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effective 1.19
half-power 36.5 37.12
nominal 1.22
optimum resolution 22.22 22.27
beams 7.4
axial loads on 7.21
clamped 7.15
lateral vibration in 7.11 7.21
partly clamped 7.23
simply supported 7.47
uniform 7.17 7.23
variable-section 7.21
bearings 11.26 40.5
beat frequency 1.17
beats 1.17
Belleville springs 32.11
belt drives 40.4
belt friction system 4.3
biaxial stiffness isolator 30.31
Bibby coupling 6.31
bistable vibration 5.20
blast, effects on humans 42.23
crash protection 42.31 42.34
effects of blast and shock waves on 42.23
effects of blows, impacts, and rapid
deceleration on 42.26
effects of crash on 42.51 42.57
effects of deceleration 42.26
exposure to the
effects of mechanical shock on 42.26
effects of repeated shocks to the 42.57
effects of vibration on 42.21
mechanical studies of 42.6
physical characteristics of 42.7
protection against shock 42.31 42.57
and vibration
protection against shock waves 42.45
skull vibrations 42.17
vibrations transmitted 42.15 42.49
from the hand
body-induced vibration 3.42
Bogoliuboff’s method 4.26
bolted joints 41.13
bolts 11.26 41.13
bonded strain gage 17.1
boring bars 6.40

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