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Includes: ¢ Daily warm-ups © Lessons on right- and left-hand technique © Exercises for chords, single notes, pickstyle and fingerstyle © A 30-day technical development plan for ell guitarists Jody Fisher Contents ABOUT THE AUTHOR ... 3 Z ea named INTRODUCTION SECTION ONE—TERMS. GEOGRAPHY AND READING MUSIC..0.--6 SECTION TWO—BASIC TECHNIQUE: a eaeS The Left Hand. ° The Right Hand ‘0 SECTION THREE—THE BASIC WARM-UP 5 12 coo a > AONTENTS, ... a (eeercise #1: Chrormtic Sales ‘ordi: Dill #1: Hernanized Scales foo zt levercse 12 mts ‘pordiac Drill 12 aS Tree. Feeercie 19 rowing Cxil #3 Four Si Ferrie #1 Jrowdiac Dall #4 Fre S | are Showdine Drill #3 Sx ae ea Henorcise #6 : Therdise Dri BS Seven er Dror Drie? Eight ee exercise 78. es Shordiae Dail #8. Beercse #9) “ Dhoedoe Del > e Tor Eleven ‘ Flerercse #10. CChoralac Dri #10 Thirteen -.. e Florerciee #11 : horde Drill #1) Fourteen onc Flexercise #12 : Chorale Dil #12 Fifteen - Flexorsee #12 (Choecse Dri #3 TION FOUR—THE WORKOUTS... Floxorese 117. (Pherae Del #77 Day Twant)-Two Flowrose #18. Cherdise Onl 18 Day Twenty Three Flexercse M19. (Caardine Drill 19 DayTwenty-Feur Flevercise 120 Cherdise 041820 Day Twonty-Fie Flexercse #21. Cchorlne Del 421 Day lwernty-Sie sercise (22 (Chordie Drill #22 Day Twenty-Seven Flexereige #23. Chorcline Drill #23 Day Tony Fight Flecercise #2 (Chorale Dil 124 Day Twanty- Nine... Tlevarae #25 Chordie D1 #23 Day Thiry nce Flocerce #28 Chorin Dri #25, BSSSSSRHRSELEBSS About the Author y os INTOOUCTON Fibs protcione as 2 gore on rccllocea [ierstonding of music ond-the quite Sima, 20 you can Farsiete your ons culo your insiument. This book = ata ae (bemay ack, “Aren't quitarits 190 concemed about speed sna lmEEnem sisody?” For fe most part yes. Howeve’ mos. of us ae highly developed i@lmammmectmiques but Epserassngly uncer developed In omar. Maybe youre a real Speman in femme ore ie weak. Can your ignt rand ALWAYS keap up veh your lean Eeceesyle chops grast and your pice choos pact? Or vee vores? How abut atime oem Ses? Pickng triplets? Tre lt of lls ossio cn agultar gost on and on These [Bip you develop a balanced set of hands Peer ore several nays you can use this book. 1 eam the warm-ups anc go righ trough the 30-day course as prascrizec. Loot for stercses to rarredy speciic problems you are having Werk only or the cherd exercises. ‘Work only onthe single suring domtariy exercises ‘on yourpicking fn fingerstyle to 7st aera the warmp, Fees oF by working on the warm-up exercises for thee o four [eis euncation and get yout the habreot dog this kind of work Tris wll give yous Hee starttacding the workouts, The fet time through thie book | suagest you spend 2 eecins leaming each workout. Meke sure ycu realy understand that dey routine ac sain ee Salty wih the exocsesbefore saringtherest days program. se you have been througn the plan once you willknew howto customize your workout feve. Sore ofthe materials very challenging. Tee! free to rake up your awn varations [ikiteseggected here. Thase'routines taboo litle Ge te learn and yer fetime to perfect Loot lor sunsizwntavacknasses in your playing This wll point you te tha ype Paercse work younood. (00 NOT SPEND ALL YOUR TIME ON THIS WORK! Good technique ise means to an end-—not an end in tal. Spend most of your pecics tine aatning vss materiel and perfecting the ola! Every anca in auiils 2000 amassine technique camoaian. Then crab this book, and aet to werk. Good i section Une" Picking Measures and Bar Lines Be Lies ~ ¢ f JT pb BG tratnoces Queter notes Eighth notes Stn rots [Nees