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Submitted to the English Department of the Teacher Training and Educational

Sciences Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo in the Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree





His all praise is to Allah the Almighty, The Merciful, and The Most Beneficial.

Without His Blessing, the writer would not have been able to finish this thesis to meet the

requirements for obtaining the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree from the English Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

The writer would like to express his gratitude to:

1. Drs.H. Supriyono, M. Pd., as the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

2. Drs. H. Hartono, M. M., as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational


3. Semi Sukarni, M. Pd., as the Head of the English Department.

4. Ismawati Ike Nugraheni, S. S., M. Hum., the writer’s consultant, for the time and

patience in guiding the writer during the processes of writing this thesis.

5. All lecturers of the English Department who have given the writer much knowledge

and improvement in studying English.

6. Everyone who gives the writer support and help.

Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis will be useful for the readers, especially for

the English Department’s students. The writer also realizes that this thesis is still far from

being perfect. So, the writer appreciates the criticisms or suggestions from the readers.

Purworejo, July 2012

Dwi Mujiyono


 Do all the good you can, all the best you can, in all times you can, in all places you

can, for all the creatures you can. – Anonymous.

 When one door is closed, another door is opened; but sometimes we see and regret

the closed doors for too long until we see another door that is opened. - Alexander

Graham Bell.

 You can fail but still able to bounce back, because I think it is the definition of a

real strong sense.


This thesis is honorably dedicated to:

 His beloved mother, Bunda Iriyanti.

Thanks for the love, care, attention, spirit, and the struggle for him.

 His lovely, Ida Wahyuningtyas, S. Pd.

The wheels of fate turned and brought him to a perfect moment of tenderness and

happiness. From this word, on every moment and every second he has, he will

spend with her, to make her happy beside him.

 His friends who help him to finish the thesis; Meira(dot)net Pituruh, Sigit and Puji

Arifin, S. Pd.

Thanks for the kindness.

 His friends in the English Department 2008.

 He thanks God for the amazing day, for the leaping green spirits of trees, and for the

blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural.


Page of Title ………………………………………………………………... i

Approval Sheet ……………………………………………………………... ii

Ratification Sheet …………………………………………………………... iii

Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………… iv

Mottos ……………………………………………………………………… v

Dedication ………………………………………………………………….. vi

Statements ………………………………………………………………….. vii

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………... viii

Abstract …………………………………………………………………….. xi


A. Background of the Study ……………………………………… 1

B. Reason for Choosing Topic …………………………………… 3

C. The Limitation of the Study …………………………………... 3

D. The Statement of the Problem ………………………………… 3

E. The Objectives of the Study …………………………………... 3

F. The Significance of the Study ………………………………… 4

G. The Research Organization …………………………………… 4


A. Definition of Translation ……………………………………… 6

B. Definition of Comparative ……………………………………. 11

C. Definition of Adverb ………………………………………….. 12

1. English Adverb ………………………………………... 13

2. Indonesia Adverb ……………………………………… 18


A. The Type of Research Method ………………………………... 25

B. The Object of the Research …………………………………… 26

C. The Data and Data Source …………………………………….. 27

D. The Data Collecting Technique ………………………………. 27

E. Technique of Analyzing the Data ……………………………... 28


A. The Synopsis of the Novel ……………………………………. 30

B. The Research Finding …………………………………………. 32

C. The Discussion ………………………………………………... 38


A. Conclusion …………………………………………………….. 48

B. Suggestion …………………………………………………….. 50



Biography of Ernest Hemingway

The Complete Table Lists of Adverbs of Both Novels



Table 1.1 …………………………………………………………................. 32

Table 1.2 …………………………………………………………................. 33

Table 1.3 …………………………………………………………................. 35

Table 1.4 …………………………………………………………................. 36

Table 1.5 …………………………………………………………................. 37

Table 1.6 …………………………………………………………................. 38

Table 2 …………………………………………………………................... 46


Mujiyono, Dwi. 2012. A Comparative Study between English and Indonesian Adverbs in
Hemingway’s Novel The Old Man And The Sea and Ellyati’s Novel Lelaki Tua Dan Laut.
English Educational Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences.
Consultant: Ismawati Ike N., S. S., M. Hum.

Keywords: Comparative Study, Adverbs, The Old Man and The Sea, Lelaki Tua dan Laut

This thesis is focused on an comparison on the usage of adverb. The subject of this
thesis is the novel The Old Man and the Sea written by Ernest Hemingway and its translation
Lelaki Tua dan Laut written by Dian Vita Ellyati. The Old Man and the Sea served to
reinvigorate Hemingway's literary reputation and prompted a reexamination of his entire
body of work. The novel was initially received with much popularity; it restored many
readers' confidence in Hemingway's capability as an author. In writing this thesis, the writer
uses the library approach using many sources including books and internet to support this
thesis. The aim in making this thesis is to study the usage of adverb in novel The Old Man
and the Sea and its translation Lelaki Tua dan Laut.

The discussion of this thesis is based on the novel The Old Man and the Sea and its
translation Lelaki Tua dan Laut and classified some adverbs. The writer finding shows that
there are 726 adverbs in the novel The Old Man and the Sea and 723 in novel Lelaki Tua dan
Laut. The writer also shows some example of the difference translation between the original
novels with the translation one. The implementation to English teaching-learning also
presented by the writer to apply the education value to the teaching-learning process. The
conclusion is that adverbs have an important function in sentence not only in written
language but also in spoken language as well.

The writer hopes that the reader of this thesis gets more information of adverbs in
English and Indonesian through both novels. It can add the knowledge about learning
English, especially on adverbs classification.



A. Background of The Study

Ramelan in Budiarti (2008: 2) stated that “Language is a means of

communication”. It is always used in an interaction anywhere, anytime, by

anybody. Since getting up till going to bed, we always use language.

Mastering a foreign language is considered to be a need in our modern society

and in globalization era. English is one of the international languages which

are used in most countries all over the world. From the explanation, we know

that language is very important for our life. Through languages, people can

guide, influence, impress, and make friends with others.

One of the languages is English. It is a compulsory subject in Indonesia

that must be learned by the Indonesian students from the Junior High School

up to University. English as a foreign language will raise some difficulties

which are faced by Indonesian people / students because in learning a new

language will arise some difficulties which are faced by Indonesian

people/students because in learning a new language the students tend to

transfer their native language habit to the new language.

According to Owen (2006:1), who describes the language definition:

language can be defined as a socially shared combinations of symbols and

rules governed by those combinations of symbols (language can be defined as

a socially acceptable code or conventional system for delivering concepts


through the use of symbols and combinations of the desired symbols which

are governed by the provisions). This statement gives information that

translation can transfer the message from one another language.


to.html, accessed on June 16th,2012 at 08.12 p.m. )

Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies the meaning of an adjective,

verb, or other adverbs, expressing manner, place, time, or degree (e.g. gently,

here, now, very). (http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/adverb, accessed

on April 12th 2012 at 07.18 p.m.). Biber and friends in their book Longman

Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English (2002: 209) imply that

“adverbs of manner express information about how an action is performed”.

The Old Man and the Sea is a novel written by the American author

Ernest Hemingway in 1951 in Cuba, and published in 1952. One of

Hemingway’s most famous works, it centers upon Santiago, an aging

fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. The

Old Man and the Sea served to reinvigorate Hemingway's literary reputation

and prompted a reexamination of his entire body of work. The novel was

initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers' confidence

in Hemingway's capability as an author.

According to the statement above, the writer tries to present a

comparative study of the two languages, Indonesian and English especially on

the adverbs from the novel “The Old Man and The Sea” written by Ernest

Hemingway and the novel “Lelaki Tua dan Laut” its translation by Dian Vita


B. Reason for Choosing The Topic

The writer chooses the topic because the writer will present the

comparative of adverbs from the original version and the translation version.

It is interesting because the writer thinks that to compare the adverbs in this

novel from the original version and the translation version is need to know the

adverb in both novels. Adverbs can explain when and where the moment

happen, and gives the support of the sentences.

C. The Limitation of Study

As explained in the background of the study above, the writer is

concerned with the comparison of the adverb of time, place, manner,

frequency, degree, and modality in the novel The Old Man and The Sea”

written by Ernest Hemingway and the novel “Lelaki Tua dan Laut” its

translation by Dian Vita Ellyati.

D. The Statement of The Problem

1. How many kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs are in these


2. Are there any differences between the English and the Indonesian adverb


E. The Objective of The Study

In this research, the writer has two objectives, they are as follows:

1. To know how many kinds of English and Indonesia adverbs are there in

both novels.

2. To know the differences among of the English and Indonesian adverbs.

F. The Significance of The Study

Basically, there are two kinds of the research significance, for the

writer and for the reader of this research, as follows:

1. For the general term, this research has written to know some kinds

of the English and Indonesian adverbs.

2. For the special term, this research will give the readers information

about the comparison among between English and Indonesian

adverbs in the novel The Old Man and The Sea written by Ernest

Hemingway and its translation novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut written

by Dian Vita Ellyati.

G. The Research Organization

In order to make the research well organized, and to gain better

understanding on the contents or essence, the writer does the writing of the

thesis based on the following organization.


In this chapter the writer proposes the background of the study, reason

for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study,

limitation of the study, significance of the study, and organization of the



This chapter consists of Definition of Translation, Definition of

Comparative, and Definition of Adverb.


In this chapter, the writer presents the method into five sections. They

are type of the research, object of the research, data and data source,

technique of data collection, and technique of analyzing the data.


This chapter consists of the data analysis and discussion which presents

the novel synopsis and the description of the adverbs in the novel “The Old

Man and the Sea” written by Ernest Hemingway and its translation novel

“Lelaki Tua dan Laut” written by Dian Vita Ellyati.


This is the last part of this paper. It consists of conclusions and



A. Definition of Translation

As it is stated in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2010:1438),

translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into

another language. Furthermore, Nababan (2008:25) writes that “Proses

penerjemahan terdiri atas tiga tahap, yaitu 1) analisis teks bahasa sumber

(Bsu), 2) pengalihan pesan, 3) restrukturisasi.” The process of translation has

three steps, those are 1) the analysis of the source language (SL), 2)

transferring the message, 3) restructuring .In addition to the definitions above.

According to Nababan (2008: 40), “... translation is basically a means of

communication or a manner of addressing one or more persons.”

In Wiratno (2002: 134) the principles of translation are as follows:

a. Reading comprehension of the whole texts which will be translated and

getting the general content of the text.

b. Analyzing terminology and the difficult words which are used on the


c. Transferring the message of sentence into the translation form in the

target language.

d. Restructuring the product of translation to become the suitable of



Here, translation is closer to the meaning than the style (form) but the

translation should follow the rules of receptor language.

As a process of interlingua communication, translation transfers the

meaning from the SL idea into the TL idea. This means that translation

involves two different languages. This process begins by analyzing the source

text into grammatical and semantic structure of the SL, transferring the

meaning and at last by reconstructing the grammatical and semantic structure

into the appropriate RL forms in order to create an equivalent RL text.

According to Nababan (2008: 30), the kinds of translation method are

as follows:

1. Word-for-word translation

It is the kind of translation which basically still clings on words

rate. The translator only looks for the synonym of the SL to the

TL, without changing the words composition on the TL. For


I like that clever student.

(Saya menyukai itu anak pintar)

2. Free translation

Free translation often does not string on the synonym searching of

the word or sentence, but that synonym searching lean occur on

the paragraph or discourse level. The translator must able to catch

the whole meaning and then translate and express to the TL. Free

translation is not equal with adaptation. The message that contains


in it has to be loyal on the containing messages in the SL. For


Killing two birds with one stone

(Sambil menyelam minum air)

3. Literal translation

It lies in the middle of the word-for-word translation and free

translation. Literal translation maybe just done by word-for-word

translation, but the translator adjusts the word composition in the


English sentence Word-for-word translation Literal translation Free translation

Hatinya berada di
His heart is in Kepunyaannya hati adalah
tempat yang Dia baik hati
the right place dalam itu benar tempat

4. Dynamic translation

It is also called as proper translation. The message of SL changed

and expressed with the proper expressions in the TL. This

translation type is given priority to the message changing and also

looking at the specialty of TL. For example:

The author has organized this book since 1995

(Penulis telah menyusun buku ini sejak 1995)


5. Pragmatic translation

Pragmatic translation refers to the message changing with the

emphasis to the information delivery accuracy on the TL which

proper with the information on the SL. It is not to give attention to

the aesthetic form aspect of the SL. For example:

White Cross Baby Powder is soft and smoothing. It absorbs

moisture and keeps baby cool and comfortable. It contains

Chlorhexidine, and antiseptic widely used in hospital and


(White Cross Baby Powder lembut dan halus, menyerap

kelembaban, menjaga kesegaran dan kenyamanan bayi anda.

Mengandung Chlorhexidine 0,038 % antiseptik yang banyak

digunakan di rumah sakit dan klinik-klinik)

6. Aesthetic-poetic translation

Aesthetic-poetic translation is very different with pragmatic

translation which give priority to the accuracy of information

delivery. In this translation, the translator does not only give the

priority to the information delivery, but also about the impression,

emotion, and the feeling with consideration on the beauty of TL.

It is also called literature translation which is used to translate the

poetry, prose, and drama which give emphasis on the emotion

connotation and the figure of speech.


7. Ethnographic translation

A translator tries to explain the cultural context of SL on the TL.

The translator must find the synonym of the TL. It will be

difficult if a word of the SL does not have the synonym on the TL

because the cultural difference of both language users.

