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1039/SMOOTHED OLIT SLAPPY HOLIRS GREEN DAY 1039/SMOOTHED OLIT SLAPPY HOLIRS AT THE LIBRARY «42 +s2sescscsescccsssoror ed DON’T LEAVE ME «+ es er ccc ercccccrccccses 10 TWAS THERE oc escsrecscsercscccreroserer eS DISAPPEARING BOY ....-2-sssceverceerersoe B GREEN DAY cscccccc ccc r cre scsecesesesese IG GOING TO PASALACQUA oececscsesrcec eset ees BD WG sessscscacscsesccscssesecesaverosers ID ROAD TO ACCEPTANCE 26s esses csecccccese ce so 26 REST cesevcsvcveccvereverscsescserecosee BM THE JUDGE'S DALIGHTER «see eeescessccecorers 34 PAPER LANTERNS ...----esescsssessssseses 40 ‘WHY DO YOU WANT HIM? «es eee eercrcr cree eee BT 409 IN YOLIR COFFEEMAKER «+ 0+seererereree se 42 4000 HOURS 0.5 e sere cs rscccssccecevcess SB DRY KE cece cece rece re rss s rs eseseseceses SD ONLY OF YOU oe cere e ere srercccrcercserses 56 THE ONLY ONEIWANT .2.eeerseseececsorers 60 IT WANT TO BE ALONE... ---e+ssseeseeee es eee M5 Transcribed by Bill La Fleur -Knowledge" could not be included in tis fole due to copyrigt resets. (©1906 WARNER BROS. PUBLICATIONS ‘Al Rights Reserved Projet Manage: Aaron Siang ‘At Daign: Joseph Klucar Music Edtor Colgan Bryan ‘Tachnica' Edto: Albert Nao [Engraver Mark Burgoes ‘Any duplication, adaptation or arrangement of he compositions ceniained inthis oolecion requires he writen consent o! the Publisher No part of ths book may be prctacepled or reprocuced in any way without permission. Uneuihotized uses are an infringement ofthe U.S. Copynignt Act and are purisnable by lw AT THE LIBRARY Lyrics by BILLIE JOE JREEN DAY Fast rock J=175 Music by G Intro: D. eS D cs D cs BS Gt ond Rhy. Fig. 1 NA ey = i hott as hold S \ — © 3 — -B 3 = Verses 1 de 2: wi Fig 1(Gtr 1) 4 ames GS BS cs DS Hey there 2. See additional lyrics . lock = ing at me, ah, tell me, what__ do you see?_ Gs BS cs DS Gs BS cs Ds But you quick - ly tum your hed_ a = way. Ath Library 4-1 QIDOGREENDAZE MUSIC. ee ‘Ths Amnoement f 1896 GREEN DAZE MUSIC ‘i/Ripite Adinicerec hy Wh MUSICCORP 1 Rights Administered by WB MUSIC COF as Bs cs Ds aS 1a BE cs Ds = ——— $ —— aS eS ee 1 = ty to find the words I could use. Don't have the courage 10 come. up to you Gs BS cs DS Gs BS cs DS = Guitar Solo: 4 - S h 24 GS BS : cs DS + = = t = time. ‘tine. What time? Wow!) or a = a : foe: =. = a aT . Si ras isa = = = : 3-3 [re = + s ‘ie ibasy-#-2 Pass | 1H | nene by 1 7 ee 5 | t a ‘io uy ‘s sail 2 : It *: a | | pene o be fell, = & | Pe A he i a di be ae 4 me x 2 a 8 { 7 SG mppre Wy 2 ° ‘ | id Bie idee 3 : 2° 2 r bd ¢ I 8 a #3 2 8 Zosn 5 ree Act Library 4-2 poner Verse 3: wiRhy. Hig. 1 (Gir 1) 4 times Gs" BS bs Gs Bs cs bs Ge SS (SSS 3.0b, well top ~ pened a - gain She walked t= way with bet boy- fiend, Bs cs D: Bs cs bs ——_ = Sa ===] = fs ey in BL me, os BS © ps as Bs = ar = * * Gi = = | © May he we'll met a+ gain some day, saudi US Yeah, D cs D Sut — ; ee aaa ¢ | i See ri i z = FF - 2 “ | Aa 5 5 gt 74+ é pots Hie tet ° = = Verse 2: ‘What is it that drives me mad? Girls like you that I never had. ‘What is it about you that | adore ‘What makes me fecl so much pai ‘What makes me goo insane? ‘What is it about you that L adore? (To Chorus:) tthe Library 4-4 Passa we ee ee eee ee ee eee , 1 WAS THERE Fast rock J= 182 Intro: Csus Get Lyries by JOHN Music by GREEN DAY bos) Verses I, 2 & 3: 96 URIS Fe (Ge I) 4me © sate nity t= 22S Se Se G —++ v=¥ yoy a 7 am LLoolcing backup - on my life andthe plac - e that I've been 23. See additional lyrics Csus c Bbs Bbb5) #42 ee — cl a= HSS — eee 2 ae = ee pictues, foc - es itl T've loved, 1 ty to e-memeber when. of Cous, ce BbS bobs) ai faded mem ~ ‘res onthe wall, some mamas T have for~ got - ten Bat Csus c BY Bho) gE =a eee === ie Ww mee Ee koe tote ow ones bas one fyenen ©1998 GREEN DAZE MUSIC Chorus: rs Twas swiRhy, Fig. 2 (Go: 1) FS c FS c AS Se a ee ae SS kein + ot they pests = Awl 1 mt to imal it