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Nowadays our earth planet is at dangerous because of the negative attitude of

people towards the environment. Many people argue that the loss of the animal and plant
life is considered to be one the major environmental problems, unlike others believe that
we should pay attention to other severe environmental problem. In my opinion, the loss
of some plants and animals is just a repercussion of more important environmental

Due to the increase of human population, people encroach into wild areas which
extensively lead to poaching and mass hunting. These unsustainable hunting activities
bring more environmental problems such as the extinction of a variety of wildlife.This is
a devastating trend not just because these animals don’t deserve to die, but because
biodiversity is extremely important to the planet. For example, when sharks are killed it
is not just the sharks that die. The whole underwater ecosystem faces collapse, which can
be catastrophic for the ecosystem. Furthermore, the loss of wild animals and plants
considers a huge burden for the government to build zoo to keep them safe in captivity.

Although the loss of specific species is considered one of the most serious
environmental problems, Ecologists have begun to expose another serious problems
arising from discarded plastic waste. Plastic bags are often used only once and end up
clogging the land and polluting the water, causing about 100, 00 marine animal deaths
each year. Even when plastic does start to break down, it fragments into micro plastic
which causes even more damage to all life on earth. Accordingly, we have to limit our
usage of plastic in order to preserve the food chain of sea creatures and preserve the
balance of the ecosystem.

In conclusion, the loss of both fauna and flora is cause of regret but I believe that
other problem such as the damage from plastic is a way dangerous as it will affect all of
the creatures including plants and animals.

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