Doon cy Ttescency Ye bearenth "a bet each Hal'noee rose Quarter rotercs Eighth note vest Sietecnth noe rest "bons T bat "beat “beat Time Signatures See begiving of any piove of music you wil fine the cove sigaure Atime sgranuie of te numers, ane aaove the ether, whch icoks ike 2 ha vstowmery bees re nmechmessure, The bation run jor, The tas nue Jor shoatspor ease BE 2 beat oer measure i Ouaterare at 4+ quetwwroed= "bow 4 wil come across row. oten is 4 iby 2. = anc ths reason itp ten called oat |wow@ vn wox x Ww Roman Numerals no 2)Y vob vm wiki pheirArbickesivalerts I ii 3 VI vi 6 AIX ke OOXM xi 12 Section Two We're talking technique hove! Pinnists, violinists, sax players and all other instrumentaists lear early on that playing with se-nplerecontel de Many hours of study and practice are nacessary, Sutall the practice and exerclaoe in che word won'thelp much if your basic hand postion and posture are working against yeu For some reason, many guitar players can‘tbsther with developing goad technical faci We're nct talking about devo'opng speed that comes ater We're talking soit know. ing how to st, howto stand, Howto hold the guile, how to finger achard, how bo finger a single ncte, how to change chords anc how ta peck. Moct guitar seom to igure sul ‘heir own way. Sometines ths works. Most ofthetime itdossnt. As a resul thera ta lot of players working again themsshves unnecessary The ideas presensed in US section are not new of revolitionay. There could be mary dliferng views on this subjoe: Try some: these ideas fra fow months betore cecal Cr ejecting any of them. The workouts inthis hook will give you moximuir: multe why combined withthe following suagestions Your Strap ‘Alay wea’ your guitar strap. Your ands should not have the job of “holding on” to your ‘Qutar—that the staps job. The strap trees your hans so you can pay. Be Sure to nave your siep aojusted so thatthe guizas heght against your booy isexacththeseme whelier YO ne sianding orsitting When yeu pracice you ore proyieing your bach treat 1 attain ways. Ifyou practce siting down and the guite ie up agsine: your chest, your ‘muscles wil move in very specific ways. Ifyou stane up and the guitar is narcing oo ‘round your waist or knees, most ofthe programing goes right oul he wrdow. Consis: tency counts for let Your Posture Yes, itmaten: Ever function of your body works bette and more effcler’y whan your spines svaight. So, don’t: slouch * lay the gular #at 09 yout ap faslight angle s OK) + festyour left forearm on your left high (a tough habit to break) ‘+ push the neckout in font ol you you doris want to for notes. Do: * sit upright ane slightly forward * slevate tho eck upwards slighty (rth your hea tums to the let. the Ingeroeard shuld be right uncer your resell Ty to sit the same type of chai ‘everytime you practee Somesmés incors stent progress can be vased to eur: sietent peationings Relax your whole sody—arr taal roathe * focus. The Left Hand he Invisible Thumb thir matheused. Gon dsiton pints avn from you “Your hur -2Dere11g of “toling,” yout fingers should be se=- pe action, Avoid sing the pods of your Fingers. Picture jour gees f the notes Dapancing on te imtimes ing Lut ite mor ratura to uae be ide ot icthet you dont wanton ead te Use me” Inger "sutace.” jr pol make you ruch wore riveie ard cage of ruance, nadie Slane and eame alright wrer...Lower 2 your linge's ws low ts Le wag oe aoaiole, I sport, shin corset ig 80 yd dash avd your are dieeton yeurtime wer'toe vers acoe. youare in, si=0 your egg rauing ina straght are contol mie setter by she seme token, yous ress co have your