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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA lex INY4011 ‘OctobermNovember 2017 INFORMATION SYSTEMS IV Duron 3 Hours 100 marks EXAMINERS FIRST DR KR RAMDASS SECOND MR NNDOU EXTERNAL MS T VAN WYK Use of a non-programmable pocket calculator 1s permissible Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not bo removed from the examination venue This examination con: 1S of 3 pages + the top page INSTRUCTIONS 1 Please answer all questions 2. Please write legibly 3. Please utilise your answer book efficiently and do not leave too much space between questions 2 INY4O1 OCTINOV 2017 QUESTION 1 “Just a litle longer | want to be sure this is working correctly before | change over,” says Buffy, the owner of three bathroom accessories boutiques called Tub ‘n Stuff. Her accountant, who helped her set up a new accounting information system, 1s desperately trying to persuade Buffy to change over completely to the new system Buffy has insisted on running the old and new systems in parallel for an entire year 11 Bnefly descnbe the general problems involved in using a parallel conversion strategy for implementing a new information system (4) 12 Inaparagraph, try to convince the owner of Tub 'n Stuff that a year of running a system in parallel is long enough Suggest a way to end Tub ’n Stuff’s dual systems that will provide enough reassurance to Butty (Assume the new system 1s reliable ) (4) (8) QUESTION 2 Draft a plan to perform Web traffic analysis for the ecommerce application developed for Marathon Vitamin Shops. Your plan should take the form of a wnitten report to the owner of the chain, Bill Berry Be sure to indicate what statistics you will monitor and why they are important for Marathon Vitamin Shops to know. (15) [15] QUESTION 3 The concept of designing for human-computer interaction 1s to try to ensure system functionality and usability, to provide effective user interaction support, and to enhance a pleasant user experience 3.1 Formulate the usability heuristics related to human-computer interaction (HCl) (10) [10] QUESTION 4 Articleindex com 1s a company that produces indexes of magazine and periodical articles for a given discipline. A Web user should be able to enter an article topic or authors and receive a detailed list of all the articles and penodicals in which the topic was found Each article may have many authors, [TURN OVER] 3 tNy4o1! OCTINOV 2017 and each author may wnte many articles An article may be found in only one periodical, but each periodical will usually contain many articles Each article may have many topics, and each topic may be in many articles. 4.1 Draw an entity relationship diagram in the third normal form for the articles, authors, periodicals, and topics. ©) 4.2 — Identify the primary and foreign keys for the entity-relationship diagram (15) [20] QUESTION 5 Data mining, or knowledge data discovery (KDD) is the process of identifying pattems that a human is incapable of detecting 51 Generate the decision aids used in data mining 6) 52 Formulate the data mining patterns that decision makers try to identify (5) [10] QUESTION 6 Business intelligence (Bl) 1s a decision support system (DSS) for organisational decision makers It is composed of features that gather and store data and uses knowledge management approaches combined with analysis that becomes input to decision makers’ decision-making processes 61 Generate the five prominent methods used for analysing business Intelligence 6) 62 To design a good form, a preprinted or duplicated paper that requires people to fill in responses in a standardized way, systems analysts need to follow four guidelines Formulate the guidelines (4) 63 Develop the techniques used that make forms easy to complete (3) [12] QUESTION 7 The methods available for documenting and analyzing the logic of structured decisions include structured English, decision tables, and decision trees [TURN OVER] 4 INYaO1L OCTINOV 2017 74 Generate the four major steps in building decision trees (4) 7.1. What advantages do decision trees have over decision tables? (3) v7) QUESTION 8 The data dictionary is a reference work of data about data (metadata) compiled by systems analysts to guide them through analysis and design It collects, coordinates, and confirms what a specific data term means to different people in the organization 81 Develop the reasons for using the data dictionary 7) 82 A data repository 1s a large collection of project information What information 1s included in a data dictionary? ) 83 Generate the advantages of logical data flow diagrams (6) [18] [100) © UNISA 2017

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