net 1 was Bb Bhs) To Coda Or OT re & % = # d_ deh © T F (ees vaste = Rig ig (Ge TT es B eee rn Fim Bes) Cows Bis Bho 1 Was There «4-2 Ts Poses Guitar Solo: 73 Diy cat —_—a S55 hold. ° 2 | 4 4 4 ; RNY: Fig. 3 (Gre. 1) 4 ines Dal city, bay cay s . % ~ : pe ee i z . z = SS Look-ing back up - on ay life (My ite Day eqn) ni cin ‘ Fad-ed mem ries on my — wall Woah, 90. Nas here= 4-2 ieee p(t) cain, p(t) cay = cg pa a ee = - l* —— Ft Looking now at who bam ve = ~~ H pay cay = th es : Idon't let it get me down. 1 dow let it get___ me down__) Verse2: Looking back what I have done, There's lots more life to live. At times I feel overwhelmed, 1 ‘Question what I can give. But I don’ let it get me down ‘Or cause me too much sorrow, There's no doubt about who [ am, Talways have tomorrow. (To Chorus:) Verse 3: Looking back upon my life and the Places that I’ve been. ‘The pictures, faces, girls I've loved, Ltry to remember when, But [ don't let it get me down (Or cause me too much sorrow. ‘There’s no doubt about who I am, always have tomorrow, 1 Wes There {To Chorus:) Passes i DON’T LEAVE M Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY Fast rock J= 196 ok Bm BS exten BY Lives Li ta Se ere iE "aes as + Go 7 BB Kot Ose 5 F be ree 02 0 % Bs AS Ds BS AS -— = — | 3.1 go for miles. 2. See additional lyrics a 2 + oy t 3 t+ 4 ++ L E o- co +— +} Verses 1,2 & 3: Substitute with Ray, Fig. 1 (Gos. 7 de 2) Verse 3 BS AS Ds BS AS Ds BS by ———— = ee = 6 un-til I find you. Ah, you Doo Lene Me-3+1 be moaReenDaze Music Posen Tis Aran 190 GREEN DAE NUSIC Te heme See Scone u BS AS Ds BS AS DS BS > : ee SSS a——a ¥ ee ot = ? pe = = want to leave me —butyou can’t choose. — Re gone. through Sz eat —— B23 3 z ° a 1 Rhy ig. 1 (Gis 1 2) 2 times BS AS Ds BS AS DS BS ——. = + $e SSS = pain eve "ry dey and night 1 fel my AS Ds BS AS DSBS ———— * a SS == 4 i——+ mind is going in sane, something 1 can't fight Chorus: ‘Asus? F{(11) ‘wR Fig. 3 (Grr. I & 2) Asus? Don't w/Rhs. Fig,3 (Girs. 1&2) 2times Asus2, FHL) os 2 2S = oe T — —— = = = a FH, To Coda ® 35 4 v =3 Interlude: 4 i SS | why: Fig. 3 (Ger 1) og t wat! Mi hs ae, EE 3 + 2 2 A : = 3—o 7 = “Bp? = 7 Verse2: [A blank expression covering your face. 1m looking for directions for out of this place. 1 start wo wonder if you'll come tack. | foel the rain storming after thunder I can't hold back. (To Chorus:) 13 DISAPPEARING BOY Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY Fast rock J = 194 Iniro: Gert (155) Verses } & 2: ‘A rion Gs Dsus = —— So —— Ge SSE = == Non jo a ae 1 Re cadtlona irer agres samme eile 7 = sani = Gly SSS FS SS | 3S Bai r 5 E : re F = : i 3 3 wy, Fig. 1) 3 tmes A FRI) Gs Desus2 aoe soe Ss : = ge SSS SS Fees : = at ‘Cause I'm a mil - lion miles_ a - way. = A Fx(11) cs Dsus2 = ~——> ro a ele a a ee G + = {SSS ‘es Jd tn Te Toes Ed deal. Neel, Dota ae, note co ne cer Sree ae oa 'AllgitsRezersed) Ussby Peis Lam daaiattynct am_ 1 there? 23, See additional lyrics i wine end Rhy Fig.2 + So ee 33 7 A} SS e333 FB= 5 = ‘wig Fig. 2 (Gtr 1) 3 times Bm cs S ‘. = 5 Ee a = aS ¥ Or am 1 1am the dis - ap - wiRhy. Fig. 1 (Gir. 1) 2 imes A FA) G5 Dsusz A Dsus2 Slower J= 150 Bridge: Dsus2 Gtr 1, Rhy Fig. 3 —- eS Disippeing Boy -3=2 Asus. 15 ‘why. Fig. 3 (Gir 1) Dsus? ca of where 1 be - long.— Faster J= 194 AS : 3 a i Fe * = ~ ig (Ger 1) ‘wRhy. Fig. 1 (Ger. [h2.3- ‘A Fea) "Dsus . i "DS. % al Coda i ae ; i sus? py st A —_— iG =z =] = F — | ie a | LB: -B = | viva knob awed Verse 2: Chorus 2 & 3: When {walkin crowded roms, Don't eal me up ‘cause Pm not home, T fects if its my doom My whereabouts are now trknown, {know tat | don’ belong I vanisne from al your fy. In hat rom I see he. Tam the disappearing boy. Tee her and she's with hm (To Bridge} Disappearing Boy -3-3 we turn around and then I’m gone. A GREEN DAY Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY Bug H, E o Fi # ue 1 wt ES 1 ps 92 FS AS Asus? Be e