Stage Name (What) Stage Aim (Why) Time (How Long) Focus (Who) Procedure (How) Tutor's Comments Language Focus

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CELTA 5 Lesson plan Teacher: Vidhulika Bhola Level: Upper- intermediate

Source: English Result Upper intermediate student’s book, Mark Hancock and Annie McDonald,
Oxford, page 73 and 74
Length of lesson: 45 minutes

Stage name Stage aim (Why) Time Focus Procedure (How) Tutor’s
(What) (How (Who) comments
Language To clarify meaning, 15-20 T-S Teacher to display the picture on pg 72 in
focus pronunciation and mins order to develop some context. Give
form. instructions for the first exercise.
Students to then complete the sentences
in pairs.
1.Her home _____ been cold in the
S-S 2. Her husband______ been a peasant.
3. She________ thought the world was
4. She _______ had a few children.
5. She_________ had a fridge, of course.
6. She ________ travelled much or had
any holidays.
7. The language she spoke _______been
different to modern English.
Teacher discusses the feedback with the
students. Teacher to elicit the meaning
of the modals of deduction in the past
T-S and ask CCQ’s.
MPF of the Sentence 1- It must have
been cold.
Ask CCQ’s post meaning. Drill 3 times
Ask CCQ’s.
Sentence 2: He might have been a peasant.
Teacher to elicit meaning. Ask CCQ’s.
Drill the sentence 3 times. Ask CCQ’s.
Sentence 3: She can’t have had a fridge.
Teacher to elicit meaning. Ask CCQ’s.
Drill the sentence 3 times.
Ask CCQ’s. Teacher to do the form on the
Controlled To focus on 10 mins T-SS Task 1: Teacher to give instructions.
practice accuracy Students to underline examples of
modals of deduction in the past in the
given text.
Students do the task
T-S Feedback - Project the answers.
Freer To provide fluency 15mins T-S Teacher to set the task. Students to work
speaking practice. with a partner. Think of a time in history
and imagine one of your own ancestors.
What must their life have been like?
Make notes under these headings: Diet,
S-S health, home, leisure, work.
Describe your ancestors life to a different
partner or partners. What are the
similarities and the differences?
Linguistic To provide T-SS Teacher to write a few sentences on the
feedback feedback on board of good language heard and some
(IF TIME) successful corrections while monitoring the
language used in previous activity.
the freer activity.

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