8. Linguistic translation

Linguistic translation is the translation which contains implicit

linguistic information on the SL that is explicit, and use reverse

transformation and meaning component analysis on the changing

form. We just find the linguistic information, such as morpheme,

word, phrase, clause, and sentence. That information is implicit in

the SL and then is explicit on the TL. For example:

a. Harry is willing to help

b. Harry is difficult to help

9. Communicative translation

Communicative translation basically emphasize to the message

transfer. The different is the cares to the effect which appears ofa

translation to the reader or listener. It give priority to the reader or

TL listener who does not hope for the difficulties and

indistinctiveness of translation text.For example:

a. I would admit that I am wrong

(Saya mau mengakui bahwa saya salah)


b. I will admit that I am wrong

(Saya akan mengakui bahwa saya salah)

10. Semantic translation

The concept of semantic translation and communicative

translation is almost equal and often overlapping, so the concrete

difference of both translations is on the emphasizing differential.

It focuses on synonym searching of words level with still band on

the SL culture. This type tries to move the contextual meaning of

SL as close as possible with the syntaxes and semantic structure

of TL. For example:

1. Context/ Situation A

Mr. Andrew : You must not go out this evening

Harry : Yes, dad.

2. Context/ Situation B

3. Mr. Andrew : You must not go out this evening

4. Harry : Yes, sir.

B. Definition of Comparative

Comparative means comparison or comparing, measuring, by

comparing. Then study has meaning of devotion of time and thought to get

knowledge, examining carefully. Hornby (2010, 231) stated that comparative

is to see how they are alike and how they are different.

Comparative describes a comparison or an assessment of similarities

and differences between two or more things. Comparative study is a

comparison of the structures or the languages to determine the points where

they differ. These differences are the chief source in learning a second
language.“Analysis is separations in to parts possibly with comment and
judgement.” (Hornby. 2010: 29).

C. Definition of Adverb

The primary function of an adverb is modifying a verb. But it can also

modify an adjective or another adverb.

Hornby defines adverb as follows:

“Adverb is a word that answers question with how, when, where, and

modifies verb, adjective, and other adverbs.”(Hornby, 2010:14)

An adverb is a part of speech. Keraf (2004: 74) implies that “Adverb is

a word of group of words which has function to explain a verb, adjective, or

another adverb which also has a function in a sentence”. Many different kinds

of word are called adverbs. We can usually recognize an adverb by its types,

functions, form, and position.

1. English Adverb

a. Adverb of Frequency

Mukti (2008: 335) implies that “adverbs of frequency are not clear: When
it is not clear occurrence of an activity that is expressed in the sentence.
Words- words that belong to the Adverbs of Frequency are: Always, At
times, Frequently, Hardly ever, Never, Now and then, Occasionally, Often,
at time, etc.”

He also implies that “Adverb of frequency is usually placed right in front

of the verb if the sentence is only one verb or no auxiliary verb. Sometimes
an adverb of frequency begins at a sentence to put special emphasis on its


1. She doesn’t say go away very much now. (time position)

2. She always eats the onion. (time frequency)

3. She will remain a happy memory with us always. (time duration)

4. When they took the old one out it was already in seven separate pieces!

Adverbs of frequency provide information of how often something

happens. Here are some examples:

1. She takes the boat to the mainland every day.

2. She often goes to school with his father.

3. Usually they get here on time.

Those examples show how the same adverb can have different time

meanings, depending on its context of use. For example, always in 2 refers to

frequency (i.e. how often she eats the onion); while in 3, always refers more

to duration.

From the first sentence, the word every day is put in the end of the

sentence. While from the second sentence, the word often is put in the middle

of the sentence after the subject. From the third sentence, the word usually is

put in front of the sentence. The position of adverbs of frequency in English

can be put in front, middle and in the end depends on the sentence. If we see

from the third example, the word usually is put in front of the sentence. It has

the aim to give the strong emphasis as an adverb of frequency in that


b. Adverbs of Time

We use adverbs of time to tell us when an event happened. Adverbs of

time usually occupy either the beginning position or the end position of a

clause. In the following examples, the adverbs of time are printed in bold


1. Today I will go to the library.

2. I will go to the post office tomorrow.

In the first example, today occupies the beginning position of a clause.

In the second example, tomorrow occupies the end position of a clause. The

adverbs now, then and once may occupy any of the three positions in a

clause. For instance, in the following examples, now occupies the first

position, the middle position, and the end position of a clause.

1. Now it is time to leave.

2. It is now time to leave.

3. It is time to leave now.

Adverbs of time modify the verbs or predicate complements to answer the

question “When/what time”

The words that are usually used:

After wards, eventually, now, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before

yesterday, soon, late etc.


c. Adverb of Place

Biber and friends (2002: 208) state that “Adverb of place express

distance, direction, or position.


1. He meets the players there. (Position)

2. Don` t worry, he can` t have gone far. (Distance)

3. It hopped backward among its companions (Direction)

d. Adverb of Degree

Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity or degree of an action, an

adjective or another adverb. Adverbs of degree provide information

concerning how much of something is done. Common adverbs of degree are

as follows: almost, nearly, quite, just, too, extremely, enough, etc.

Adverbs of degree are usually placed:

1. Before the adjective or adverb they are modifying

Example: The water was extremely cold

The word extremely as the adverb of degree is put before the adjective

“cold”. The word “extremely” modifies the word “cold”.

2. Before the main verb

Example: He was just leaving. She has almost finished.

From the second example, the positions of adverbs of degree (just and

almost) are put before the main verb. So, there are two positions of adverbs

of degree; before the adjective or adverb they are modifying and before the

main verb.

e. Adverbs of Manner

Mukti (2008: 330) implies that “Adverbs of manner that is how the
occurrence of an activity that is expressed in the sentence. Most of the adverb
of manner is formed from the Adjectives by adding the suffix-ly, except for
early, fast, good, late, hard, near, etc”.

Adverbs of manner provide information of how someone does

something. Most of adverbs of manner are formed from the adjective that

usually adding ly-. But not all the adjectives can be added with ly-, for

examples: early, fast, good, late, hard, near, etc.

Adverbs of manner are usually placed after the main verb or after the


1. After the main verb

Example: He swims well

2. After the object

Example: He plays the flute beautifully

f. Adverb of Modality

Adverb of modality is the adjective used to express the degree of belief or

expectation. Some examples of adverbs of modality are as follows.

1. Hopefully, he goes home carrying the good news.

2. Maybe he'll call you in order to continue the discussion.

3. On Sunday morning, perhaps I will learn to drive a car.

4. He will probably remember to reply my letter.


The principal job of an adverb is to modify (give more information about)

verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. In the full examples, the adverb is in bold

and the word that it modifies is in underlined.

1. Modify a verb

For Example:

a. John speaks loudly.

b. Mary lives locally.

2. Modify an adjective

For Example:

a. He is really handsome.

b. You look absolutely fabulous!

3. Modify another adverb

For Example

a. She drives incredibly slowly.

b. You` re speaking too quietly.

But adverbs have other functions, too. They can:

1. Modify a whole sentence

Example: Obviously, I can` t know everything

2. Modify a prepositional phrase

Example: It` s immediately inside the door.

Many adverbs end in ly-. We form such adverbs by adding –ly to the

adjective. Here are some examples: Quickly, softly, strongly, honestly,

interestingly, etc. But not all words that end in-ly are adverbs. “Friendly”, for

example, is an adjective. Some adverbs have no particular form, for example:

Well, fast, very, never, always, often, still, etc.

For example:

1. Why don` t you walk quickly?

2. Do you still remember the names of the founding fathers of our


3. They treated her well.

4. He dropped the box suddenly

One of the hallmarks of adverbs is their ability to move around in a

sentence. Adverbs have three main positions in sentence. They are:

1. Front (before the subject):

Example: Now we will study adverbs.

2. Middle (between the subject and the main verb):

Example: We often study adverbs.

3. End (after the verb or object):

Example: We study adverbs carefully.

2. Indonesia Adverb

Indonesian adverbs are based on the traditional structure, is a word or

more that modify/ies adjectives, verbs, or the entire sentence. As Gorys

Keraf stated:

“Adverbs are words that give information about verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
words, numbers, and the whole sentence.” (Keraf, 2004:70)

Keraf (2004: 112) implies that “Adverbs are the word which is said to limit
the verb, the state, mostly adverbial consists of the words basis, and also a
derived word”.

a. Adverb of Time

Alwi and friends (2003: 205) state that “adverb of time is an adverb that
describes the meaning associated with the time of the events described by the
adverbial. Which includes adverbial forms such as time is new and


1. Ayah baru diberhentikan dari jabatannya.

(Father has just been stopped from his position)

2. Kami berlima akan segera menyepakati masalah itu.

(The five of us will soon agree on that problem)

3. Kami ujian lusa.

(We will have an examination the day after tomorrow).

The word lusa, in English is the day after tomorrow as an adverb of

time. It explains when we have the examination and the answer is

lusa. It has function to make clear the subject and predicate after

adding the adverb of time lusa.

Adverb of time is divided into two parts.

1. The adverbs of words define/emphasize the progress of event. For

examples: Dahulu, kemarin, hari ini, sekarang, kemarin, dulu,


2. The adverbs of time explain about problems that happen and finish or


For example: Telah, akan, sudah, sedang, baru, lagi, belum.

b. Adverb of Place

Adverb of place in Indonesian is an adverb which expresses the place

where something happens or the situation that is usually marked by the using

of preposition at, to, from, till and on.


a. Ia tinggal di sebuah pedesaan.

(He stays in the village.)

b. Anggia pergi ke Medan.

(Anggia goes to Medan)

c. Adverb of Frequency

Alwi and friends (2003: 205) state that “Quantitative adverb is an adverb that
describes the meaning associated with the frequency of occurrence of
something that adverbial explained. Belonging to these adverbial words, such
as: always, often, rarely and sometimes”.

From that statement, we can say that a frequency adverb is an adverb

which describes the meaning that has a relationship with the degree of

something which happens which is explained of its adverbs. Here are some


1. Kami selalu makan malam bersama – sama.

(We usually have dinner together).

2. Mereka sering mengabaikan tanggung jawabnya.

(They often disregard their responsibility).


3. Para siswa yang rajin jarang tinggal kelas.

(Diligent students seldom remain the class).

4. Kadang – kadang saya terkejut melihat inisiatifnya.

(Sometimes I am surprised to see his initiative).

d. Adverb of Manner

Alwi and friends (2003: 205) state that “adverb of manner is an adverb that
describes how the meanings associated with the events described by adverbs
that take place or happen. This includes adverbs of manner this is the form of
such silently, quickly, slowly etc.”

Adverb of manner is the adverb that describes the meaning related to

how the event happened that is explained by the adverb of manner. (My

translation is based on the quotation).

Here are some examples:

1. Ikuti dia diam – diam dari belakang.

(Follow him from the back quietly).

2. Kami akan menyelesaikan tugas itu secepatnya.

(We will finish the duty is as soon as possible).

3. Pelan – pelan Moerdiono menjelaskan posisi pemerintah.

(Moerdiono explains the governmental position slowly).

4. Dengan gembira ia menjawab pertanyaan itu.

(“She answered the question happily.)

The word “dengan” is put before adjective “gembira” as preposition in

that sentence.

e. Adverb of Modality

The definition of the modalities statement/ determination is that expressing

the speaker's description of the content of the spoken sentence.

Adverb of modality is the description that expresses the speaker` s

attitude toward the sentence` s content which is said by it. Adverb of modality

is the adverb that explains a process that applies subjectively such as desired

or interpreted by speaker.

Here are some examples:

1. Ia barangkali sakit.

(Probably she is sick).

2. Ia pasti datang.

(She definitely comes).

3. Mudah-mudahan dia pulang ke rumah membawa kabar baik

(Hopefully, he goes home carrying the good news.).

f. Adverb of Degree

Adverbs of degree tell us the strength or intensity of something that

happens. Many adverbs are gradable, that is, we can intensify them. Adverb of

degree is usually placed before the adjective, adverbs or nouns that is

indicated level.

Examples :

1. Ia hampir selesai.

(He has almost finished).


2. Kamu mengerjakan tes itu dengan sangat baik.

(You did pretty well in that test).

The position of adverbs in Indonesian is free . The position is free means

that it can be put in front, in the middle and in the end of the sentence depending

on the sentence that we make.

For example:

1. Kadang – kadang kami mendiskusikan masalah keuangan

keluargakami bersama – sama.

(Sometimes we discuss about our family financial problems together).

The word kadang – kadang or sometimes in English as an adverb of

frequency is put in front of the sentence.

2. Ia pasti pergi ke kantor pos itu.

(She certainly went to the post office).

The word pasti or certainly in English as a kind of an adverb of modality is

put in the middle of the sentence

3. Mereka bertemu dengan ayah saya di apotik.

(They met my father in the dispensary).

The word apotik or dispensary in English as an adverb of place is put in the

end of the sentence.



In research, methodology has a very important role because methodology is

a concept of planning that becomes guidance in a research method. We can

conclude that research methodology is a system an orderly knowledge studying

method to carry out the research problem systematically and hoping the research

not only finds the data or information but also finds a new responsible theory and

truth result of the research. “Methodology is as a set of methods used in particular

area of activity” (Hornby, 2010: 734).

