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Preface v
Editorial xii
Acknowledgements xv
ICAS Addresses xvi
Hora and Financial Splendour 1
Navneet Kaushik
Drekkana: Status of Siblings 9
Pankaj Joshi
Navamshas & Drekkanas and Propensity to Commit Crime 18
A B Shukla
Saptamsha: Happiness and Prosperity through Children 23
Sunil Kumar Sharma
Innovative Jaya Muni:
Divisional Charts and Bhava Suchak Navamsha 31
M. Anjaneyulu
Navamsha and Life’s Mission 39
Navneet Kaushik
64th Navamsha 46
Ashutosh Sharma
Theory and Practice of Trimshamsha 52
Pradeep Goel
Trimshamsha and Dasha Application 63
Dr. Sonia Bakshi
The Fascinating Dashamamsha: 69
Dr K S Charak
Dashamsha for Power and Position 91
M G Kastwar

Dangerous Periods: Through Kroorabda, Kroormaasa 96

64th Navamsha, 22nd Drekkana and Trimshamsha
Sushil Kumar Vatta
Financial Status of the Spouse 102
Renu Agnihotri
Composite Approach in Vargas 106
Vinay Aditya
Interpretation of Dwadashamsha 112
Justice S. N. Kapoor
Shodashamsha and Affluence 125
A B Shukla
Scholarly Achievements through Chaturvimshamsha 138
Justice S. N. Kapoor
Importance of Shashtyamsha 148
M N Kedar
Planetary Value and Vaisheshikamsha 155
Rohit Vedi
Mars and Rahu: Dasha Results through Vargas 167
Dr. K. M. Manjaiah and Sushil Gupta
Death Inflicting Dashas 178
Krishna Kumar Baranwal
Vargas and Vimshottari 184
Rakhi Rathiore
Dashaphala: Through the Vargas 190
Pradeep Goel
Saptamsha: Gochara at the Time of Child Birth 199
Jyoti Bhardwaj
Karakas and Bhavas 205
S Thyagarajan
Ashtakavarga in Vargas 209
Vinay Aditya
Appendix 218

I n this compilation we are making an attempt to give a

composite view of the horoscope through various Vargas. This helps
reconcile conflicting results in different Vargaphala. This is essential
so as to make precise predictions, as far as humanly possible.
Let us take an example here to illustrate the point. Imagine that
someone has his Jupiter placed in Leo at 17°01'04". Jupiter in Leo
tends to make the native courageous, fearless, stable, hot tempered.
But the concerned native has never been heard losing his temper.
This Jupiter is in the Hora of Moon. According to Vriddha
Yavana Jataka, Jupiter in Moon Hora makes the jataka charming,
fortunate, prosperous, highly favoured, involved in stable actions,
helpful and religious nature and unshakable friendship. Jupiter in
this case would in its own Drekkana. Such a native is good natured,
wins over his enemies, has forgiving nature, commands respect and
receives honour from the kings, is prosperous and respectful to his
teachers and elders.
Jupiter in this case would be in the 6th Navamsha of Mercury.
Such a native is kind, charming faced, religious, prosperous, wears
appropriately elegant dresses, capable of understanding meanings
of scriptures. He is blessed with many sons.
Jupiter would be in the 7th Dwadashamsha (would fall in
Aquarius) which indicates as per Vriddha Yavana Jataka that the
native will always wear dirty clothes, poor and helpless, will not
care for his own happiness, suffers from different kinds of misery
and losses at the hands of thieves and dacoits.
Jupiter would fall in its own Trimshamsha (Indra). A native
born with Jupiter in its own Trimshamsha will be learned, deep
thinker, a linguist and clever in choosing words, eloquent speaker,
affectionate in nature, respectful to Brahmins.

One can observe in the description above that according to

one Varga such a native should be short tempered and angry.
According to another Varga he is likely to be poor, suffering from
all kinds of miseries but in yet another Varga good results have
been apportioned.
That according to another reading of D-12, such a native would
be in Mohan Dwadashamsha.
This gentleman with his Jupiter in Leo at 17°01'04" is a well
known Indian and international personality. He is none other than
the current Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. He is
not only a charming person, he has Mohan (charming) suffixed to
his name.
It is apparent from this exercise that unless an overall view is
taken, the astrologer may land up with wrong judgement. In order
to avoid such a situation Jaya Muni gave a rule that everything about
the chart should be tested on the basis of 5 Vargas.
Every Planet is capable of giving two kinds of ‘Sukhas’, - Material
Sukha and Jeeva Sukha Jeeva Sukha indicates the sukha received
through relatives, as indicated by the Karkatwa and ownership of
the planet. For example, Jeeva Sukha from: father is indicated by
the Sun, mother by the Moon, siblings by Mars, maternal uncle
etc. by Mercury, elders and elder brothers and teachers by Jupiter,
grandmother, and other ladies including wife through Venus, servants
by Saturn. Rahu indicates paternal grandfather and Ketu maternal
grandfather etc. (see Uttara Kalamrita for detailed description).
Debilitated, combust and retrograde planets tend to reduce Jeeva
Sukha indicated by them, in 4 ways:
(i) Relation indicated by the planet does not survive or suffers
from disease and misfortune;
(ii) The relation so indicated lives at a great distance making
relationship virtually useless in times of need;
(iii) The relation lives together with the native, but makes the life
of the native miserable, by his acts and omissions; and
(iv) He separates and severs off his relationship with the native for
one reason or another.
There is a lot of misconception about applicability of Dasha systems
on Divisional charts. Way back in the end of 1997 Shri J.N. Sharma
(Former Chapter Chairman of Delhi Chapter-I, ICAS) put a question,

Whether we were applying Dasha systems to Divisional charts? How

far it was sound and logical to do so?
I informed that I would answer this question after two hours for
I needed some tangible proof to convince him. I tested Vimshottari
on about 18 events of my own life on different Divisional Charts
and informed Shri J.N. Sharma accordingly event and Divisional
After Gayatri Devi Vasudev in her article mentioned about
applicability of Ashtakavarga System an Varga chart. There was
similar considerable debate. One of our faculty Shri Vinay Aditya
has successfully applied several times in his lecutre including
India’s financial progress with aid of application of Ashtakavarga on
Dashamamsha chart (Indian independence chart). This should remove
inhibition about the applicability Ashtakvarga of Divisional chart.
If anybody has any doubt about applicability of Transit of planets
on Varga, then one should keep in mind several nadi rules based on
varga particularly Navamsha chart by treating Rashi-Tulya Navamsha
and Navamsha Tulya Rashi.
Dwadashamsha has two sets of names associated to each division.
One is usual and the other is specific. Mohan is the specific name
in this case. In the present seminar all the speakers are presenting
various facets of life through the prism of different Vargas. We are
just bringing in lime light, hitherto unused rules of interpretation
to empower Astrologers and our senior students for the purpose
of sharpening their analytical skills for better, precise and almost
correct predictions.
We are primarily confining ourselves to Parashara Hora Shashtra-
divisional charts. There are some modifications and perceptions
beyond Parashara Hora Shashtra. Since this compilation is intended
for middle level astrologers, we are avoiding to add those non-
traditional methods of calculating divisional charts, in absence of
sufficient researchers in that regard.
About data and analysis given by the individual contributors,
it is dependent on his/her source and perceptions. I need not
say that every learned person is entitled to have is own view and

Justice S. N. Kapoor
(Former Judge of Delhi High Court)

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