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Resouce Tracker

S No Employee Name Timings
1 Hema Latha

Page 1
List of Queries

S No

Page 2
List of Queries

Oracle Apps Extraction Query's

Query Name
Introduction on Oracle Apps Data Base Structure
Introduction on Oracle Apps File Architecture
How to extract the data from Oracle Applications?
Query to find User Details and assigned Responsibilities to the user
Query to find The Responsibili Details
Query to find the Concurrent Programs assigned to a given responsibility through request group
Chart of Accounts Structure
Query to find Location and Organization Details
Query to find Inventory Organization Parameters
Get the details of Multi Org Structure(BG, Ledger, LE, OU, Inv Orgn)
Query to find Master Items
Query to Find Bills of Material
Query to find Purchase Requsition
Query to find Purchase Order Details
Query to find Receipt Details
Query to find Supplier, Site and Contact Information
Query to find Invoice Details
Query to find Payment Details
Query to find PO, Receipt, Invoice and Payment Details
Query to find Sales Order Details
Query to find AR Invoices
Query to find AR Receipts
Link Between AP to GL Tables
Link Beween AR to GL Tables

Page 3
List of Queries

HperLink Hema Latha Start Date End Date Status Comments
20-Aug-18 20-Aug-18 Completed Om given KT to Hema
20-Aug-18 20-Aug-18 Completed Om given KT to Hema
21-Aug-18 21-Aug-18 Om giving KT to Hema
User Details 22-Aug-18 22-Aug-18
Responsibility 23-Aug-18 23-Aug-18
Request Group 24-Aug-18 24-Aug-18
Chart of Accounts 27-Aug-18 27-Aug-18
Organizations 28-Aug-18 28-Aug-18
Organization Parameters 29-Aug-18 29-Aug-18
Multi Org Structure 30-Aug-18 30-Aug-18
Master Items 31-Aug-18 31-Aug-18
Bills Of Material 3-Sep-18 3-Sep-18
Purchase Requisition 4-Sep-18 4-Sep-18
Purchase Order 5-Sep-18 5-Sep-18
PO Receipt 6-Sep-18 6-Sep-18
Suppliers 7-Sep-18 7-Sep-18
AP Invoices 10-Sep-18 10-Sep-18
AP Payments 11-Sep-18 11-Sep-18
P2P 12-Sep-18 12-Sep-18
Sales Order 14-Sep-18 14-Sep-18
AR Invoice 17-Sep-18 17-Sep-18
AR Receipts 18-Sep-18 18-Sep-18
AP to GL 19-Sep-18 19-Sep-18
AR to GL 20-Sep-18 20-Sep-18

Page 4
User Details

Parameters: Creation Date Form, To are Mandatory Parameters and Username is Optional Parameter
S No Field Name Column Name
1 User Name
2 Description
3 Person Name
4 Email
5 Effective Date From
6 Effective Date To
7 Responsibility Name
8 Responsibility Application
9 Security Group
10 Responsibility Effective Date From
11 Responsibility Effective Date To

Page 5
User Details

ptional Parameter
Table Name Join Condition

Page 6

Parameters: Responisibility Name
S No Field Name Column Name
1 Responsibility Name
2 Application
3 Responsibiliy Key
4 Description
5 Effective Date From & To
6 Data Group Name
7 Application
8 Menu
9 Request Group Name
10 Application

Page 7

Table Name Join Condition

Page 8
Request Group


S No Field Name Column Name

1 Request Group Name
2 Application
3 Code
4 Descrition
5 Request Type
6 Request Name
7 Application

Page 9
Request Group

Table Name

Page 10
Request Group

Join Condition

Page 11
Chart of Accounts

Parameters: Flex Field Title
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
1 Structure Code
2 Title
3 Description
4 Freeze-flex field definition
5 Cross validate segments
6 Enabled
7 Freeze Rollup groups
8 Segment separator
9 Allow Dynamic Inserts
10 Segment No
11 Segment Name
12 Window Prompt
13 Column
14 Value Set
15 Displayed
16 Required