Frgers as clove 0 Lie nat rayncs seer tom farforyour fingers 1 Tae lLt at ‘eo ike «le o aeving al ever mee An ich pina 3 vice at ae gone techeique 2 Peced note, sigh reee Shor the srg, con 3 oxalate by est the ingere lsver, the tours esatn mass slaying wth slot af hammer ons or shins the Picture. Playing with «lagers fee! ceneraly means thesthe fulest untlthe nae rote 5 sounded. Prectice playing ascencing Scenes Oy lesuing your inger ona no ut ihe next note ig sauaced. Ime anole, Tis sorimariy 3 pevous ote adtuely iterated by the ter of esr 9 fou! vr cuun. ard wil Luke some Ue tormasten Longa emoxth tee srenappy lines shows sonetout slats “he Right Hand lolding the Pick au chowis hold tho pielehenween your tum an ile linge: There are “pari i pick aesigns at ie realy rmgesisie total yeu Seutche sure Lue way" tohelda pick Gewaly, Risncte good ides to ce The standard viangulatsty eo ra lerisrecommenced Froeriaion, mines ap your min anc) t-k wi your Your pics fn your veieabewome one 1 yur thu aca fi fon tae bay of the guitar Tre J) of your ate: hinges, $a laced your ees ra ne ries, Your slow shoul a7 hen! (toward me A Stace st. Must efyaur finger motien should carne tm thernidd ¢ je 5 goreraly a ays he Hy ana Sth etings, It mould oe vary neefel ws fled 2 gov Lyle or lasted teacher 19 ene 1echnigu virtaces Sad Tennant i igi hard tacknique extensively in hia boo Pumping Nylon. play ra “nest [eared the ight way ramarinan navrg 9 "x" acces newts you pays tos ame ler an Jolume and Tone hh ov guts, You shou d avertuslly be able to hates, ha toa enseal tonne of re on ane ising #! uost-aos, ay ursleo wuarer Gundinath thevalumeane taneotthe daqs0« hows mastered tn, ther ashe same tery ployag nay ns then go 0 a sitgle dcemeutece Solowee Ly 6 Gly, Pe sas thas te taaansen aoa gerteal Fever way. Fy ges lumen) He was rach ats hove far uneven pick, by operas ard at ariaes crane se tisaackra excise. Most 2 os jt Sant reals iL Ths exercise wl ng yo 0 y oo.nds and give you he mean to Fingerstyle players: oer do thi odin Ihyeu picksingle inssivin Gane me or anys pleyer do ve, Just eviea tha same sarrg a ornately anil she sciums ancl sane iles, Glue and Ping-Pong Balls verte "rg: he: Sveeethesterg alite eit ge boremes sect. ds ‘yournail a the sing 98:98 y Sach rae ale nite shew or© 70 PHS or Share areas that al = teat anal Us easily Hed using super glue. Yep, you hes “iy anc (leit errant, Pye aetue y bres tne ra ell, cut up 39 rrentte it youre, Whie edt your Fst ach inbasiness. crethes ve glis, ent put een eper wots i withthe stall there = health rise if osec ise Other Thoughts Swing Shift Mary ines played on © guitar require ehitting trent ene positinn na me nestboard to ancthe Lave al hs Majer sea © a 9-2, 3-24 3 mY You car eae that laying the Final threo est ofthis fingering wil force you tosh You hese tn move thedth finger horn Cer theash fe cfthe “s.strg up to the It ingst Don shetty "st Hisimporantte practice ths move srt i sounes a src asi ens we hoshift atol, Te hear what tre srouid soured [ke olay Cuith your fst nger ane th your ded Pay hem aac ard lel over anclover, Plow mmarch=rar seurd using th fingers the she requres—o1 frgerto the stfiege Play both fqn tresore, Ijouar having Leuba wth this lew down, Practice alate Ft Slower...slower...slower Frere ix ane cure for avery tecbaical problem on the cu tir: Slow down, Areal evenone p rigtake. means that you are oractcing tos fest Alerys, When ;auare programming nes informatics inesatc} io jou subconscious, you want to 96 nghs, lyon rake rsioces, ening these misakes o-a./eest the marca poliorysnar 71s OX ta Take