ORAL COMM 1st Quarterly Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of San Pablo City
San Bartolome lntegrated High School
First Quarterly Examination in Oral Communication
S.Y. 2019-2020
Name : ___________________________________ Score : _____________________
Section : _____________________ Date : _______________________

DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.

____1.The word communication is derived from ‘communis’ (Latin) which means:

A. community C. common B. message D. oral speech
____2.What is communication?
A. A never-ending process of finding one’s purpose
B. the transmission of ideas and emotions between or among persons with the use of verbal and
nonverbal cues
C. unintentional choice of words
D. leaving behind a memory for other’s to remember
____3.Which among the following situations uses verbal communication?
A. a student nodding his head to answer his classmate
B. shaking of hands between two business partners
C. an employee walking very fast because she is already late for work
D. the principal discussing the school’s policies to students
____4.Which is not an example of non-verbal communication?
A. shrugging of shoulders B. raising of eyebrows
C. explain a lesson in biology D. leaning forward to the person you are talking to
____5.This is the main point of having communication.
A. feedback C. channel B. participants D. message
____6. Which is true about the linear model of communication?
A. It is a two-way process.
B. There is an on-going sending, receiving and providing feedback among the participants.
C. The sender and the receiver have the same role in the activity.
D. Feedback is not a part of the process, and the role of the receiver is only to accept information.
____7. What makes the interactive model of communication different from the linear model of communication?
A. There is a message
B. The model involves feedback.
C. The receiver may or may not provide feedback.
D. This model takes into account that communicators react to the situation based on their own past
experiences, current status, and anticipated future.
____8.Which is true about the transactional model of communication?
A. one-way process
B. two-way process
C. communication not only as a two-way process but also as a simultaneous activity
D. the listener is passive
____9. What happens when the message is not clearly understood by the receiver?
A. There is an effective communication.
B. All participants are self-aware of each other’s differences.
C. There is a communication breakdown.
D. The communication becomes essential for the participants.
____10. Which among the following is a not a strategy to avoid communication breakdown?
A. Give positive remarks or comments.
B. Ask for repetition or clarification.
C. Use sports jargons when talking to
people who are not interested in sports.
D. Do not jump to conclusions.
_____11. Which is not a way to achieve effective communication? 
A. Speak intelligibly.
B. Go someplace where there are many people.
C. Be focused.
D. Minimize distractions.
_____12. To engage in intercultural communication, participants should essentially understand the concept of
A. jargon
B. communication breakdown
C. self-awareness
D. idiomatic expressions
_____13. What is the usual purpose of women-only conversations?
A. to provide information
B. to provide different viewpoints on issues
C. to provide solutions to problems
D. To build or maintain relationship 
_____14. You speak more politely when talking to a person of authority, but you talk more casually when
speaking with your best friend. This type of context falls under _____________.
A. physical C. psychological B. cultural D. social
_____15. Which among the following situations does not demonstrate evidence of social status in some
A. bowing 450 to the emperor in Japan
B. curtseying to the queen in England
C. a woman wearing hijab over their head in Syria
D. using kinship titles in South Korea
_____16. When talking to a Muslim friend, one must not talk about __________.
A. eating cows
B. eating pork
C. being angry
D. using chopsticks in eating
_____17. How is communication used to regulate or control conversation?
A. It allows only one participant to be the only source of message.
B. It limits the number of participants in a communication process.
C. It controls the pace and flow of conversations or the speaking of a participant so that interruptions
and awkward silences between speakers are avoided.
D. It outlines the topics that must be covered in a communication process.
_____18. Which among the following is not true about communication as a form of motivation?
A. It increases productivity.
B. It empowers individuals.
C. It decreases one’s self esteem.
D. It helps others to do better.
_____19. Which among the following verbal cues is used to signal that a speaker is done speaking?
A. “Well…” C. “Uh..huh”
B. “Is that clear?” D. “Thank you.”
_____20. The professor asked what the class understood from the previous lesson. She suddenly looked
directly at Jessica who is seating in front. What does this mean?
A. She is suppressing the listener to provide
B. She is thinking of what to say next.
C. She is requesting feedback.
D. She is not yet done talking.
_____21. When a speaker leans back, it means…
A. that he/she is done talking.
B. that he/she is not finished speaking.
C. that he/she forgot what to say next.
D. that he/she still has a lot more to say.
_____22. Belinda smiled and cried at the same time
after opening and reading the letter. Her parents were clapping their hands while her sisters did high
fives with each other. What could be the reason for their reactions?
A. Somebody close to them passed away.
B. Belinda passed the University of the Philippines entrance examination.
C. Their electric bill rose up to more than half of their usual consumption.
D. One of their cousins will visit them soon.
____23. This type of speech context involves only one participant; that is, the individual is both the sender and
the receiver of the message in the communication process
A. mass communication B. interpersonal C. public communication D. intrapersonal
____24. ________ is a transmission or exchange of a message, feelings, or a meaning through verbal or
nonverbal cues.
A. mass communication B. interpersonal C. public communication D. intrapersonal
____25. This involves a single speaker and a sizable number of persons or an audience. The speaker is
tasked to deliver a message or a speech of general interest to the audience without the use of any
A. mass communication B. interpersonal C. public communication D. intrapersonal
____26. Which is true about solo vocal communication?
A. It involves meditation. C. It is putting your thoughts into writing.
B. It is spoken aloud. D. It is done entirely in the mind of the individual.
____27. Which is true about intimate speech style?
A. It is impersonal. C. Conversations are usually done in private.
B. Shared by acquaintances. D. Interruptions are not allowed.
____28. What distinguishes the formal speech style from the consultative style?
A. The relationship of participants. C. The place where communication takes place.
B. The type of language used. D. The lack of listener participation.
____29. Which situation uses consultative speech style?
A. a mother to her children C. doctor to his patients
B. the president to his constituents D. a group of friends
____30. Which is not a characteristic of casual speech style?
A. It is shared by a husband and wife.
B. Slang(or nonstandard words or expressions),colloquial words, elliptical sentences (some words
are omitted), and informal contractions (e.g., ain’t, dunno, gonna) are used
C. Nicknames are used in addressing one another. 
D. General words rather than technical ones are used. 
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of San Pablo City
San Bartolome Integrated High School
Oral Communication First Quarterly Examination
S.Y. 2019-2020

