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ndustrial engineering Module 4

Module 4:Industrial relations- Psychological attitudes to work and working conditions - fatigue-
Methods of eliminating fatigue- Effect of Communication in Industry-Industrial safety-personal
protective devices-, causes and effects of industrial disputes- Collective bargaining- Trade union -
Workers participation in management.

Industrial Relations
 The term ‘Industrial Relations’ comprises of two terms: ‘Industry’ and ‘Relations’.
 “Industry” refers to “any productive activity in which an individual (or a group of
individuals) is (are) engaged”. By “relations” we mean “the relationships that exist
within the industry between the employer and his workmen.”
 Industrial relations are the relationships between employees and employers within the
organizational settings. The field of industrial relations looks at the relationship
between management and workers, particularly groups of workers .
Need for Industrial Relation
1. Establish and foster sound relationship between workers and management by safe
guarding their interests.
2. Avoid industrial conflicts and strikes by developing mutuality among the interests of
concerned parties.
3. Provide an opportunity to the workers to participate in management and decision
making process.
4. Raise productivity in the organization.
5. Avoid unnecessary interference of the government, as far as possible and practicable,
in the matters of relationship between workers and management.
Industrial psychology
 The branch of applied psychology that is concerned with efficient management of an
industrial labor force and especially with problems encountered by workers in a
mechanized environment.
 Industrial psychology looks at behavior that occurs within the workplace. Also called
industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology, people who work in this field might study
worker personalities and performances, or the interactions between the individuals
within a business or organization.
Importance of Industrial Psychology
 It looks about the biological side of behavior (which means it really discovers what
chemicals aren't at proper levels in a person with a chemical imbalance).
 Psychology plays major role in improving human relations and also in solving
industrial dispute.

1 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

 Psychology also helps in explaining difference in individuals relating to interests,

aptitudes, specialties, intelligence etc.
 Psychological also helps an individual in dealing with particular conditions or
environment while working and so helps in better adjustment and so relief of tension.
Scope of Industrial Psychology
 Personnel Selection: Selection of employees, executives. Developing instruments of
personnel selection.
 Personnel Development: Developing means of appraisal of performance for all,
measurement of attitudes, employee counseling for better adjustment with the
 Human Engineering: Suggesting changes, innovations in machines/ technology /
operations/equipment for greater ease in operation in least possible human energy.
 Personnel Selection: Selection of employees, executives. Developing instruments of
personnel selection.
 Personnel Development: Developing means of appraisal of performance for all,
measurement of attitudes, employee counseling for better adjustment with the
 Human Engineering: Suggesting changes, innovations in machines/ technology /
operations/equipment for greater ease in operation in least possible human energy.
• The decrease in efficiency of working due to longer working periods is known as
• Fatigue is reduction in the ability to work due to previous work.
• It is one of the most significant problems before industrial engineers. Fatigue has been
defined as a negative appetite for work activity.
• It is mainly due to external factors like pressure on workers, emotion, environment,
personal factors etc. All these are directly related to the fatigue caused by a worker.
Fatigue leads to
• It leads to loss of efficiency.
• It results in more or less complete loss of responsiveness of tissue.
• It may be termed as the reduced capacity of work resulting from work itself.
• It is considered as state of ‘lack or interest’ in not only work but in other activities too

2 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

Factors Causing Fatigue

• Long working hours: Due to long working hours worker becomes tired which causes
decrease in the production. When the hours of work are less the production is always
• Rest: Continuous work reduces the efficiency to work and increase fatigue. The
solution of this problem is by letting the workers rest for sometime so that they can re-
• Temperature: When temperature is either too hot or too cold it starts affecting the
mental as well as physical conditions of the worker. Proper temperature should be
maintained in room.
• Illumination: Due to the improper lightning workers become tired this leads to eye
strain. The working place should be properly illuminated to decrease fatigue.
• Noise: High Noise produced by the machinery disturbs the mental condition of
worker which results in the reduction in ability to work. A worker finds it difficult to
work in such situation.
• Unhealthy conditions: Fatigue is related to health. Bad health conditions are
responsible for fatigue. Improper ventilation, disturbing smell, less medical facilities,
excessive humidity, emotional stresses and strains have a bad influence upon the
health of a worker.
Types of Fatigue
1. Physical fatigue:
Physical fatigue is caused either by continuous work for long periods or the nature
of work like the work may be heavy and requiring lot of physical excursion. The physical
capacities of workers are limited and they may feel tired after a continuous work for longer
2. Mental fatigue:
A worker utilizes his brain for doing a job for a longer period. The doing of same
work again and again will result in mental fatigue of the worker.
3. Nervous fatigue:
When work needs the use of mental and physical capabilities for a continuous
period, it will result in nervous fatigue.
4.Industrial Fatigue:
When work needs the use of mental and physical capabilities for a continuous
period, it will result in nervous fatigue

