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The SENTINEL — December 19, 2010

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (12/26/10) Lesson for Sunday morning

December 26, 2010
“Hope that Does Not Disappoint”
Announcements Romans 5:1-5
Bill Sherman December 19, 2010 Volume 10, Number 51

Care Package For Layne Adams Southern Ridge Church of Christ • 2237 SW 134th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 • 405-378-0701
Greeters Brother’s Keeper Group 1 is putting to-
Larry & Glyn Baldwin, Rae Hatfield, gether a “care package” to send to Layne
Darrell & Lindsay MacDonald
Adams, who was called to active duty and is
serving in Kuwait. See Walter McFadden Hard sayings
for more details on what items are needed. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: In short, He is still sending a sword and
I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am still setting people at variance against each
Lord's Table (am) come to set a man at variance against his father, other. Quite often He is seen as a
Michael Berry Eddie Pelton and the daughter against her mother, and the “buddy” figure (and an infinitely tolerant
Jerry Doyle Horace Phillips VOLUNTEERS NEEDED daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a buddy figure, at that) — and while it is
man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He accurate to say, as we sometimes sing, “I
Keith McDougal Dewayne Ross The Christian Service Center is seeking
that loveth father or mother more than me is not have a friend in Jesus,” there are times
volunteers. If you can help on the second
Arless Murray Dwain Thacker worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter that, as our brother, He is also there to
Thursday of each month, from 9:00 am to
more than me is not worthy of me. And he that unsheathe that sword. As some of His
noon, please see George King.
taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not disciples remarked when He alluded to
Lord's Table (pm) worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: the Lord’s Supper, “This is a hard saying;
and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. who can hear it?” (John 6:60). Jesus knew
George King Tres Lowrance — Matthew 10:34-39 that when the church was built and peo-
Blood Drive ple began accepting Him en masse, many
Prayers (am) The Red Cross blood We may not like to think of our Lord as families would be divided. The son be-
drive is scheduled for Sun- someone who was a “divider, not a comes a Christian; the father remains a
Howard Johnson Chad Bruner uniter,” but He said Himself he would be pagan. The mother accepts Christ; the
day, January 9th, from
11:00 am to 2:00 pm. A precisely that. Jesus knew he was contro- daughter will not. Sometimes in families
Prayers (pm) sign-up sheet is now on the versial and would continue to be long after these things can be overlooked, but other
bulletin board to set up a specific time to His earthly life was over. He was correct, times they can’t. It happens today, too,
Blue Suarez Dwain Thacker of course. At a distance of two millennia, when one learns the truth of the New
donate. If you are able and willing to do-
nate, please sign up! See Randy Vance for He becomes for many people an even Testament church while another contin-
more details. more difficult figure to pin down than He ues to embrace false doctrine.
was in His own time: just look at the We must be prepared to hear the hard
Schedule of Services hoopla attending Mel Gibson’s Passion of sayings of Jesus. Sometimes they are diffi-
Sunday – 9:00 AM Bible study the Christ movie a few years ago, not to cult for us. But they are the words of life,
10:00 AM Worship mention the multitudinous ways He is and they will save our souls. We must
Events in December/January approached by the denominational world. place Him above all other considerations.
5:00 PM Worship 12/19 Elders/deacons meeting (3:00)
12/19 Singing class
Wednesday – 7:00 PM Bible study
1/9 Blood drive (11:00 - 2:00) Elders Deacons Minister
1/13 Christian Service Center workday Kevin Keenan Michael Berry Keith McDougal Russell Dyer
Horace Phillips David Douglas John McFadden Roger Scott Bill Fleming Walter McFadden
Bill Sherman George King Dwain Thacker
Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance
The SENTINEL — December 19, 2010
Order of We Have Come to Believe
Service John 6:66-71
Needing cards and prayer
I. Where is Your Faith?
Novella Cordrey. She has been in Room 316 at Mercy after receiving several pints of Welcome
blood. She was scheduled to be there through this weekend. A. When the faith of others falls short,
Hazel Ruminer. Announcements _______________________________?
Athan Mayhugh. He is recovering from a recent bout of flu and will be spending some
time in an assisted living center. 1. Many of His “disciples” _____________________.
Pat King and her family. Scripture:
John 6:66-71 2. The crowd or mob mentality can work both ways.
Chuck Cox’s aunt, Betty Garland.
Jennifer Parker. ___________________________. Matthew 26:35
Bryan Collins. Song — 705
___________________________. Matthew 26:56
Michael Reynolds. Who Will Follow Jesus?
Donna Schumann’s daughter, Tara Stephens. B. Can you ________________________ your faith?
Layne Adams. Prayer
1. There are really two aspects to faith in scripture.
Others who are hindered: Sandra Bagger; the Baldwins’ grandson Riley and friends
June Tennell and Shelli Vang; Jean Christian; Mary Cordrey; Florence Dixon; the Song — 459 The faith you______________________. Jude 3
Elmore family; Ruby Gill; Blue Suarez’s daughter, Maria Hannigan; Martha Harden; Savior, Like a Shepherd
Lead Us The faith you __________. Luke 9:23-24, James 1:2
Glen Martin; Aline McDaniel; Terri Scott; Melanie Shelton; Edith Skaggs; and
Lorella Wilson. 2. Paul tells us to “___________________________
Song — 215 _____________________”. 2 Corinthians 13:5.
I’ll Live for Him
C. The pointed question – “____________________?”
Comments 1. It is a matter of ____________________________.
Lord’s Supper Joshua 24:14-18
* TODAY * Birthdays/Anniversaries II. We Have Followed the Journey to Belief.
The elders and deacons will be Collection
Happy Birthday to . . . A. The ___________ is not always as it appeared in the
meeting this afternoon, here at the Malinda Douglas December 19
building, at 3:00 pm. Song — 251 ____________________.
Stacy Glidewell 19
This month’s singing class will Hazel Ruminer 19 I’ll Never Forsake 1. Our _________________ of many things changes.
be tonight after evening services. Robbie Lusk 20 My Lord
Danny Jolliff 23 2. Somewhere along the line, we decide __________
All are invited! Participants will Brian Jaworsky January 4 Sermon ________________. 1 Corinthians 13:11, Ephesians
share a meal afterward. There is a Marguriete Shobert 6 We Have Come
sign-up sheet on the bulletin Karla Holmes 8 4:31
to Believe
board. See Joe Downs for more Rick Greenroyd 9
3. Developing faith in our lives takes us where we have
information. Kera Jaworsky 9
Kaylee Douglas 11
Song — 258 not imagined. Cf. John 21:18-19
Carolyn McFadden 12 Into the Heart of Jesus
Aline McDaniel 13 B. Your journey of faith will have:
Song — 388 1. __________________________________ Vs. 67
Happy Anniversary to . . . One Step at a Time
Brother’s Keeper Bill & LeAnn Sherman December 21 2. __________________________________ Vs. 68
No meetings scheduled at this time. Phil & Donna Schumann 27
Joe & Lila Mulkey January 6 Prayer 3. __________________________________ Vs. 68
4. __________________________________ Vs. 69

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