The term “Research” always refers to one of scientific active parallelism,

classification and manages as collecting, processing, analyzing and predicting the

data to get the right answer for one problem or more. (Suharsimi, 2010:56)

Nunan (2010: 3) stated that research is a process of formulating questions,

problems, or hypotheses; collecting data or evidence relevant to these questions/

problems/ hypotheses; and analyzing or interpreting these data. The minimal

definition of research is a systematic process of inquiry consisting of three

elements or components: (1) a question, problem, or hypothesis, (2) data, (3)

analysis and interpretation of data. According to Nunan (2010: 2), research is

carried out in order to:

1. Get a result with scientific methods objectively, not subjectively.

2. Solve the problems; verify the application of theories and lead on to new



3. Enlighten both researcher and any interested readers.

4. Prove or disprove new or existing ideas, to characterize phenomena (i.e., the

language characteristics of a particular population), and to achieve personal

and community aims. That is, to satisfy the individual’s quest also to improve

community welfare.

In this chapter, the way how the research of the study is conducted will be

classified. The usage of an appropriate method that can help the writer to make a

concept of planning or becomes guidance in the research of the study is also

provided. In this research, the writer applies the research methods with an

appropriate instrument to get better data. Here, the writer formulates the concept

of the research method into several points.

A. The Types of Research Method

According to Setiaji, (2008: 41), the method of research is one used in a

research methodology. A research methodology is a test or method used in

research, including the method of the research, the method (technique) of

collecting data and the method (technique) of analyzing the data.

In this thesis, the writer uses a descriptive-qualitative method of research in

analyzing the topic. Qualitative data is taken as much detail as possible from

Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea and from Ellyati’s translation

Lelaki Tua dan Laut.

Sugiyono,(2010:13) states that qualitative research has some characteristics

as follows:

1) Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data

and researcher is the key instrument.

2) Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of

words or pictures rather than numbers.

3) Qualitative research is concerned with process rather than simply with

outcomes or products.

4) Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.

5) “Meaning” is essential to the qualitative research.

Setiaji (2008: 41) says that descriptive method is a method whose aim is to

make a description of phenomenon, then looks for the relation one to another.

Furthermore, a descriptive method is a method used to observe the status of group

of people, the object, the set of condition, and the thinking system of the class of

affair in the moment.

B. The Object of The Research

The writer chooses novel entitled “The Old Man and The Sea” written by

Ernest Hemingway and its translation entitled “Lelaki Tua dan Laut” written by

Dian Vita Ellyati. In this study, the writer chooses the research about the adverbs

both in these novels.

More specifically, the writer will take the adverbs in both novel and

distinguish into the each part. It will be taken from both comparisons of the

adverbs in English and Indonesian.


C. The Data and Data Source

The data used in this research is the comparison of the adverb in the

Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea and Ellyati’s translation Lelaki Tua

dan Laut.

Source of the data is a subject where the data is taken. (Arikunto, 2010:107).

For this research, the writer uses two kinds of source in collecting the data which

are needed. They are:

a. Primary data

In this research, the data taken from novel “The Old Man and the Sea”

written by Ernest Hemingway and its translation entitled “Lelaki Tua

dan Laut” written by Dian Vita Ellyati.

b. Secondary data

The data of this kind includes some information to support the primary

data. It is taken from other references outside the novel, such as: literary

books, dictionaries, internet data, etc.

D. The Data Collecting Technique

The technique used to collect the data in this research is observation. The

writer uses this technique because observation is considered to be the most

relevant to the target of the research which is the novels.

Observation technique is a conscious effort to collect the data, which is done

systematically, in standard procedure (Arikunto, 2010: 222). In this observation

technique, the writer reads critically and carefully the whole texts in the

Hermingway’s novel “The Old Man and The Sea” and Ellyati’s translation

“Lelaki Tua dan Laut”. The writer also uses note technique that is making note of

the data which have been found in the novels. Besides, the writer uses defining

manual technique that is using written sources to get the data.

E. Technique of Analyzing The Data

In qualitative research, data analysis technique is considered as the most

often technique which is used. However, this technique analysis is also considered

as a common data analysis technique. It means that this technique is the most

abstract or theoretical one to analyze qualitative data. (Bungin, 2003: 84).

This research is a qualitative research with a content analysis method. It

means discussing or inspecting the content in Hermingway’s novel “The Old Man

and the Sea” and Ellyati’s translation entitled “Lelaki Tua dan Laut”.

Barelson in Soejono and Abdurrahman (2005:12) states that content analysis

is objective, systematic, and descriptive qualitative research technique to manifest

communication. It means that analyzing data provide depth and detail through

direct quotation and careful description of program situation, events, interactions

and observed behavior. The data used in this research shaped in language forms

such as the whole texts in these novels. The data is not about numbers, that’s why

this research does not use statistics and does not aim at any agreement and

rejection hypothesis.

The steps to analyze the data are:

a. Read and comprehend the Hermingway’s novel “The Old Man and the Sea”

and Ellyati’s translation entitled “Lelaki Tua dan Laut”.

b. Collecting the data related to the aim of the study.


c. Analyzing the data collected with placed on appropriate forms of each the


d. Making a conclusion based on the data.



In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss about the results or the

findings of the research. For the first, the writer presents the synopsis of the novel

“The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway. The second is the research

finding. And the last is the discussion.

A. The Synopsis Of The Novel

The story is about a Cuban fisherman who is an old man down on

his luck. He has not caught a fish in over 80 days. He has a young boy as a

friend that looks up to him. Santiago, the old man, was not a rich man with a

large ship and fancy equipment; all he had was a skiff. This is also about an old

man's ultimate test of strength, smartness and courage.

He is a very noble man dedicated to his work as a fisherman. He's

been down on his luck and has gone day after day without a single caught fish.

Each day he hopes that it will be the big catch. Every time he goes out, he tries

to keep his spirits high because this could be the day for that catch.

One night he goes out alone fishing. He ends up far out at sea and

with no land in sight. Finally, this is the big one. This is the day of his biggest

catch. A marlin gets hooked and now he must reel him in, but then he realizes

that this is a huge fish. He gave the fish some line hoping he'd tire easily, but

he didn't. "This will kill him, the old man thought. He can't do this forever. But


four hours later the fish was still swimming steadily out to sea, towing the

skiff, and the old man was still braced solidly with the line across his back."

(p.45) "Fish, he said, I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you

dead before this day ends." (p.54) "Just then the fish gave a sudden lurch that

pulled the old man down onto the bow and would have pulled him overboard if

he had not braced himself and given some line." (p.55) He struggled with this

mighty fish till nightfall, but he still hadn't mastered this fish.

Finally, there was a breakthrough in the struggle. He caught the

fish and tied him up to the side of the skiff for he was too big to fit in the skiff.

He had to talk to himself to keep himself at ease. "You did not kill the fish only

to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed him for pride and

because you are a fisherman" (p.105) When he started back home the marlin

was a bloody mess, and clouded the water. This mess attracted sharks. "He

took about forty pounds." (p.103) A shark had taken a chunk out of the fish

attached to the side of the skiff, and the old man was forced to fight him off.

"But I killed the shark that hit my fish." (p.103) Then more and more sharks

came and he was forced over and over again to fight them off.

The old man had triumphed this ultimate test. Santiago came home

alive and he takes a long sleep for he is so tired. He went through so much and

he had bloody hands. While he was out so long, he became delirious. He

thought he was going to die or that he would just barely make it. The boy aids

him and Santiago is willing to go back fishing even after this experience. He

will teach the boy to fish.


B. The Research Finding

In this thesis, the writer finds 726 adverbs used in novel The Old

Man and the Sea written by Ernest Hemingway and 723 adverbs in novel

Lelaki Tua dan Laut written by Dian Vita Ellyati. There are six categories of

adverbs that the writer analyzes, that is adverb of time, place, manner,

frequency, degree and modality. The writer presents the examples of

comparison between English adverbs and Indonesian adverbs on these tables

below and the complete comparison presents on the appendix.

Table 1.1

The Comparison between English Adverbs of Time and Indonesian Adverbs One

English Indonesia
(The Old Man and the Sea) (Lelaki Tua dan Laut)
Page Line Adverbs of Time Page Line Keterangan Waktu
9 3 The first forty days 3 3 Delapan puluh empat hari
9 6 Now 3 8 Sekarang
9 8 The first week 3 11 Dalam minggu pertama
12 5 Today 7 19 Hari ini
12 13 Tomorrow 6 11 Esok hari
12 20 First 7 12 Pertama
18 8 In the morning 12 3 Besok pagi
24 8 In the evening 17 12 Pada malam hari
24 14 In the older days 17 20 Pada masa lalu
26 22 In a short time 19 22 Sejenak
29 11 At an early morning 22 7 Sejak dini hari
31 19 At night 24 17 Pada malam hari
26 13 Pada waktu yang
33 13 At this hour
41 5 In September and October 34 15 Pada September and Oktober

43 5 In the old days 36 12 Pada masa lalu

46 1 In this month 39 7 Bulan sekarang
48 23 Pada suatu waktu sebelum
56 4 Some time before daylight
hari terang
59 22 In the night 52 23 Pada malam hari
60 3 Before this day ends 53 1 Sebelum hari ini berakhir
72 20 Tonight 65 19 Malam ini
74 1 In the afternoon 66 22 Sekali waktu di sore itu
77 11 At daylight 70 9 Saat hari terang
77 15 On a Sunday morning 70 14 Minggu pagi
77 16 On a Monday morning 70 14 Senin pagi
78 4 In the first match 71 2 Pada pertandingan pertama
81 12 At the same time 74 14 Pada waktu bersamaan
82 16 In September 75 22 Di bulan September
90 3 In the early dark 83 2 Pada pagi buta
97 11 Several times 89 22 Beberapa kali
105 19 The second time 98 2 Kedua kalinya
109 1 At one time 101 9 Pada suatu waktu
110 7 Last all night 102 17 Sepanjang malam
139 11 That afternoon 130 22 Sore itu

Table 1.2

The Comparison between English Adverbs of Place and Indonesian Adverbs One

English Indonesia
(The Old Man and the Sea) (Lelaki Tua dan Laut)
Page Line Adverbs of Place Page Line Keterangan Tempat
9 2 In the Gulf Stream 3 2 Di arus teluk
9 16 In the back of his neck 3 20 Di bagian belakang lehernya
11 5 On the terrace 5 5 Di beranda
11 20 The market in Havana 5 20 Pasar di Havana
13 18 In a lucky boat 7 19 Kapal yang beruntung

13 22 In the box 7 24 Dalam kotak

15 18 On his shoulder 9 17 Di bahunya
16 6 In a boat 10 3 Di atas perahu
Di sudut ruang di bawah baju-
17 1 In the corner under his clean shirt 10 23
baju bersihnya
17 6 At home 11 12 Di rumah
Di bawah matahari di bawah
17 20 In the sun in the doorway 11 17
pintu masuk
19 18 In the chair 13 12 Di bangku
21 12 In his pocket 14 27 Dalam sakunya
22 4 In cans best 15 14 Dalam kaleng
22 5 In bottles 15 15 Dalam botol
23 10 In the old park 16 20 Di stadion lama
26 16 On the table 19 16 Di atas meja
26 20 In the blanket 19 20 Dalam selimut
29 1 All along the road 21 23 Di sepanjang jalan
30 19 In the water 23 19 Di dalam air
31 18 In the deepest holes 24 16 Dalam lubang paling dalam
39 8 Beside the boat 32 12 Di samping perahu
41 8 In the shack 34 17 Di dalam gubuk
54 1 In the market 54 23 Di pasar
54 11 On the surface 47 7 Di permukaan
54 20 By the side of the boat 47 19 Di sisi perahu
55 19 In the world 47 19 Di dunia
56 5 Behind him 48 26 Di belakangnya
56 8 On his left shoulder 49 2 Pada bahu kirinya
69 6 Ahead of the boat 53 6 Di buritan perahu
75 8 In his heel 68 3 Di tulang taji
Di kedai minuman di
76 4 In the tavern at Casablanca 69 2
79 4 In an airplane 72 1 Dalam pesawat terbang
81 10 In the meat 74 12 Di dalam daging
87 13 In a new place 80 18 Di posisi baru

Table 1.3

The Comparison between English Adverbs of Manner and Indonesian Adverbs

English Indonesia
(The Old Man and the Sea) (Lelaki Tua dan Laut)
Page Line Adverbs of Manner Page Line Keterangan Cara
11 12 Politely 5 4 Secara sopan
22 10 Gently 15 19 Sopan
30 5 Slowly 23 2 Perlahan
32 12 Suddenly 25 12 Secara tiba-tiba
36 7 Steadily 29 20 Stabil
37 19 Wildly 30 25 Dengan sembarangan
39 9 Cheerfully 32 14 Dengan gembira
45 11 Softly 39 1 Dengan halus
45 13 Lightly 38 20 Dengan ringan
45 19 Delicately 39 1 Deangan halus
53 17 Strangely 43 10 Dengan kuat
56 12 Skillfully 49 8 Secara terampil
57 16 Carefully 50 18 Secara hati-hati
63 18 Longitudinally 56 17 Secara longitudinal
66 1 Conscientiously 58 18 Sungguh-sungguh
69 13 Smoothly 62 8 Dengan halus
71 6 Comfortably 64 1 Nyaman
71 20 Mechanically 64 16 Secara spontan
72 1 Automatically 64 20 Secara otomatis
75 7 Perfectly 68 2 Secara sempurna
80 4 Wildly 73 2 Liar
82 15 Quickly 75 21 Secepat
86 8 Clearly 79 11 Dengan jelas
90 18 Badly 83 19 Secara buruk
94 1 Properly 86 16 Dengan cukup keras
95 18 Grudgingly 88 9 Dengan enggan

