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The following is one of the systems of pointing out notes from the Chapter your are studying.

D – Discovery – What new things you discovered through reading the Chapter

U – Understanding – Lessons and conclusions of topics or subjects discussed in the particular chapter

A – Application – How we can apply the learnings in our personal life and while preaching

R – Realization – Your personal realizations or experience with which you can relate the learnings

For E.g.

Science of Self Realization (introduction) :

Para 2:
For the enlightenment of human society, Śrīla Prabhupāda
produced some eighty volumes of translations and summary
studies of India’s great spiritual classics, and his work has seen
print both in English and in many foreign languages. Also, in 1944
Śrīla Prabhupāda single-handedly launched a magazine
called Back to Godhead.  Nearly all the interviews, lectures, essays,
and letters chosen for The Science of Self-Realization first appeared
in Back to Godhead.
Para 3
In these pages Śrīla Prabhupāda presents the same message that
the great sage Vyāsadeva recorded thousands of years ago, the
message of ancient India’s Vedic literature. As we shall see, he
quotes freely and often from the Bhagavad-gītā, the Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam, and other classic Vedic texts. He transmits in modern
English the same timeless knowledge that other great self-realized
teachers have spoken for millennia – knowledge that opens up the
secrets of the self within us, nature and the universe, and the
Supreme Self within and without. Śrīla Prabhupāda speaks with
startling clarity and a kind of convincing, simple eloquence, and
proves just how relevant the science of self-realization is to our
modern world and our own lives.

In the above passages we have found 2 discoveries and 1

understanding, there can be more of those kinds.
In your notes, mention the discovery and understanding with
respective titles and paragraph no.. Also write a small summary
about your Application of your finding in your personal life and
some of your personal realizations
Discovery: Śrīla Prabhupāda produced some eighty volumes of
translations and summary studies of India’s great spiritual classics.
(Para 2)
Understanding: Śrīla Prabhupāda presents the same message that
the great sage Vyāsadeva recorded thousands of years ago, the
message of ancient India’s Vedic literature.
Application: We should read Srila prabhupada book regularly
Realization: Srila Prabhupada is a bonafide spiritual master who is
presenting the same message as given by Vyasadeva thousands of
years ago (disciplic succession).

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