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Overview of the Structures & Functions of Nervous System

Central NS PNS ANS
Brain & spinal cord 31 spinal & cranial sympathetic NS
Parasypathatic NS

Somatic NS
C- 8
T- 12
L- 5
S- 5
C- 1

ANS (or adrenergic of parasympatholitic response)

SNS involved in fight or aggression response Effects of SNS (anti-cholinergic/adrenergic)

1. Dilate pupil – to aware of surroundings
Release of norepinephrine (adrenaline – cathecolamine) - medriasis
Adrenal medulla (potent vasoconstrictor) 2. Dry mouth
Increases body activities VS = Increase 3. BP & HR= increased
Except GIT – decrease GITmotility bronchioles dilated to take more oxygen
4. RR increased
* Why GIT is not increased = GIT is not important! 5. Constipation & urinary retention
Increase blood flow to skeletal muscles, brain & heart.

I. Adrenergic Agents – Epinephrine (adrenaline)

SE: SNS effect
II. PNS: Beta adrenergic blocking agents (opposite of adrenergic agents) (all end in –‘lol’)
- Blocks release of norepinephrine.
- Decrease body activities except GIT (diarrhea)
Ex. Propanolol, Metopanolol

B – broncho spasm (bronchoconstriction)

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