Fast rock J= 194 Ture: avenge BS ES DS Baus ade wt | J ae a 7 eo Pty 3mes Rite end hy. Fg d-4 DTD TTB 1) IRA Verses 1,2 & 3: Es ps" cfs BS Rhy. Fig.2 J¢42 4442 Jd) BID) ITI 1. Asmall cloud has fall - en, the white mist bits the ground, 2.3. See atlditanal rlce — Aang 2 © rb Od 3 wai.) 5 ce sen Day = 3-1 6 199 GREEN DAZE MUSIC Gren “This Antagetent © 980 GREEN DAZE MUSIC Mah Kish Administered by WB MUSIC CORR. ” miner | ES Ds cts BS $= == = Nita tue’ ss oy so er eee Eo eae” ; Rey FS AS ‘Asus? E es ee wate pte = pt 5 = wo Mie fic SAL, Sometsng nk = ats ES # $e = so é 608 a = e 2. i = © a = as BS E BS : - a = SS = © = —— eo ee ots Bs Bs ¥ j Looks like [found some - thing new. | | wily. ig. 2 (Gr 1) To Coda ® vw (G1) | ES Ds cfs os FAS Anu? E pi ; . | Ry. Fig. 2 (Gir. 2) WiFi (Gr) | ES Ds ces. BS FHS AS Asus2 E | a8 Guitar Solo: ‘wiRthy. Fig. 2 (Grr 1) 2 times Gu ES Ds cts BS ep ee ete Fe 2 pe Se jel ey (i eS vwifill1 (Gir. 1) FAS AS Asus2 E r Verse 2 & 3: Laying in my bed, I think I'm in left field. [picture someone, I think it's you. ‘You're standing so damn close my bedy begins to swell, Why does one and one make two? (To Chorus:) 19 Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY Moderate rock J = 136 BS AS E BS A E B Intro: Ry. nd Rhy Fig. Gi a = Ee ; 4 a + 3 Ep altetaee Verses 1, 2 & 3: ei A E B A B TB = ee ss et o aw eee T GT Raa erga aaa OM = wclldede 2 catalina “ ro 4 ro ae SSeS pip So === cy tow. Wt don tina? Awalesepet-ln Jes in nym eS | gue SS Chorus: cs DS Bsus cs DS Bsus 1 abways wish 1 was_there. 6-3-1 CH OREENDAZEMUSIE nis range ©1994 GREEN DAZE M raise "Al it Acmniere by WB MUSIC CORF. {Ailligis Reserved Used by Permésion 20 ‘wiRhy. Fig.2 (Gtr 1) Ds Baus cs bs T wishmy youth would for = ev oaael 44 44 2 4— 444144 24 14 + aaa |g + o-0-0-0 2 t oo 22 = 5—o 2 Interlude: Gu. BT end Rhy. Fig. 3 Rhy. Fig. 4 eb) sh PM. 21 Gtrs,2& 3 out sviRthy Figs. 3 (Gir 1) & 3A (Ger 2) = a se [3—s $+? wiRhy. Fig. 2 (Grr !) 2times (2nd time) D.S. $5 al Coda cs ps Bous cs ps Bsus ° wR, Fig 2 (Gir 1) 2 simes Coda cs Ds Bsus cs Ds Baus ) | wine. nh a ek ake Verse 2: Look at my friends and see what they've done. Ask myself why they had to chenge. [like them betier when they were young. ‘Now all those times are rearranged. ook down and stand there and cry. ‘Nothing ever will be the same. ‘The sun is reing, now [ ask wity ‘The clouds now fall and here comes the rain. (To Chorus:) 6-3-3 PRG GOING TO PASALACQUA Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY D DS FAS Dsus2_ A7sus + 1 18 ne 3 TH Fast rock /= 190 i, NC. yee ya LHere we goa Contin slashes wi ST) A pe SS SS oa + = tion touch es__=sme just when T-—thought__ that it__would end. end Rhy. Fig. S mw) as one === = —_ Ss | Verses 2 & 4: E fia FDS yD) a 23 Pre-Chorus: Rhy. Fig. 2 ‘end Rhy. Fig.2 eS) TN) 0 eee ee or eee See — and um. all night. think - ing of your ways of but to | J) ATA am) ona oe = ¥ find that its noc dif - fer ~ ent at all Well, throw. wiRthy. Fig.2 (Gee 1) a = way my) past___mis. -takes__— and con - wm - plate my fa - out) ELITE ITT ITT Chorus: =e 1) fd JT 2) 7d TTA be ae Dsus? D5 oa Tw ma DPE AB geth- er hand. in hand we mm_ a = way wiRhy. Fig. 3 (Ger 1) A E = = Tm in for mas - ty weath - er. An, but PU take what ~ Going to Posauequa-4-2 rove Ee eee eee To Coda ® FES DS Dsus2 DS = ——— o - = pitt == SF 2 — =F # — ev — er you. cam give that comes. my way, youh Far - Tey ———— : SES 3.Here we go. a — Verse 3: with. Fig. 4 (Gir 1) E D , = oh eee = Pe ee ee SSS S55 fStot e z ot gain, in-fal-u- a - tion touch - cg me just when | thought. that it would end, A AS owt J TT) ITI) STI ITT) ai EEE odio $e ==: = & = TT DIT ITTD STFA ITT) S772 TPF | it —— = = be = J © 2. a ATsus D ATsus D ss TITISTF) ° ° ice Going to Pastsequs-4-3 69644 25 z CML 2 |) | see ora tee 7 Gecus HeHR coteae Wh del Rape 16 Uo ot Tepe ce apis | die FD Dsus? a 3 & f ft M Freely SSS Ging © Passlaequa 4-4 ropes ROAD TO ACCEPTANCE a Music by GREEN DAY BS. AS. FA. DS. Der’ Gs : my sre. fEAfHl se. Be wt a Fast rock J = 184 Intro: D Dsus Ds Dsus D Dsus a = == === Sei SSS 1 dhewayecnneh ag eet aA vk te “ext Grea 38 es fat i ee ee + x FE eee ees ea saae==a ae re psoas D Dsus Ds Dsus 4 Ss = Sine dle Newer do exe actly what 1 want “2 5—$—6—5—$ $s —— aaa aaa == Se FS aS pee eee Es: = z D pas bs And il seulpt my bife for your ac - cept - ance. peeeeeerssgrtpseepassresanssssd Roto Accepiance-5~ | poveia Deus pa) Rhy. Fig. 1 Verses 1 de 2: ‘why, Fig, 1 (Gir: 1) D(11) Dsus 2. See additional lyries 1.Al-ways waste_ my time just won-der - ing DU) Dsus pa) Deus whatthe next_ man thinks of me. pan Dsus D(i1) Dsus : os a ae = [SSS (ee Ra | ‘And Tl sculpt. my life for jor . $ —— se ———| ¥: ep 3 SSS SS Bridge BS Rhy. Fig. gr) J J) feel for = got Road © Acceptance 5-2 Passes o on Feel like STF) ITT) STTV STI STN ITT) ting, 28 Fl ps as Fis _ps AS nd Rhy. Fig 2 DY DSI dD) JI ) eS FAT? ft St ===2== = ot =: oi 7 —_— Ff Do you feel the same? Do you fecl_ the same? wis. Fig. 2 (Gir 1) BS AS = te Ste Ss "ona ° les cence jst con't make sense, It's Fi pS AS FDS AS =s te ce ey Te a call = ing my mame ee call ing myname Pre-Chorus: ieiy ig. Ds Me? cs wi) ) 0) FTI 2 3 2) FITS? oe Sy ret é = hf pt T take a took. a - round and all the things I've found G3 end Rhy. Fig. ie 22) OM, | 7) SSS SS | = Teall it Hind ha - ted fats and may-be if you'd smile. Gs pss? cs Ds wt) STI) ) ITT) tee - = +> 5 = eS SS = youwould rea - lize that__we're all the same. es Road te Acceptance 5-3 PaDe4 Chorus: 3 = Bw) oe E a * i tee tae = Some oe To Coda ® cs Gs NIT) nT. iF. iB, as We feel he seme pain — g * First time only Interlude: D é G D Get * RUA wee EEE fend Rift A ie ‘BS = o oF. i ot T- = = | = 7 = t Ks Sr {ey eo “Chords implied **Manipulate volume wivol. knob. by bass (next 30 bars). é G D Gin? a oe 2 a ‘2 a o 2 oy — - = =~ ‘Pre-Chorus: emt A/G 1) tines sine c 6 ee ae fa pales = o¥ = D ~— 4. 5 2 = = — a : = 1 call it blind ha trod, oad wo Acceptance -3-4 or 30 and maybe if — you'd smile. pe DS. % al Coda you would rea - lize that we're all the samme._ cs Bs bs JTTV) 2 - 7 : swideley effect (next 2 bars). Verse 2: All my life I've seem to have this need. | think at times it even turns to greed, We all want to join some family. ‘We'll even sacrifice a moral changing. (To Bridge:) Acceptance -§ = 5 34 REST Lyrics by BILLIE JOE | Music by GREEN DAY Slow rock J.= 65 Intro: oui © Gs F5@9) Ry. Fig. 1 fend Rhy. Fig. L s F hold---4 hold F(a) = = a = 2 — SS f 3 + —$ =A 13.Hey, can you hear me? I'm call = ingyourname. Hel - Io. Or is this. good - ze hold Ea — = = : -B + + + +—_——_— x sa e+ + a wéRhy. Fig. 1 (Gur 1) 21mes Gs sleam_ in your eyes, wou - bles my brain. Will et-3-1 (©1950 GREEN DAZE MUSIC rove ‘This Arramemeot © 199 GREEN DAZE MUSIC ‘Al Ritts Adipiteret by WB MUSIC CORP All Rigi Reseed Uae hy Parson 32 0 lend Rhy. Fig. 2 Bb6(3) Ama) F5(9) Gs + = Se —————— 2, An = gel dane + ing a= way (An gel ) 2 F =e 7 hold Rest-3-2 33 é 2 = —_———— 2 6 gis e = T — e a hae, hen —— iS a > = ° | Chorus: wikthy Fig. 2 (Or. 1) wWilkny. Fg. 3 (Gr 2) ra) Gs Bho) A7(B) F509) GS SS eS e a just_ when things seem tohivechonged So 1 can. rest my head, Interlude: Bb6(a) A713) Bx) Get ———— et vee 2 iw 4 old —-n-n--noolh 0 Cae ag A7Q) FQ) GS os Gre : Se : THE JUDGE’S DAUGHTER G5 ES Fast rock J = 185 1 Verse: hs Pet | f FS cs DS fe Ste Te cs 2 Th! SITS STs Lyrics by BILLIE JOE, Music by GREEN DAY cond Rhy. Fig. 1 ae a SSS L.Prin-cess ina 2. See additional tyries wwiRhy. Fig. (Ga. 1) 3 times FS school. girls dream, may cs Gs I please speak with you? =H Caving ben bies GL Seca La WG te Fs cs os —7 ——————— z z ee ; = : day I kepp_ on = fall - img down, | ‘thought it ‘was the street. And Fs cs os $e te — ———s = = — hae pe Git pts SF wT one Rey Oy | WE ear Chorus: - Ri. Fig.2 ia Ss = GS end Rhy