Plan Discussion Essay - Block Pattern Title: Food Security

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UU114: English for Academic Purposes

Discussion essay – Block pattern
Title: Food Security
C: Securing food for small island states
L: Advantages and Disadvantages
D: Examine

Context: small island states

Subject: securing food in small island states

Limited Subject: advantage and disadvantage of securing food in small island states.

Issue: Securing food for small island states is beneficial but also has negative effects.
Thesis statement: This essay will examine advantages and disadvantages of securing food in
small island states in terms of heath, environmental and economical aspects.

Supports for the thesis:

Side 1: Disadvantages
Argument 1: Inefficient government machinery and burden of food subsidy.

i. Small island states are usually developing countries and it would be difficult for the
government to undertake such huge tasks.
ii Increase in prices of goods and services -Rising wages will make consumers buy
more goods and services . Increase demand along with the decreased supply increases prices.

Argument 2: More land cultivated for securing food.

i. More use of land for securing food

ii Natural habitats destroyed and there is reduction in biodiversity as more cultivated
land is required

Argument 3: Increase in pollution like industrial pollution

i. As increase in methods to secure food which negatively affects human heath
ii More prone to new diseases as there would be testing of new products

Transition paragraph: However, there is another side to the argument. There are
advantages associated with securing food for small island states. These advantages can be
classified as economical as it supports job creation, poverty reduction and economic growth.
It is advantageous as it allows human development and education. Increased food security
and stability is also a positive result of securing food for small island states.
Side 2: Advantages
Argument 1: Economic growth and job creation

i. More people will be involve in securing food like farming that would enable them
to find jobs and earn income. More trade will occur between countries which will be
beneficial for small island states
ii Poverty reduction – as more people find jobs and earn income there will be a
reduction in poverty in the economy.

Argument 2: allows human development and education which is a path to teach our
future generations to secure food
i The teaching and learning process that goes on enables people to think, prepare and
act for the future

Argument 3: food security and stability will decrease stress and anxiety

i. As many of small island states go through food shortage which drastically affects
human health.
ii Improved health and healthcare – as there will be more developing and testing of
new food products designed to improve the nutritional value of the food.


Restatement of thesis: in conclusion, it is vital to realize the advantages and

disadvantages of securing food for small island states as food security is a major concern
Implication: people do to consider the impact of food security as it can cost a
lot and could be permanent

Recommendation(s): Food security should not be ignored and its impacts

should be taken seriously considering the advantages of it as well

Final thought: Unless the small island states are careful in how it adjusts to
securing food, its impact can have drastic and long lasting consequences.

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