3 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

Methods for eliminating fatigue

• Less working hours: The hours of work must be less so as to reduce the fatigue. 8
hours per day or 40 hours per week should be the standard working hours.
• Rest Pauses: Introduction of rest pauses reduces fatigue. A pause of about 10-15
minutes during mid morning and mid afternoon is very helpful. Rest should be given
to the workers whenever they feel tires if they are working for long hours.
• Shift work: In today's time of growth, workers are expected to work in shifts to meet
the consumer demands. Night shift is not good for health since it disturbs the natural
cycle of sleep ,rest and eating. Worker should be given a shift according to his
• Other Techniques: Other technique include providing suitable healthy condition to
the worker, proper drinking water, clean surrounding etc. Cafeteria should be within
the factory site because food intake by workers reduces fatigue.
• Counseling of employees:Anxieties and worries may be the main cause of fatigue
with some workers. There may be job dissatisfaction domestic problem etc. the
officers of personnel department should counsel the employees and help them in
solving their problems.
Effect of Communication in Industry
• Communications industry, broadly defined, the business of conveying information.
• Communication is also important within the business.
• Effective communication can help to foster a good working relationship between you
and your staff, which can in turn improve morale and efficiency.
• Communication could be verbal – spoken or written, or non-verbal i.e. using sign
language, body movements, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact or even with the
tone of voice
• In an organization, there are two channels of communication – formal communication
and informal communication.
(i) Formal Communication:
• Formal Communication refers to the communication taking place through official
channels in an organisation.
• Such type of communication takes place between managers or employees of same
cadre or between superior and subordinate and vice versa.
• It may be oral or written but complete record of such communication is maintained in
an organisation.
• It is further classified as vertical and horizontal communication
• In an organization, there are two channels of communication – formal communication
and informal communication.

4 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

• (i) Formal Communication:

• Formal Communication refers to the communication taking place through official
channels in an organisation.
• Such type of communication takes place between managers or employees of same
cadre or between superior and subordinate and vice versa.
• It may be oral or written but complete record of such communication is maintained in
an organisation.
• It is further classified as vertical and horizontal communication
Horizontal or lateral communication
• Horizontal or lateral communication refers to the flow of communication
between two divisions; between employees of the same rank or at the same
level in an organization.
• For example, a production manager can contact sales manager about delivery
of goods, quantity of goods etc.
(ii) Informal Communication
• Informal communication takes place in an organization without following the formal
lines of communication.
• Such type of communication usually takes place among the workers to exchange their
views and to satisfy their social needs.
• For example, workers talking about the behaviour of their superiors, discussing about
some rumours etc. are some of the examples of informal communication.
• Such type of communication spreads very fast and it is very difficult to detect the
source of same.
• Sometime, such communication leads to rumours and thus creates confusion in the
organisation. However, at times it proves to be very helpful to the managers as the
information through these channels can be spread very rapidly to know the reactions
of the workers etc.
Effects of communication in industry
• Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees
about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to
improve their performance if it is not up to the mark.
• Communication is a source of information to the organizational members for
decision-making process as it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of
• Communication also plays a crucial role in altering individual’s attitudes, i.e., a well
informed individual will have better attitude than a less-informed individual.
Organizational magazines, journals, meetings and various other forms of oral and
written communication help in moulding employee’s attitudes
• Communication also assists in controlling process. There are various levels of
hierarchy and certain principles and guidelines that employees must follow in an

5 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

organization. They must comply with organizational policies, perform their job role
efficiently and communicate any work problem and grievance to their superiors.
Thus, communication helps in controlling function of management.

Industrial safety is primarily a management activity which is concerned with

➢ Reducing
➢ Controlling
➢ Eliminating hazards from the industries or industrial units.

