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Escuela: “La Sagrada Estancia”

Curso: 1°3°
Numero de alumnos: 25
Profesora: Penelope Rojas

Linguistic content:
- Present simple: interrogative, affirmative and negative form.
- Adverbs of frequency: usually, never, often, always, sometimes.

-To learn about and respect other cultures.
-To reflect upon their own culture.
-To use the present simple to ask and answer questions and to talk about

b) PRE (30’): Teacher asks sts if they can give her a definition of culture. As
sts brainstorm ideas she copies them onthe bb. Finally, she gives them the
definition and asks them to discuss in pairs what do they know about their
own culture and which are the things they think that makes us Argentinian,
after discussing this we will share all the ideas together. Then T will show a
video about a group of foreigners that travel to Argentina and give their own
perspectives about it.

WHILE (30’): Before they start watching the video teacher will hand sts a
couple of questions and a true false activity. T asks students to read the
questions first and complete the T or F activity while they watch the video.
The teacher will play the video with subtitles 2 times. After watching the
video, the T will correct the T or F activity with the sts and will give them 10
minutes to organize their answers to the questions she already gave them
and share them with the class.
True or False:
-In Argentina people always have change.
-Argentina has a relaxed pace of life.
-The girl that asks for directions finally understands where she has to go.
-Argentinian people usually shake hands for greeting others.
-Argentinians never arrive late to meetings.

- What are some of the characteristics that they mention about Argentina and
Argentinian people?
- Do you think they are all true? If not, why?
- Which are some of the languages you can recognize? 
- Which do you think is the most used language to communicate in the world?
- Would you like to travel to a place where they speak a different language
than yours? If so, which one and why?

POST: (60’) Teacher will give sts a photocopy that has some countries and
some of its characteristics and customs sts will have to choose one of them
and imagine a daily routine for an imaginary inhabitant using the adverbs of
frequency already learnt in class. Then they will have to write a small
paragraph in which they explain what do they like about that culture and
what they do not and the differences and similarities that they find with the
routine they imagined and theirs. Teacher takes the activity home.

The final activity will be a role play. T will give sts a sheet of paper in which
they have the name of two countries. Sts will have to use the interrogative,
negative and positive form of the present simple to ask and answer the
questions. Sts will make groups of 5 and will search information on the web
of those countries in order to answer the questions of their partners. When
they finish they’ll divide the group, 3 (one country) and 2 (the other country). 

The reason why I chose this video is because it shows not only English
speakers but also speakers from other different parts of the world. And what
it also shows is their opinion of our culture, the way they see us. According
to Kramsh (1993) “learning about a culture requires that an individual
considers his or her own culture in relation to another”. What I tried to do
with these activities is to make them reflect about their own culture and to
show them how other people reacted to our culture. What is more, in one of
the last activities I gave them information of some cultures to make them
imagine a routine of a foreigner, what they had to do next is to compare the
differences and similarities that this routine may had with theirs:”First,
learners need to acquire knowledge about another culture and then they
need to reflect on how their own culture contrasts with it” McKay, S. (2002).
What I alsodid,which I think is very important is to add the use of technology
in the class “El inglés y el uso de los recursos tecnológicos: este eje se
organiza a partir de la enseñanza del lenguaje en el uso de los recursos
tecnológicos que le permitan a los alumnos/as utilizar las nuevas tecnologías
de información y comunicación en su vida cotidiana para la búsqueda de
datos, para operar máquinas y para vincularse con otros” Diseño curricular
para la escuela secundaria 1°año (2006). The use of visual aids helps to
make the topic more attractive and motivating for students and the option of
enabling or disabling subtitles is a great tool. Regarding the linguistic
content I chose to work with the present simple which is one of the firsts
topics included for first year in the curriculum design as well as the adverbs
of frequency. Finally, I also decided to work with a role play because I
believe that it is a fun and motivating activity and it is the closest thing to a
real situation activity. “Lo expuesto implica que, además de atender a la
lengua extranjera como objeto de conocimiento, se apunta a su construcción
como un saber hacer, es decir, poder atender a las necesidades
comunicativas que se presenten en este lenguaje en situaciones de uso
dentro y fuera del aula” Diseño curricular para la escuela secundaria 1°año


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