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Promoting cooperation between researchers and the private sector

The government is working with the private sector and knowledge institutions to improve public-private
Reducing the regulatory burden on entrepreneurs
The government is taking steps to reduce the regulatory burden on entrepreneurs. These include
granting permits more quickly – or even automatically – and making greater use of digital technology.
Developing IT tools for entrepreneurs
Providing government services online reduces the regulatory burden on entrepreneurs. IT also offers
unlimited scope for new products or for making business processes more efficient.
Helping entrepreneurs access networks
Good networks help businesses grow. The government is using the following tools to help entrepreneurs
build solid networks.

 Have business-friendly laws and a functional, streamlined court system.  Business only works
when people respect contracts.
 Avoid regulations that entrench special business interests, e.g. licensing requirements that
discourage innovation and disintermediation.
 Enforce market-corrective laws such as those concerning false advertising, product safety,
banking disclosures, anti-monopoly laws.
 Protect intellectual property without it becoming a corporate welfare program.
 Make all public records and other non-secret government data available in real time via API:
crime statistics, meetings, business licenses, court records, parking meteres, school lunches,
 Train health, fire, building inspectors, people in charge of any kind of permitting and
enforcement that their job is to facilitate orderly commerce, not to be a bottleneck.  Keep
permit fees low, approval process fast.  Hire competent people and keep up morale.
 Promote public works, trade in a way that creates a positive brand among shoppers, tourists,
 Fund public education, keep college affordable, encourage public and private universities and
trade schools.
Avoid corruption.

1. Sole Proprietorship:
The individual carries on business exclusively by and for himself. He invests his own capital and
controls the whole business. He bears all the risks and is the master of all the profits.
2. Free from Legal Formalities:
A sole trade business is not expected to meet any legal requirement. A sole trader may engage
in any business unless license is required under law. Suppose, he wants to open a cloth shop or
a grocery store, he will do it but if he wants to open a restaurant he will have to obtain a license
before opening the same.
3. Unlimited Liability:
In sole trade business, liability is unlimited. The proprietor bears all the losses arising from the
business. His private property is also liable for the business obligations.
4. Sole Management:
The sole trader manages the whole business himself. He prepares the plans and executes them
under his own supervision. He is not required to consult anyone else in taking decisions. The
ultimate authority to manage and control rests with the proprietor.
5. Secrecy:
It is also an important characteristic of sole proprietorship. All the decisions are taken by the
proprietor himself. He is in a position to keep his affairs to himself and maintain perfect secrecy
in all matters.
6. Freedom regarding Selection of Business:
A sole trader is at freedom to select any business of his choice. He has not to depend on others.
7. Proprietor and Proprietorship are one:
It is a fact that the sole trader and his business are not separate entities. Loss in the business is
his loss. Liabilities in the business are his liabilities. He bears all the risks and is the master of all
the profits.

The Advantages are:
 Single layer to study as all the functionalities is provided at this layer.
 Higher Bandwidth as number of layers is reduced.
 It reflects the real-life separation of application from the TCP-downward sections of the OSI
The Disadvantages are:
 Can make reasoning about the architecture of network systems less effective.
 There will be security issues as the Network security and Application Security will open at a
single point which may expose our network open to our threat.
 It makes troubleshooting hard as multiple errors may reside at a single.
Its all about need and cost accompanied with it. You didn't need it before because there was nothing
much to do in presentation and session, why add over head to your networking software when there is
no need. But yes with the advent of Video/Audio traffic and need of transferring data over High
Latency network. The session&presentation layer use might pop up. But you should keep in mind that
if you are planning to process session and presentation information in the end host it becomes as good
as Application layer combined. But say network devices decide to process the Presentation and
session layer to aid data transfer of multi format file in different ways or maintain intermediate
sessions then it makes sense to have these layers.

Strong AI has a complex algorithm that helps it act in different situations, while all the actions
in weak AIs are pre-programmed by a human. They can process and make independent decisions,
while weak AI-based machines can only simulate human behavior.
Siri and Alexa could be considered AI, but generally, they are weak AI programs. Even advanced
chess programs are considered weak AI. This categorization seems to be rooted in the difference
between supervised and unsupervised programming. Voice-activated assistance and chess programs
often have a programmed response.
Featured in many movies, strong AI acts more like a brain. It does not classify, but uses clustering
and association to process data. In short, it means there isn’t a set answer to your keywords. The
function will mimic the result, but in this case, we aren’t certain of the result. Like talking to a
human, you can assume what someone would reply to a question with, but you don’t know. For
example, a machine might hear “good morning” and start to associate that with the coffee maker
turning on. If the computer has the ability, it theoretically could hear “good morning” and decide to
turn on the coffee maker.
 Change the name of your default home network
 Make sure you set a strong and unique password to secure your wireless network
 Increase your Wi-Fi security by activating network encryption
 Turn off the wireless home network when you’re not at home
 Where is the router located in your home?
 Use a strong network administrator password to increase Wi-Fi security
 Change your default IP address on the Wireless router
 Turn off the DHCP functionality on the router
 Disable Remote Access
 Always keep your router’s software up-to-date
 A firewall can help secure your Wi-Fi network
 Enhance protection for the devices most frequently connected to your home network

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