Fig? cut . go FATT ITT) FIST IL-2 + FD) —= = hy eS =] SSS st r= =| Caine edo be y= Hee, Wein, oo weet = cer DF Scots oa 2G) es ps os Fs Gs — Fh} SSS Sa emt Ae Rey | AW oe ol) em _ cs DS cs wt) DST) F1-TR = aoe ye a oes en The Judges Daughter- 3-1 Pease (© 1OGREEN DAZE MUSIC Tig Armas 185 GREENDAZE MUSIC i sly WI Gs FS Gs FS Del kp 2 t)-0 JI).4 FD) FS | $e ee eee eee an not call this sane. pu= or od ae iRiny Fig. 1 (Gr: 1) Dimes B= FS cs GS FS cs GS GS Bridge: Ss Gs ES Gs } 7 J) J KR - # # J-) 4 XK - — = Se ee Bf a Coa ve fad vay 3 that you can stay? FS os To Coda FS Gs Cont. in notation ITED) - ITED) A - 2 e T think I'm gon-na pop. Guitar Soto: ‘wIRhy. Fig. 1 (Gir. 1) 4 ames FS cs Gs Thedude's Daughier-3 -2 roses Se ee eee ‘The Judge's Danghler 3-3 *Double tracked Verse 2: Today, as | wes walking down, you bumped into me. ‘You said, “Excuse me,” and walked away es I dropped to my knees, I prayed tothe being in the sky that my parents told me of, asked about you but no reply, no clues about your love. Chorus 2: And I find it hard to be myself. Can you please explain? ‘And I do nor think that it’s my health ‘You're the one to blame. My gillfriend left me on the phone. I'm pathetically left here alone. Teannot call this sane. Teannot call this san, (To Bridge:) WHY DO YOU WANT HIM? 4 | attgrs tune dove whole ste e-> O-F ° Lyrics by BILLIE JOB Music by GREEN DAY WA BS GHS AS Asus2 CIS. et: af ate fe ga ae ioe 2 it rat rock 4 =190 = fe iro. om a | iy Fig. 1 E Chm end Rhy. Fig. | eT 73-303 TF) Soe IR SS SS ee open ES °K" ts Asu2 ASE nd Roy. Fig? Rhy. Fig.2 1S oT IVT an ) € Verses 1 & 2: ‘wWIRhhy, Fig. 2 (Cr 1) dimes FS BS ge SSS 1.1 saw you stand - ing a lone. 2. See additional lyrics ES BS = = #tie SS = 2 + ¥ You call him onthe phone. ES BS ts AS Asusd_ AS Tears falling out___of your eves. in__ a depuis. ES BS Gis AS Asus? AS 4 = a pti Se ee SSS pt 5 < S So You're feel-ing bad___ for so long,_ you wonder if____ it's right. or wrong. © S90 GREEN Daze MUSIC Way Do Yeu Wane Mim? 3-1 pobsas 38 Chorus: ‘WiRhy Fig 1 (Gee 1) 2times E Chm A B , : = — =F fa = =e SS = | = =] Why do you want him E chan A Why do you want im? — why ig. (Gir. 1) 2 cies E Ct A B | iy 80 yon omg E cto A B Gi === === = o = =F Why do yon wat him? _— Bridge: i Ba oe ae AS BS CHS ASBS ‘A. AS BS C{SA ASBS A ot) ) JTT)A3 J) 3) STFA. y) gia Ste (Can't find my way We've going all the way. Bo 2 2 AS BS CHA AS BS “A ASBS Cis A AS BS 2) ITT)A. DI STD TT TD) = Ee “The sys-tem’s blown. You got some-ihing to say. Guitar Solo: wiRhy. Fig.2 (Ger 1) 4 simes Goi BS BS Asus? AS ‘Why Do You Wart Him? =3 «2 are itt | I . } I “ 2 RO ae EO OS ee : = [B- L 1 why Fig (Gi 1) Coda, E Cm A Whydo you want__ im? Verse 2: Now many dye have gone by dod on elt eran co. Sor feting bd foryouse' His omery wil abs del You's soobessed wih his ove, “a's wy pat canta shove You bon sing bud Fors long Wiper vettean Yo wonder is Ma oF won 40 APER LANTERNS Lyries by BILLIE JOE Al gi tone down {whole sep Music by GREEN DAY @-p@-r BS FS FS jE, AS, BS? Gis ©-c @-a toe HEttane @-c M=D 134 Hn 231 nM Bt tite Fast rock J=165 £. BS AS Play # times Get Ray. Fig ond Rby- Fig. ete = 53 a = a Cent, in slashes Tr 2 Fr 3 o —S 3 9 B 7 Zs 7 Gt: 2 enter 3rd time, on = Verses 1 & 2: Fis es aE Rhy. Fig. 2 oma) TT TIST II TT) 2) TTT SP SSS SS a 1.Now L rest_ my head from such. an endd- less dreary time._ a 2. See additional iyrics ® ores Estee? cond Rhy. Figs? TMT 7 Trri-ltn Fae i" 7 potety ae po Sat =a See F ¥ yo timeot —hopes.and ap = pi - ness. that had you on my mind, __ These ify Fig 2 (Gre £2) BS Fis BS E SS SS = » ¥ o 7 daysare gone and now it seems a_i get some test. But AS Es ype? BS fhe a > eee z nowand then Vill see you again. and it puts my heartto the test So ® Chorus: open Fas ‘ABS 2) FTW A mI 2d) MID SITF? ——— = when are all_ my trou - bles go-ing to % payment raga EB BRE: wu ey ‘All Rights Administered by WB