Dengan cara yang sangat

96 6 Beautifully 89 4
113 12 Quietly 105 21 Dengan tenang
119 1 Firmly 111 4 Sedemikian hingga
124 20 Effectively 116 21 Dengan efektif
126 4 Solidly 118 2 Dengan kencang
130 16 Desperately 122 16 Dengan putus asa
133 8 Strongly 125 4 Dengan kencang
24 18 Frequently 17 24 Seringkali
47 8 Unbelievably 40 13 Luar biasa

Table 1.4

The Comparison between English Adverbs of Frequency and Indonesian Adverbs

English Indonesia
(The Old Man and the Sea) (Lelaki Tua dan Laut)
Page Line Adverbs of Manner Page Keterangan Cara
Selama delapan puluh empat
9 2 Eighty four days now 3 3
9 10 Each day 3 12 Setiap hari
10 16 Eighty-seven days 4 15 Delapan puluh tujuh hari
4 17 Setiap hari selama tiga
10 17 Every day for three weeks
15 8 For years 9 5 Bertahun-tahun
17 14 Every day 11 10 Setiap hari
20 14 For a moment 14 5 Sejenak
21 6 Live along time 14 20 Selamanya
30 6 All day 23 3 Selama sehari
30 7 For a long time 23 5 Sudah sejak lama
30 9 For the day 23 9 Untuk sehari itu
33 14 For a week 26 14 Selama seminggu
53 7 During the night 44 14 Sepanjang malam

62 19 More than a minute 55 18 Lebih dari satu menit

67 19 All the year 60 17 Sepanjang tahun
76 15 Every four hours 69 13 Setiap empat jam
77 22 For a long time 70 4 Waktu yang lama
82 7 For a night and a day 75 10 Untuk sehari semalam
88 19 In three or four days 81 23 Dalam tiga atau empat hari
82 11 Selama dua puluh menit atau
89 10 Twenty minutes or a half an hour
setengah jam
92 3 All the time 81 5 Sepanjang waktu
94 21 For the third time 87 15 Untuk ketiga kalinya
95 22 Each time 88 13 Setiap waktu
95 22 In an hour 88 13 Dalam satu jam
115 5 Every minute 107 11 Setiap menit
118 3 For two hours 110 6 Selama dua jam
134 9 Five times 126 4 Lima kali

Table 1.5

The Comparison between English Adverbs of Degree and Indonesian Adverbs

English Indonesia
(The Old Man and the Sea) (Lelaki Tua dan Laut)
Page Line Adverbs of Degree Page Line Keterangan Intensitas
78 7 Badly enough 71 7 Buruk
81 5 Perceptibly slower 74 6 Sangat kentara
110 13 Absolutely 102 23 Begitu jelas
11 1 Quite 4 26 Seharusnya
13 1 Nearly 6 26 Hampir
15 11 Enough 9 9 Cukup
38 17 Almost 31 21 Nyaris

Table 1.6

The Comparison between English Adverbs of Degree and Indonesian Adverbs

English Indonesia
(The Old Man and the Sea) (Lelaki Tua dan Laut)
Page Line Adverbs of Modality Page Line Keterangan Modalitas
53 19 Perhaps 46 17 Mungkin
21 16 Must 15 4 Harus
46 16 Might have 39 23 Mungkin
25 17 May 18 20 Mungkin
24 22 Maybe 28 22 Mungkin
43 8 Probably 36 15 Mungkin
58 1 Certainly 50 24 Tentu saja
38 13 Must be 31 16 Pasti
70 15 Surely 63 12 Tentu saja

From the table above, the writer finds that most adverbs used in

novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut is the adverb of time which contains 40.94% from

723 words of adverbs. And the less of adverbs is the number of adverbs of

modality which contains 3.46% from 723 words of adverbs used in the novel

Lelaki Tua dan Laut.

C. The Discussion

1. The Analysis of Adverbs used in Novel The Old Man and the Sea

In the novel The Old Man and the Sea, the writer finds 726 adverbs

divided into six kinds of adverbs. They are adverb of time, place, frequency,

degree, manner and modality.


a. Adverb of Time

The writer finds 203 adverbs of time used in novel The Old Man

and the Sea.


1. “Tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current” he

said. (P14, L14)

2. But now they were freshening … . (P14, L3)

3. “They lost today”, the boy told him. (P23, L3)

4. … and these rose close to the surface at night where all the

wandering fish fed on them. (P31, L19)

5. … and lash the oars to make a drag at the same time. (P81,


b. Adverb of Place

The writer finds 159 adverbs of place used in novel The Old Man

and the Sea.


1. He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf

Stream. (P9, L2)

2. They had eaten with no lights on the table. (P26, L16)

3. Then it began to make a slow hissing sound in the water.

(P49, L6)

4. …, to give himself more confidence, the time in the tavern

at Casablanca. (P76, L4)


5. … when turtles were asleep on the surface. (P119, L9)

c. Adverb of Frequency

The researcher finds 41 adverbs of frequency used in novel The

Old Man and the Sea.


1. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day…

(P9, L10)

2. The old man opened his eyes and for a moment he was

coming back … (P20, L8)

3. During the night two porpoise came around the boat and …

(P53, L7)

4. … and held it there, submerged, for more than a minute

watching the blood … (P62, L19)

5. He had sailed for two hours, resting in the stern and …

(P118, L3)

d. Adverb of Degree

The researcher finds 43 adverbs of degree used in novel The Old

Man and the Sea.


1. … if he wanted to badly enough and … (P78, L7)

2. “It is quite normal”. (P11, L1)

3. … and he nearly tore the boat to pieces. (P13, L1)

4. He’s headed almost east, he thought. (P93, L7)


5. I wish too many things. (P129, L13)

e. Adverb of Modality

The researcher finds 27 adverbs of modality used in novel The Old

Man and the Sea.


1. “I think perhaps I can too. But I …”(P19, L10)

2. Surely it will uncramp to help my right hand. (P70, L15)

3. He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, … (P43,


4. Maybe it will open with the sun, he thought. (P66, L20)

5. “Now I must get your sardines and mine and your fresh baits.

…”(P29, L18)

f. Adverb of Manner

The researcher finds 117 adverbs of manner used in novel The Old

Man and the Sea.


1. He rowed slowly and steadily toward where the bird was

circling. (P36, L19)

2. … and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on

his side, … (P103, L13)

3. It floated cheerfully as a bubble with its long … (P39, L9)

4. He felt no strain nor weight and he held the line lightly. (P45,


5. The old man looked carefully in the glimpse of vision that he

had. (P104, L21)

2. The Analysis of Adverbs used in Novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut

In this part, the researcher will present the analysis of adverbs used

in novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut. It is also divided into six categories; they are

adverb of time, place, frequency, degree, manner and modality.

a. Keterangan Waktu (Adverb of Time)

The researcher finds 296 adverbs of time (keterangan waktu) used

in novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut.


1. “Esok akan menjadi hari yang baik dengan arus seperti ini, “

ia mengomentari keadaan cuaca. (P8, L14)

2. “Tapi apakah bapak masih cukup kuat sekarang untuk

seekor ikan yang sanagt besar?” (P9, L8)

3. Apa yang akan kau lakukan sekarang jika mereka dating

pada malam hari? (P119, L23)

4. “Mereka kalah hari ini,” Si Bocah memberitahunya. (P16,


5. “Sesekali ia biasa dating ke beranda pada masa lalu. …”

(P17, L19)

b. Keterangan Tempat (Adverb of Place)

The researcher finds 179 adverbs of place (keterangan tempat)

used in novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut.


1. Lelaki tua itu kurus kering dengan keriput yang dalam di

bagian belakang lehernya. (P3, L20)

2. Melebihi semua orang di dunia. (P48, L15)

3. Matahari berada di lengan, bahu, dan punggung kiri lelaki

tua itu. (P66, L25)

4. Ia berlutut di buritan, sesaat, menggelincirkan talinya

melintasi punggungnya lagi. (P90, L13)

5. … dan ia menghantam hiu itu sekali lagi dengan keras di titik

hidungnya ketika … (P117, L12)

c. Keterangan Frekuensi (Adverb of frequency)

The researcher finds 89 adverbs of frekuensi (keterangan frekuensi)

used in novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut.


1. Si Bocah sedih menyaksikan lelaki tua itu setiap hari pulang

dengan perahu kosongnya, dan ia selalu … (P3, L11)

2. “Bapak tak boleh pergi menangkap ikan tanpa makan lebih

dulu selama aku masih hidup.” (P14, L17)

3. Ia melahapnya sepanjang Mei agar menjadi kuat … (P34,


4. … dan membiarkannya dalam air, terendam, lebih dari satu

menit mengamati jejak darah … (P55, L18)

5. “Cuaca akan buruk dalam tiga atau empat hari,” katanya.

(P81, L23)

d. Keterangan Intensitas (Adverb of Degree)

The researcher finds 89 adverbs of frekuensi (keterangan frekuensi)

used in novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut.


1. “Lima, dan atau hampir terbunuh ketika aku membawa ikan

yang sangat muda …” (P6, L25)

2. “Tapi apakah bapak masih cukup kuat sekarang untuk

seekor ikan yang sangat besar?” (P9, L9)

3. Namun malam ini aroma angin darat tiba terlalu awal dalam

mimpinya, … (P20, L10)

4. “Berpikirlah jernih, kepala,” katanya dalam suara yang

nyaris tak mampu didengarnya. (P94, L27)

5. … hanya puncak bukit biru yang berwarna agak keputih-

putihan … (P37, L18)

e. Keterangan Cara (Adverb of manner)

The researcher finds 72 adverbs of manner (keterangan cara) used in

novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut.



1. “Yang aku tahu adalah anak muda tidur larut, itupun dengan

susah payah.” (P19, L7)

2. … lalu mulai menarik masuk tali dengan teratur dan lembut.

(P87, L24)

3. Tali itu muncul perlahan dan teratur kemudian permukaan

laut bergolak di depan perahu … (P61, L26)

4. Angin bertiup dengan teratur dan kencang dan ia berlayar

ke atas … (P125, L4)

5. Lelaki tua itu melihat dengan hati-hati pandangan sekilas

yang disaksikannya. (P97, L4)

f. Keterangan Modalitas (Adverb of modality)

The researcher finds 25 adverbs of modality (keterangan modalitas)

used in novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut.


1. “Mungkin aku tidak sekuat yang kukira,” lelaki tua itu

berkata. (P18, L18)

2. Ikan besarku pasti ada di suatu tempat. (P31, L17)

3. Tentu saja punggungnya tak dapat merasakan seperti juga

pada diriku. (P50, L25)

4. “Sekarang aku harus mengambil sarden-sardenmu dan

punyaku sekalian, …” (P22, L15)

5. Mungkin tiba-tiba dia merasa takut. (P85, L10)


3. The Differences

There are some differences of the/translation about the adverbs

between English adverbs and its translation in both novels.

Table 2.1

Some Example of the Translation Differences of the Adverbs

Adverbs Page:Line
No Category Sentence
English Indonesia Eng. Ind.
“I think perhaps I can too. But I
Adv. of try…”
1 Perhaps - 19:10 13:2
modality “Kupikir aku juga bisa. Tetapi
aku berusaha untuk…”
“…and I take back the bottles”
Adv. of
2 - Nanti 22:6 15:16 “… dan aku akan kembalikan
botol-botolnya nanti”
Adv. of “… and you were too timid”
3 Too - 23:17 16:26
degree “… dan kau juga segan”
“… that young boys sleep late
Adv. of and hard”
4 - susah 26:8 19:7
manner “anak muda tidur larut itupun
dengan susah payah.”
adv. of Can that be the time today?
5 - Mungkin 44:6 37:14
modality Apakah mungkin ini harinya?
“… they would think that I am
Adv. of crazy,”
6 - Pasti 43:18 37:12
modality “… mereka pasti mengira aku
… I would put in everything
Adv. of now and…
7 Now - 70:4 62:26
time … aku akan melupakan semua
dan …

4. The Implementation of Adverbs Usage in English Language Teaching

Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill

by study, experience, or instruction. Similarly, Teaching is defined as

showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving

instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing knowledge,

causing to know or understand (Brown, 2007: 8).

In teaching writing at college, adverb has important role to make

the sentence. Adverb can bring us to imagine the moment. Adverb also has

function as adverb as modifier of a verb, adverb as modifier of an entire

sentence and as modifier to another adverb. It is interesting if we use the

adverb when we write the sentence. We can use novel The Old Man and

The Sea as the reference to make the sentence contains adverb.

A teacher should make lesson plan before teaching English. By

making it, teacher has preparation and he/ she can teach the students well

and systematically.

Lesson Plan

College : Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo

Subject : Intensive Writing

Semester :I

Theme : Adverb and The Usage

Skill : Writing

Time : 6 x 50 minutes (3 meetings)


A. Standard Competence

To understand the kinds of adverbs and the usage in the novel The Old

Man and the Sea

B. Basic Competence

To respond and to express the meaning of adverbs in the sentence and

use novel The Old Man and the Sea as the reference accurately and


C. Indicators

1. The students are able to identify the adverbs found in the novel.

2. The students are able to identify the kinds of the adverbs found int

the novel.

