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Keisya Putri Amalia / 7C / 19


Read the following dialog and answer the questions number 1 to 3

Lia : I want to buy this book please.

Jesy : Sure. It is 10.000 rupiah.

Lia : This the money.

Jesy : Thank you. Here you are.

1. Where does the dialog possibly take place?

a. In a library
b. In a drug store
c. In a school
d. In a book store
2. What is Lia to do?
a. Meet Jesy
b. Greeting Jesy
c. Give Jesy money
d. Pay the book
3. Based on the dialog, we can conclude that…
a. Lia is want to pay the book
b. Lia is want to borrow the book
c. Jesy is want to buy the book
d. Jesy is want to borrow the book
Read the following text, then answers the questions number 4 to 6

To: Risa
Happy Birthday Risa.
From Uncle Rio
4. Which one is correct accoding to the text?
a. The card is according to Rio
b. Rio is the sender of the card
c. Risa is Rio’s daughter
d. Uncle Rio is birthday today
5. “Happy Birthday Risa”. The synonym of the underlined word is…
a. Happy
b. Congratulations
c. Anniversary
d. Party
6. According to the card, we can conclude that…
a. Risa is birthday today
b. Risa say “happy birthday” to Rio
c. Rio is birthday
d. Risa and Rio have birthday together

This text is for number 7 and 8

To: My bestfriend

Happy New Year and Success in


From Keisya
7. According to the card, we can conclude that ….
a. Now is 2016
b. Keisya is sender this card
c. Keisya feeling happy in 2017
d. Keisya and her bestfriend celebrate new year
8. Synonym of “Success” is ….
a. Achieve
b. Work
c. Happy
d. Strong
This text is for number 9 and 10
Due to the long holiday during the grade nine students having try out, all seventh grade
students have to complete their English homework from page 50 until 56. If they aren’t
finished, they should clean field ceremony area.
9. The provisions in accordance with the text above is:
a. The have long holiday
b. The students grade nine having try out
c. The students grade seven should complete their homework
d. The students grade seven and nine has long holiday
10. The punishment for the violation is:
a. They add holiday
b. Clean toilets
c. Facing the principal
d. Clean field ceremony
This text is for number 11 to 13
Iwan is a student of Nusantara Junior High School. Every day the shool start at 7 am,
and ends at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. On Monday the school holds rising flag
ceremony. On Friday he finishes studying at 11 a.m, but at 1 o’clock he comes back to
school again to join the boy scout activity until 3 p.m. on Saturday, the school ends at
11.30. it is a special day because there are no classes. They participate in some
extracurricular activities like basketball, volleyball, badminton, dancing, drama, etc. Iwan
love Saturday very much.
11. What does the school hold on Monday?
The school …. Rising flag ceremony.
a. Hold
b. Holds
c. Holding
d. Is holding
12. What does Iwan do at school on Saturday?
a. Joining the Boy scout
b. Playing Basketball
c. Studying some subjects
d. Attending rising flag ceremony
13. “ school starts at 7 a.m. and end …”
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Opens
b. Begins
c. Closes
d. Enters
The text is for number 14 to 17
Toba lake is a volcanic lake which has been popular everywhere throughout the world. It
is framed by 75 calderas, which its length is roughly 100 kilometers and its wide speaks
the truth 30 kilometers from the frightening emission of Mount Toba a huge number of
years prior.
14. This sentence is about the text, except:
a. Emission
b. Caldera
c. Length of lake
d. Flood
15. The purpose of the teks is:
a. The biggest lake in north Sumatra
b. Desctiption about Toba Lake
c. Beautiful spot in Toba Lake
d. Wonderfull place in Indonesia
16. The word reference in the underlined sentence is:
a. Huge
b. Frightening
c. Emission
d. Wide speaks
17. The synonym of “emission” is…
a. Explotion
b. Egression
c. Flood
d. Radiation
The text is for number 18 to 20
In my bedroom, there is some goods: Teddy Bear, guitar, laptop. My teddy bear is 150
centimeters tall and 50 centimeters wide. The color is brown and it has dark brown eyes
made of glass. My guitar color is peach and have steel strings. And my laptop size is 14
inch and its thickness is 0.8 centimeters.
18. How many goods in my bedroom?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
19. What is the text about?
a. My doll Teddy Bear
b. My accoustic guitar
c. My laptop
d. My goods in the bedroom
20. “ there is some goods ”
The synonym of the underlined word is….
a. Stuff
b. Store
c. Party
d. Meeting
Read the lyrics of the following song and answer the questions number 21 to 23


Mother, how are you today?

Here is a note from your daughter.
With me everything is ok.
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, don’t wory, I’m fine.
Promise to see you this summer.
This time there will be no delay.
Mother, how are you today?
I found the man of my dreams.
Next time you will get to know him.
Many things happened while I was away.
Mother, how are you today?

21. The singer of the song wants to … her mother

a. Visit
b. Delay
c. Invite
d. Dream
22. The writer of the song wants to describe that the singer has … her mother for a long
a. Met
b. Not met
c. Not meeting
d. Been meeting
23. Based on the lyrics of the song, we may conclude that the singer … her mother.
a. Is misses
b. Is missing
c. Has misses
d. Has missing


For : Mr. Clay

Room : 613
From : Miss. Dessy
Time : 04.15

Miss, Dessy wishes to arange a business meeting at 09.00

tomorrow, Tuesday. Please bring all brochures and present
the profile of your company. Miss. Dessy will send a car to
pick you up at 08.00 sharp. Miss. Dessy invites you to lunch
discussion. If you are free.