MUSIC CORP. Ris Acminsred by WD MUSIC CO 4 FES GES AS ie TT) TD} DAIBIID 2 Git CR nr et — . un der-stand- ing now that we are on = ly fiiends, Te this ES BS ASES BS AS BS DIVIDTR dad = smu rer:cin 142321 doy av k= Ing why T tll hinkivbo you T. (23. Fo Coda © wiRhy Fig. (Gis, 142) 2 dimes BS BS AS ESBS AS ES BS Guitar Solo. Yeah ‘wih. Fig. 1 (Gir. 2) 4 tomes Gta AS ES D.S. % al Coda BS — = Yeah, So. SS ead gs pick sh RANBIR L(G 142) Gin 1 82 BS AS ES Me? Bom Coda Es JIN TN + Verse: Paper Lantems-2= 2 AS the days go on, I wonder will this ever end? find it hard to keep control when you're with your boyftiend, Tdo not mind if all Tam is just a friend to you. ‘But all 1 want to know right now is ifyou think about me, too. (To Chorus:) Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY BS a. 409 IN YOUR COFFEEMAKER CS ASIF? G5 ORE? CHS 42 All rs. tune down 1 whole sep @-v@-r D5. ch AS Gs. @-c @-a fiise Hits. Fit se @-c @=D i 134 iat Fast rock J =176 Intro: e., Be 2 Bs DS Wags AS DS AG AS DS AGH AS DS oT Gis AS Ry Hig Shag ret pecsesl td chad tiacadiiaa TTD IB J DER gop SS ad Verses1&2: Oy open EGS As EGS Rhy. Fig 2 end Rhy. Fig? RP | J) Sm) OTR) FFF) FT i + = ¥ sit in thestateof a day- dream with all of yourvords ly-ing © - ver myheal 2. See additional lyrics y vs “ rng ma 2(Gns 12) AS Gs == s = pr te i SSS = —s= Saniora tae ina ave lk + wieato repeats AS os AS SSS = Z j should scam ob- vinous to you. our sereans and eriesare ne go - ing to work AS Gs AS os = oot ee = = SSS ‘And all of your time_ gets wait - ed im my daze, And Um Chorus: es oben A AS DS A AS ai Fig3 — Baa) SLI) -) ) IT) ——————— z=. z fie SS SS Took - ing back now where = T—have. gone. wrong, and eve orseynaze music ‘nis arene 9 EAGER DA wuste ne eer aes 409m Your Coreemaker-3- 43 o3en a Ds A" AS Ds end Rhy. i. 3 Dam nn oes eS = SSS] why 1 could. not seom_ to ect a= tong. My wiRthy. Fig. 3 (Girs. 1 & 2) DS AS Ds AS in = Crests. are__ Jong - ing__ to break through. these_ chains, these DS AS Ds ES Hee SS eee chains tat con = oly team Moat, wiRhy. Fig. (Gits. 1 & 2) T 185. 5 Soda © DS GS AS DS Gi AS D5 Gi AS DS Gis AS "D5 Gi AS no. I Slower 1=160 Bridge: mere - Thr - JFJri- Te - iRihy Fig. 4 (Gis 1 & 2)3 times ASoPE2 Gsnpe2 AS Gs Rhy. Fig. & end Rhy. Fig. 4 J)r = Jr = Pm look - ing where T have, have gone wrong, and why 1 could not seem,_ could not seem_ to get 49 In Your Coffeemaker -3-2 Passas Guitar Solo: Why Fig 1 (Gee 1) 2 es, fse 7 measures only G3 DS GI AS. DSK AS_iS AS___DS AS ee re B Ds GSAS DS GIS AS Gta D.S.% al Coda 2772 STP ete — = 2 tH sin etic) Play 3 times CISDS Cis GS BSCS BS AS cisDs CH GS ees. ee OM) OM) OMI fe. 2 Verse 2: Isitin the state of a daydream with all of your words flying over my head, Even mote tim: gets wasted in a daze. ‘Maybe I'm just too damn lazy or maybe I was just brainwashed to think that way. ‘And all of your time gets wasted in my daze. (To Chorus:) 449 in Your Cotteeraker 3-3 eto I WANT TO BE ALONE = Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Se Ay. gD fn Music by GREEN DAY TH afr. sf. FH Ste Fast rock J =192 ad at ieee Tntror Gtet ps pay Da © pan Ds pm oc pq) & Da Rhy Fig. ‘end Rhy. Fig. 1 Verses 1,2, & 3: ‘WIRDS. Fig, 1 (Go: 1) 4 ximes % DS pay oc Diy cpap | | en = ‘ aes | E = el ep | 4S Serres SS | Te Te 1 oa bs pay pay =e Dan So 1 wan- ra be a= low. ps pay ¢ patty © pay Mae wl ay MT me Be oS toe DS Di) Cc Da) Cc Dal) ee Ee A A a t SS SSS 7 2 Wil-youratroondjapaiiion:- yal nti tu SHEE Senta | be ESR Slow I Want iobe Alone =3-1 SOREN Daze MUSIC rGatd Admitted y WB MUSIC CORT” | Altkign Resewea Used by Permision 46 cies Ray Fig? oui). ) ee fe pg ee — eS ee > é jee = = 4 Plesse don't think. I'm cra = zy, 1 don't want you,un-der = stand. wiRhy Fig 2 (Gre 1) 2 times Gs AS D Bm My mind is gow = ing he = 2% 10 hell with your help-f GS AS D Bm Ato 0 epg pe = gre ESSE ESS ESE Why don't you just leave me a- lone, this con flit is my && 85 wiRthy. Fig. 1 (Ga 1) THT TT77 8s cer) ) AD) FIT) SSS ee = See eS jae Keep your sources a+ way from. me,thits all 3. wiRhy. Fig. 1 (Gt Toceaaye MOD c pay ps pay c pap c Day ge 5 55 Guitar Soto: DS pay cay tH Gtr. 28") tet wiktny. Fig.3 (Ge 1) Co) Ds t Dunes Da c ~ 2 aad tie =e a tite. hold pend — sea 4a t8? 