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WPR - 9


ENROLLMENT NO.:A3923017028


As part of this Dissertation, I have done a research to understand the
consumer buying behavior of Indians in the digital era. First, we can
understand consumer buying behavior, Kotler and Keller defined
consumer buying behavior as “the study of the ways of buying and
disposing of goods, services, ideas or experiences of the individuals,
groups and organizations in order to satisfy their needs and wants”. The
main motive behind this research is zero moments of truth (ZMOT) of
Google. In 2012 Google done a research to understand the change in
consumer buying behaviour, for that they have taken samples from U.S,
Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, France, Netherlands, Australia, Poland,
Turkey and Brazil. After the research they arrived at a new concept called
‘ZMOT’, which showing the big change in consumer buying behavior in the
digital era. In past years marketer believed that consumer get ‘two
moments’ to understand a brand. Marketing efforts at that period will try
to create stimulus in customers through advertisements and this stimulus
will lead customers toward ‘two moments’. At that period one model was
coined by P&G in 2005 and CEO said "The best brands consistently win
two moments of truth. The first moment occurs at the store shelf, when a
consumer decides whether to buy one brand or another. The second
occurs at home, when she uses the brand — and is delighted, or isn’t."

Let’s see an example to understand how this model works.

Stimulus is advertisement. Dad is watching a football game and sees

an ad for digital cameras. He thinks, “That looks good.”

First moment of Truth it will happen in the shopping Shelf. He goes to

his favourite electronics store, where he sees a terrific stand- up display
for that same digital camera. The packaging is great. A young sales guy
answers all his questions. He buys the camera.

Second moment of truth is Experience or Post Purchase behaviour. Dad

gets home and the camera records beautiful pictures of his kids, just as
advertised. He becomes loyal to the brand. Later in 2012 Google coined a
model and named it as ZMOT or Zero Moment of Truth. Google coined this
model through research of 5000 shoppers and asked them a simple
question, how many sources of information you will collect before making
a purchase decision? The survey revealed that the average shopper uses
10.4 sources of information, ranging from TV commercials and magazine
articles, to recommendations from friends and family, to websites, ratings
to blogs. ZMOT model of customer buying behaviour is like this.
Let’s take the pervious example; dad purchased the camera after see
television ad. But now, after seeing an ad dad will open his laptop and
make a search or ask in social networking sites or visit company site or
see customer rating before making an action. Then only first moment of
truth and second moment of truth will come. So presence in digital is
important for brands, they need to use this platform to convince

In this ZMOT report Google is advising brands to go for multi-screen

marketing. The reason for this was “77% of viewers use another device
while they are watching TV”. So if brands go for multi- screen it will help
to create efficient stimulus in customers.

This is main motive for doing this research; one more thing is there
penetration of internet in India. I already mentioned about penetration of
Internet in India in this report.

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