nscakes, Practice "ee inten i ye sa ploy howernptine es ce praying aporicrnaly 9% bak wher you ean athe you wll o= raxcy eo bur the spe pau hovel; wihout sesatake. Tharp enoan ‘SECTION TWO—Basic Technique: Section Three "ttn ion you wilearn a grest warm-up routine. Hyou ero rot nthe sbitof warming Up befor you practice or olay, you thoule know that ya. are arabahiy net vlaying ip te yout potential. Tryngto play well withut warming up is ike crying to run 9 rece nitnoct Stetching fist. You can do some real camage, such as causing harmful rude svaino even tendons ifesieon Poteet of four soparaie exercises. Two fr your lft hand ancl oo f+ your Tight. you doris have tra for 3fullpractice cession warm jus fine fore your 9, tiisroutine srauld Warm-Up Exercise #1 Main Squeeze should be done es siomy as possible, Play Fat he Tstirst ofthe Ath sting jmirmim pressure with yout fist finger and hold fora sicw count af four, Msintain ressure, now adel your znd finger en FL With maximum pressure, count 2a four Addl your ded finges to G maintaing the fir pressure with you. hist we linge’s or Surmere. Now, whie maintaining all & and press ard sure play Gt with your a Seger ‘At thipeint, maintain the pressure on fngers 2, 3 and 4 whie you move your tat finger ‘rom Fan the éth suing to the Bon the Sth string. Once again, exert maximum pressure ‘vith your 1st inger: Continue moving each finger over tothe Sh sving. Maran pressure ‘nd hele for» count four each tine. Vien a the fngers are pross ng fimniy onthe Sth move to the th string, endao on. When you Fish on robably fea a lisse?) and vest for a-varnent belore atin from the 2nd iret on the Ath sting. Eventually you cheuld ach ret onthe 6th srg, Toke your ie main soins 9 remember a urthe exercise anu count very slewly ‘ing, your Tt fing wl rokeea. . ane ‘AOD > f : iAH 36 if: sot { SEH Ser : : > tH j HAH SSH : 1 ™ 1 1 fem: 1 17 eH: : 2 ARTA > Age 3 BA 3 AF ier 5 Sat SHStH SHBtH $ 3 ae 4 “TSO + Het + (er) + fern + fe ‘TAR ER Ee AR : «THs acquaint you mere imately withthe feel of your fngerooard ——Xrl rs | ‘Varm-Up Exercise #2 x iternate/Circular Picking (Tremolo) omola 3 rao dly “20. or you vicar ot we are gcing sa dois sew play de eran uoen ring. Wher the connstokas mlupcees oredcana easy lo saved ip alte, Il Usil sounds a3 been at th now speed "nan spac up = le collect yermaisetlyined. [7¢ goa ees few it Spend two wi inclesyor speed deny thi serv day ge couse pss ble ung tts basically the sane hing moron. Stee gheer your saardon tne onansinata, Bund your tumbles: frsve des ve yooone, eid ve ack wen Leese. You thumb phard news Nuge (ico . hon, Youll yosce via, ote ie ternges the cee Fazal Wane lke an 2 Y large are. fedur tomaos the crew kecomes smeat rrpoccoptbla, Sts baking sue 2) fo avekas sone psvlecty even orre gull ats king out S Warm-Up Exercise #3 Digits of Dominance This exeteee i dasigned to grergthen your Lurds ane tinge's ands to be done vey sionly, Sarhy angstirg tle Catshedah hel ufthe Taesting. Hod the reze fos four a. Hala Sorter ba Leste, Now bare the Consha ‘et atsegand 200.G ante 2ne fervee sinigge Holaoriour evar then bare four suing Coot rueth spatter invlycu ae barr “gelsiesrings. Inportan” nofinger cantouch anyother finger throu uit the duration of this exercise! Ther ede sour wy bcc fe strays, our sbi Thee serge ste. THis weie be ene fotne. Te sovong roune tolows he sane pate is Umayouuse your secorefinger. Qn he Uirdand ourth early uve deed and re cme syean hones Be Ccuth fingers eipestivaly. The sonar you di th) o39/e8 jour stoners esses this or other fet, TON THREE The Ras Ware Warm-Up Exercise #4 