3. The students are able to use the adverbs when write the sentence.

D. The goals of learning

After finishing this study, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the adverbs found in the novel

2. Identify the kinds of adverbs found in the sentence of the novel The

Old Man and the Sea

3. Use the adverbs when write the sentence based on the novel The

Old Man and the Sea as the reference.

E. Teaching Material

1. Novel The Old Man and The Sea

2. Lets Write English Textbook


F. Learning strategies

The strategy that can be used is exploration, elaboration, and


G. Teaching Procedures

No. Teaching Activities

1. Introduction

- Ask the students about the previous materials they have

learned. 10

- Tell the students about the goal of teaching/learning

activities and basic competency they will attain.

Main Activities


- attracting students by telling the material

- asking the students to read novel The Old Man and The Sea

- Giving the explanation about the adverb.

- Giving some examples using adverbs in the sentence based

on the novel as the reference.

- The teacher asks the students to mention the example of

adverbs used in the novel.


Elaboration :

- The students discuss the kinds of adverbs in pairs.

- The teacher asks the students to write the sentence contains

adverbs based on the The Old Man and The Sea as the 80


- Confirmation :

- The teacher ask the students to mention the example of

adverbs found in the novel.

- The teacher ends the lesson by asking the students to write

some example of the adverb used int the sentence.



- The teacher ask the students to make some sontence

caontains the kinds of the adverb.

- Post Test

H. Learning Resources

1. Novel The Old Man and The Sea

2. Internet

3. Lets Write English book

I. Media




Chapter V is the last chapter of this thesis. In this chapter, the researcher

gives conclusions extracted from the Research Finding and Discussion, and the

suggestions for all those related to this study.

A. Conclussion

After discussing the novel The Old Man and the Sea also novel Lelaki Tua

dan Laut in chapter IV, the writer can conclude and present the important points

of the discussion. In the novel The Old Man and the Sea the researcher finds 726

adverbs which are divided into six categories; while in the novel Lelaki Tua dan

Laut, the researcher finds 723 which are divided into six categories. There is the

difference between the numbers of adverbs because there is different translation

from English into Indonesia.

1. The Old Man and The Sea

a. Adverb of Time

The researcher finds two hundred and three adverbs from this


b. Adverb of Place

The researcher finds one hundred and fifty-nine adverbs from this



c. Adverb of Frequency

The researcher finds eighty-one adverbs from this category.

d. Adverb of Manner

The researcher finds one hundred and seventeen adverbs from this


e. Adverb of Degree

The researcher finds forty-three adverbs from this category.

f. Adverb of Modality

The researcher finds twenty-seven adverbs from this category.

2. Lelaki Tua dan Laut

a. Keterangan Waktu (Adverbs of time)

The researcher finds two hundred and ninety-six adverbs from this


b. Keterangan Tempat (Adverb of Place)

The researcher finds one hundred and seventy-nine adverbs from this


c. Keterangan Frekuensi (Adverb of frequency)

The researcher finds eighty-nine adverbs from this category.

d. Keterangan Intensitas (Adverb of degree)

The researcher finds thirty-seven adverbs from this category.

e. Keterangan Cara (Adverb of manner)

The researcher finds seventy-two adverbs from this category.


f. Keterangan Modalitas (Adverb of modality)

The researcher finds twenty-five adverbs from this category.

B. Suggestion

After finishing this thesis, the writer gives some suggestions:

1. The reader hopefully knows the differences and the kinds between

the English adverb and Indonesian adverb of both novels.

2. The reader should take the philosophy from the novel. There is no

surrender if you have plans, intentions or obsessions to bring into the

reality in your life. You must struggle in it till the end you get.

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April 12th, 2012 at 07. 42 p.m.
The Table of Adverbs List Used in the Novel The Old Man and the Sea Written by Ernest Hemingway

No Kinds of Adverb Page Line Example of Sentences

A. Adverb of Time
1. The first forty days 9 3, 4 1.…the boy’s parents had told him that the old man was
now… (P9)
9 6
1. But now they were freshening as when the breeze rises.
14 3
15 11
2. Now the man watched the dip of the three sticks… (P34)
34 22
3. Now everything is cleared away that might make trouble
35 3
and… (P58)
38 14, 20
4. I must save all my strength now. (P73)
39 4
2 Now 5. …and now it burned his back and his left hand, … (P90)
42 5
6. ..and now the fish had to pull the friction of all… (P92)
44 9
7. He felt faint again now but … (P101)
45 1, 20
8. “But she’s much lighter now.” (P22)
48 10, 17
9. What can I think of now? (P123)
56 14
57 8
58 3, 10
59 7
61 5
62 11
63 9
64 13
66 5
67 1, 6, 9, 16
68 3
70 4, 11, 22
72 13
73 1,8,16,20
74 6, 15, 21
78 12
81 12
82 15
83 17
84 4, 17
86 20
89 2
90 16
91 21, 22
92 6, 22
94 12, 19
96 1, 16
97 6, 19
99 1
100 6
101 1
102 1, 13
105 20
109 9
111 15
112 1
113 17
114 5, 9
115 9, 21
118 12
121 19
122 4, 13, 22
123 4, 22
125 14
126 17
128 5, 15
129 21
130 1, 6
132 2,3,14,16
137 7
138 3

3 The first week 9 8 10. …in another boat which caught three good fish the first
week. (P9)
12 5
11. …but today there was only the faint edge of the odour …
13 21
4 Today 29 16
12. “I have mine left from today. …” (P13)
52 17
13. He was holding his glass and thinking of many years
107 12
ago. (P12)
5 Many years ago 12 11

12 13 14. “Can I go out to get sardines for you for tomorrow?”

14 14 (P12)
6 Tomorrow
18 21 15. “Tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current,”
82 1 he said. (P14)
12 20 16. “I remember everything from when we first went
13 12 together.” (P13)
7 First 43 3 17. He did not remember when he had first started to talk
104 17 aloud. … (P43)
118 6 18. First it was dark as a shoal in the blue water … (P104)
18 8 19. I’ll keep yours and mine together on ice and we can share
25 21 them in the morning. (P18)
9 In the morning 26 1 20. But in the morning it is painful. (P25)
27 8
134 18

10 In the evening breeze 20 8 21. … and the weight of his arm held it there in the evening
breeze. (P20)
11 In the evening 24 8 22. …I have seen lions on the beaches in the evening. (P24)

12 In the older days 24 14 23. He used to come to the Terrace sometimes too in the
older days. (P24)
13 In a short time 26 22 24. They had coffee from condensed milk cans at an early

14 At an early morning 29 11 morning place… (P29)

25. …and these rose close to the surface at night where all
15 At night 31 19 the wandering fish fed on them. (P31)

16 At this hour 33 13 26. ..he was already further out than he had hoped to be at
17 In the evening 36 9 this hour. (P33)
27. In the evening I can look straight into it… (P36)
18 In September and October 41 5 28. This far out, he must be huge in this month, … (P46)

19 In the old days 43 5 29. Some time before daylight something took one of the
baits … (P56)
20 In this month 46 1 30. It was cold now in the time before daylight and … (P56)

21 Some time before daylight 56 4

22 In the time before daylight 56 10

59 22 31. It was the yellow Gulf weed that had made so much
61 5 phosphorescence in the night. (P59)
67 3 32. It encouraged him to talk because his back had stiffened
78 14 in the night … (P61)
81 7 33. After all I abused it much in the night … (P67)
23 In the night 95 14 34. It should not cramp on me again unless it gets too cold in
94 2 the night. (P78)
128 1 35. “I’ll lash the two oars together across the stern and that
132 5 will slow him in the night,” he said. (P81)
133 8
138 13
24 Before this day ends 60 3 36. But I will kill you dead before this day ends. (P60)
37. But now they were in hurricane months and, … (P67)
25 In the months 67 16 38. Once in the afternoon the line started to rise again. (P74)

26 In hurricane months 67 17 39. … pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
27 At the hour of our death 72 6 40. I wish a flying fish would come on board tonight. (P72)

28 Tonight 72 20 41. … he had broken the confidence of the negro from

Cienfuegos in the first match. (P78)
29 The afternoon 73 18

74 1
30 In the afternoon
124 5

31 One day and one night 76 7

32 At daylight 77 11

33 On a Sunday morning 77 15

34 On a Monday morning 77 16

35 In the first match 78 4

36 At the same time 81 12

37 In September 82 16 42. … and lash the oars to make a drag at the same time.
48 Half a day and a night and now 85 7 43. and he saw the first of the lions come down onto it in the

49 Not tonight and not tomorrow 88 20 early dark. (P90)

44. But he was that big and at the end of this circle he
50 In the early dark 90 3 came… (P99)

51 Several times 97 11 45. When I pushed on the harpoon shaft the second time.
52 At the end 99 13 46. At one time when he was feeling so badly toward the

53 The second time 105 19 end, … (P109)

47. …the old man knew the breeze would last all night.
54 At one time 109 1 (P110)
48. “What did you catch?” “One the first day. One the
55 Last all night 110 7
second and two the third.” (P137)
56 One the first day. One the second and two the third. 137 17 49. That afternoon there was a party of tourists at the
Terrace … (P139)

57 That afternoon 139 11

No Kinds of Adverb Page Line Example of Sentences
B. Adverb of Place

1 In the Gulf Stream 9 2 1. He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the
Gulf Stream… (P9)
2 In another boat 9 8 2. …and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck.

3 In the back of his neck 9 16 (P9)

3. …reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. (P10)
4 On the tropic sea 10 1 4. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert. (P10)

5 In a fishless desert 10 5 5. “Can I offer you a beer on the Terrace and…” (P11)
6. When the wind was in the east a smell came… (P12)
11 5, 8
7. …and you are in a lucky boat.” (P13)
12 8
6 On the terrace
24 14
25 21

7 The market in Havana 11 20

8 On a block and tackle 11 22

9 In the east 12 4

10 In a lucky boat 13 18
11 In the box 13 22 8. I put them in salt in the box… (P13)
9. The old man carried the mast on his shoulder… (P15)
15 18
10. …and a harpoon were needless temptations to leave in a
29 6
boat. (P16)
12 On his shoulder 89 4
11. …and it was on the shelf in the corner under his clean
134 3
shirt. (P17)
134 8
12. I will eat at home. (P17)
16 6
13 In a boat 26 8
31 3

14 In the corner under his clean shirt 17 1 13. Will you sit in the sun in the doorway? (P17)
14. When the boy came back the old man was asleep in the
15 At home 17 6 chair… (P19)

16 In the sun in the doorway 17 20 15. The boy had brought them in a two-decker metal
container from the Terrace. (P21)
17 In the chair 19 18 16. …and spoons were in his pocket with a paper napkin…

18 In a two-decker metal container 21 10 (P21)

17. “I like the beer in cans best.” (P22)
21 12
19 In his pocket
24 18

20 In cans best 22 4
21 In bottles 22 5 18. “I know. But this is in bottles, …(P22)
19. I think of Dick Sisler and those great drives In the old
22 In the old park 23 10 park. (P23)

23 On the telephone 24 19 20. …and frequently spoke the names of horses on the
24 On the table 26 16 21. They had eaten with no light on the table…(P26)

25 In the blanket 26 20 22. He rolled himself in the blanket … (P26)

23. They walked down the road to the old man’s shack and
26 All along the road 29 1 all along the road, …(P29)
30 24. He had a bottle of water in the bow of the skiff …(P30)
98 25. …, leaning forward against the thrust of the blades in the
8, 21
100 water. (P30)
27 In the bow 22

30 19
31 11
28` In the water 38 2
39 10
42 14
44 13
49 6
68 22
74 7
87 4, 15
93 4, 11
103 16
110 11
119 10
122 10
123 1, 15
124 15
135 5
139 12

29 In the deepest holes 18 26. …sometimes schools of squid in the deepest holes
33 21
27. …the third and fourth were down in the blue water…
30 In the blue water 44 16
104 17
28. …and brought a small line from under the bow.(P37)
31 Under the bow 37 10
32 Behind it 16 29. …bladder of a Portuguese man-of-war floating dose
beside the boat.(P39)
33 Beside the boat 39 8
30. …, he would have welts and sores on his arms… (P39)
34 On his arms 39 21
31. He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the
35 In the shack 8
41 big drum in the shack… (P41)
41 19 32. But as the old man watched, a small tuna rose in the air,
80 3, 4 … (P41)
36 In the air 81 15 33. … when he was alone steering on his watch in the smacks
103 21 or in the turtle boats. (P43)
104 6 34. …and the old man’s sweat dried cold on his back…

37 In the turtle boats 7 (P43)

35. …and what will he bring in the market if the flesh is
38 On his back 51 14 good. (P39)
54 1 36. …, crossing the line and circling with her on the
39 In the market
117 14 surface.(P54)
54 11
40 On the surface 113 12
119 10
41 By the side of the boat 20 37. …, the male fish had stayed by the side of the boat.(P54)
38. His choice had been to stay in the deep dark water…
42 Beside the boat 54 22 (P55)

43 In the deep dark water 16 39. Beyond all people in the world. (P55)
40. …and taking all the strain of the fish on his left shoulder.
44 In the world 55 19 (P56)

45 Behind him 5 41. He put his left foot on the heavy line… (P66)
42. …and he knew no man was ever alone on the sea.(P67)
46 On his left shoulder 56 8 43. He thought of how some men feared being out of sight of

47 On the heavy line 7 land in a small boat ..(P67)

44. If there is a hurricane you always see the signs of it in the
48 On the sea 67 13 sky…(P67)
45. …, if you are at sea. (P67)
49 In a small boat 67 15
46. …and then the surface of the ocean bulged ahead of the
67 21
boat. (P69)
109 5
50 In the sky
124 7
128 17