Page 12
Chart of Accounts

Join Condition

Page 13

Parameters: Organization Name
S No Field Name Column Name
1 Organization Name
2 Type
3 Date From
4 Date To
5 Location
6 Location Address
7 Organization Classification Name
8 Enabled

Page 14

Table Name Join Condition

Page 15
Orgn Parameters

S No Field Name Column Name
1 Ledger Name
2 Organization Name
3 Oraganization Code
4 Item Master Organization
5 Calendar
6 Move Order Timeout Action
7 Locator Control
8 Allow Negative Balance Flag
9 Costing Method
10 Transfer TO GL
11 Default Cost Group
12 Material Valuation Account
13 OSP Valuation Account
14 Material Overhead Valuation Account
15 Overhead Valuation Account
16 Resource Valuation Account
17 Expense Valuation Account
18 Lot Control Uniqueness
19 Level Item Generation
20 Serial Control Uniqueness
21 Level of Serial Control Generation
22 Inter Organization Transfer Charge
23 Over Picking for Transfer Order Enabled
24 Purchase Price Variance Account
25 Invoice Price Variance Account
26 Inventory AP Accrual
27 Sales Account
28 Cost of Goods Sold
29 Deferred COGS Account

Page 16
Orgn Parameters

Table Name Join Condition

Page 17
Multi Org Struture

Parameters: Ledger Name
S No Field Name Column Name
1 Business Group
2 Ledger
3 Legal Entity
4 Operating Unit
5 Inventory Organization

Page 18
Multi Org Struture

Table Name Join Condition

Page 19
Master Items

Parameters: Organization Name, Item Name
S No Field Name Column Name
1 Organization Name
2 Item Name
3 Item Description
4 User Item Type
5 Unit of Measure
6 Item Status
7 Item Inventory Flag
8 Stockable
9 Reservable
10 Transactable
11 Bom allowed
12 Bom Item Type
13 Effective Control
14 Costing Enabled
15 Inventory Asset Value
16 Include in Roll up
17 Cost of Goods Sold Account
18 Purchased Item
19 Purchasable Item
20 Approved Supplier Flag
21 Outside Processing Item
22 Expense Account
23 Inventory Planning Method
24 Make OR Buy Item
25 Build In WIP Flag
26 Supply Type
27 Customer Ordered For Item
28 Customer Order Enabled Flag
29 Internal Order Flag
30 Internal Order Enabled Flag
31 Shippable Flag
32 OE Transactable Flag
33 Returnable Flag
34 RMA Inspection Required

Page 20
Master Items

Table Name Join Condition

Page 21
Bills of Material

Parameters: Assemble Item
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
1 Item name
2 Description Of Item
3 Revision
5 On Date
6 Item Seq
7 Operation Seq
8 Component Used
9 Quantity
10 Inverse Usage
11 Effective Date From
12 Implemented Date
13 Planning
14 Yield %
15 Include In Cost Rollup
16 Type Of Item
17 Status Of Item
18 Supply Type

Page 22
Bills of Material

Join Condition

Page 23
PO requisition

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name Join Condition
1 Operating Unit
2 Requisition Number
3 Creation Date
4 Preparer
5 Buyer
6 Reference Number
7 Type
8 Requester
9 Modified
10 Import Sorce
11 Line Type
12 Item Name
13 Revision
14 Category
15 Description
16 Supplier Item
17 Approval
18 Control
19 Reserved
20 Need By
21 Closed
22 Source
23 Supplier
24 Site
25 Currency
26 Organization
27 Sub inventory
28 Delivery To
29 Delivery Organization
30 Location
31 Sub Inventory
32 Document Type
33 Document
34 Purchase Order
35 Sales Order
36 Period
37 GL Date
38 Charge Account
39 Budget Account

Page 24
PO requisition

40 Project

Page 25
Purchase Order

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name Join Condition
1 Creation Date
2 Operating Unit
3 PO Number
4 Revision
5 Supplier Name
6 Ship To Location
7 Bill To Location
8 Buyer
9 Description Of Po
10 Type Of PO
11 Supplier Site
12 Status
13 Currency
14 Total Amount
15 Line Number
16 Line Type
17 Item Name
18 Revision
19 Category
20 Description Of Item
21 UOM
22 Quantity
23 Price
24 Amount
25 List Price
26 Market Price
27 Price Type
28 Rate Type
29 Rate Date
30 Payment
31 Freight
32 Match Approval Level
33 Invoice Match Option

