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4/7/2020 Khanna's Objective Questions in Petroleum Engineering - Google Play

cosities for more than 1000 cp c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above Which of the following is true about
the gas injection? a) Nitrogen and flue gas pro vide gas drive b) It enhances gravity drain age c) Both (a) and
(b) d) None of the above 71. 72. 73. 74. Chemical EOR process should be selected when a) Crude oil gravity
is more than 15oAPI b) Crude oil viscosity should be less than 200 cp c) Average permeability of for mation
should be more than 10mD d) All of the above Gas based EOR process may be used when a) Crude oil
gravity should be more than 20oAPI b) Viscosity of oil should be < 5cp c) Average permeability should be
more than 5mD d) All of the above Gas based immiscible EOR pro cess should be used when a) API gravity
of oil should be more than 15oAPI b) Viscosity of oil should be less than 25 cp c) Average permeability
should be more than 15 mD d) All of the above Gas based miscible EOR pro cess should be used when a)
API gravity of the crude oil should be more than 30oAPI b) Viscosity of the crude oil should be less than 3 cp
c) Average permeability of the formation should be more than 5mD d) All of the above 1/1

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