54 At sea 67 21

55 Ahead of the boat 69 6

56 In his heel 75 8 47. …perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his
heel. (P75)
57 In the tavern at Casablanca 76 4 48. …, the time in the tavern at Casablanca when he had

58 At the Havana Coal Company 77 19 played the hand game…(P76)

49. … to work on the docks loading sacks of sugar or at the
59 In an airplane 79 4 Havana Coal Company.(P77)
81 1 50. It must be very strange in an airplane, …(P79)
60 In the sea
111 13 51. … washed his right hand in the sea…(P81)
81 10 52. …and placed the two flying fish inside the two fillets of
61 In the meat
112 11 fish…(P87)
53. After that he settled the line across his shoulders in a new
62 Inside two fillets of fish 87 6
place… (P87)
63 In a new place 87 13 54. … he carried the fish in his right hand.(P89)

64 Under the stars 88 4

89 1
65 In his right hand
93 1

66 In the village on his bed 89 20

67 On the woods of the bows 90 4

68 On his knees 92 2

69 In the salt water 93 5

95 17 55. ...he held it until he saw the drops jumping from it in the
70 In the sun
110 15 sun. (P95)

71 On his forehead 10 56. … and salted the cut over his eye and on his
72 At the wire 97 18 57. ….and a very pale lavender above the dark blue

73 On his head 21 water.(P99)


74 Above the dark blue water 99 16

75 Below the surface 99 18

76 Besides the sun 100 7

101 5
77 On his side
103 13

78 In the head 102 12

79 In the seas 106 10

80 In a periscope 107 2
108 1 58. …and they had razor-sharp cutting edges on both
81 In the stern
128 16 sides.(P111)

82 On both sides 12 59. … the old man stabbed him in his left eye. (P120)
60. That afternoon there was a party of tourists at the
83 In the brain 114 19 Terrace… (P139)

84 In his left eye 120 19

85 In the center 120 14

86 In the door 134 17

87 In my chest 138 14

88 At the terrace 139 12

89 On his face 140 5

No Kinds of Adverbs Page Line Example of Sentence

C. Adverb of Manner

1 Politely 11 12 1. … and they spoke politely about the current… (P11)

2. “I’ve been asking you to,” the boy told him gently.(P22)
22 10
2 Gently
103 13
30 5 3. The old man drank his coffee slowly.(P30)
36 19 4. He rowed slowly and steadily…(P36)
49 8, 11 5. The fish just moved away slowly… (P49)
52 11 6. The boat began to move slowly off toward… (P52)
64 18 7. The fish moved steadily and they travelled slowly on the
66 1 calm water.(P64)
69 2, 5 8. They were moving more slowly now…(P66)
71 8 9. He picked up a piece and put it in his mouth and chewed
73 19 it slowly.(P69)
79 2, 7 10. Slowly and conscientiously he ate all of the wedge-
3 Slowly
80 20 shaped strips… (P71)
87 8, 22
92 2, 3
96 3
97 18
102 7
103 2
104 12
113 14
123 15
4 Suddenly` 32 12 11. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly…(P32)

35 7
5 Well
45 6
36 7 12. He was rowing steadily…(P36)
49 10 13. He rowed slowly and steadily toward where the bird was
50 2, 6 circling.(P49)
55 12 14. The fish moved steadily and they travelled slowly on the
58 13 calm water.(P49)
69 5 15. …and the skiff moving steadily to the north-west.(P50)
6 Steadily 69 17
71 7
73 19
95 8
96 7
97 19
133 7

7 Wildly 37 19 16. …, true gold in the last of the sun and bending and
flapping wildly in the air.(P37)
8 Ineffectually 37 20
9 Cheerfully 39 9 17. It floated cheerfully as a bubble with its long deadly
10 Unnecessarily 43 13 18. … and held it softly between the thumb and forefinger of
45 11, 19 his right hand.(P45)
11 Softly
58 6 19. …no strain nor weight and he held the line lightly.(P45)
45 13 20. The old man held the line delicately, …(P45)
12 Lightly 47 11 21. He worked skillfully with the one hand…(P56)
132 2

13 Delicately 45 19

14 Strangely 53 17

15 Promptly 55 8

16 Surely 56 2

17 Skillfully 56 12

57 16 22. He adjusted the sack and carefully worked the

61 16 line…(P57)
18 Carefully 62 17
65 4
93 14
94 16
104 21
106 5

19 Longitudinally 63 18 23. He put one knee on the fish and cut strips of dark red
meat longitudinally from the back of the head to the
20 Conscientiously 66 1 tail.(P63)

21 Unendingly 69 7 24. …and then re-entered it, smoothly, like a diver and the
old man…(P69)
69 13
25. He commenced to say his prayers mechanically.(P71)
22 Smoothly 73 22
26. …and then he would say them fast so that they would
90 19
come automatically.(P72)
23 Comfortably 71 6 27. … and the hurt of the cord across his back came to him
24 Mechanically 71 20

25 Automatically 72 1

72 14
26 Gently 73 16, 21
95 4, 8
73 22
27 Easily
78 3
28 Perfectly 75 7 28. …and I must be worthy of the great DiMaggio who does
all things perfectly…(P75)
29 Wildly 80 4 29. …, true gold in the last of the sun and bending and

30 Convulsively 80 13 flapping wildly in the air.(P80)

30. It was dark now as it becomes dark quickly after the sun
82 15
sets in September.(P82)
31 Quickly 86 11
109 10

32 Comparatively 84 19

86 8
33 Clearly
119 22
90 18 31. …and his left hand was taking all the strain and cutting
91 13 badly.(P90)
93 18 32. I wonder what started him so suddenly?(P92)
34 Badly
94 2 33. Perhaps it was my fault in not training that one
98 16 properly.(P94)
127 9

35 Suddenly 92 13, 15

36 Properly 94 1
37 Grudgingly 95 18 34. … and the old man knelt down and let it go grudgingly
back into the dark water.(P95)
38 Beautifully 96 6 35. “Now that I have him coming so beautifully, God help

39 Hardly 102 17 me endure.(P96)

36. The old man looked at the fish constantly to make sure it
40 Constantly 110 7 was true.(P110)

41 Quietly 113 12 37. The shark lay quietly for a little while on the surface and
the old man watched him.(P113)
42 Involuntarily 118 9 38. He hit him solidly and from as high up as he could raise

43 Firmly 119 1 the club.(P126)

44 Squarely 120 14

45 Effectively 124 20

46 Solidly 126 4

47 Desperately 130 16

48 Strongly 133 8

41 5
49 Truly
61 5
79 17

50 Frequently 24 18

51 Unbelievably 47 8

52 Hardly 65 11

No Kinds of Adverb Page Line Example of Sentence

D. Adverb of Frequency

1 Eighty four days now 9 2 1. … the old man come in each day with his skiff
2 Each day 9 10 2. “But remember how you went eighty-seven days without

3 Eighty-seven days 10 16 fish and then we caught big ones every day for three
4 Every day for three weeks 10 17 3. But they went through this fiction every day.(P17)

5 For years 15 8 4. The old man opened his eyes and for a moment he was
coming back from a long way away.(P20)
17 14
6 Every day
36 1
20 14
7 For a moment 48 3
133 16
8 Live along time 21 6

30 6
9 All day
88 11
30 7 5. For a long time now eating had bored him and he never
10 For a long time
90 8 carried a lunch.(P30)

11 For the day 30 9 6. It was all he would have all day… (P30)
7. I worked the deep wells for a week and did nothing, he
12 For a week 33 14 thought.(P33)

13 Usually 43 10 8. During the night two porpoises came around the boat
and he could hear them rolling and blowing.(P53)
14 During the night 53 7 9. …and held it there, submerged, for more than a minute
watching the blood trail away…(P62)
15 More than a minute 62 19
10. …the weather of hurricane months is the best of all the
16 All the year 67 19 year.(P67)

17 Every four hours 76 15

18 For a long time 77 22

19 For a night and a day 82 7

11. “There will be bad weather in three or four days,” he
20 In three or four days 88 19 said.(P88)
21 Twenty minutes or a half an hour 89 10 12. … if I sleep twenty minutes or a half an hour it is
22 All the time 92 3 13. The sun was rising for the third time since he had put to

23 For the third time 94 21 sea when the fish started to circle.(P94)

95 22
24 Each time 97 12
102 20

25 In an hour 95 22 14. Perhaps in an hour I will see him.(P95)

15. “Every minute now you are closer to home.(P115)
26 Every minute 115 5

27 For two hours 118 3

28 Five times 134 9

No Kinds of Adverb Page Line Example of Sentences

E. Adverb of Degree

1 Badly enough 78 7 1. He decided that he could beat anyone if he wanted to

badly enough…(P78)
2 Perceptibly slower 81 5 2. But watching the movement of the water against his hand

3 Absolutely 110 13 he noted that it was perceptibly slower.(P81)

4 Barely 120 11 3. …and absolutely without caution that he broke the
surface of the blue water and was in the sun.(P110)
11 1
5 Quite 4. He knew quite well the pattern of what could happen
16 4
when he reached the inner part of the current.(P11)
13 1
6 Nearly
16 12
15 11 5. “But are you strong enough now for a truly big
7 Enough 85 11 fish?”(P15)
115 21 6. I’m clear enough in the head, he thought.(P85)
16 22 7. Once there had been a tinted photograph of his wife on
27 13 the wall but he had taken it down because it made him too
38 6, 11 lonely to see it and it was on the shelf in the corner under
42 3 his clean shirt.(P16)
100 16, 17 8. But tonight the smell of the land breeze came very early
101 22 and he knew it was too early…(P27)
8 Too
116 5
117 8
127 1, 3, 4, 12
128 14, 20 9. The water was a dark blue now, so dark that it was
129 13 almost purple.(P38)
10. Just rest and try to get your hands in shape to defend
38 17 what is left of him.(P122)
9 Almost
93 7

10 Just 122 20

No Kinds of Adverb Page Line Example of Sentences

F. Adverb of Modality

19 10 1. “I think perhaps I can too. But I try not to borrow. First

1 Perhaps 53 17, 19 you borrow. Then you beg.”(P19)
55 22 2. “I must thank him.”(P21)
21 16 3. He might have gone with us.(P23)
22 17 4. “I may not be as strong as I think,” the old man
2 Must
29 17 said.(P25)
70 18
23 18
3 Might have
46 16

4 May 25 17

24 22
35 1
5 Maybe 5. Maybe he was as poor as we are and would
47 6
59 21, 20
66 6. Maybe he has been hooked before and he remembers
something of it.(P47)

6 Probably 43 8 7. He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when

the boy had left.(P43)
7 Certainly 58 1 8. Certainly his back cannot feel as badly as mine
38 does.(P58)
8 Must be 13
62 9. I must be getting very stupid.(P62)
70 15 10. But a cramp, he thought of it as a calambre, humiliates
9 Surely
126 17 oneself especially when one is alone.(P68)

