Community Architecture

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‘Common Grou wis also teri ofa 182i tion and publication concerning works by Sve ass— Hanis Fulton, Helen and Newton Hasson, Michael ‘her und Alan Sons who underook cious proetinbe Flora landscape Peo ao Cormanity Arde Msi, arth Land A Toogical Ar Envitonmental Ar Heritage Indus, Pale Ar Maura Common own fie arts inthe ld and sage aa hor Mabe Ringing Masa of ‘1962, "Mian New Miles: sep and {Cone Gs 188 TM Mis doors Artfor public placer: rial e508 (inches Saf At Pr. 19) comm andthe (including Activist Tal tion, Peope’s Architect, 45 come ARCHITECTURE Progressive Architect) The term “Community Architect’ screed to Chanes Kevin areitectral SRicoF The Tomes) and des from 1975 bits cri fay inthe peviows Sade, nthe yeas following 1968 ‘owe aml groups were frmed by politically an ‘ily conscious architects seeking an alteative © Sinmetlal/ corporate architects, the modernism ~ functonaism peratigm, cop down” pera la ‘ing andthe professional organizations a nstitons Ma rved he slate quo Examples ofthese ada [poupe includ ARSE Archies fora Realy Socials {fovronmen) founded in (969; Stet Farmer (250-0 trnsistng of Gran Caine, Peter Cramp and Brice ‘Haugen which oppossdmas production an ags 6 Technology and advocated insted ecolosy, amateur vee nets and cornmurity gudening); NAM (New ‘rchitecure Movement), ARC Architect’ Revoiin ry Couns founded in 1973. ARC plished a roa Rec eaid oud Howse (1976 in hc ey tack the Roya fatitute of Bish Architects (IBA) ond ‘ued tor anarhitecture which served the needs of rainy peopl ina given locality or reups wit ome “Community Arcuieetre she consequence of te savelverent of odinary people generally thse inthe atprived and run-down areas finer ces) nthe ds seetaking processes by which buildings come into fang, Community areitcts many of tem women Fad wor on-site nonder to provide experi and ts to communities. They acts designers catalysts ‘Albin and advocates (se abo Advoosey Pianins). haa people are consulted at every stage anor take anche overall seme, Ts ype of aster is ‘tonto same to fruition because tt depends wpon the see lnvetvemeat of naniinthe planning. sien evelopment processes. In the ease of ew schemes, sees a unemployed people with building sil re reat oda sed owing poets canbe eer kon. (Te book by Wates and Knevit cited below athe aches of characteristics of Community Netteta 5 against thos of conventions arise we) Tr practice Community Architecture often consisted of SS project alter than wholesale re Sri othe rbabiaion of ok housing. In ol Tone wick Rating, chief architect of Haarlem, has tnaed in Commnuity Architecture for amurber of See eas engucd tat architets sould take prime Jaen forte denen ofthe exteriors of tings "Seana fore inrors In Bean dhe Byker ous ing acheme, Neweasil upon Ty designed by Ralph Erckine nthe 1960s cited by some writes as an EEanpe of CommrityArciccture ber succesful froketshave et undertaken in provincia owns ch Tr Msceesfied, Livepooland Lies Danse 1970s and 80 Community Arciteete proved be highly contoversial. aroused he com Pepto many poesional architects and architect verte who marnained tat could not solve the ol owing neds of sac r ould it est in master Fiowts of modem areicare beease publi tse ws alle an favoured anal tls, HOWEY= in 107e the RIBA setup a Community Architeetare {Group (CAG) tw encourage fer development a provide aresoucecerte Tatihemoverment hia sie epsierable influence i Britain by the i805 was

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