Fingers of Freedom xx Fy Ths isa righthand ingersiyle warp. Start with this cho-d shap: | ‘Sound each chord tone in an appeaaio wth this fingering: pimam ip. Repest aid move the chordup one fret and repeat the ingar partrn. Go allthe wy to che n'ghest hat your ‘uitar will accommediate and come back down, Repeat the ene procass using tis pat tom: pamipami br 1374244 Dawa is tee Follow the same procedure on the top sting set with yection tour °""""" Ate ‘ebook, return to Day 1 you spe Warm Up #1-4 Flexercise #1: Chromatic Scales: Chordiae Drill: Harmonized Scales i Pla the fms ord wae folianing Srgeting forthe ramones rar seae fasts The Sea crotis change chores premature Contin Sne—a sts) Den" cinnge cords ust haf t 4%, Then move all “neers srulsanaousy, ve, ever ard lest sateen Baar the "3" 0 sown torre net exord Pract ee this wor slow y. Gein? AMalT 27 Dmints EMai7 : Oe ; woe “4 5 4 5 wit 1% af isa geacides wu woesve tvs al melee keys. Tasspasi {nel ramen tar the sequen oF shor . Mur By? tie? in? Maj? Dern? in ein The istucton te “oractce oval tnele oye’ il ecu throucrour shi back yma we camisrabie with is, gel! you Gort ‘eel cuite ready. ry jst a few ranspast ons Ware an eve aping isill ovo” sme 22 means ta ploy ve oecave higher then written, erening: 1 Pracice Flexexise #1 using strate or eu pckng. Veious tempos 2nd wslumes 2. Practice Chordiac Dill #1 using all downstrckes, all upstckes and ‘aherrating the two. Fingerstyle: 1. Proctes Fesercise #1 using pand maerntely 2 Practen Flxercce 1 wsing mand takemaraly 3. Practice Chorcac Dili sling all four stings simulareoisy (pm) 4. Practice Chordiec Drill#l using outside/inee tocinique.® = Qutsidefnside technique is simply plucking the two outside strings together on = down tree Ren Plsking she avoinsde sings iogether on the unbeal. The eamplechene Ih tecinique appind tthe hermoninescae ln Chori Dil #1 Sn pase 17 Fey Ascending and Descending My emer Gin? min? Baars ener Geos Besos eA Seeeecmy she? th cnn arate ever 8 SECTION FOUR—The Workouts Day Two. Warm-up #i1-4 Floxercise #2 \ Chordiac Drill #2 jas Mewovae i feigctiig fore tannaitaedr fullealue o ou form sing. ust min? Onin al? T #1 Fingerstyle: © Pec ond m slornotely y gs simultaneousy fof ma echriqua SECTIONFOUR—The Workcuts 19 vay inree. Warm up #1-4 Flexercise #39 a Flay this pation chromatically up ans down te tingerbeard on each string. Star slowly 8 ord increase speed. The open stings must be @ loud asthe fretted notes. Strve fe evenness and contol Pracica ths pctiom maving seve the oe af the tring 2 vl - ase 4 aso ‘ae a1 9739340 212323001 212323 DIZ TZ a? aAOT Chordie Drill #3 Py Memorize this fingering for harmorized majorseale. Hold exch chercfaritfullvaive f four dow boats before switching. Try tn al key, re ey G8 ty eeu ir TBE a: i HH i CHEE StH SEH SEH SHR Picking: 1. Practice Floxercise #4 using alternate o* crcuer picking. Vary the tempos and volumes. 2 Practice Chordiae Drill 43 using all donnstrokes, all upstrokes and ) ahemating the two. Fingerstyle: 1. Practice Floxerise #3 using p and m aerate. 2 Practice Flexerise #3 using m andi alterrately, 3. Practice Choreisc Dri #3 sing all four stings simultaneously mal | 4, Proctce Chosdiae Dill 43 using oussidetrside tecrnque | BY ———— EY Warm-Up #1-4_ Wer Flexercise #4 \F TP eat RA TTS 4 Reh TT Baa? ae Chordiiac Drill #4 a Ins it @ melociz oattars pay resins three coord sales. harmed in he rattern fs stmt sing the E char: Ie onth tie a eine WN ing sarin oe ile pibeleg, VarCh tampa su) apstrekes Diill 02 using ul A atersarely ing all fur string simultancously (rn) a Chordac Bri Me using