10 Especially 68 16
The Table of Adverbs List Used in Novel Lelaki Tua dan Laut Written by Dian Vita Ellyati

No Jenis Keterangan Page Line Contoh dalam Kalimat

A. Keterangan Waktu (Adverb of Time)

1 Dalam minggu pertama 3, 11 1. …, ke perahu lain yang menangkap tiga ikan besar dalam
3 8 minggu pertama. (P3)
7 15, 23 2. ... bahwa lelaki tua itu sekarang akhirnya benar-benar
9 9 telah menjadi salao, … (P3)
20 20 3. …, dan sekarang telah bergabung dengan kapal yang
22 10 beruntung. (P7)
23 24 4. … dan mengamati burung hitsm bersayap panjang yang
30 21 sedang bekerja, sekarang, rendah di atas permukaan air.
2 Sekarang 31 18 (P30)
32 2 5. “Sekarang akau akan membiarkann dia melahapnya.”
33 27 (P41)
36 25
37 6
39 2, 20
41 9,15,17,26
45 10
48 17 6. Tali itu bergerak-gerak lebih lambat sekarang, … (P45)
50 7 7. “Kamu merasakannya sekarang, ikan,” (P54)
51 1, 10 8. Sekarang ia sendirian, dan lepas dari pandangan daratn,
52 4 … (P63)
54 9 9. Sekarang ia sedang mambuktikannya sekali lagi. (P66)
56 5 10. Lebih baik aku membiarkan ikan itu tenang sekarang, …
57 11 (P74)
58 23
59 27
60 4, 24
63 7
64 26
65 9, 23
66 4, 7
66 15
67 1
71 13
74 16
76 24
77 9, 21
78 10, 23 11. Sekarang pergi ke belakang dan persiapkan lumba-
79 26 lumbanya. (P78)
81 2 12. Persiapkan sekarang untuk tidur sejenak, Pak Tua,
81 25 mumpung sang ikan sedang tenang dan stabil. (P81)
84 4, 17, 20 13. Kau sekarang yang bekerja, ikan, pikirnya. (P91)
85 18 14. Bahkan jika kamisekarang berdua dan memuatnya dalam
87 4 perahu dan mengeluarkannya, … (P97)
87 12 15. Kemudian ian tidak dapat melihat dengan baik, walaupun
88 11, 14 sekarang ia melihat sebaik sebelumnya. (P101)
89 3, 8
91 9, 6
92 15
93 7, 17
94 7, 21
97 14
98 2, 13
101 16
103 12
104 9
106 11
107 12, 22 16. Dia dipahat sebagai ikan pedang kecuali untuk rahang
111 7 raksasanya yang terkatup erat sekarang ia berenang
113 22, 27 cepat, … (P103)
114 19 17. Tetapi tak ada yang dapat dilakukan sekarang. (P107)
115 6 18. “Tetapi perahu ini jadi jauh lebih ringan sekarang.”
117 18, 14 (P114)
118 17, 27 19. Tetapi aku terlampau lelah untuk mengucapkannya
120 1, 13 sekarang. (P120)
123 27 20. Tetapi kita akan mencari ikan bersama sekarang karena
124 2, 16 masih banyak hal yang harus kupelajari. (P129)
129 15
6 14 21. “Bolehkan aku pergi keluar membawakanmu ikan sarden
8 14 untuk esok hari?” (P6)
3 Esok hari
75 3 22. “Aku ingat semuanya sejak pertama kali kita pergi
81 24 bersama.” (P7)
7 12
4 Pertama kali
36 11
7 19 23. “Mereka kalah hari ini,” Si Bocah memberitahunya.
5 Hari ini 16 11 (P16)
22 13 24. “Tetapi kali ini aku mau membelinya.” (P8)
22 13 25. Aku akan berangkat sebelum terang. (P8)
45 16 26. ..., dan aku akan kembalikan botol-botolnya nanti. (P15)
99 20
6 Kali ini 8 7
8 Sebelum terang 8 18
11 4
9 Nanti
15 16
11 18, 20 27. Bahkan dibandingkan dengan dua ekor ikan besar yang
10 Kemarin
127 18 kau tangkap kemarin. (P127)
12 3 28. … dan milikku bersama dengan es batu, dan kita bisa
11 Besok pagi 19 1 membaginya besok pagi. (P12)
46 1
12 Besok 12 17 29. Pertama kau meminjam, berikutnya kau mengemis. (P13)
13 Pertama 13 3 30. Saat seumurmu aku sudah berada di atas tiang, di kapal
14 Sekarang September 13 6 layar persegi yang melaju ke Afrika. (P17)
15 Seumurku 17 9 31. Itu adalah rumput laut teluk yang menghasilkan
16 Seumurmu 17 10 fosforensi pada malam hari. (P52)
17 12 32. Pada malam hari aku meludahkan sesuatu yang aneh
17 Pada malam hari 52 25 dan merasa dadaku seperti pecah. (P130)
54 4
59 23
71 14
86 18
119 23
130 3
18 Pada masa lalu 17 20 33. … dan terhirup bau-bauan tanah Afrika yang dibawa
19 Saat pagi menjelang 20 7 angin darat saat pagi menjelang. (P20)
20 10 34. “Tetapi tidak mala mini dan tidak esok hari.” (P81)
20 Malam ini 65 20 35. Mereka bermain sebagai anak kucing pada senja hari.
81 24 (P20)
21 Pada senja hari 20 21 36. Dengan mengayuh ke tengah-tengah bau lautan yang
jernih dini hari itu. (P24)
22 7 37. …, dan itu akan memperlambat laju gerakny pada
22 Dini hari
24 7 malam hari, “ pikirnya. (P74)
24 18 38. … dirinya telah jauh ke tengah daripada yang dia
23 Pada malam hari 36 14 rencanakan pada waktu yang ditentukannya. (P26)
74 9
24 Pada waktu yang ditentukannya 26 13
27 26
25 Saat ini
31 25
32 6 39. Saat ini lelaki tua itu memandang tiga batang yang
37 7, 17 tercelup dalam air… (P27)
26 Sewaktu-waktu 28 3 40. Menjelang malam aku bisa melihatnya langsung tanpa
27 Setiap hari 28 23 menderita kebutaan sesaat. (P29)
28 Menjelang malam 29 8 41. Ia melahapnya sepanjang Mei agar menjadi kuat
29 Pada petang hari 29 9 menghadapi ikan besar pada September dan Oktober.
30 Pada pagi hari 29 11 (P34)
31 Sesaat kemudian 29 13
32 Pada September dan Oktober 34 15
33 Pada masa lalu 36 12
34 Hari ke delapan puluh lima 38 11 42. Kali ini dengan tarikan yang sesekali, tidak kuat atau
38 22 berat, … (P38)
35 Kali ini 93 23 43. Gelombang kecil terbentuk dengan bertiupnya angin dari
94 8 timur dan pada tengah hari tangan lelaki tua itu sudah
36 Bulan sekarang 39 7 bebas dari kram. (P64)
43 12 44. Saat hari telah terang, ia berpikir, aku akan kembali
37 Tengah hari 48 18 pada umpan di kedalaman empat puluh depa… (P49)
64 5
38 Saat hari telah terang 49 16
39 Sesaat sebelum hari terang 21 10
40 Sebelum hari ini berakhir 53 1 45. Sekali waktu di sore itutali pancing mulai muncul lagi.
66 23 (P66)
41 Sekali waktu di sore itu
130 22 46. Tetapi lelaki itu telah menyerahkan hidupnya pada
42 Sekali lagi 70 7 kematian sekali lagi. (P70)
43 Minggu pagi 70 14 47. …, lalu mengayuh dayung untuk membuat tarikan pada
44 Senin pagi 70 15 saat bersamaan. (P74)
45 Pada musim semi 70 26
46 Pada waktu bersamaan 74 14
47 Saat matahari terbenam 74 16
48 Di bulan September 75 23 48. ... secepat gelap dating menjelang sesudah matahari
49 Larut malam 77 25 terbenam di bulan September. (P75)
50 Dua jam yang lalu 88 18 49. Ia telah melihat kilasan cahaya yang direfleksikan dari
51 Sekitar pukul sepuluh malam 121 17 kota pada saat yang diyakininya telah sekitar pukul
52 Saat tengah malam 121 7 sepuluh malam. (P121)

No Jenis Keterangan Page Line Contoh dalam Kalimat

B. Keterangan Tempat (Adverb of Place)
1 Di arus teluk 3 2 1. Lelaki tua yang pergi ke laut seorang diri dalam
2 Di bagian belakang lehernya 3 20 perahunya di arus teluk … (P3)
3 Di kedua pipinya 3 22 2. Parut luka itu sama tuanya dengan pengikisan di daerah
4 Di daerah kering 4 4 kering tanpa kehidupan. (P4)
5 Di beranda 5 5 3. … telah ditunggu truk berisi es batu yang akan
6 Pasar di Havana 5 20 mengangkut ke pasar di Havanab. (P5)
7 Di sisi lain dari teluk kecil itu 5 22
8 Di atas tumpuan 5 23
9 Di kedai beranda 6 8
10 Ke dalam haluan 7 4
11 Di seluruh badanku 7 9 4. Lelaki tua itu memanggul tiang di bahunya … (P9)
9 17 5. Ia berlutut dan menemukan tuna tertancap di tombak di
12 Di bahunya
82 4 bawah buritan … (P56)
9 21 6. …, lalu bau amis darah tercium di seluruh badanku. (P7)
13 Di bawah buritan 56 10
116 20
14 Di atas perahu 10 3 7. … dan tombak ikan adalah godaan yang tak ada gunanya
15 Di dinding 10 8 ditinggalkan di atas perahu. (P10)
16 Di sampingnya 10 9 8. Tetapi angin sepoi-sepoi dari cuaca terang, dan ia harus
17 Pada dinding berwarna coklat 10 15 sampai di rumah. (P91)
18 Di bawah baju bersihnya 10 24 9. Apakah bapak akan duduk di bawah matahari di pintu
11 2 masuk?” (P11)
19 Di rumah
91 12 10. Si Bocah menggugahnya dengan meletakkan satu
20 Di bawah matahari di bawah pintu masuk 11 17 tangannya pada lutut lelaki itu. (P14)
21 Di bangku 13 12
22 Pada lutut lelaki itu 14 3
23 Dalam wadah logam 14 25
24 Dalam sakunya 14 27 11. Dua set pisau, garpu, dan sendok ada dalam sakunya, ...
25 Dalam kaleng 15 14 (P14)
26 Dalam botol 15 15 12. Persediaan air bersih desa itu terletak dua ruas gang di
27 Dua ruas gang di bawah jalan besar 15 25 bawah jalan besar. (P15)
28 Di stadion lama 16 20 13. Ia hanya memimpikan tempat-tempat sekarang dan
29 Di atas meja 19 16 harimau di pantai. (P20)
30 Dalam selimut 19 20
31 Di sepanjang pantai 20 1
32 Di pantai 20 20
33 Di luar gubuk 20 26
34 Di atas pelbet 21 14
35 Di sepanjang jalan 21 23
36 Pada bahunya 22 2
22 4
23 26
37 Dalam perahu
60 12
102 5 14. Juga tidak jika ikan itu ada di dalam perahu, … (P102)
38 Di dalam haluan perahunya 23 8 15. Dia membawa sebotol air di dalam haluan perahunya,
39 Di jalan setapak 23 12 … (P23)
23 19 16. Ia meninkmati pemandangan berpendar dari rumput laut
24 8 di dalam air. (P24)
30 27 17. Cahaya aneh yang dibentuk oleh matahari di dalam air,
32 3 … (P32)
35 25 18. …, ia dapat membayangkan ikan itu berenang di dalam
42 11 air … (P67)
48 13 19. Setelah menilai tangan kanannya cukup lama direndam
61 18 dalam air, …(P86)
67 2 20. Mereka dating dalam satu kumpulan dan ia hanya bisa
40 Di dalam air
79 25 melihat satu jalur di dalam air … (P122)
80 6, 21
85 22, 23
86 L3
111 14
114 17
115 L2
116 L18
122 L10
126 L24
41 Di balik bukit 23 L25 21. …dan kayuhan dayung walaupun tak bisa melihat
42 Di dasar laut 24 L14 mereka karena sekarang bulan bersembunyi di balik
43 Dalam lubang paling dalam 24 L16 bukit. (P23)
44 Di atas permukaan 30 L9 22. … dan ikan-ikan pengumpan juga kadang-kadang
30 L17 banyak kumpulan cumi-cumi dalam lubang yang paling
97 L6 dalam… (P24)
98 L27 23. Ia berbaring di buritan danmengemudi sambil
45 Di buritan
100 L8 mengamati kilauan yang muncul dari langit. (P120)
103 L17
120 L16
30 L21 24. Ia burung berkicau dan terbang sangat rendah di atas
46 Di atas permukaan air 53 L5 permukaan air. (P53)
105 L22 25. …, demikian pula tanda yang diperlihatkan oleh awan-
47 Di suatu tempat 31 L17 awan di atas daratan. (P32)
48 Di atas daratan 32 5
32 12
49 Di samping perahu
47 21
50 Di tengah laut 33 12
51 Di dalam gubuk 34 17 26. Ia juga minum segelas minyak hati hiu setiap hari dari
52 Di bawah kakinya 35 19 drum besar di dalam guguk … (P34)
35 27 27. Kita harus memiliki tombak pembunuh yang bagus dan
53 Di dalam perahu 97 14 selalu membawanya dalam perahu. (P129)
129 18
54 Di bawah bayang-bayang buritan 36 7
55 Di sisi luar perahu 45 6 28. Sepanjang malam dua ekor lumba-lumba dating
45 4; mengelilingi di sekitar perahu dan ia bisa mendengarnya
56 Di sekitar perahu 46 4 bergulingan dan bersiul. (P46)
126 22 29. Tak ada serat di dalamnya dan ia tahu cirri ini akan
45 23 berharga tinggi di pasar. (P109)
57 Di pasar
109 20 30. …, dan tetap memukulinya pada bagian atas kepalanya
47 7 sampai warnanya berubah … (P47)
58 Di permukaan
111 13
59 Bagian atas kepalanya 47 15
60 Di sisi perahu 47 19
61 Di dunia 48 17
62 Pada suatu waktu sebelum hari terang 48 24
63 Di belakangnya 48 26
64 Di atas bibir perahu 48 27
65 Pada bahu kirinya 49 2 31. Pada suatu waktu sebelum hari terang, ada yang
56 12 mengambil satu dari umpan-umpan yang ada di
66 Di bahu kanan lelaki tua 51 15 belakangnya. (P48)
67 Di tempat yang tak terlalu dalam 51 23 32. Perahu bergerak stabil dan ketika tepi pertama matahari
68 Di buritan perahu 53 6 mulai terbit, cahayanya jatuh di bahu kanan lelaki tua
69 Di tulang taji 68 3 itu. (P51)
70 Di kedai minuman di Casablanca 69 2
71 Di dermaga 69 5 33. …, ia teringat untuk menambah keyakinan sendiri ketika
72 Di bangku tinggi 69 20 di kedai minuman di Casablanca. (P69)
73 Dalam pesawat terbang 72 1 34. Pasti aneh rasanya berada dalam pesawat terbang.
74 Dalam kapal kura-kura 72 6 (P72)
75 Di dalam daging 74 12 35. Kemudian ia bermimpi sedang berada di desa di atas
76 Pada bibir perahu haluan 78 1 dipannya, dan berhembus … (P82)
78 Di posisi baru 80 18
79 Di desa di atas dipannya 82 23
80 Di depan matanya 88 23
81 Jauh di belakang kepala 91 6
92 1
82 Di bawah permukaan
103 13
83 Di haluan perahu 93 6
84 Di samping rumah 97 24 36. … dengan ujungnya diikatkan pada tonggak tambatan
85 Di sekitar ekornya 98 3 kembar di haluan perahu. (P93)
86 Di bagian tengah 98 4 37. Bawa dia sekarang dan buat dia terikat dan jerat di
87 Di atas air 98 17 sekitar ekornya … (P96)
89 Di sekitar pedang 98 24 38. …, dan ia menagarahkan perahu dengan pasak kemudi
90 Di bilah papan perahu 100 21 di bawah lengannya. (P101)
101 5 39. Sekarang ia tahu bahwa ada ikan itu, dan sakit di tangan
91 Di bawah lengannya 107 20 dan punggungnya bukanlah mimpi. (P101)
114 15 40. Satu putaran dan pergi menghilang dari pandangan di
92 Di tangan dan punggungnya 101 18 bawah perahu … (P111)
93 Di tulang tajinya 107 4
94 Di bawah kakinya 107 20
95 Bagian depan ikan 107 25
111 22
96 Di bawah perahu
112 15
97 Di atas kepala coklat dan punggungnya 112 2 41. Tali menunjukkan dengan jelas di atas kepala coklat dan
98 Di tengah kepala 112 22 punggungnya letak otaknya menyatu dengan urat syaraf
99 Di titik yang sama 112 25 tulang belakang, … (P112)
100 Di antara tulang belakang dan otak 113 3
101 Di titik hidung atau lurus di atas kepala 117 2 42. … dan ia mengarahkan pisaunya diantara tulang
102 Di sekitar bahunya 123 27 belakang dan otak. (P113)
103 Di bawah bebatuan 125 6 43. … dan ia berlayar ke atas menuju bidang kecil dari sirap
104 Di atas jalan 131 13 di bawah bebatuan. (P125)
105 Ke tengah 8 17, 20, 23 44. …, untuk kutinggal tidur dan cukup meletakkan segulung
106 Di sekeliling ibu jari 38 10 tali di sekeliling ibu jari … (P38)
107 Dalam keranjang bundar 93 4
No Jenis Keterangan Page Line Contoh dalam Kalimat
C. Keterangan Cara (Adverb of Manner)
16 9 1. Hewan itu mengambang dengan gembira sebagai sebuah
1 Dengan gembira
32 14 gelembung denagan jejak pijar … (P32)
2 Melalui telepon 17 26 2. “Yang aku tahu adalah anak muda tidur larut, itupun
3 Dengan susah payah 19 7 dengan susah payah.” (P19)
4 Dengan kaki telanjang 21 5 3. …, ia membukanya lalu berjalan tenang masuk dengan
21 10 kaki telanjang. (P21)
38 19 4. Ia memegang salah satu kaki dengan lembut dan tetap
39 1 menggenggamnya hingga si bocah bangun … (P21)
5 Dengan lembut
51 5
65 10
8, 25
23 2 5. Ia mendayung perlahan dan stabil menuju ke tempat
6 Perlahan
29 20 burung itu berputar-putar. (P29)
55 17
57 24
61 21, 24
66 19
71 26
80 11
25 12 6. Tetapi ia juga bisa berubah sangat jahat secara tiba-tiba,
7 Secara tiba-tiba
30 7 dan burung-burung semacam itu … (P25)
8 Secara konstan 26 7 7. “Lumba-lumba,” lelaki tui itu menebak dengan suara
9 Dengan suara keras 30 10 keras. (P30)
10 Dengan sembarangan 30 25 8. Tangan-tangannya pulih dengan cepat, pikirnya. (P101)
31 9 9. Lelaki tua itu memegang tali dengan halus, dan lembut,
33 9 … (P39)
11 Dengan cepat
38 15 10. Ikan itu bergerak dengan teratur dan mereka berjalan
101 18 pelan pada air yang tenang. (P42)
39 1
12 Dengan halus
62 8
42 15 11. Senja menjelang dan perahunya masih bergerak
13 Dengan teratur 43 5 perlahan dan teratur. (P66)
61 24
66 19
87 25
90 5
125 4
14 Dengan kuat 43 10 12. …, dan lelaki tua tersebut masih bertahan dengan kuat
15 Dengan hormat 48 5 pada tali yang melintang pada pungggungya. (P43)
49 8 13. Ia menata karung dan secara hati-hati meletakkan tali
16 Secara terampil
83 22 sehingga berada melintang … (P50)
50 18
54 19
17 Secara hati-hati 86 7
87 8
97 4
18 Dengan keras 51 6 14. “Hai ikan,” sapanya dengan lembut , dan dengan keras
19 Secara longitudinal 56 17 dilanjutkannya, … (P51)
20 Dengan baik 57 15 15. Dengan lambat dan sungguh-sungguh ia menghabiskan
21 Dengan lambat dan sungguh-sungguh 58 19 semua potongan ikan tuna. (P58)
66 15 16. Istirahatlah dengan tenang sekarang dan … (P66)
22 Dengan tenang 93 8
104 16
23 Secara sempurna 68 2 17. …, dan ia menang dengan sangat mudah karena telah
24 Dengan sangat mudah 70 27 menghancurkan kepercayaan … (P70)
72 5 18. Kemudian hiu itu hanyut ke bawah dengan sangat
25 Dengan sangat lambat
105 24 lambat. (P105)
26 Dengan jelas 79 11 19. Ia memberikan talinya dengan selambat mungkin. (P84)
27 Secara buruk 83 20 20. Mungkin salahku karena tidak melatihnya dengan cukup
28 Dengan selambat mungkin 84 24 keras. (P86)
29 Dengan cukup keras 86 16
30 Dengan enggan 88 9
88 6 21. Setelah beberapa saat ikan itu berhenti memukul pada
31 Dengan pelan
90 4 kawat dan mulai berputar lagi dengan pelan. (P90)
32 Dengan cara yang sangat cantik 89 3 22. … karena aku telah melihatnya mendekat dengan sangat
33 Dengan lambat 95 8 cantik, … (P89)
34 Dengan lancar 101 25 23. Kedua tangan telah menyelesaikan tugasnya, dan kita
102 12 berlayar dengan lancer. (P101)
35 Dengan kencang
118 2 24. Ia menghantamnya dengan kencang dan adri ketinggian
36 Dengan keras 105 26 maksimal yang bisa … (P118)
37 Dengan benar 109 8
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D. Keterangan Frekuensi (Adverb of Frequency)

