Professional Practices Semester Project

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As a semester project, you have to write a research paper. For which you should collect primary data.
Primary data can be collected questionnaires, you should collect data with questionnaires of at least
20 professionals.

Objectives of the research

Find the difference or similarity of Professional Codes in theory and Codes followed in
Take any threat related to ethics, morals or behavior and find out the
difference/similarity between theory and practice.
Find out whether these professionals know about the different codes or not.
Find out whether these professionals follow the codes not.
Find out whether they know about the consequences of not following these codes or not.
If possible include questions in your interviews/questionnaires to explore any previous
mishaps in their industry otherwise do some online research and include such examples
where consequences had to be tolerated because these codes were not followed.

The profession of the participants of your primary data collection should have a
technological background i.e. Requirements Engineers, Designers, Developers, Testers,
and Quality Assurance Engineers, etc.
The final word count of your research paper should be more than 3,000 words.
It shouldn’t contain any grammatical errors.
It should be your original work and should not have more than 20% plagiarism.
Use the IEEE style of referencing.

General Instructions
This is a grouped assignment but each group member’s input should be highlighted and
marks will be awarded based on two criteria the overall quality of the paper and your
individual effort.
Each group should either have THREE or FOUR students.
Each group should have a group leader, who would be responsible for the submission of
drafts and for consultation.

Draft One. Deadline: March 31st
Organization Details
You’re Questionnaire
Submit a hardcopy and mail a softcopy

Draft Two. Deadline: April 15
Results of your questionnaires
Graphs and Charts based on these questionnaires
Submit a hardcopy and mail a softcopy

Draft Three. Deadline: May 5th

Your final paper
Submit a hardcopy and mail a softcopy

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