outsidefra do lect was. You ractange tte ‘eres te Fal notsa vere, because the ide ae apipip EE pivipinn rip? PERCE Geb eres ee ee einer ere oy satiety pope t ete 9» 9 tp te 4 opatep tok et mA, cm? int? in??? Mg? Anis?S Ga??? FD i or ah © F eT» SET oud = EHR e “Ht 22 SECTION FOUR: Picking: 1, Prasive Fle 4. Pracice hniclac Dril AS using the outed! five so charge ti aearng rom qUster noe Day Six ——$ eee ee Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #6 \% .guiboerdian earn aring. Stats only Fro. Pract ew these parte nsimoving sss walcaly Ue for moe Chordiac Drill #6 Fs? Grin? Amin?! Gin? pune? TEE: ot € a o Fingerstyle: 1 Flenore se using p ane eases andi she-natey ing al tear suirgs ik Sharein Ori é wing the friqus Yon illlns le shor ye Usama nota tu eighla nats Day Seven —$_ $ — rrr Warm-Up #1-4 WAAR : ren Flexercise #7, aE vin the Aingeronand on ie sing. Sa sbaiy 24 SECTION FOUR—The Workouts Chordiac Drilt #7 Fi Ths —S =i Wee a4 Pa a1 42 7222 a 3 Picking: celer oicking, Yay the 5, all upstokes anh Day Eight ————_______sesza Warm-Up #1-4. Flexercise #8 72 rE iptptele » * vipie Histo the te 4 (ese ory > Tia 122414 so ppc memset ttpse witty ip ste phttie ned oF te, Paces sey ereddevcwncitg al eye 2 PM Amey Gnihy Picking: 1e erpos 2. Practise allrrating the 0 sees al urstrckes and Fingerstyle: 1. Fractie Hoxerese a using 3 2 brivtce Hexen #8 509 3. On Crorsine Dl #8 Keap allrnesat oven bynarical ping al che nates ak eneo. Practise Day Nine $$ mm MW Warm-Up #1-4 ww Flexercise #9 5 Play ase pameinschiseratal yup and down te avd increase speed. Stivetor ever 87 9109 80 SECTION FOUR The Workouts Chordiac Drill #9 = Hote is anether exercise utlizing the chords from the harmorized major stale. Once agen, the idles tockip korn chord to chord witheutrrsengenyboats Practice ascereling ancl descending inal keys. Listen caefly FMay Ems min’ C7 BM? Aminy Gain? FM = ee po ae ees fT pias Picking: 1 race Piece ee 2 crc ling. Yarn aes aes Fs ng 0h ernst sl ypgren ted ‘Mineiro Fingerstyle: 1. Paci Flexi #9 snap and m aternotoy 2, Praccs Flexo #9 usngim enc akerrotey 3. On Chord Dri #9 trike th chords with p ima simultan Keep al nctes even cymarialy. Pace at atenolol 28 SECTIONFOUR—The Workouts Day Ten ——_ ers Waimn-Up #1-4 he ey picking thes Wann-Up #1-4 WE Floxercise #11 elect tl _ a eating SECTION FON _Th Chordiac Drill #10 Py Hove isa chow stretching exercise, Siar with the major 7h shape: ‘Then move esch finger down ove ret at 3 time #artng with your first finger, chen 2nd ete ‘The trckis todo this very slowly soyouhave ioheldhechord down fora wis. Side each finger down without lifting off of any note. Travel fom the top othe fingetboard all he way down ta the frst re. cua ocr cos Grinds ama ° pts Bits hy by ae2t4s21 «32 1a Prastco the reme wey with these shopes: Picking: 1. Practice Flexerise #10 with this picking parte: down —donr—un, donn—down—up. etc. Keep all nctos even in terms of volume and tone. Fracace this ata vaniey of tempos! 2. Practice Chordise Drill #10 using all dawnstrokes. ‘Then use stemate/czcular picking TL. Practice Flocercise #10 using p and m aternately 2 Practice Flewrcize #10 using p mi repeatedly. Play even 4. Practice Flesercse #10 usinaim and akemately 4. On Chordiac Dil #10, arpeggiata using pm. Koop allnoies even dynamically. Practice at diferent dynamic evels, Day Thirteen Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #11 ‘heat om epg a vrntion on tho ted eran you lero yerer fay. Weare acing the male teach vnc by playin the tone nica les ona habe ‘clon each tiadSro0t Othmrwse, the pao remain he wana. Theil she you nae