Objective of Industrial Safety

1. To Provide protection.
2. To provide healthy, safe and hygienic condition in the Industry.
3. To take protection against risk and hazards.
4. To provide prevention of accident on machinery and occupational hazards
Significance of Industrial Safety
 Industrial causes a great loss to both the Employer & Employee, that’s it is having
 Cost of compensation
 Cost of medical-aid
 Cost of training a new worker
 Cost of the lost time
 Cost of investigation
 Cost of supervision & inspections
 Cost to the Govt. in terms of factory inspectors, & public health services
 Cost of spoilage of materials
 Cost of the damage of machinery
 Cost of cost of wages payable during injury
 Cost of loss to the worker and his family
Need of Safety
 Increasing the rate of production
 Reducing production cost

6 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

 Reducing damage to equipment and machinery

 Preventing death of a talented worker who are an asset to the society
 Preventing needles pain and suffering to its employees
Increasing safety in an industry
1. Safety committee
2. Safety Programmes
3. Safety instructions and training
4. Educating employees to develop safety consciousness
1.Safety committee
 It consists of execuives,supervisors and shopfloor workers.
 The lower level employees get a channel of communication on safety matters direct to
executive level.
 Safety committees aid in developing safety consciousness as well as it is a policy
making body.
2.Safety Programmes
 It discover when, where and why accidents occur.
 It aims at reducing accidents and the losses associated with them.
 It begins with the assumption that most work-connected accidents can be prevented.
 It tries to reduce the influence of personal and environmental factors that cause
3.Safety instructions and training
 It is essential for educating the employees to think, act and work safely so that the no.
of accidents can be minimized.
 It gives knowledge about safe mechanical conditions, personal practices and of the
remedial measures.
 It involves
➢ Induction and orientation of new recruits to safety rules and practices
➢ Explaining safety function,during,on the job training.
➢ Efforts made by the first level supervisors.
➢ Formulating employees safety committees.
➢ Display charts,posters,films etc. to emphasize the need to act safely.

7 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

4.Educating employees to develop safety consciousness

Suitable measures should be adopted to increase the awareness of a need for safety in the
❖ Display of safety posters and films to remind workers of particular hazards/accidents
❖ Providing simple and convenient safety devices.
❖ Providing allowance to the worker for setting, removing and replacing any necessary
safety devices.
❖ Layout work areas to reflect safety considerations.
❖ Report safety activities to all employees.
❖ Cross mark all accident areas.
❖ Conduct safety training lectures periodically
Industrial disputes mean any dispute or difference between employers and employers,
or between employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, which is connected
with the employment or non employment or terms of employment or with the conditions of
labor of any person.
Causes of industrial Disputes:
Causes of Industrial disputes may be grouped into four categories :
(A) Industrial Factors
(B) Managements Attitude towards workers
(C) Government Machinery ; and
(D) Other Causes
(A)Industrial Factors :
Under this category, some of the causes of dispute may be :
(i) An industrial matter relating to employment, work, wages, hours of work, privileges,
the rights and obligations of employees and employers, terms and conditions of employment
including matters pertaining to :
(a) dismissal or non-employment of any person
(b) Registered agreement , settlement or award : and
( c) demarcation (establishing limits) of the functions of an employee
(ii) An industrial matter in which both the parties are directly and substantially

8 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

MeE-404.ndustrial engineering Module 4

(iii) disputes arising out of unemployment, inflation, change in the attitude of employers
and rivalry among unions.
(B) Management Attitude Towards Labor :
(i) Management ‘s unwillingness to talk over any dispute with their employees.
(ii) Managements unwillingness to recognize a particular trade union , delegating
enough authority to the representatives,etc.
(iii) unwillingness to negotiation and settlement of disputes.
(iv) Managements insistence to take care of recruitments, promotion etc without
consulting the concerned employees
(v) Managements unwillingness to provide services and benefits to its employee's
(c) Government Machinery :
(a)Though there are number of enactments for promotion of harmonious relations, it is
ineffective and unsatisfactory due to various reasons like their irrelevancy in the context of
the challenges of present industrial climate /culture, incapability of understanding and
answering imperatives of development, improper and inadequate implementation by many
(b) The governments conciliation machinery has settled a very negligible number of disputes
(D) Other Causes :
(i)Affiliation of the trade unions with a political party, where the latter may instigate the
trade unions to conduct strikes, lockouts , gheraos etc.
(ii) Political instability, centre- state relations,sometimes result into industrial conflict.
(iii) Other potential factors like corruption in industry and public life, easy money, etccan
also result into industrial disputes.
Collective Bargaining :
Collective bargaining helps for settlement of issues and prevention of industrial
disputes. It occurs when representatives of a labor union meet management representatives to
determine employees wages and benefits, to create or revise work rules and to resolve
disputes or violations of the labor contract.
The bargaining is collective in the sense that the chosen representative of the
employees (i.e. union ) acts as a bargaining agent for all the employees in carrying out
negotiations and dealings with the management. On the employer side, it is collective in
those common situations in which the companies have joined together in an employer
association for the purposes of bargaining with a union.

9 | Sonia S. Raj (9400913224) , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College

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