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death - obituary

Christine Kotas Dadabo Wow that’s the most magical cough I’ve ever seen! Seriously this is
the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a while. Stop trying to panic people even more. You’re part of
the problem not the solution.

Pam Cipolla Wear a mask, wash your hands and don’t touch your face. Fear mongering is
getting the best of us. We need to get back to work ASAP. And the person in the video didn’t
cover his mouth either.

Craig Gibson That's not how infection spreads, just the virus. The spread decreases
dramatically as you move away from the cough, so your chances of contracting are
diminished greatly with distance. Even more so outside or in moving air. This is kind of a
scare-mongering article that frightens people who don't have any meaningful context about
how this stuff works.Merle Haggard Death - Dead : Merle Haggard Obituary, Cause of Death

Danny Vargas Death - Dead : Danny Wepaman Vargas Obituary, Freestyle Cause of Death

Andy Gonzalez Death-Dead: Andy Gonzalez Obituary, New York City-based double bass

Bishop P.A. Brooks Death is a Hoax, He is not Dead.

Athletic Director Kevin Gerke Death - Dead : Kevin Gerke Obituary, Cause of Death

Diane Rodriguez Death - Dead : Diane Rodriguez Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Marc Molinaro Death - Dead : Marc Molinaro Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Donovan Guess Deaths-Dead / Obituaries : Donovan Guess may have passed away.

Viola Richardson Death - Dead : Viola Richardson Obituary, Jersey City

Peter Brown Deaths-Dead / Obituaries : Peter Brown of Nutley NJ may have passed away.

GREATER Brandon Burlsworth Death - Dead : Brandon Burlsworth Obituary, Cause of

Death Unknown

Mexican Nintendo Icon Gus Rodríguez Death - Dead : Gus Rodríguez Obituary, Cause of
Death Unknown.

GREATER Brandon Burlsworth Death - Dead : Brandon Burlsworth Obituary, Cause of

Death Unknown

Bishop CL Morton Jr Death - Dead : Bishop CL Morton Jr Obituary, Cause of Death


Avery Ayan Death - Dead : Avery Ayan Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Darran Simon Death - Dead : Darran Simon Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Vicki Korn Death - Dead : Vicki Korn Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

LOTO legend Randall Zwart Death - Dead : Randall Zwart Obituary, Cause of Death

Colby Cave Death - Dead : Colby Cave Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Dr Mattie Moss Clark Death - Dead : Mattie Moss Clark Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown.

Elder Elbert Clark Death - Dead : Elbert Clark Obituary, Clark Sisters Movie 2020 Biography.

John Conway Death - Dead : John Conway Obituary, Cause of Death COVID-19

Denise Clark Death : Denise Clark of The Clark Sisters Dead or Alive ?

Kevin Barker They got to take in consideration the height of the ceiling the current
temperature inside the building otherwise the model is very inaccurate and would cause
people to believe that they have it

Jenalyn Bullock There has been a serious play on supermarkets lately. Wanting everyone to
stay out of them. Its one story after another involving them. When people are told they can't
get groceries, it will be pandemonium and its feeling like that is exactly what is being pushed.

Stacy Volz Oh good. Let's keep everyone in a terrified state of paralysis. That's what we
need. Meanwhile, we aren't anywhere near the horrific death estimates that we were told
required a shutdown. Let's move on, please.

JR Self Yeah this is a bit exaggerated I’m sorry....even if this was confirmed airborne (which
it’s the opposite, being deemed only droplet at this point) this would be exaggerated. This
would be more like if the patient was walking around a store while simultaneously taking a
nebulized breathing treatment. Coughing and sneezing doesn’t come close to creating this
kind aerosolized contamination. This model is designed to control through fear, not educate.

Molly Colangelo We were talking about this tonite. I agree that these networks must stop with
this constant fear mongering. Models are being proven wrong every day. People are either
living in constant fear or ignoring everything. Just keep your distance from others and wash
your hands, and do the best you can. No one can do more than that.

Dorothy Asmussen-Leininger Come on Fox. I really like you guys. I really do but this kind of
thing is ridiculous. That cough isn’t going to travel that far before it hits the ground. That’s just
craziness. And considering that for years the majority of us have been coughing into our
hand or into our sleeve now, the chances of that happening are slim

Chandler White The average grocery gondola is 60 inches tall . Assuming the man coughing
is an average height of 5' 8" he would have to tilt his head back to its limit to cause a cloud to
move all the way above and to the other isle. Research would show that a majority of
persons coughing do so in a downward fashion. More liberal BS

Susan Thomas So what, it always works this way...we should have been doing this during flu
season...washing hands and staying home if sick. My employer told me during flu season
when I reported an employee puking, that they can’t force anyone to go home. Well guess
what, now they can. None of us should have been exposed to the flu and they should have
told that employee to go home.
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Sam Gadalla We are one of the richest, most advanced countries on the planet yet we can
not provide 10 cent N95 masks to our healthcare workers and citizens to save their lives.
Even now we are only making 10% of the masks needed. It is time to fully implement the
Defense Production Act. Trump needs to require American Factories to mass produce
protective gear, ventilators, the drugs needed to keep people on ventilators, prepare mobile
hospitals and train EMT’s. Elder Elbert Clark Death – Dead : Elbert Clark Obituary, Clark
Sisters Movie 2020 Biography. should have been done 3 months ago. Thousands of
American lives are being lost every day because it wasn’t and still is not.

Harry Ransier
Harry Ransier So it is becoming much harder to tell who is telling the truth. First we hear that
there could be 100,000s of deaths now the models were wrong and there could be far less.
First there was literally MASS hysteria to get hundreds of thousands of ventilators. Now
some doctors are saying that ventilators may be bad to use and may even cause death in
some cases. Now some doctors are saying they are being told to say the cause of death is
the Covid-19 even if it is NOT the cause of death but the person had tested positive. Sooooo
who knows whaaaat the H*%% is true and what is a LIE!!!

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