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1. Yoga means union with God

2. 3 qualification for the novice - “Just try to learn the truth …….” Bg 4.34
3. Receiving the supreme science through disciplic succession, BG 4.2
4. Why perfect Question and Perfect answers?

Chapter 1

1. Krishna means all attractive.

2. Krishna is attractive to rascal also. Why?
3. Rascaldom is good when practiced by Krishna.
4. Api ceto suduracara…. BG9.30 – Evil can be elevated by praying Krishna
5. What is a Scientist? One who knows things as they are
6. “Water, earth, air, fire they are my energies” said in BG 7.4 “bhumir, apo nalo vayu….”
7. The universe is made of Krishna’s Energy
8. Everything is God and not God
9. Separated energies but simultaneously – E.g. Milk and cow
10. What is Maya? Illusion
11. Acintya bhedabheda tattwa- e.g. sunshine is sun and not sun.
12. The diety in the temple is Krishna, but we have to know the process of understanding that it is Krishna
13. Example of heat and fire
14. “purnasya purnam adaya….” Krishna is complete whole even though so many complete units emanate
from him.

Chapter 2
1. Regulated sex life mentioned in vedic literature – Varnashram Dharma
2. “pumsah striya mithun-bhavam etam” – Man is attached to woman and woman is attached to man
3. This attachment should be reduced to nil-“if you want to get liberation from material world”
4. Our general tendency, Grha(home), ksetra(land), suta(children) should be reduced
5. Indian system- 4 social “varna” and 4 spiritual orders “asrama”
6. 4 social “varna” - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
7. 4 spiritual orders “asrama” – brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudra
8. SB 5.5.8 – increased attachment will induce one to accumulate grha, ksetra, suta, apta(friendship),
9. Resulting to “aham mameti” – I am this body, and anything in relationship with this body is mine.
10. Transmision of Soul, entrapment in different of bodies
11. Krishna chastised arjuna. Why? BG 2.11 “asocyan anvasocas tvam…”
12. “Dampatye bhirucir hetuh”
13. Not to study the psychology of sex life. There is already natural psychology for that. But education
should be given to stop it.

Chapter 3
1. Real goal of Life – BTG – E.g. water goes back to sea
2. “Mam upetya punar janma, dukhalayan….” BG 8.15.
3. This is a place of miseries, “dukhalayam” and “asasvatam”- temporary
4. Must have perfect knowledge to get rid of miseries – BG 4.9 “janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti
tattvatah” – “tattvatah” means perfect.
5. Transmigration of Soul – BG 2.22 “vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya”. E.g. Electrical energy used for heating
and cooling both, sly living energy directed to another body
6. Perfection is to become Krishna Consciousnes – the ultimate training
7. Soul is same in everyone but always individual
8. All souls are equal even in animals – “panditah sama darsinah” – learned man donot see the outward
covering, either in man or an animal.
9. How to feel God inside you? – “isvarah sarva bhutanam ………” – God is there in everyone’s heart, then
“parmanu cayantara stham” – God is also within everyone’s heart. Then by the yogic process, realize it
10. The yogic process for this age is “Chanting”
11. By chanting – know
a. How God is inside / outside?
b. How God is working?

God will reveal himself, we cannot understand by our endeavor. E.g. at night we cannot see sun
through torchlight or any light, but we can see the sun automatically in the morning.

12. We need to please God for him to reveal himself.

13. When we serve God, we will know that God is revealing itself. We will understand “ God is dictating me.
God I there , I am seeing God”
14. Please God’s representative(GURU) (“yasya prasada bhagavat prasada”) by carrying out his orders
(“yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto pi”) then God will be easily pleased.
15. That is the reason why we worship Guru “saksad dharitvena samasta sastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva
sadbhih” – The guru should be accepted as God.
16. Guru is external manifestation of Krsna
17. Who is Guru? General Symptoms of Guru
“tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet
Samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham”

A guru must come in a disciplic succession and he must have heard thoroughly about the vedas
from his spiritual master. Generally a guru is a perfect devotee.
18. Krsna demanded BG 18.66 “sarva dharman parityaja……”, but people misunderstood and then Krsna
came as a guru to teach how to surrender.
19. Krsna is original spiritual master, as Arjuna accepted him as his spiritual master BG 2.7 “sisyas te ham
sadhi mam tvam prapannam”
20. SB 1.1.1 “tene brahma hrda ya adi kavaye” – It is he only who first imparted vedic knowledge unto the
heart of Brahma, the first created being
21. Then guru parampara from him to brahma, then narada, then Vyasa, thus disciplic succession “guru
parampara” BG 4.2 “evam parampara praptam”, the transcendental knowledge is received through
disciplic succession
22. Krsna’s direct instruction is Bhagavad Gita.
23. No difference in knowledge received from disciplic succession. E.g. “This is a pencil”
24. Krishna’s mercy can be received, provided it is delivered as it is.
25. Krsna is within our heart, therefore he is always hearing, whether we are praying or doing some
nonsense. BG 15.15 “sarvasya caham hedi sannivistah” – Krsna is seated in everyone’s heart.
26. Every living entities only business is praying because “eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman” – He supplies
everything to everyone, he is supplying food to everyone, so he is the father.
27. Serving Krsna, the father is Bhakti, devotion

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