return/ yield: Roll yield refers to the return that premiums.
can be earned by rolling long futures positions
forward through time.
2) Collateral yield: It is the return (i.e. risk-free interest
rate) earned on a fully margined/collateralized
Roll yield = Spot price of a commodity – Futures
position in a long futures contract (i.e. posting 100%
contract price
margin in the form of T-bills).
3) Spot Return/Price Return: It refers to the change in
Roll yield = Futures contract price with expiration date
commodity futures prices that result from changes in
‘X’– Futures contract price with expiration
the underlying spot prices. It is calculated as change
date ‘Y’
in the spot price of the underlying commodity over a
specified time period.
• When the convenience yield is significantly higher
(and thus futures price < spot price), the futures
• The spot (or current) prices primarily depend on
contract price tends to roll up to the spot price as
current supply and demand.
the maturity date approaches, generating positive
roll yield. Opposite occurs when there is little or no
convenience yield. This concept is referred to as Returns on a passive investment in commodity futures =
“Theory of Storage”. Return on the collateral + Risk premium (i.e. hedging
• Hedging Pressure Hypothesis: According to this pressure hypothesis) or the convenience yield net of
theory, the difference between the spot and futures storage costs (i.e. theory of storage)
price depends on user preferences and risk


Collectibles: Collectibles are tangible assets e.g. conditions.

antiques and fine art, fine wine, rare stamps and coins, • Collectibles can be traded in various ways including
jewelry and watches, and sports memorabilia. through professional auctioneers, in local flea
markets, online auctions, garage sales, and antique
• Sources of return for Collectibles: They provide long- stores or directly with personal collectors.
term capital appreciation and do not provide any • Different collectibles indices exist in the market
current income. which provide information about their performance.
• They can also be used for diversification purposes. However, they may not reliably represent
• Risks associated with collectibles: performance of such asset class.
o Their value is subject to substantial fluctuations.
o They are highly illiquid.
o To earn superior returns, investors need to have
high expertise.
o To preserve their conditions and value, some
collectibles must be stored in appropriate


Following are some of the challenges of alternative contracts i.e., operational risk, financial risk,
investments due diligence: counterparty risk and liquidity risk.
• Limited historical risk and return data.
• Asymmetric risk and return profiles. As a result, • Lack of manager diversification.
traditional risk and return measures (i.e. mean return,
S.D. of returns, Sharpe ratio and beta) may not be 8.1.2) Risk Issues for Implementation
appropriate to use.
• Limited portfolio transparency. Historical returns and the S.D. of those returns may not
• Illiquidity and long time horizon (i.e. long-term reliably represent the returns and volatility of alternative
commitment required). investments because:
• “Complex” structures and investment strategies.
• Difficulty in valuations i.e. valuations based on • The reported correlations of alternative investments
appraised (estimated) values due to lack of with other investments may significantly differ from
observable prices and infrequent transactions. the actual correlations.
• Minimal regulatory oversight. • Past performance can be a poor predictor of future
• Risks associated with use of alternatives derivatives performance because:
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

o It may be highly sensitive to business cycle (e.g. 8.2 Risk-Return Measures

commodities and real estate investments).
o It may suffer from price bubbles.
A. Sharpe ratio can be used to measure the
performance of alternative investments.
8.1.3) Due Diligence Issues Regarding Risk
Due to lack of transparency in alternative investment, it Sharpe ratio = (Investment return – Risk-free rate of
is difficult for investors to effectively manage return) / S.D. of return
diversification across funds and to conduct adequate
due diligence. The Sharpe ratio may not be the appropriate risk-return
measure for alternative investments because
• To deal with aforementioned risks, it is critically
important for investors to select good managers with • Due to illiquidity and use of appraised values rather
verifiable track record, a high level of expertise and than transaction prices for valuation purposes,
experience with the asset type. returns may be smoothed and/or overstated and
• To avoid risk of 100% loss of equity on individual the volatility (represented by S.Ds) of returns
investments, investors should diversify portfolios understated.
across various investments and managers. • The standard deviation (S.D.) measure fails to
• Investors should ensure that risk associated with use consider the impact of diversification in a broadly
of leverage is effectively managed by portfolio diversified portfolio.
managers. • Alternative investment returns are not normally
• Fee structure (compensation package) should be distributed; rather, they tend to be leptokurtic (fat
critically analyzed to ensure alignment of interest tails i.e. positive average returns), negatively skewed
because managers may seek to attract large (long-tails i.e. potential extreme losses). Hence, it not
amounts of capital to increase their management appropriate to use S.D. as a measure of risk.
fess which are based on assets under management
or committed capital. In addition, due to option like B. Downside Risk: It refers to the probability of losing a
feature of incentive fees, portfolio managers may certain amount of money in a given time period. For
take unduly high risk to generate higher returns. example,
• Investors should ensure that investment is in
compliance with its stated policies in the prospectus. 1. Value at risk (VAR) measures the “minimum amount
• Due diligence also requires assessing organizational of loss expected over a given time period at a given
structural and terms of the fund including the level of probability”. It uses S.D. as a measure of risk.
policies and procedures for managing operations
and risks. 2. Shortfall or safety-first risk measures the “probability
• Due to use of appraised values for valuations, that the portfolio value will fall below some minimum
independent valuation of illiquid underlying assets acceptable level over a given time period”. It uses
should be performed on a periodic basis. S.D. as a measure of risk.
• Rationale, analysis, and suitability of every
investment, exit strategies of investments, (including 3. Sortino Ratio = (Annualized rate of return – Annualized
timing and realization price) should be adequately risk-free rate*) / Downside Deviation
• Investment policy should be clearly defined which *Minimum acceptable return or risk free rate is typically used.
properly define limits on security type, leverage,
sector, geography and individual positions. Limitations:
• Investors should ensure that all positions and risk
exposures are carefully & effectively monitored and • Downside risk measures provide incomplete
managed by the manager. Generally, hedge funds information because they focus only on losses i.e. left
are monitored by a chief risk officer, who is not side of the return distribution curve.
involved in the investment process. • For a negatively skewed distribution, estimating VAR
• To reduce risks, unusually good and overly consistent and shortfall risk using S.D. lead to an
reported performance should be scrutinized. underestimation of downside risk.
• Investment performance results should be reported • In addition, both Sharpe ratio and downside risk do
to investors on a regular basis. not consider the low correlation of alternative
investments with traditional investments.
For investors (particularly small investors) with high C. Stress testing/scenario analysis: It involves estimating
liquidity needs, publicly traded securities (i.e. REITs shares, losses under extremely unfavorable conditions. Due to
ETFs shares and publicly traded private equity firms) are limitations of VAR, stress testing/scenario analysis
more suitable. should be used as a complement to VAR. Stress
testing/scenario analysis is useful under both normal
and stressed market conditions.
Reading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments

8.3 Due Diligence Overview

Read Exhibit 20, Volume 6, Reading 50.

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