Computer Networks RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)

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Computer Networks

RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)

In networking it is necessary for the sender to know the IP address and the Physical address of
the receiver for successful communication. If the lP address of the receiver is unknown to the
sender; it uses RARP protocol to identify the specific IP address of the receiver.

RARP Request

Packet (Network layer): I want to know the IP address of that PC who’s

Physical address is :CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC

Frame (Data Link layer):


PC – A PC – B PC- C

IP Add. : IP Add. : IP Add. :

MAC Add. MAC Add. MAC Add.


In the above scenario there are three computers in a single network. PC-A wants to
communicate with PC-C. But it only knows the Physical address of PC-C. So, PC-A will

Shahrin Chowdhury

Faculty, CS Department
take the help of RARP to get the IP address of PC-C. After making the RARP request
frame PC-A will broadcast the frame in the network. Assume that PC-B have got the
frame it will read the header of the frame and find out the physical address
(:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC) as destination address. The host will find out the destination MAC
address doesn’t match with its own MAC address. Therefore, PC-B will drop the packet.
On the other hand, when PC-C will get the frame it will read the header of the frame and
find out the physical address ( :CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC) as destination address which
matches it with its own MAC address. So, PC-C will transfer it to network layer. In
network layer the host will check the destination IP and finds out that it is a broadcast
address. Therefore, PC-C will start reading the content of the packet. And it will make a
RARP reply frame and send it back to PC- A.

RARP Reply

Packet (Network layer): My MAC address is :CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC and I hold

the IP address

Frame (Data Link layer):


Shahrin Chowdhury

Faculty, CS Department

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