thappeagosingale oft rderllovertheingertoas, boone the ingens, Each st fnger ston he Scdsting actual sets you uo forte ext move up he ngerboar Dace youhaes eon pater onan by plang yous ger one eat mcd era nS eeeieeeeeiinimameamameat eee SECTION FOUR—The Workouts: mr Psy Ma? EMT A aot? FM? @May OMayh Chordiac brit #11 TE tha sama thas of rveling through the eye, ically sheenaiirg besves7 a voieng an sting set and avotcing on sting se: 5/4/3. Paying one, 7 ant Pra twiads. You are ing, Ah sting and re sti ther, ther mov ng Gov tue Feis anc repeatirg the oracess nil we you the wc) 2s over be entre fingeroord. Ques you se the pailern with “hse waicings, ty he sare rautiw of terval ane nosing dows w whule step with dwese wekings on Other Ving esto Tvl ann tho top ofthe Zngerbaned al the way anwer so tne "ofr oo wr cham ea oat Aron ame way with chase shapes: Picking: tice Flaxarcise #11 with alternstedcireula sores een nceims of your ord tone, Ty tat vor us empss 2. Practice Crereiae Orill W11 using all downstiokes, spstiokes end aternote Sturm re Fingerstyle: *, Pacice Fsetcise #” I using a 2. Practos Hexercse #1 3. Practice Hocerise #1 i 4G Chordise Dull 410, slay uiing pi m Keep sll notes evan dinamieelly Pazree at diferer: dviarie eves 5. Apegaate Chore Sin #1 Usnigp mi, pond mend mane Wed FOULS rr 7 WHAT, Warm-Up #1-4 % Were fs esis ¥ apa 1d tone chided reo four sing eas of HB iliow tha aatior seeerding and descending the us srg se sossingtna svingse's. n ater thet acrrsealls”'eg sets, Then rice pc he2id ss re stingses ntheopossle dacs. Weare yor refrgerboes. “rela alte ticki 29 qe stony a as Chordiac Dri #12 4. Aston inva precaos irl ste Sisurice cl tvs hall stops). The hep you rater ther 1" Be bn sich aherratedeirculas picking Kees all Gove ard tons, Practice in varies ternal Pjing sour pick anda for nates on the sey terthe 2re sare vd 3 pand mrelernatel, mand. Mey overly tes on the Tat aed rea oven chnamicaly Britis vee ane lo oe Day Fifteen Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #13 \' shirg act ding the eid for ott, atte Choraiac Drill #13 era we be Mngeings lor the dutcnic shoves by Alas on ating 20: 28/4 Practcn mall Mernarze, iausing p anc m fing >and w aor. ira Dil #13, play using, Way SIXLeer! Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #14 the span betwen 2 from lal. tno tigers tye es are Tight ond ther cortinue dawn she toger serolanason: When you plase your 40 frrger dew sour Is hey Thisisdove as one ur die Urge: dear. Tas speed as you become more cr the 3th Te: of each stingasra slowly werk your way coven seweard Om count et four, Deca reve: sea) other fngy f ost +f ri ae we * Chordiac Drill #14 = = SSS eae ee Ur slervateierentae picking, Koop all ose ive and ton #14 using you pick ard @ for netes en she voy the 4) sing 39 ard nahenatey ‘onc, May even yusng p ard m for notse on sho Bid ave f+ sving. Kean all aotes even cyaicaly Practce Sranicleves. wey Serene Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #15 \D Po Fe) Chordiac Drill #15 3s ow are tha Angarnas fo Coys, Mernatze 1. Practice elnwinronin down up on nding pater: ith alterate/ciculr pick fre andicrs, corcing patteins ard down— a 2 Prastice Pl 3. Pracice Chardae Or M15 uring vd wend. Pay every eng parc rote een yr the a aly, Practice 0 dfarent VARY CIGN TCC nnn ETT vi, Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #16 weer ey oe z ORE ae Chordiac Drill 416 em chal down stiches ard then all Flexetcise Wi «Uh ate 4 Pooclign Chord se De we Day Nineteen Warm-Up #1-4 Review Day Twenty Warm-Up #1-4 eee Review Day Twenty-One Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #17 \D Mo a rake the hance 2 Sesurs 0 play withthe Fneerting ony 1 sd ustheorked ieepliccedinavs, Repent Picking: Fingerstyl © Hoverce #17 wh ll coun stats ond 1, Pract "YP using 2. Practice Haver 7 uanany jeten-er 3, Practise Chortne Bil 17 wang nea st in terms of solume relat srpeagiuted Day Twenty-Two Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #18 2 sulle irk esas lose athe pick Chordiac Drill #18 5) Hove 5 the 4 euade, Es: ger farilie ssih the chorea indvicuely Thon 2 pasing her > Chovice Dil allugsircéesane tien ae SECTION FOUR—The Workouts Day Twenty-Three. ———————@ _—aaa Narm-Up #1-4 ieee Tlexercise #19 \ ith Arta skipsing, Play ouch one ery ines BE 412, 5f3erd 8! ase. Try dTeert Fe 1 Flexercse #19 with aliiraluftiveula aicking. Kee all nukes sowrsreles, al uostaees Day Twenty-Four tame Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #20 \0 Chordiac Drill #20 ler sere touth ude, There are a fs) 1 Practoe Slecercise ADO with steratecicular picking, Keep all ote tore, Using el dounstickes, oll uptrckes and ng pendin dsingm ancl Pay evenly ill 420 using pi m a ervultanes.tly or alightly vay twenty-rive Warm-Up #1-4 Fiexercise #21) Tey meanding snd ccicancina on and arse al srg. epee pops akeratofcirelar picking K (jell conenstokes, all ypeeakas ave way IWerily-2IK Cee Warm-Up #1-4 Frexercise #22 SD CEO Chordiac Dril#22 FH his dillrasmare evo ues bur you have lo werk CECTIAN EON Tha Workrite 1 Day Twenty-Seven — Se Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise 423 \SD weet ———— ey ectereseietey tg Chordiac Drill #23 \Wetking on the lower egister This s the seventh cherd etude, 39h alow arehevsr pledig. Seep ell nares ing all dowrs:roces fist, hen allupstickes os tanecissly or alight ¢ 44 SECTIONFOUR—The Workouts Day Twenty-Eight Warm-Up #1-4 Flexercise #24 \P) ar descnding or ar ea b Pagpee phe riplete [eevee sete eae ees Chordiac Drill #24 el Necome to the # aith end en cote Jexerise AP using p andi, SECTION FOUR Day Twenty-Nine aeons Warm-Up #1-4 moor Flexercise #25 SPD werent we Play ascercing ard descencing on ard ae Anger trgi tee tpetee erly imultareously 0° slighty I Day Thirty oo Warm-Up #14 Becorsss 425. D eee ding and descending on and ac Fingerstyle: 1. Ficence Fh uitoveoudly oF sligntly SECTIONFOUR-TheWerkouts 47 OS Le 3 wT SCHO WORKSHOP *# Study musio a7 Ftensve an tonal ens ment * Locations in Connecticut, California, Canad, Orlando, Aisin, and «| 8 Sluders of al 2906 and lovele enjoy gaming from visiting ansts and ait ‘outstanding professional faculy in week-long stimimer sessions. * Classes are available for tho boginsor through the profes © Design a course of study that fits your needs, LASS, honeys UNK-Fus AvrerxariveBass-Gurtan-Ret Keveonaos Scneuain Rock Series Technique Series sag Ding tr om Sr Donen St Alfred's Basie Gultar Method emt tnt ete gy sr) 3M Soot Sotkery 310 Ht | Mag ok Gat 0 96 Bs we mea? ers cs. {20 too i 38 Sok eer 2S Nes Merle son ME ta Fab Sg 0885) sm “Earsect 2984 ont ee Sees ; Ssemedis Bees Gute(S0%) _Misgallaneouss Books so, bert Fn i tntmemat thee 18) Nett a Oe ea ld Jae arte ak et ory ‘neste ety oe 418755 Mor torte Comtamoerar Sot eo ee: syne 4226 Teen tol Gata Nea 0 seas “Some 2279 oom mst a a wecieiter ee fy Syte wo Gee ete Rees oe Fingerstyle Method bers wa egies Uae on Pain pe Ten trey {716 Pag Nye ves ets “Mot bak nt sence rg at ee poses His! Saha ben wa ‘ rng 008 Be 4 us Miscellanea eters sl Gultay “in Tab Sees Joe Pass sooner Chard Books 2600 Rene G-Man hE 32 eC ea 1205 Spit otra “40 emg Ot AE ne) “WU,

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