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NIM : 17018163/K4’17


Listening Activity

Level Grade 5 and 6

Aim Student will be able to follow instruction find, touch and see
Language card, word and Yard
Time 15 minutes
Technique TPR Command

Warm – up  The teacher starts the class with a sing a song together
 The teacher gives command to the students to imitate what the teacher
 The teacher and students stand up and demonstrate body movement
based on the “Hokey Pokey” song lyrics.

Everybody form a circle

Put your left foot in
Your left foot out
Your left foot in
And shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And turn yourself around
Now put your right foot in
Your right foot out
Right foot in
Then you shake it all about
And then you do the hokey pokey
Turn yourself around
That's what it's all about
You put your head in
You put your head out
Put your head in
And bang it all about
Do the hokey pokey
And turn yourself around
That's what it's all about
Let's do the hokey pokey!
Let's do the hokey pokey!
Let's do the hokey pokey!
That's what it's all about
Put your right hand in
Your right hand out
Your right hand in
And shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around
Now put your tongue in
And your tongue out
Tongue in

Homework Students are given a picture of animals without color. So, the students are
check coloring the animals.

Introduce The teacher introduce the vocabularies ( Card, word, Yard ) by showing the
new picture to the students and students must shout out the word together.
- The teacher demonstrate the activity ( find the card, touch the ice cream
and see the flower in the yard

Practice Teacher’s command Student’s response

new T : Find the lamp Students find the lamp
material T : Touch the flower in the yard Students touch the flower in the
T : See your friend jumping Students see their friend jumping
Assign The teacher ask students to find things with suffix –Rd word in the Children
homework magazine . Then, tell it in front of the class.
Wrap - up The students divided into small group. They are given a pencil and blank piece
of paper. One student see the picture that teachers give and try to describe
everything he/she sees to his friend and the student with the pencil and blank
piece of paper drawing and then see it to the teacher.


Untuk Listening activities ini kita hanya menggunakan 2 technique saja yaitu TPR
COMMAND dan TPR STORYTELLING. Untuk itu anda harus menciptakan dulu konteks
untuk TPR COMMAND dan menulis cerita untuk TPR STORYTELLING

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