100i a 210484 a. 2 ie 4 | hold PM, ooo hott 4 ik — a z z z+ 2 + oe | -B te a aa os = | i 1&5 ° ry. Big 1 (Gtr 1) DS © Me Fie (Gir 2) Ds Day c Dat ¢ Da Cc DAT ee Ds; pale Dane DA — — 3 === Ds pay cay cpa 1 Want tobe Alene -3 3 Popes a 1,000 HOURS Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY Fast rock J= 172 Intro: A DSIA A DSIA A DSA A “Gri p33 I | Tal a od pons ip Verses 1 & 2: wan As BIA AS BNA AS DSA pain 3 1.Starlit night, the moon is shin - ing bright, you're the one. that I need 2. See additional lyrics ftp EE wifey. Big. 1 (Gor 1) 3 times AS DSA AS DS/A AS DSIA ASSIA (its = SSS q._— ee ee Z a F 7 ee 7 Up at your win - dow, I see # shad~ om ail-hou - tle of your grace. ASSIA AS DSIA AS SIA AS DSIA fo k Aa = Ce pe c = aan == = Here's this. flower 1 picked forall the hours that you spent with me. The AS DSIA AS DsiA. ASSIA AS DSIA one 1 teve,_ that I've been dream-ing of saiking a- cross___ the sea. 1.000 Hours -1 © 1980 GREEN DAZE MUSIC igen ‘ks rangement © 980 GREEN DAZE MUSIC TAR Wane hasbeen Was hee Cone” 49 tons FH) Gé FRI) G5 = == fe a a a Let my tan fw trowh jour ia Moveng cot = evel he ‘ead Rhy. Fig,2 swiRhy. Fig-2 (Or 1) FHUD), ce FRI) G6 4 = = + ate eee ze 2 a aaa ee Se wR. Fig. 1 (Ger 1) AS DSA AS DSIA AS DSIA wiRby Fig-1 (Gir 1) AS SIA. DSiA AS DSIA Bridge: FHUD Ge rH) a6 ot = =2 te SS > i= = 5 ae ? + ing. eae “. Mov-ing clos - er, we'll share. Get Rin ed cad Rty. Fig 3 += = " = = SSS ro oS ei aeegaae =o hold hold m4 > ° ° ° ° oe @ 2 + 3 2 + 4 + 4 + = why. Fg. 3 (Gir. 1) 411) Gs FAI) ce SoS SS = = Pas-sioa-ae love to be allnight long. We'll nev-er break as wiRy. Fig, 1 (Gir 1) 1344 ties AS _DSIA AS _DSIA AS DSA AS DSIA Be. ——— Toe 4 —— # =a : = 6 =# + — =| strong. cena AS DSIA AS DSIA AS -DSIA AS DSIA 31 Outro: A Asus A Asus A Asus A ‘pe 4| Verse 2: Nothing's more than what our love is for as I kisa your cheek. ‘Oh, so soflly hands flowing down my back, a thousand hours I'l never leave. (Our romance is a love trance and now we'll never pan. A thousand hours of suck a love shower, we'll never stop once we start. (To Chorus:) 1,000 Hours -4 «4 rapes DRY ICE Lyries by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY FHS. Dsus2 ESF? 1902 1338 a 23 Fast rock J = 184 Jae: Asus2 A Asus A Asus? A Asus A Gt Rhy Fig 1 end Ry. Fig. 1 a 2 2 A 22|2 * 2 e— f=? B 65 {6 o—2.9{—»— 0 “*All gus. scund approximately 1/4 step Hat "Verses 1,2 &3: ea Ry. Fig. ge) TB) OR) 13. Latelast righ. 1 bad @ dream and 21 See additional iyries ‘Secondary vocal tacet 2nd verse. é open a ‘end Rhy Fig.2 ‘in D 2) JIT) namoonmn) BS oF == SSS Sheend 1 were inthe sky, flying hand in hand 1 WiRby. Fig.2 (Gr. 1) he Cm D A xt = == ft oe ¢ yo a : a ao ee oe eee Chm D E Pray-ing that shell dry thetears. Te. «on my face 've cried _ ry ke-4 1 020 GREEN DAZE MUSIC Pope ‘This Anongemsot 198 GREEN DAZE MUSIC va sie Adininatcred by WB MUSIC CORP. 53 kee A hy ™ 3 wei) ) am) TT) D3) TIFT) SIT) = SS f == -SSoee == Oh, T love. her, Keepdream-ing of che b E end Ry Fg ee ee ee ee PSs Saas 1 é a 5 = Will I un-der-stamd_________ if she wantsto be my — A for D A tives ‘id ‘end Rhy. Fig. 4 FeTD) DIF 4) TID FT ———— a wikthy. Fig. 4(Gr- 1) A cfm D A 20 wii Fig 3 (G1 =] SS Sa et SS Sat Oh, Tove. her. Keep dream - ing of. _ her Wil 1 un- der~ stand, it Chorus: FS Dsus? we) OTL) JAD ATT Ss = Comecase the pain thar’s in__ my heart Come case the pain thas in__ my heart___ WiRhy. ig. § (Gir. 1) A FAS Dsus? X. = _ _ ee o + Come ease the pain__ thats im. my hea, To Coda ® A Fes Dsus2 B pete ee : “ : Fs Sa ————— Com ease the pain that’s in___ my, heart. Guitar Solo: WiRhy Fig § (Get 1) A FAS D Dry ie 4-3 55 Con. instashes swiRthy. Fig. 1 (Gir 1) 2 times A Gin? es 2 DS.