24. What is the massage about?

a. Pick a car
b. Present a Company
c. Business meeting
d. Lunch
25. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
a. Miss. Clay and Miss. Dessy are husband and wife.
b. Mr. Clay is Miss.Dessy’s supervisor
c. Miss. Dessy is Mr. Clay’s secretary
d. Mr. Clay and Miss.Dessy are business partners.
26. “Miss. Dessy will send a car to pick you up at 08.00 sharp.”
The word “sharp” means …
a. On time
b. At time
c. In time
d. Each time
After the class was over, I (27) … the school quickly. My watch showed 2:30 p.m. as I
got on my bicycle. I pedalled hard and was soon speeding home. My thoughts returned
to the math (28) … that I had just had in class. I could remember clearly how I read the
formula again last night. I (29)… glad tahat I had studied hard for that test.
27. a. left
b. went
c. came
d. visited
28. a. problem
b. lesson
c. story
d. quiz
29. a. was
b. were
c. am
d. are
30. I have a new classmate. Her name is Syafira. ….. comes from Malay. She moves here
because her father works here. She has one elder brother, his name is Zaky. He studies
at Gajahmada University.
a. She
b. He
c. Her
d. His
31. WARNING : UNSAFE FOR SWIMMING. High levels of bacteria ini these waters may
pose a risk to your health.
This text is about …
a. Do not enter the beach
b. Keep away from beach
c. Protection Area
d. Don’t swim on the beach
32. Elisa : What time is it now?
Linda : It is 4 p.m.
Elisa : Really? I have to go home now.
… see you tomorrow.
Linda : See you.
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
d. Good bye
33. To Olive
Aisya and I plan to go to the Majlis Ta’lim tonight. Do you want to join us?
Regards : Ayuni
The meaning of the text …
a. This message from Ayuni
b. This message from Olive
c. Ayuni invite Olive to Majlis Ta’lim
d. Olive invite Ayuni to Majlis Ta’lim
34. From the text above what is the result
a. Ayuni and Aisya invite Olive to go Majlis Ta’lim
b. Ayuni and Olive invite Aisya to go Majlis Ta’lim
c. Aisya and Olive invite Ayuni to go Majlis Ta’lim
d. Ayuni invite Aisya dan Olive to go Majlis Ta’lim
35. Fia : ….do you live?
Leo : I live in Yogyakarta
a. What
b. When
c. Who
d. Where
36. Deny : ….is your name?
Sally : my name is Sally
a. What
b. When
c. Who
d. How
The following text is for questions number 37 to 39
Yesterday was a terrible day for me. I …(37)… up late. So I went to school in a hurry. I
rode …(38)… fast to arrive at school as the bell rang. However when the teacher asked
us to submit our homework, I remembered that I left mine at home. To prove I did the
homework theteacher asked me to submit the homework …(39)… after school. So when
the bell rang, I went back home to fetch my homework.
37. a. picked
b. woke
c. stood
d. took
38. a. pony
b. feet
c. bike
d. cart
39. a. accidentally
b. immediately
c. correctly
d. finally
40. Umar : Hi, Tina
Tina : Hi, Umar …
Umar : Very well thank you. And you?
Tia : Pretty good, thanks.
a. Where are you going?
b. Is everything alright?
c. How are you doing?
d. How do you do?
41. Mrs. Dian : Iwan, can you help me to bring these books?
Iwan : Sure, Mom.
Mrs Dian : ….
Iwan : You’re welcome.
a. I’m really sorry
b. It will be fine
c. That’s great
d. Thank you
42. Mother : where are the apples in the refrigerator, Dodi?
Dodi : … I ate all the apples, Mom.
Mother : Ok, but remember, don’t do it again. You have to share it with your
Dodi : Yes, Mom, I promise.
a. I don’t know
b. Thank you very much
c. Please accept my apology
d. The apples are very delicious
43. Tita : excuse me, are you Tania?
Tania : Yes, I am.
Tita : ….?
Tania : No, I’m from Lampung.
Tita : I see
a. Where do you live
b. Where are you from
c. Are you from Palembang
d. Do you live in Palembang
44. What did he …. you about me?
a. Tells
b. Telling
c. Told
d. Tell
45. In spite of her mother complaints, she decided to live with …. friend in Los Angeles.
a. Him
b. Her
c. His
d. Us
46. I bought an …. book at the mall.
a. Expensive
b. High cost
c. Free
d. Many
47. Arrange these words into meaningful sentences!
Tina – years old – is – she – and – SMP – to – Tunas Bangsa – goes – fourteen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a. 1 – 3 – 10 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 8
b. 4 – 3 – 10 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 8
c. 6 – 8 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 9 – 7 – 10 – 2
d. 4 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 10 – 5 – 3
48. Arrange the jumbled words into a good order!
Beautiful – behind – my – there – a – garden – house – is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 8
b. 4 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 7
c. 5 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 4 – 8
d. 5 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 8 – 2 – 3 - 7
49. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good text!
1. I live in the capital city of Brazil.
2. I like collecting stamps and correspondece.
3. I’m twelve years old.
4. I am a student of Junior High School.
5. Hello, my name is Sonia.
6. I’m Brazillian.

a. 5 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 2
b. 6 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2
c. 2 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 5
d. 4 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 2
50. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good text!
1. He is Ali Hasan
2. He comes from Palembang
3. I have a close friend
4. I usually call him Ali
a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
b. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2
c. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4
d. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

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