1. Selama delapan puluh hari pertama seorang bocah

1 Selama delapan puluh empat hari 3 3, 4
menemaninya. (P3)
3 12
2. … dan kemudian kita berhasil menangkap seekor ikan
2 Setiap hari 34 1
yang sangat besar setiap hari selama tiga minggu. (P4)
76 6
3. “Tapi bapak pergi berburu penyu bertahun-tahun
3 Delapan puluh tujuh hari 4 15
sampai jauh ke Pantai Nyamuk …” (P9)
4 Setiap hari selama tiga minggu 4 17
4. Namun mereka terus melakukan fiksi ini setiap hari.
9 5
5 Bertahun-tahun (P11)
34 5
6 Setiap hari 11 10
7 Selama aku masih hidup 14 19 5. “Bapak tak boleh pergi menangkap ikan tanpa makan
8 Lebih dari satu kali 15 9 lebih dulu selama aku masih hidup.” (P14)
9 Seumur hidup 17 2 6. Kemudain kita akan mengenangnya seumur hidup. (P17)
10 Seringkali 17 25 7. Setidaknya ia selalu membawa daftar kuda pacuan
17 24 sepanjang waktu … (P17)
11 Sepanjang waktu
34 23 8. Lelaki tua membuka matanya dan sejenak dia
12 Setiap tahun 18 4 memulihkan diri … (P14)
13 Sejenak 14 5
14 Setiap malam 20 1
15 Selama sehari penuh 23 3 9. Sudah sejak lama baginya rutinitas makan menjadi hal
16 Sudah sejak lama 23 5 yang membosankan sehingga … (P23)
17 Untuk sehari itu 23 9 10. … dan permukaan laut tampak datar kecuali pusaran
23 26 arus yang kadang-kadang muncul. (P26)
26 10 11. Ia memandang sesaat pada ikan raksasa ketika ia
18 Kadang-kadang
92 8, 9 mengamati hiu itu mendekat. (P104)
110 7
25 13
19 Sesaat
104 11
20 Kadangkala 25 18 12. Aku bekerja pada kedalaman yang terlalu jauh selama
21 Selama seminggu 26 14 seminggu tanpa menghasilkan apapun, timbangnya.
22 Sepanjang hidupku 29 5 (P26)
23 Selama beberapa jam 34 9 13. Ia melahapnya sepanjang Mei agar menjadi kuat
24 Sepanjang Mei 34 14 menghadapi ikan besar … (P34)
25 Berkali-kali 36 26 14. Ikan itu tak pernah mengubah jalur atau pada haluannya
26 Sementara waktu 41 6 sepanjang malam, … (P44)

44 14
27 Sepanjang malam 46 3
69 27
102 17
28 Berjam-jam lagi 45 16 15. Tetapi ia tidak bisa menarik perahu ini untuk selamanya,
50 27 … (P50)
57 11 16. …, terendam, lebih dari satu menit mengamati jejak
29 Selamanya
59 11, 12 darah yang larut menjauh dan …(P55)
94 11 17. Mereka telah bertahan sehari semalam dengan siku di
30 Lebih dari satu menit 55 18 atas garis kapur … (P69)
31 Selama hidup 63 6 18. Mereka mengganti juri setiap empat jam setelah putaran
32 Sekali lagi 66 7 pertama … (P69)
33 Sehari semalam 69 6
34 Setiap empat jam 69 13
35 Selama delapan jam 69 14 19. …, lagipula aku punya makanan untuk sehari semalam.
36 Waktu yang lama 70 L4 (P75)
37 Untuk sehari semalam 75 10 20. Ia beristirahat selama dua jam sejauh yang diyakininya.
38 Satu jam lebih 77 9 (P77)
77 24 21. … dan malam yang terasa lebih dingin sepanjang waktu
39 Selama dua jam
110 6 ia melahap setengah irisan … (P81)
40 Sudah setengah hari dan satu malam 78 10 22. Bahkan jika aku tidur selama dua puluh menit atau

41 Sepanjang waktu 81 5 setengah jam saja sudah bagus. (P82)

42 Dalam tiga atau empat hari 81 23

43 Selama dua puluh menit atau setengah jam 82 11
44 Untuk ketiga kalinya 87 15 23. Tegangan tali akan memperpendek putarannya setiap
88 13 waktu. (P88)
45 Setiap waktu
95 4 24. Ikan itu memukul kawat beberapa kali lagi, dan setiap
46 Dalam satu jam 88 13 kali ia menggoyang kepalanya, …(P89)
47 Selama satu jam 88 22 25. Hanya sebentar kemudian ikan itu berbalik sedikit pada
48 Beberapa kali 89 23 sisinya. (P93)
49 Setiap kali 89 24 26. “Setiap menit sekarang kau bertambah dekat ke
50 Hanya sebentar 93 11 rumah.” (P107)

51 Kedua kalinya 98 2 27. Dia adalah seekor ikan yang menjaga seorang manusia

52 Setiap menit 107 11 sepanjang musim dingin, pikirnya. (114)

53 Sewaktu-waktu 110 24
54 Sepanjang musim dingin 114 25
55 Sekali dan dua kali dan lagi 123 4
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E. Keterangan Intensitas (Adverb of Degree)
6 21, 22 1. “Lima, dank au hampir terbunuh ketika aku membawa
32 6 ikan yang sangat muda …” (P6)
1 Hampir
34 7 2. “Tapi apakah bapak masih cukup kuat sekarang untuk
58 3 ikan yang sangat besar?” (P9)
2 Cukup kuat 9 9
3 Sering 17 21 3. “Itu karena dia paling sering dating kemarin,” lelaki tua
4 Paling sering 18 2 itu menukas. (P18)
20 11 4. Namun mala mini aroma angin darat tiba terlalu awal
31 8, 13, 14 dalam mimpinya, … (P20)
35 12 5. “Sangat nyenyak, Manolin,” lelaki tua itu menjawab.
5 Terlalu
92 25, 26 (P22)
94 6; 6. Air di sekelilingnya berwarna biru gelap, sangat pekat
108 11 sehingga nyaris ungu. (P31)
6 Sangat nyenyak 22 15 7. … beberapa jejak rumput laut Sargasso yang berwarna
31 22 kuning agak putih akibat sinar, … (P32)
7 Nyaris 47 10 8. Pikiranku cukup jernih, renungnya. (P78)
94 27
32 9
8 Agak
37 18
9 Sangat menginginkannya 71 5
10 Cukup jernih 78 15
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F. Keterangan Modalitas (Adverb of Modality)

18 19 1. “Mungkin aku tidak sekuat yang kukira,” lelaki tua itu
28 23 berkata. (P18)
36 16 2. Ia mungkin mulai berbicara keras saat seorang diri,
37 14 setelah si bocah meninggalkannya. (P36)
39 24 3. Mungkin akan terbuka di bawah sinar matahari,
1 Mungkin 40 6 pikirnya. (P59)
46 15, 17 4. Mungkin tiba-tiba dia merasa takut. (P85)
48 20
59 15, 16
85 10
85 10
31 17 5. Ikan besarku pasti ada di suatu tempat. (P31)
2 Pasti 37 2 6. Tentu saja punggungnya tak dapat merasakan seperti
118 17 juga diriku. (P50)
50 25 7. “Sekarang aku harus mengambil sarden-sardenmu dan
3 Tentu saja
63 12 membawa peralatannya sendiri. …” (P22)
15 4
4 Harus
16 26

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