% al Coda me oT ea a ee Ss Fuard. Verse 2 T'll send a letter to that girl, asking her to be my own. But my pen is writing wrong, so I'l say itin a song. Ob, [love you more right now, more than I've ever loved before. Here's tose words straight from these lips, I'll need you forever more. (To Chorus:) Dryee- 4-4 Poses ONLY OF YOU Lyrics by BILLIE JOE Music by GREEN DAY Hs AS BS A BL DS) ES, Este? ¥ FH st. HTH re. te aa me = ES eee Fast rock J= 184 Ss Ss Intro: ‘open open Fis AS DS AS BS "A FYS AS DS AS BS i were cod Rhy Fe PS TT 1) Gia = == | +All gts sound approximately 14 step tat, es B Dia) i re 2 cud Ray tie? 2) 0719) FR) aren) 3 7 —— — Ve dice 1)4 ik Pa 2G 1 tmer si 7 fie SSS SSS SSeS SS ro = J LI wish [could tel you Wake Wala eee cng. oak 2 See additional lyrics A B pgay ES (ise Se SS SS Ob, if you on the way I've felt for so Tong A B DIG} ES = ——» a 3 SS Se = : SS 6 as a 1 now that we'te worlds = part bat 1 just__ don't seem_ care A RB ps) —— 2 eS SS eae i Pa aoe 6 SE = # These feel-ings_ in my heart__ on-ly with you 1 want © 00 CRFEN DAZE MUSIC ‘ont ar vou 4-1 oe ‘Tin Amangment © 19 CREF DAE MUS.C 37 Chorus: ily Fig. 1 (Gee 1) Denes, frat? measures only FAS AS DS AS BS FISAS DS AS BS —— = : — a OS yp > = t ° [=== t 2 The fittime 1 caught a glimpseot you, — Gia Dar FISAS DS AS BS FAS AS DS AS + = = Se EE . then all my thoughts were only of you wiRhy. Fig. 2 (Gir. 1) 2 dimes - i A B ES fs = == z = a A B Dg) : 52) ey = st & = = only of you 8 & Bridge: oF B AA SE rps E50? pfs e502 pis ESP? Pfs ESYP? Rhy. Fig. 3 ‘end Rhy. Fig. 3 et) J) LTT) FD TALITY ? 2400) 7303F) es Ss — = Ah, wiRny Fige3 (Gir 1) 2 der B IN FAS ES FI ES FIs BS FAS ES B A Fis ES Fis Es FE OES FES ES B A FAS ES OFS ES FS ES PRS Es ee i eee es = Guitar Soto: DS . G2 8 { { L ‘ — = HE f 1013 GS oe wae Ba wel e ti $I 0 Be = t Gti On Rhy Fig. 4 end Rhy. Fig, 4 ae oe = = + Boa ee ta fe bbe bee Outro: wiRhy. Fig.2 (Gir 1) 6 times nly oF You 4-4 Pore 59 Verse 2 hope chat when time goes by You will think the same about me. ‘Many nights awake I lie, only wish that you could see. [know that we're only friends. Thope this feeling never ends. I Tcould only hold you, It's the only thing 1 want to do, (To Chorus:) THE ONE I WANT Lyrics by MIKE DIRNT and BILLIE JOR Fast rock J =176 Music by GREEN DAY Intro: 4 E FHA) Gite Rhy Fig. # fend Rhy. Fig. 1 2 ha tas All girs. sound approximately 1/4 step flat. Verse I: BS Asus? eGetits SSS SS E 7 oi oe ¥ —a L.Siting in my room last — nigh, staring at the mir - ror, Rhy. Fig.2 —— Ee BS Asus? E a 5 = cin, = = — ee =—] Teould-n't find @ reason why Teouldealt be near her. Sf ‘Came youre the one that stat ~ ed tomikeme fel way. And_ end Rhy Fe. 3 je One Want 4 - (© IMOGREEN DAZE MUSIC Popes | wanna ‘i Arengement © 19S GREEN DATE MUSIC een en coee wiRby. Fig. 3 (Gir 1) 61 q _ - a fhe See 2 is: Jt = f 7 72 jj o ¥ oy a+ Verse 2 & 3: e = -— = 6 a —- = = Git, an ———— Pre-Chorus: Cim7 Asus2 B a e ——— *Cause you are the one that start - ed Asus? — ety nigh 'm think ~ ing about the words you'd say. ‘Cause Chorus: * wR Fig. 1 (Gir 1) es a FH) Ae a ¥ you are. the one that want “Cause roveis eB Guitar Soto: #N.C.(B5) cris) = ‘Chords implied by bass gt. (next 24 bars) (a5) (E5) (Bs) 9 ; 4 . = 7 z SS hold . shold opt (B) chm A) 63 (A) ®) Verse 3: Now you know how I feel. This love is forever. ‘You make my life seem so unreal, Will Tever get beter? (To Pre-Chorus:) “The Gos Want A 4 raved Re, AT THE LIBRARY DON’T LEAVE ME Pe Saal sca DISAPPEARING BOY GREEN DAY GOING TO PASALACQUA 16 ROAD TO ACCEPTANCE REST THE JUDGE'S DALIGHTER Py iad by WHY DO YOU WANT HIM? 409 IN YOUR COFFEEMAKER 1,000 HOURS DRY IKE ONLY OF YOU THE ONLY ONE I WANT I WANT TO BE ALONE Rae a Mca ay | || |

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