Page 26
Po Receipt

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name
1 Operating Unit
2 Supplier
3 Item Description
4 Destination location
5 Order Type
6 Order No
7 Due Date
8 Routing
9 Quantity
10 UOM
11 Destination Type
12 Item Name
13 Location
14 Requester
15 Category
16 Currency
17 Operating Unit Location
18 Charge Account

Page 27
Po Receipt

Table Name

Page 28
Po Receipt

Join Condition

Page 29

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
1 Supplier Name
2 Supplier Number
3 Parent Supplier Name
4 Taxpayer ID
5 Tax Registration Number
6 DUNS Number
7 Employee Number
8 Site Name
9 Operating Unit
10 Ship to Location
11 Bill To Location
12 Payment Currency
13 Pay Group
14 Payment Terms
15 Terms Date Basis
16 Pay Date Basis
17 Liability Account
18 Prepayment Accout
19 Bills Payable Account
20 Pay Site Flag
21 Purchasing Site Flag

Page 30

Join Condition

Page 31
AP Invoices

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
Operating Unit
PO Number
Trading Partner
Supplier Num
Supplier Site
Invoice Num
Invoice Date
Invoice Amount
Invoice Currency
GL Date
Match Action
Terms Date
Payment Method
Pay Group
Taxation Country
Remit To Supplier Name
Remit To Supplier Site
Remit to Bank Account Num
Validation Status
Accounted Status
Approval Status

Page 32
AP Invoices

Join Condition

Page 33
AP Payments

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
1 Operating unit
2 Payment type
3 Trading Partner
4 Supplier num
5 Supplier Site
6 Trading Partner Address
7 Payee Country
8 Payment Date
9 Bank Account
10 Account Currency
11 Payment Currency
12 Payment Method
13 Payment Process Profile
14 Payment Address
15 Status
16 Payment Num
17 Invoice num
18 Amount Paid
19 GL date

Page 34
AP Payments

Join Condition

Page 35

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
1 Operating Unit
2 Po number
3 Line Number
4 Shipment Number
5 Ordered Item
6 Item Description
7 PO Unit Price
8 Transaction Type
9 Transaction Date
10 Sub Inventory
11 Quantity Ordered
12 Quantity Received
13 Quantity Delivered
14 Quantity Billed
15 Receipt Number
16 Invoice Number
17 Invoice Line Number
18 Invoice Distribution line number
19 Line Type
20 Distribution Line Type
21 Distribution amount
22 Quantity Invoiced
23 Check Number
24 Payment Number

Page 36

Join Condition

Page 37
Sales Orders

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
Customer Number
Customer Name
Ship To Location
Bill To Location
Order Type
Order Number
Date Ordered
Customer Contact Number
Customer PO
Price List
Sales Person
Payment Terms
Tax Handling
Freight Terms
Payment Type
Pre Paid Amount
Check number
Credit Card Number
Order Source reference

Page 38
Sales Orders

Join Condition

Page 39
AR Invoices

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
Invoice Number
Document Num
Customer Name
Customer Number
Invoice Date
GL date
Entered Amount
Functional Amount
Receivable Account
Batch Source Name

Page 40
AR Invoices

Join Condition

Page 41
AR Receipts

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name
1 Ledger Name
2 Operating Unit
3 Functional Currency
4 Company
5 Receipt Status
6 Batch Number
7 Deposite date
8 Customer Name
9 Customer Number
10 Receipt number
11 Receipt Date
12 GL Date
13 Entered Amount
14 Functional Amount

Page 42
AR Receipts

Join Condition

Page 43
AP to GL

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name Join Condition

Page 44
AR to GL

Parameters: Operating Unit, Date From and To
S No Field Name Column Name Table Name Join Condition

Page 45

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