Competencies No. of Test Placement


EN11/12OC-Ia-1. Defines communication. 1 1

EN11/12OC-Ia-2. Explains the nature and process of 2 2,5


EN11/12OC-Ia-3. Differentiates the various models of 3 6,7,8


EN11/12OC-Ia-4. Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one 2 3,4

communication process from the other.

EN11/12OC-Ia-5. Explains why there is a breakdown of 1 9


EN11/12OC-Ia-6. Uses various strategies in order to avoid 2 10,11

communication breakdown.

EN11/12OC-Ia-7.1. Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural 1 12

dimension of communication situation with focus on culture

EN11/12OC-Ia-7.2. Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural 1 13

dimension of communication situation with focus on gender

EN11/12OC-Ia-7.3. Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural 1 14

dimension of communication situation with focus on age

EN11/12OC-Ia-7.4. Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural 1 15

dimension of communication situation with focus on social status

EN11/12OC-Ia-7.5. Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural 1 16

dimension of communication situation with focus on religion

EN11/12OC-Ibe-8. Discusses the functions of communication. 2 17,18

EN11/12OC-Ibe-11. Ascertains the verbal and nonverbal cues 3 19,20,21

that each speaker uses to achieve his/her purpose.

EN11/12OC-Ibe-13. Identifies strategies used by each speaker 1 22,

to convey his/her ideas effectively.

EN11/12OC-Ifj-15. Identifies the various types of speech 3 23,24,25

EN11/12OC-Ifj-16. Exhibits appropriate verbal and nonverbal 1 26
behavior in a given speech context.

EN11/12OC-Ifj-17. Distinguishes types of speech style. 2 27,28

EN11/12OC-Ifj-18. Identifies social situations in which each 1 29

speech style is appropriate to use.

EN11/12OC-Ifj-19. Observes the appropriate language forms in 1 30

using a particular speech style

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Noted by:


Principal II, SBIHS

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